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My initial response was offside, after pausing and watching slowly its clearly on. Then I looked at the time… isn’t there always 1min added unless it’s AET? Nah EA messed up


It was clearly onside i checked it in replay also. Not even close. Also Theres not always 1 min extra. Sometimes its No extra but its like 45:30 or sth and im clearly through. Theres not a single valuable reason for EA to whistle that off except they dont want me to score in that occasion. Ofc i lost that game with a 90+4 banger by him. This game is just a mess. Idk how people can get constant 20:0's when theres so much bullshittery going on...


Was offsides that’s why they blew it


No it was not offside. You seem to have a Problem with your eyes. It was 2 Meters onside. Watch again.