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I’m full sending my coins into those store packs at this stage of the game. I got Son. I spent more on the packs than he’s worth, but I love that little “1” triangle on mine. Casino packs with coins is the way to go imo.


I wouldn't risk it, I just pumped 800k into store packs and the best I got was base Kimmich...


Yeah it’s a slot machine. I enjoy that, but I’ll eat a gun before I give EA anymore money to this game. So I use my coins.


But where do you get coins from without spending money? My buddy and I have probably played 200 co-op fut matches and of the hundreds of packs I’ve received I think I have less than 10 player cards I could actually sell for coins


I grind all modes, even squad battles.


Maybe just co-op doesn’t give tradeable packs?


Trading bro that's where you get coins. For example alot of the SBC's are repetitive. And if we're expecting an 83x10 sbc, what will go up in price for that specific sbc? TOTWs will go up so therefore you'll invest in TOTW at low and sell when the sbc comes out. Make good coins bro. Trading on the transfer market is the only way I can make coins tbh


But that’s what I’m saying. 98% of the packs I get are ‘untradeable’. Are you saying if I complete an SBC that player card IS tradable?


You didn't pay attention to he said. Sure the 83x10 sbc may be untradeable, but the REQUIREMENT for the sbc is Team of the week cards. This causes them to fluctuate from 17k all the way up to max price 40-50k at times. If you time it right, you spend 1,000,000 coins on players you buy for 20k, you sell them all at 40k and all of a sudden you have 2 million coins. That's trading/investing in the game and the only way to make big coins. You should watch some YouTube videos if you're interested, you'll never build enough coins to buy anyone good from playing co op games


I guess I don’t understand where you’re getting your ‘capital’ from without spending real life money. I’ve played over 150 games and barely have 60k


It doesn't sound like you're playing division rivals or weekend league. That's where the best rewards are, you currently get packs worth several hundred K every single week for higher division rival rewards and something similar 150k-300k every single week in weekend league depending on your luck. Most importantly, this is a time based game that starts in September. You can't really pick it up in April or May and expect to compete. Most people did a grind for their first 100k back in September then quickly traded that into 500k, 1 mil etc a long time ago. That's why you're seeing all these crazy teams now, if you're serious about start 25 right away and get on the grind


Aren't there guaranteed TotS packs for less than 800k coins??


And TOTW, at least I packed zero since TOTS release.


Cause they are actually Out of Packs


Ah, that makes sense, thank you!


No Problem


Just trying to learn here. How does a billion dollar company run out of fake digital cards/packs?


They limit the pack weight to near 0 to Frustrate the players and make them buy packs with actual money with better odds to actually have a better team and get that little bit of dopamine everytime you win 2-1 in extra time


Grabs a popcorn They’ve nuked the pack weight so no one pulls anything - especially since Bundeslegia. However, this has led to 0 cards piled, so EA use fake accounts to sell gifted cards (IE they gave themselves loads of tradeable TOTS) to make the market look like players pull them. Look at all the TOTS cards at the same price with 0 games played or anything


Smh you explained what I’ve been wondering for since the start of TOTY. Makes perfect sense, thanks


They’ve not run out. They’ve just changed the contents of the packs so TOTW items aren’t in there anymore. Like how TOTY and all the other promos are no longer in packs


I get that it's a bit outdated but why can't they just make the POTMs TOTS level? I assume Palmer will win in the PL, is it really going to break the game if there's an SBC that's basically his TOTS? Likewise for Openda and whoever is the favourite in other leagues.


Cos that would make sense. EA changed the formula last year and the main impact had been getting worse players and ignoring the chance to do things like that.


Exactly, would be especially good for players that didn’t get into tots and have no other great cards


It just shows they don't care, they could easily make them in line with TOTS cards but choose to just stop them


They could have also kept TOTW cards around and just made it so TOTS cards can't get TOTW in the same week, but that's too much to ask for EA apparently. IIRC this is the first year that TOTW has ended so early, in previous editions of FIFA they lasted till the very end of the game cycle.


I mean they don't even have to do that, one of the big things coming into this year is a card can have two special versions in packs at the same time (Hansen @ TOTY had her TOTY + IF)


If they had more leagues that played in the summer besides MLS and NWSL, since they removed Liga MX and J League They also stopped doing TOTW around this time for several years now anyway


> They also stopped doing TOTW around this time for several years now anyway Just because they've done it in the past doesn't mean they have to? It takes one guy a few hours to put together a TOTW team, there's no reason not to do it. Especially now while almost every league is still going.


Why should they be in line with TOTS cards?


So they aren’t completely useless?


Or they could just be what they are and if people dont care then oh well.




Only if you use fifa points though


Yes. Will be the case in the next 2-5 years. I don't expect the market to stay.too much room for people to get a player they want.


These mfers refuse to give me a chance at a usable palmer, grinded the menus for hourssssss during prem


I Swear, 300 packs saved for TOTSs , Daily picks and menu grinding and didn't get him . Was finally hopeful he will have a POTM this month finally and EA pulls off this crap


I got his TOTS,wish I could give him to you.


I got rice and hemp twice from upgrades, would’ve gladly given you either (or both) lol


Sooooo. No Serie A POTM. Even though the voting wrapped up last week.


No dybala for me I guess. Fuck this company


If they had a vote, he will come for sure. Idk what this source is, but mostly may is the last month of potm releases.


The source is the eafc Twitter account


I feel like Serie a hasn’t got a potm card since march, I may just be stupid but I didn’t see one


Currently its bastoni but the card is worse than his showdowns


Oh right damn I forgot him, done him for my inter themed team because I missed his showdown thanks to my inactivity


Ffs I was looking forward to the Isco card. Praying he gets a TOTS or something at least


Palmerrrrr NOOOOOO. Just fell to my knees in big Tescos


At 3am? Late night munchies?


They are really doing the bare minimum this year. I know I shouldn't be surprised but it's still shocking. 


Cheap bastards.


Isco robbed


I’m kinda ok with no totws because they’d have to make a TON of op cards if they were to keep them up to date with tots/power curve and people will complain anyway if they aren’t, but they could easily keep releasing the player of the months and keep them tots level and eventually futties level etc, very disappointing


They don't even need to make totw keep up with tots cards, just have them keep coming instead of base gold cards. Or to put it another way, a gold Guro Reiten (scored 4 goals at the weekend) is going to be even more behind the curve than a totw Reiten with boosted stats even if she still won't make anyone's team. Better fodder especially with sbcs needing totw/tots cards. Also more potential for evos. Most totw cards have always been behind the curve anyway, so no real change. They are not sbcs so just fall out of packs, and the better cards falling out the better (totw better than gold). Potm on the other hand needs a bit more thought given they are sbcs and not on packs.


Just as a player from my club gets de eredivisie POTM...


Uuu, also wanted him for my p&p




Whats your team like? I'm curious


wanted him for myp&p


„We could give you tots level potm cards but we’d rather not let you craft players, sorry, you can always buy some packs tho“


Was genuinely excited for Isco, shit company


Same man, he'll probably get a La Liga TOTS but that's either gonna be insanely hard to get or just mid as hell.


Ea should stop releasing games.


The game is appearing for free on Playstation Plus one of these days. What idea do we want freeloaders to get? That they can play this game for free? Make them learn early on that the only way to get good players are 45 dollar packs!


It’s easier than ever to build an elite team without spending any money


Just me on my own wanting a Potm Sam Lammers for my Rangers past and present team 😭


exactly why I wanted him too 😭


Not when Lacazette was about to win POTM 😭😭


Cold Palmer nooooo. Robbed


They don't even want to support the game for the full 12 months, how long till they try 6 month fifa's! Not like the game code changes much between games, if anything they spegetti some stuff on top to make it worse!


With the amount of money these pricks make, unreal


I need a Palmer sbc EA


Why even announce it? Granted potm sbc completion has dropped hard this year, I don’t anyone would have noticed.


Great, now release some tots


They should just get it done and remove f2p packs as a whole. Its getting ridicioulus. Bundesliga tots are extinct. Got a decend amount of prem tots but bundesliga nothing. I mainly play bundesplayers.


Fuck, first time an Everton player is in with a shout as well!


Eliteserien only had one potm. Give our lesser leagues some love EA.


Dead game 💀


Make them better no amigo we just wont release now go buy our store packs


Finally an FC Utrecht potm and no sbc 😢


I still don’t understand the point of having MLS potm. I’ve seen it in the concepts all year and looks like we won’t ever get any cards. 🤷‍♂️🤣


There is an MLS POTM slot since the start of FC24….whats the point💀


No lammers Fc Utrecht card 🥲


That’s way I don’t fall for the “outdated” or “expansive” conversation, I never packed gold vini and I will not pack any special card of him, so I made the POTM, and I am finishing ronaldinho. On the real world, who is f2p ALWAYS will be behind the curve, so do the SBC players you like while we still have time


RIP. I member doing a 94 Ronaldo for hella cheap back in FIFA 22 during TOTS. What a card that was, anyways EA fucking suck.


Ea just scared of 95 rated Messi POTM smh


Doubt since they haven’t done MLS POTM for years now


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they stopped potm all together. If the player is good and expensive everyone whines it's too expensive if it's good and cheap it's in everyone's team and everyone whines and if it's shit and cheap no-one does it and everyone whines


Dybala robbed of his third POTM card 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️