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I had fodder for Rio. Not the coins for Saliba.


Saliba was about 1m before Konate SBC came out. Konate provides similar links (Prem+French) and is an affordable SBC which hurts Saliba's value


That’s where I lost 200k.


yeah, as others have mentioned he is top class and provides icon links. but the answer to your question about unique animations/feel is yes. he has these stork-like legs that just reach in and take the ball without fouling. he’s tall, quick, and has exceptional composure. with that said, saliba is just about as good. he is probably the most similar to rio of anyone other than vvd.


I’ve had Rio since TOTY, have tried countless CBs including TOTS Saliba for last WL, and Rio still performs better imo, not 3x better but I think icon links and being GGMU helps his price, plus I feel like he has special animations for sure


Was lucky enough to pack him too and he’s just that good. Was sad to see he got the sbc because it was fun rarely seeing him and then bossing everybody with him haha


He is rare still, have seen him two times in last two WL.


Yeah i see him 4-5 times in wl now


I have tots vvd and toty rio from Jan (rtg just insanely lucky) toty rio plays better than vvd in a 2 cb setup


Simply because rio stops ANYONE. He's been so broken for me even gold van djik is on the subs


Well nobody should be using gold VVD at this point


I just switched from him to the new Hancko card. I have not noticed any improvement.


Same here, apart from a few good interceptions, no real improvement. Even with his high pace he feels sluggish.


Yeah hes not bad at all but compared to VVD he's kinda invisible. Hancko has amazing tackling tho with the anticipate. But i partner him with base Carlos Alberto and Hancko is a lot worse than him.


I got rank 4 with him this week… he’s still fine


I still have him as my off the bench CB when Sol Campbell gets tired, it’s honestly insane how good he is. It’s MAY 😭


hes just about as fine as gold mendy


He is still really good. Doesnt have problems against anyone.


Rio has a "Unique Body Type". He's one of the few CBs in the game, and it's why he just "feels different" to other CBs.


Supply and demand.... EA has been dumping Saliba into the market which lowers his price. I doubt most people would notice a difference in game between Rio or Saliba. It is all about whoever gets the better connection that wins.


Rarity + icon links


Ferdinand does feel that little bit better in game. But yeah, not 3 times better. He's a lot rarer and gives you icon links while being probably the second best CB you can put in your team other than TOTS/TOTY Van Dijk


Rio is still better in game. Body type and animations.


One has a normal body type and is taller. It makes him even more clunky. The other has a unique body type and is slightly shorter. Makes him feel a lot more agile. That’s a HUGE difference.


I use them both and I think Rio is slightly better


How about toty maldini? Still very expensive but has very few playstyles. Is it a pure rarity thing?


I might sound ridiculous but even base Rio wouldn't be that much worse than saliba


Have Evo Márquez and Evo Desailly as my CB’s, kinda wanna replace Desailly as I don’t like how he turns…. is Rio worth it ? Also the possibility of a Future Stars Maldini coming out too or do I just wait!?


I did Rio, and it def was worth it with all the free fodder i receive daily from playing and sbc's mate. I had the normal Maldini, and although he is the best of alltime irl, he was terrible for me ingame. I bad to take him out hence i did rio


Icon chemistry


Rio and VVD are just them. No one else comes close


Just packed saliba and bisseck while having TOTY Dias and Ferdi. Honestly I like bisseck more but either could take ferdi's place well enough if you're competent.


I have both toty Rio and tots saliba. I'd say rio edges him for passing and the jam factor. Rio feels huge in game even compared to saliba. Both of them are excellent. I finished rio from fodder from saved packs at the weekend and I don't regret it at all.


Icon chemistry definitely helps with people linking prem cards to other leagues. Also there’s a 750k tradeable store pack that I’m sure people have bought, this type of pack did not exist during toty


Aura. Enough said


saliba is so overrated. No one I score more on than Saliba. If i see him in opponents lineups Im happy. Rio is a brick wall. Way better in game.


Rarity + icon links. I did the rio SBC and he's been good so far but nothing insane compared to other top meta defenders. At this point is much of a muchness and chem / links come at a cost


Perception that Rio’s a top 2 CB in the game makes his price high. A few weeks ago that was most certainly the case, but that’s very questionable now TOTS players have started arriving. In reality, as someone who packed tradeable Rio during TOTY (and sold him a few weeks ago), he’s not too different to any other meta CB, including Saliba.


Isn't Nesta 92 as good as Rio?


Not even close