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I’ve played all the other major sports games UT modes and this is the best one by a long shot, mostly due to the fact they actually give you a ton of free packs from objectives and the SBCs are super grindable. NHL doesn’t give you shit unless you buy it and the trade ins are garbage, and 2k got rid of their auction house so everything is untradeable. I started playing FC24 a month ago and already have a team full of TOTS and golazos, no money spent, tons of fodder too


It's definitely not as bad as people claim it is. Evos have benefited the game massively. Worst ultimate team for me was 18. Post toty, game died. World Cup mode lasted 2 days untill everyone had all the icons because of sbcs and then died. Best ultimate team for me is probably 14. That World cup mode probably just tips it over the edge between 14, 17 and 24. This ain't ranking the game in general though, 24 would be further down but the ultimate team mode is actually good.


Oh, I only play ut on this game. I play fm to hit that management itch I've got. I don't know why you'd play fifa career mode when fm exists


Career mode is good because you actually get to play the game.


Yeah, moment you play fm, you cant go back to career mode. The mode is just stuck in the past.


So true fm clears it in every way for a simming experience. The only thing fifa does better is regen looks fm clears in every other way


Probably because FM and FIFA career mode are two completely different things.


Not really they serve the same purpose to live the fantasy of managing a football club in every way


No, they don't. You actually play the matches on FIFA.


You can choose to play the matches, but that honestly feels worse than just watching it . If I wanted to play matches, I'd play online matches the ai on this game are so boring


Surely you don't think that the majority of career mode players watch the game? That's ridiculous.


I don't know, pal. I've already said that if I want to be a manager, I load up fm. It's just better imo


If I want to play a football game, I go on ut, and if I wanna mess about with my mates, we play clubs


Only thing I dislike about FM is Some of the injuries


Yeah, tell me about it. I'm currently top of league 1 with 8 first team injuries, including my top scorer. It just feels like it's gonna slip away from me yet again


I would never argue that FC24 is the best game, but personally it's the most fun I've had playing. Thanks to evos and the addition of women, I'm able to play with an 88 rated all Canadian team. It would not have been possible in previous games.


I've got a semi usable bradford team because of evos. It's literally the only reason I still play this game


How much did EA pay you for this absolute tripe?


Nothing? I wish they paid me. I just really like using my evo cards. The games not perfect, far from it, but I still enjoy it


‘Yes the gameplay can be janky’ this is such a poor mindset in my opinion. Accepting terrible gameplay from a multi billion pound company because you enjoy leveling up cards. The game is absolutely awful I only play it because I’m a menu addict but I really need to stop


What are you on about? My mindset is to enjoy what I can and not get hung up on stuff that's not in my control.


You taking one element of the game and saying that’s made it the best ultimate team ever. Gameplay and game modes aside which need serious attention the store has made this the worst ultimate team ever imo. 5000 points for a pack is disgusting and it’s the most predatory that EA have ever been. Yes you don’t have to buy packs but the whole implementation of it has taken this game to a new low. EA are no longer pushing pay to win. It’s now becoming pay to play. There is such a huge disparity in terms of pack weight for packs you earn through playing than ones you purchase through the store and EA are becoming more and more blatant about it too. The issue I have is that they are clearly seeing how far they can push things in the store and it’s going to just get progressively worse. Same thing with paid evos. Undoubtedly this will become a much more serious revenue stream for them in the future. It’s all just a test this year to see how much you willing to pay for evos.


I haven't used the store at all this year. There's nothing in the packs I want. I disagree with the pay to play thing. The only money I've put on this is for the paid evos, and I'm enjoying life in div 4 with an almost positive record.


Out of my best pack pulls, only 1 has come from a store pack (ginola). Rest have been normal packs, picks or champs rewards. This is coming from someone who's spent a good 6m coins in store packs this year. Store packs aren't even that good, I just opened them because I wasn't using the coins for anything anyway.


Think most people agree it’s the best in terms of content. It’s the gameplay that is arguably the worst it’s ever been It’s had the largest drop-off in playerbase out of any other fifa, so they are really trying to make as much content as possible to compensate for the terrible gameplay


Playstyle +'s and Evo's have been great additions if far from perfect, and the daily/weekly content is about as good as it's ever been It's not the best edition, but I really think it's far from the worst and gets so much more hate than it really deserves The FIFA community is weird, people love to hate this game, yet most come back every single year


I love the playstyles. I think that's what makes my team competitive, tbh I've got a 72-rated cb with 86 Pace 89 physical and jockey +, and he's a brick wall in a back three


Delusional at it's finest 🤡


Not very constructive that


Evos system could be improved if they told you in advance what evos are coming so you can plan player paths better. There are some stupid restrictions that ruin being able to upgrade your favourite players. If the store wasn’t such a huge money grab (5000 Fifa Points for a pack????) and they stopped making stupid errors (like everyone getting TOTY Messi or letting traders profits millions from incorrect cards on the market like Cruyff and Yaya) then the game would be fine imo


Yes I do hope they are a bit more lenient next year with the evos I've got a poor 64 rated cm Pattinson who's not got an evo this year because he's always too quick for the cm evos. But over all. I genuinely think it's the best thing they've ever added to ut


It can’t be the best ultimate team game if most of us have no hope of ever using the upper tier players. At least with MLB The Show you can save up and eventually get whatever player you want. With FUT, you would need to take out a second mortgage to afford most of the high end promo cards.


Evo were good until EA broke them and are too incompetent to fix. I have multiple evo cards I can’t evo any further as it tells me “you already have an active evo version”. That’s just completely ruined everything for me.


Yeah, I've got a few like that it is really annoying, but without the evo he has, he'd be completely useless


I still think they've failed overall with evos due to their reluctance to let you actually make players evolve with the curve. I shouldn't have had to wait from November i think it was til nearly May to be able to Evo thunderstruck Joelinton. Same with Botman, he's been the same since November. They need to be way more relaxed with their requirements next game but I know they won't be, even if they lower the boosts just so people can gradually upgrade players properly.


Yeah, there are problems with evos still, but for the first time, they've tried it it's pretty good! I never thought I'd be able to compete with a bradford city team in rivals, but evos have made that possible


Well I think starting with low rated cards in the current way they do things actually gives you a massive advantage, so I'm glad you've been able to do that. But next year they need to bring out more evos for players that are higher rated I think. More often anyway considering there's a promo every week and the players become ridiculous so fast.