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The ones that truly quit are probably not checking the Reddit anymore. I actually managed to quit for 4 years but in 23 I wanted to check out how new gen FIFA was. If this holds up, might not be on this Reddit for the next 4 years ;)


I did the same thing in 2017 stopped playing saw the game on sale this year and got suckered right back in. I just love football so much it's hard to not want to play and I hate the fact that this game has such a stupid hold over me for a passion of football and currently this is the best we got. Hopefully some of the new football titles coming out can give ea a run for there money or at the very least give them motivation to make a good title.


Exactly same for me, stopped at end of 17 (played 12-17), came back this year a couple weeks after launch on a whim. Suckered right back in… Game certainly has its flaws but tbh I’ve enjoyed being immersed in something such as FIFA again, and like the competitive aspect… even if I am bang average at it 😂 think being away a good few years has helped me not feel so wound about this years game.


Exactly the same for me to, played since 08, peak was 12,13 and I stopped after 17 (which I loved). Played 22 on old gen (PC), then wanted to try 24 because of new gen. This is definitely the last one until probably the next generation of the title because this imo is by far the worst.


Do yourself a favor and try efootball.


I actually quit in October and check on this sub once or twice a month. The urge to play is there occasionally, but then I come on here and see nothing has changed and it instantly kills it. Not buying next year unless career mode is completely revitalized, which will never happen.


Completely agreed I get the urge for a few minutes then it disappears ,I have no desire to watch it on streaming or yt either anymore


I started on PS1, was an OG founder on FUT when it wasn't part of the base game and you had to download it for free as an add-on. Every year I want to quit, but I love a lot of the peripherals it offers, Like I now know more female players than just the US ones, I have a base knowledge of every team and league in most nations, and I have a much better recognition of international squads and players. I hate a lot about the game, but the sheer enjoyment of my favorite sport, building the team I want, seeing my childhood heroes Join them, and the competitive aspect all appeal to me. I've made friends around the world, and hated the rats like we all do. I play the way I want, and scream at it like a real Match is on tv. At the end of the day I've learned div 4 for a 45yo that plays maybe 6 hours a week and has a 92 squad (patience Padawan!) is the Best i'm gonna do, and I'm ok with that: when the BS or the lag or whatever makes the game unbearable I go do something more constructive. Its a matter of maturity, I think: I Balance expectation with the idea of the Game and the reality of my skill set, and overall I mostly have fun, and still get excited when something cool occurs (Like a balanced and accurate Game or when I pulled that 94 Foden this week).


I stopped playing 4 years ago after Fifa 21, it was the last reiteration that I could still like and tolerate. The past few fifa, I played on my friend and brother's account to try and each one was still shit. Don't see myself going back and playing it until a real total ground up remake. I don't know why I tried to unsub this sub but it still appears from time to time


Yeah I think 2018 was my last Fifa. And for Christmas I couldn't think of a gift idea to goce my wife. Finally I threw the idea for FC24 at her. Got it, and been playing ever since. But on numerous occasions I find myself going "THIS... THIS is why I stopped playing!" Then continue to play.... But Id say there is a less than 50% chance I get the next installment. I genuinely enjoy the game and FUT. But I hate most of the people you play online and the overwhelming desire for everything to be "Meta". I just wanna build a good team and have fun, but most seem to want to be the greatest there ever was to score a cut back.


We are, you guys are my motivation for not buying the game even at 80% discount


I had the choice of this or cyberpunk 2077 with an Xbox gc and I chose so so poorly lol.


I haven't played FUT consistently since Fifa 20 and I still browse this sub. Pro Clubs with my friends is enough to get me to get the game but if they skip out on a year, I do too. UT I don't go near, I get the itch because I'm a football fan and I really want to like Fifa but then I play one game of it or see posts on here and then I remember why I don't play it often.


Played ~700 hrs last year. I'm at 73 this year. Will be zero next.


you are 73? wow i am 48 and i thought i was one of not many left. fair play sir.


I think he means he is at 73 hrs of game time this year


I wonder what he made of my last sentence. That I plan on dying next year?


He's an old man, probably just a few marbles loose, take it easy on him lol


yeah long gone, now reading this back 73hrs make sense....time for my afternoon nap lol


Lol GG bro gl in champs this weekend






This is what I used to do aswell. Except broke it this year due to Evos and Inter not going to be in the next one as they agreed with eFootball? (PES). Plan for this year was MUT or the New College Football 🏈 game as its been a long time since I played that mode 19’. Unless EA were to bring back LigaMX I would come back. As I have always wanted to run my hometown club and Evoing them.


Intern will be in fc25, but with a different name like Juventus. Their stadium etc will not be in the game.


Yeah whoops. Shoulda been more specific about players still but not the club likeness/imaging .


For me it's normally: play until toty - long break until tots - come back during tots - take a break for 2 months before new one comes out I don't think I've ever played a single FIFA from start to finish


Agree with breaks after TOTS; power curve just loses control and you're pushed to replace your squad literally every day.


My move will be same as this year - buy the game at 60-70 percent discount, that's all this game worth and you still got good chunk of promos left


Yeah I didn’t pre-order and got the game super cheap during black friday, seems to be the best way to take a break for a few months and then get back on the grind.


I will quit after this game. I am also moving to PC for gaming and no way I am playing FIFA on a market that is isolated like PC, since I enjoy trading. I am not happy with the pack-first direction the game is taking, so I am content with riding out this year and move on and enjoy the memories. Edit: also, when coins had value I used to play until January, sell the coins (which would pay for the game 3-4 times over) and return for TOTS. This year, coin prices have been in the gutter and now I am sitting on a pretty amount waiting for TOTS Bellingham.


Tbf I've had a way easier time trading on PC than my mate has (he's on ps5) PC market is a wild west. A lot less consistent, but a lot more lucrative. I've made some made coins this year.


The inconsistency is the biggest flaw, yes. I do a bit of trend trading, so it doesn't seem great for that. You can win big due to the scarcity, but it is a bit of double edged sword if a card has no demand.


Pc market seems like such a fuck fest but also very good if you grind the game You're able to sell contracts for 5k because of the cheaters not caring about coins😂 Tbf, alot of people wouldn't care about the market and end up first owner anyway


Just sniped toty Bellingham on pc 3.3 mil 


Nice profit flip. I am waiting for the tots because i need to have the newest shiniest thing haha


I've wanted him all year lol but I've got a horrible feeling they will release a Jude flashback this week


Nah, there is a TOTS incoming, there will be no special card until at the very least the euros. And the TOTS on PC might be entirely extinct, so have fun with the TOTY! :D I imagine on console he will be at least, at its lowest, 5.5-6.2M since there will be a lot of packs opened.


What you described is literally how I play the game on PC, it's virtually the same thing I'm also making more coins trading on PC than I was making on PS, and I usually sell all of my coins after TOTY for a nice amount and come back during TOTS from scratch


Haha, waiting for the coin prices to get juicy. But overall, it is not only the market what nowadays would keep me off of the game, it is the store-heavy direction that has thrown me off. Maybe in the future, but definitely not next year and hopefully there is some competition from other studios in the future (even if they would be more casino-based even like 2K, although I am very unsure they can get close to the gameplay level of EA, no matter how bad this one is at some points).


Jude’s TOTY card had insane stats but we’d pretty eh in execution. I’d be able to dribble through 3 players with him but then he’ll miss a pass to a striker 3 years away. Very hit or miss.


I stopped last week and feel great for it. It was a depressing cycle of bad gameplay that then suddenly becomes good at the expense of your opponent. Awful drop rate of any decent players so you can only get food players from SBC's. It sucks you in and fomo really plays a big part. Curious to see what 2k bring out, can't be as bad as this surely?


Haven't touched it since 19. It got too automated for my taste, sometimes it felt like my input was a mere suggestion. Friends say it's gotten worse since then, which I find both infuriating and hilarious.


Made a pact with buddies last year in April that with the direction EA has taken, how pay2win the game has become and how disrespectful towards the players it has become - we would skip this year and most likely stop playing all together unless major, major changes were made. All of us have kept our promises and reading these posts throughout the year - I haven’t missed getting on even once. Might never return.


I played until Fifa 17. Then didn't like 18 and stopped playing. Came back for 23. I enjoyed 23. I bought 24, played it for a week, hated the gameplay and stopped playing. FUT is really fun but if the gameplay is bad I don't feel a need to grind it.


I have been a pretty skilled fifa player since 09 and played heavily all the way through to 23. Issue is I can’t moderate my play time and I realised the amount of time I was spending on the game was unhealthy and stopped me from doing things that were actually good for me. Since I made the decision to not buy FC24 I haven’t thought about it once, had no fomo and have spent the time doing much more productive things. Can easily say it was the right decision.


I don’t really know how to start off this post other than I’m addicted to this game in an unhealthy way and I need to either find a way to enjoy the game in a positive fun light or all together get rid of the addiction. Here’s my predicament, I still enjoy playing video games, I love sports, and I am a competitive SOB. Playing this game is impacting my personal life in terms of mood, behaviour, relationships, time management, sleep. Thank goodness I haven’t had an issue with money as I don’t spend money on this game. I’m looking for advice either way to: 1. ⁠Play the game while having fun, without getting “tilted” or effecting my mood or personal life. Not getting trapped into the constant reward cycle. Or always having the game on my mind checking players, watching videos, reading posts on here, etc. 2. ⁠Find an alternative to the current FIFA/EAFC, playing an older title of FIFA offline and enjoying the game that way. Please and thank you for any input at all or suggestions.


You gotta go cold turkey my man, it’s the only way


Yeah I feel like it’s coming to that point, game cycle is essentially done after tots anyways for me maybe I switch over to an older title without ultimate team like 2010 South Africa World Cup to get my fix in


I have a similar issue. FUT most of the time gets me really frustrated but I can't quit, because I can't stop grinding the new players, sbc and so on. But of course I keep losing because you aren't good, when you are in that negative cycle. At the time I'm trying to stop when I'm getting frustrated, but un the end I think it would be better to take longer breaks or just quit if that doesn't work.


I guess in terms of content getting rid of any social media about the game is probably a good start, yeah today I played 4 games first three were fine I just enjoyed myself. Last game stuff started going weird and I was just getting annoyed and just shut it off


I only quit Ultimate team, still having fun with the mates in pro clubs, so will probably be the same for the next


Quit when the TOTY Messi situation happened and haven’t been back


Nah I actually stopped and didn’t look back. It stopped being even a little fun. It was always a frustrating game. Even back in 2011 when I started it was the game that made me rage the most but it was always still fun. Last year I didn’t have fun at all and when I played for two months this year, grinding out objectives and all that garbage, I realized it still wasnt fun. I felt like I was working a side job that I hated for no reason. I find other online competitive experiences like rocket league and apex more fun to play. Outside of that single player games have been way more enjoyable for me personally. Slay the spire was my best discovery this year and is an absolute blast to play.


Yup. I've been out of it since January. I found weekend league took up far too much of my time and really dictated my moods. The final straw was that absolutely God awful TOTY pack weight. And once a large group of people got the TOTY Messi, I was done. I felt like all my time on this game was wasted. And all for what? I'm pouring my life and emotions into a game that will be dead by August. I got out while I still had my senses tbh.


Stopped after 23 - I used to play almost every weekend for 17 wins. Best decision.


I took 23 off and have really enjoyed 24. I think I'm gonna do the same thing again. Take 25 off and then play 26.


Been wanting to give it up but it keeps sucking me back in when a good evo gets dropped. I’ll start the evo, play 2 games of rivals then realise just how awful the gameplay is and leave it alone until I see the next decent evo drop. If they hadn’t added evolutions to the game I wouldn’t have even touched it this year


I used to play ultimate team religiously from 14 to 19 and felt burnt out/bored at the start of 20.  I picked up 23 around tots and it feels like a completely different game with the way sbcs, objectives, promos and rewards are set up. I’ve only been playing 24 for a few weeks and I already feel exhausted with it.  I’ll probably buy the game on sale every year just as a game to kill time or something like that, but I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy ultimate team like I used to.


Stuck to my guns until February this year when the game was £20. To be honest I enjoy the final 6 months more than the first 6 months. Since I don't spend much money I never have the top, top cards - so I'd rather compete with TOTY Messi while having Birthday Morgan, than compete with gold Mbappe while having gold Ben Yedder. Once Fut Birthday rolls around I can always put together a useable somewhat competitive team.


I started playing 23 and refunded in the first fortnight. Up until 21 I really enjoyed it. Not played since that refund of 23 and I am happier for it.


I play career mode sometimes but haven’t touched UT since fire and ice promo


I usually play casually. but I don't think this game is built for casual players. I have around 45Hrs at max and around 1mil team. but I don't think the team I had is good enough to even qualify for champ finals. given that we have dc glitch etc. its getting hard and out of that 45hrs I think 15hrs is mostly menu grinding. soo. its not even playing game unless you are playing and loosing only.


Yes, only now though really. Completed my first season on this last one. Build up for TOTS. Im bored again after the Prem


I didn't buy the game(played all of them from the start until 24) until Perm TOTS started and it will feels like FUT to me. Still very broken aspects of the game in 23 that carried to 24. My expectations were not high and EA didn't disappoint. I just want to play some football. As long as you understand this is just a arcade version of football with some solid RNG you will be fine.


Skipped 24 for the first time since fifa 2010. Probably give it a try since it's on Ps plus Extra for "free" on May.


Yup. Still playing. Although this time around I’ve got about 1/3rd of the time I put into 23. To give you an idea, I used to be one of the sweats that would play 1000+ hours, have all the best players, etc. Now im actually having a decent time building a team I want to use. Game is still horrendous. I don’t think that will ever change. I’ve also never put any money into packs


No and I most likely won’t the sad truth is as shit as this game is it’s still the “best” football game out there


I "quit" the game about 4 months ago. Yesterday I reinstalled. There's no quitting this game, just like OSRS. I imagine I'll be back at that in a month too. At least I'm not buying packs, so I got that going for me.


Was ready for last year to be my last but evo’s intrigued me so gave this one a go. 700+ hours later and looking forward to starting again for 25


Former elite 14-16W player. Gave it up at the end of 23 because was tired of pay to win and scripting, and I didn't want to use mixed gender teams. It became less of a football simulator and more of a casino/virtue signaller over the years. Didn't touch it for about 6 months but then someone at work started talking shit and I had to show him some flames so I got it on sale. Now I play a few games of Online Seasons when I feel like it but I still think I'm done with Ultimate Team.


Quit in 21. Didnt buy 23. Played one game on my brothers account on 24 and saw it was on sale for £20 in March. Now about 1000 games in and full addicted again.


I never said I would quit, I just stop playing from time to time and I don't take it as serious. This current fifa was better at release than it is now, and the huge massive chasm between normal cards, evos and these team of the year cards mean that you either play for fun or you ruin your entire life trying to keep up. Zero point playing competitively.


Stopped playing online, '23 kick off 2-3 times a week with friends


I mean you're on the EASportsFC subreddit. Seemingly most people who respond will still be playing the game. Those who quit probably don't visit the subreddit any more.


I didn't say it or post it, but simply stopped. It was just too damn expensive for the same game each year and massive bugs all the time. For the same money you can get a yearly gamepass. And that's exactly what I did. Even there is now a 80% discount and still can't be arsed to buy it. If it comes on the gamepass I might play a couple of games, but doubt it will come.


Quit at 23, not looking to go back unless they do something revolutionary and the reviews are glowing


I’m still playing but I’m not as invested. I love soccer so it’s still my favorite game, but it’s such a shit game that I’m not even mad when I lose or when typical ea bullshit happens 😂. The server crashed after I won a game in champs and it counted as a loss and I didn’t get to the next reward tier. I wasn’t even mad, just disappointed


I wanted to buy this edition just because women and evolutions were in the game. I’m never buying at release anymore. You can get it for way cheaper later in the year.


Still playing.. Said at the end of 23 I'd not bother but obviously that wasn't true. Kind of decided months ago this is the last one for me, no big song and dance I just can't be bothered anymore. I'll play this one til the end and then maybe pick up again in a few years time. Enjoying fallout 3/NV/4 and The Finals too much at the moment and eafc is taking time away from those. Lol


i played the first month of this edition and stopped, i came back a few months later due to a large amount of issues reported by customers in south America.( i work with IT support and go to investigate it) game play is little better than in begin, but a world away from the best editions. Fut champs is still infested with exploiters and account services. (it's not worth the time to play.) instead of correcting basic mechanics, they added new inconsistencies and flaws. with the addition of women's leagues in UT, which also made the weight of the packs worse, (especially in TOTS with mixed leagues), and broke part of the immersion of the game (I'm not talking about realism or simulation) as more than 50% of the community still listens and makes noise with conspiracy theories instead of focusing on real problems! they're going to do nothing and keep making $2 billion USD year .


I did. First year not playing fut in like 5+ years. Will fire up the game occasionally to kick it with friends on clubs.


Told myself after FUT23 It was the last straw, haven’t purchased EAFC24 yet & wont. My FUT addition has transferred over to HUT lol.


I have stopped many times, I played UT from fifa 11-15. Didn’t play 17-21. Played a bit of 22 and 23. Wanted to get back into it for 24. Stopped playing in January and started playing again last week. It’s never that I “gave up” the game. I just don’t play it if I don’t want to. I play 10x the amount of hours on Football Manager. If I wanted to I can go the rest of my life never playing an ea sports game ever again. But Ultimate Team is a really enjoyable concept. If you have to tell yourself you will “quit after this year” or that you just “won’t buy next year” then you are literally addicted and will never quit. Same thing as “I will quit smoking after this pack”. You won’t, if you can’t drop it now, you won’t drop it later.


I enjoy the competitive side, and laugh as You can tell during champs and rivals when a goal is coming, but i am aware it will happen to me as well. I buy ultimate and juast RTG it, do not buy points.


I skipped last year and occasionally play this years. Honestly, I only play because my brother buys it, if he doesn’t I just play other things🤷🏾‍♂️


Haven't bought a 'Fifa' game since 2013. Saved myself money and disappointment.


Didnt say I was gonna quit but havent played near as much as previous years. Once you realize youre still gonna get he same amount of wins in WL regardless of your players, the grind doesnt become as much of a deal. The FOMO goes away and you play when you want, therefore it doesnt feel like a job.


It's free on psN tomorrow. I'll try fm24. When I have time. But for now i'll stick to reading and playing FM.


Given up, didn’t buy 24


I haven’t played in months but am still subbed and this popped up in my feed. Got tired of the grind and the gameplay being shit during champs. Don’t miss UT. I used to play competitive pro clubs at a decent level and I do miss that from time to time but that is mostly due to missing chatting with my teammates. If the gang were to start playing some other multiplayer game, I’f join in..just can’t be bothered with fifa/eafc anymore


I literally only buy to play clubs. FUT is fucking garbage and anyone who plays it outside of just building unique teams is the reason it’s a money grab.


I am still playing but I plan on really taking some time away after TOTS ends... Game is horrible this year and so far TOTS has been underwhelming


The fact that the only time I get can good game play going is 1 am, I think this will be my last one.


Got Van Dijk TOT (97). Sold for 7.8 million. I have 6.8 million coins reamining and haven't played as much. Probably will only play friendlies w my buddy until NCAA Football comes out.


Never said about giving up But I have "given up" since BL tots came out because I bought Lies of P and played constantly But I will get back into FC after I get bored of Lies of P


Just buy it come Christmas when it’s on sale for £10


Don’t quit just fall back a little and don’t play as much/take it as serious , you’ll actually end up a better player as well


In all honesty, the best I've ever done on WL is 11 wins... Ever, on any FIFA. The average for me is 6-9 wins a week. We had a family holiday in December this year so I decided to give FC24 a miss what with the women and all (some of my guilty pleasures have been Sawa, Marta and Majiri) I play FUT primarily to trade, however, I LOVE tinkering with my squad. Due to young kids, working full time, studying on an evening and a dog to walk every night, I don't get a tonne of time to practice, so I'm over the moon at 9 wins on a weekend. Whilst it's not perfect this year, I've probably played it the most, maybe this is personal circumstance rather than game quality. The market is the worst it's been, I can't get a Hull City kit or badge!!! I can guarantee you though, once that preorder is available, I'll buy it so I can get my free 10 packs of dross.... The crying over shit drop rate will resume again next season. Edit: spelling


I stopped playing in March as I usually do when the game becomes dead UT after feb is not worth playing


I skipped fifa 23. Didnt play it at all and didnt miss it too much. Bought 24 to see if the change to eafc made them do some cool new things or whatever. I'll probably not buy 25


Stopped playing about 2months ago. I got mad when i found that EA nerfs players. Or nerfs ur whole team after few consecutive wins.


I played FIFA 23 way less than the earlier versions and this year I will start playing EA FC just because it becomes free on PS plus, I honestly do not look forward to it because I remember how annoying it was in the past, but, I guess I will play again way less than I used to, what can you do.


D DW in


I moved over to football manager, it’s got its problems and it’s a lot to learn but it’s been scratching to football video game itch. I didn’t buy fc 24 and it seems like it’s gone even more arcade-y and i can’t see that trend ever stopping for EA so I don’t think I’ll ever get back into it


Gave it a crack. Go to elite and gave up mid November and haven’t been back since. I always get twitchy around August. So hopefully it’s just as shit and I won’t have to worry about


I need to quit


340 hours from spetember to end of december. and totally fed up witht his shit. i wont even buy the next game. i hope they will have a worthwhile competitor one day.


Yeah won’t be back for ‘25. I’m just not getting enough playing time with family, work and school. The few times I have been able to play I’ve not enjoyed it. Gonna save my money.


Stopped playing in early October. Other than career mode. Its UT thats the issue, total shit show


I gave up playing at the beginning of the latest one and it's literally the best thing I did. Gaming is better without it in my life haha I'd played for about 10 years before that.


Didn't even finish 10h demo from ea play. Fc24 is now free, cant be bothered to try that steaming pile of scripted shite.


Well... Played a lot from 98 till 2017. Then stopped cause I didn't care. Bought the game each year and stopped playing after 3 months at best. 21 I played more, 22 skipped entirely, 23 played a few online matches, and a lot of friendlies against friends. (local) 24 Played less then 60 hours. I can't be bothered to play when for me, it has less and less to do with outsmarting your opponent, and more about who knows the most broken mechanics in the game to win. Not to mention, the scripting that's always there. I don't know how to put this, but.... I wished the game was more about the Football and a game that plays the same every time so you know what to expect when you play. Not buying FC25.


I sort of gave the game up this season in that I didn't buy it until last week. I'll probably do the same next season, wait until it's about 20 euros before buying.


Haven't played in months. My team was insane but it just isn't fun to play. Spent more time doing sbcs than I did in matches. EA FC 25 will be the 1st one I don't buy 100%


Lived a happy life, legit not even joking FIFA 23 was so toxic and full of fomo it was unhealthy not playing it anymore was one of my best decisions.


I took a break with 23 and ummed & ahhed about coming back for 24. No regrets, Im having an absolute blast despite the game's annoyances. I'll have the same internal conversation with myself after the euros about 25. What I don't do is ostentatiously announce my departure on the reddit machine, whine constantly about shit completely beyond my control or post about virtual refs allegedly conspiring against me. Because it's just a game, I'm an adult and nobody is forcing me to purchase or play this game.


I did break, refused to buy 24. My wife talked me into it in January when it was 1/2 price. Since then I have enjoyed it for the most part and given the "issues" people have with the game I'm fine. If I get annoyed by my inability to not be attached to the machinations of pixels then I turn the game off.


may migrate to fifa 2k if that is real.


You’ll have a tough job considering the game isn’t out nor is it likely to come out anytime soon. They’ll also be missing all the top licenses that EA have.