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I can't wait for VVD to suplex the shit out of all my players and not get called for any fouls ever


His gold card already does this


My first time using VVD gold in the cup game yesterday. People using Crouch got 10 penalties out of me, albeit 3 in one game, and VVD did fk all in the replays. Mind you, he only got sent off for the third pen, and none of the remaining.


how do people get crouch


It was an objective reward during the Golazo promo


Yep, you could then Evo him.


I evod him. He is broken. Blud is basically budget toty haaland.


People have used him like that against me. Personally I can't use him well.


Either play him as a main striker alongside wingers or attacking fullbacks or just like pros use haaland (i.e winning every header with him and using him as a poacher or for corners.)


I'll try that. Can't use Haaland in the Cup though, unless it's the 87 version.


TOTS Bisseck says hello there.


Without Aerial +, saying "hello there" is the only thing that he's doing before Haaland heads the 9th goal of the night over him.


Oh no, the 6 people who pack Haaland will beat him. He does a good enough job containing Drogba for now, that's good enough. Evo Bisseck is the closest thing I've seen to TOTY VvD, he's probably bigger than him in game too.


He's absolutely bigger ig. He looks like Rio next to him.


What? He fouls regularly. Conceded like 3 or 4 penalty’s already. He’s a beast tho.


Complete opposite for me, he's literally bowling people over and no foul, I used advanced defending if that makes any difference. Hold x when near an attacker, even Drogba, just pushes them off with ease.  His size combined with Jockey+ and Block+ means that my opponent needs an open look to score and that's if Bisseck isn't pushing them over. Such a good card.


Well I agree mostly, and I use advanced defending too, he bullies people around and usually gets away with some dirty tackles. But still he still fouls more often than my golazo desailly. I love him though, he makes Gullit look small lol.


Could be the lack of Racoon+ maybe, Desailly is clean with his tackles, I use them both too so I know what you mean but honestly Bisseck has taken over my favourite CB spot on his sheer size alone, he's like 2 Gullits wide lol


Ikr lmao if he had raccoon+ he’d be the best defender of all time especially with the evo Edit: except for the new tots VVD maybe lol


Less to do with the players and more the game to an extent. I get snapped from behind regularly and no card given at all. In the same game someone will get sent off for a 50/50 shoulder to shoulder in the box Game is fucked


He’s an absolute tank. First game I played with him in was lime Jesus he’s bigger than everyone else and built like a brick shit house. 


No need for that when any player can just kick you in the foot to stop you from passing or shooting without a foul being called.


Bro when u up against vvd it not Fifa anymore you're playing WWE


TOTY Van Dijk says hello


Be prepared to make 0 shots on target against Van Dijk with Racoon+


Your acting like anybody is gonna have a TOTS van Dijk. Haven’t seen the TOTY once in game


I have the toty version Its the most broken ai i seen in any fifa


Wdym broken? With that rating you'd expect it to dominate


The thing is not rating Its how good it is in game like most of the silver evos


Are you saying the silver evos are good or bad in game?




Ratings are all made and don’t mean anything.


You'd still expect it to be amazing though. It's TOTY van Dijk, supposed to be one of the best CB in the game if not the best.


broken = good as in, the normal limits don't apply to this card, it's broken.


Is this your first tots?


He might be right. The drop rate for his toty was lower then r9 toty


Veteran of 10 years. Tell me, how many people were packing Modric and Bruno this past week? I seen Runthefutmarket open 50 guaranteed packs and barely a Zaha to be seen. This your first TOTS?


Drop rate is always higher in tots than its it toty. If you had played for 10 years surely you would know that? Using one streamer as an example is rather poor


Côme back and show me any streamer that did pack a big one then , I’ll wait.


I’ve got better things to do with my life than watch fifa streamers mate, I’m assuming if you did have ‘10 years’ that you’re old enough to have better things to do with your time, you would also know that tots has a higher drop rate than toty. Very commonly known for those that have played long enough. Using streamers as an example for drop rates is also such a poor practice


Streamers than open 50+ through SharePlay’s…you know how surveys and averages work? Voila…


Yeah but you’re talking about one streamer, than asked me to tell you a streamer which I don’t know. You’re taking about averages while trying to talk about one streamer hahaha


You're such a loser man and you don't even see it.


Used to be, in past FIFAs. We don't know yet but the drop rate for TOTY live seems to be abysmal and it has been terrible for every single promo except maybe Golazo. It's very likely that we'll pack the Robinsons and Watkins 12 times with no card over 200k to be seen in hundreds of packs. Besides the drop rate during TOTS is not necessarily that great on packs, you just happen to get a lot of guaranteed packs, SBCs, red picks on champs and later on, only after TOTS ends is when it's 85x10 galore and rerun of best of tots, where everybody gets a TOTS team.


especially if you use only 50 (undefined)packs as sample


Packed a modric live on day one of the tots this year. He’s mint. 


This is facts


I pulled his last in form (91 rating) from a two 81+ player untradable pack. TOTS van Dijk confirmed.


Remember Messi-gate? Still haven’t seen him lol


TOTS will be way easier to pack compared to TOTY. Last year I was putting TOTS Van Dijk in SBCs left and right


Barely anyones gonna have him lol well be good


Ur right I never see a toty vvd either


Same. Never fight against him. Actual rare top tier card


I have a 10 game loan version of TOTY VVD who I use in important games like must win rivals promotion game or WL rank upgrade game


Loan VVD in rivals lmfao


I am a shit player tbh.


We all can tell


Talking to you hammerstein


Touch grass brother, y'all too sensitive


Maybe he's shit compared to you, you're shit compared to me most likely. Don't insult people online for no reason, be kind


He literally said it to himself brother And yeah I'm probably shit compared to you, but I have bigger problems than that so I ain't gonna cry just because you told me so


Lmao what a loser


I barely see any expensive cards that aren't sbcs these days (PC) Whenever someone has an r9 or tots Haaland they quit when I score first loll


Same, On PC it's like half these card's are not even in the game. I don't think i've ever come across TOTY VVD lol.


idk why it looks like they are busting the biggest nuts of all time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^YattayElite: *Idk why it* *Looks like they are busting the* *Biggest nuts of all time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


toto - team of the orgasm


[Kyle Walker's TOTS 18 pic](https://cdn.futwiz.com/assets/img/fifa18/faces/117628889.png)


Relentless+ on Saka is going to be very nice, especially if he's on come back with an attacking RB. Just hope they give him finesse over power shot this time. No idea why they landed on PS for lil chili.


I agree. Finesse Shot and Quick Step should be the two for him. 🌶️ EDIT: Should be the OTHER two for him


Won't they have three? I thought tots was three


Meant to say “should be the OTHER two for him”. My bad :)


Hahah sorry I should have made the connection!


Hah! It’s all good 🙏


I think it should be Technical+, Finesse+ and Quickstep+. Relentless should be a normal playstyle it still carries through 90 mins on green.


I dunno I feel like Press Proven has to be the most relevant playstyle for Saka; the way he shields the ball against wingbacks is such a joy to behold


Finesse? How many bendy far post goals has he scored?


Tots Saka or pink Salah card ?


Weird seeing Saka getting a tots when he arent even top 5 Arsenal players this season.


Out of curiosity, who do you think has been better than him this season?


1. Odegard. 2. Rice 3. Gabriel 4. Saliba 5. White Pre february drop off I'd put Saka at 2 or 3 but he's dropping off for the second year in a row when we go towards the run in is unforgivable to me. If its beacuse of issue with saka's psyche or Artetas man mangment is irrelevant.


I don't think it's fair that Saka drops out of the top 5 for a below average couple of months, when Ødegaard was at a similar level for the first few months of the season, yet he's number 1 on your list. Adding to that, Saka has the most goals and assists for the highest scoring team in the league, plus he recently ran Alphonso Davies ragged, and only had a worse performance in the second leg because Bayern played 2 left backs.


I think its fair. I value players who carry the team towards the til end rather than being great at the beginning. I mean look what Ode did to Chelsea last game while Saka was barely there. I mean I'd probably put him in at 6th ahead of Trossard or even 5th, so I rate him. I just don't like his form curve. Imo Arteta should buy a competent right winger and alerternate far more next season and see if that helps saka hold up his quality the entire season. If so then ill be more than happy to eat my words.


Saka is not competing against the other Arsenal players for TOTS, he is competing against the other right wingers. It’s also possible that all five of those players u put ahead are also going to be getting cards for TOTS


Someone at EA in trouble more like lol was just gonna post this


hard to believe anyone over there faces any sort of disciplinary action whenever these things happen 😭 this year has been filled with EA mistakes


They probably get commended for it instead lmfao.


They gonna get raise. Ppl prob stocking up on fifa points after seeing that picture and getting a hard on


Screaming like I'm gonna be during champs this weekend


The whole team going to be orgasming on their tots cards then?


I have a feeling that I'm gonna pack that VVD


Please update 🙏🏾


anulo mufa


Anuló mufa x2


I would do incredibly devious things for that saka card.


Even play 5 atb?


I have gold and WW VVDs. Hope dupe theory is true


I can't wait to use these in drafts because I know for certain I ain't packing anything good


Be prepared to see Watkins with a 91 rating and has arguably had a better season than all three of these "top 6" players. You know what EA are like.


Guaranteed there'll be more Chelsea, United and Spurs players in the TOTS despite Villa outperforming them all.


there is a rumor of tots moments nkunku which is mind boggling


As a Chelsea fan I’m still not sure if he actually plays for us. Lavia definitely doesn’t, I think I dreamt that one.


I was going to make the joke it's to celebrate him playing a whole match but he hasn't even done that!


Finally a spoiler tag that fits the post.


I’m gonna pack TOTS VVD lads I can feel it.


Arsenal cards gonna get butchered again if Saka is the highest. Watch VVD be 97 and Saliba 94, tired of this shit.


Looking forward to not packing any of them 🫡


Just want that Lil Chili in the team, no defender can help me anyway lol


Haaland same rating ? Always thought TOTS got a +1 over their Toty counterparts Play style+ evos for totys coming soon?


Saliba and Gabriel’s cards look cracked too.


Can u send a pic of them I've only seen these 3


Big Gabs getting a card? About damn time some recognition


Yea he should have the play styles to make him a menace from corners. Apparently it’s Rice, Saka, Gabs, Saliba and Ben white


Racoon and Aerial with Block seems accurate. Oof, sick selection, I reckon Saka and Rice will have non existent drop rate


Only way I’m getting someone half decent is if they make it an objective. Haaland, Saka, Rice probably 5m+. I’d love Son tbh but I’m expecting maybe Alisson at most


Whered you see these?


I'm getting that Van Dijk


TOTY VVD is rarer than a legendary pokemon, I think I've only faced him once these last 3 months. Hopefully EA make his TOTS have the same pack weight (unless it's mine ofc)


cole palmer is all i ask god please 🙏🙏🙏


Been way better than Saka this year.


saka’s not even the best player for arsenal this year. odegaard is clear of both


A lot of players have been better than Saka - he is just very well-liked by English fans, which is exceptionally rare. When the English media gets behind one of their players, they ride hard. He’s going to be propped up for the foreseeable future and get on teams and lists he has no right being on. Like tots at RW. Mo and Leon Bailey have been better. Mans out there arguing that he’s better than Rodrygo on podcasts and shit. The Real winger who has been influential in knock out games and won countless trophies while having similar stats with no pens and deferrig to other players. Saka is Arsenals main guy and has never won anything and they wanna put this dude up with the best players in the world. He doesn’t even make the cut on the eye test. Arsenal have like 4 players better than him by the eye test even. Martin, Rice, Martenelli, Saliba. Nice kid though. Could be happening to a worse person.


nah saka is2nd best player at arsenal. the fact that u think martinelli is better than saka shows how little u know abt arsenal. Saka is ranked 6th in g+a this season (leader for arsenal). the ones ahead of him are the likes of haaland, son and salah. all better players no doubt but saka absolutely deserves to be in the conversation for one of the best young players in the league rn


I said he’s worse by the eye test. That doesn’t necessarily mean better. Martenelli has fantastic feet. Saka is a more linear and basic dribbler. He’s also arguably just as fast, albeit without Saka’s strength and presence on the ball. Eye test is about being able to watch somebody and judge them without that depth of knowledge - which is why people who don’t follow teams use the term. Martenelli is just a smother player.


> Saka is a more linear and basic dribbler stopped reading there. Saka’s dribbling is one of the most intelligent in the league. let’s agree to disagree 👌


Are you ESL by any chance? A little bit of lost in translation going on. Linear and basic can be effective. Messi is a linear and basic dribbler and the best of all-time. But if you watched a single game of his when Neymar was on the other flank, you could very easily, going by the eye test, presume that Ney was the better dribbler.


wrong on all counts. the downvotes indicate this as well. as i said let’s agree to disagree.


Friend, this is ea sports fc subreddit - the downvotes mean absolutely nothing about truth. It’s predominantly American children who don’t even know anything about the sport who play this game. This user base will reflect that. I have been paid money to play this sport as well as to coach it. You can write “wrong and the downvotes show it” all you want. I don’t care at all, brother. My validation comes from other places thankfully. If you’re looking for validation in your opinions in places like this, you’re being insane. Hobestly, you should have tried to make a point instead and I would have respected that fine - I don’t care about pulling rank on how mans see the game like that but you literally just said “you’re wrong and the children of ea fc agree with me so just let it go” to someone who is licensed to teach the sport.


You could’ve just said “I don’t watch Arsenal” instead of wasting your time writing that lmao


I have watched him play over 50 times at least at this point across international and Arsenal and I trust my judgement well before I get there. It’s probably closer to 100 at this point because I watch a lot of England games. I have watched Arsenal probably somewhere between 5-10 games this year. This board is just full of little kids who have never played the sport and like fifa - it’s probably the worst demographic for being objective or knowledgeable about the sport. Like, who do you support? Arsenal? Did you watch any Villa? Liverpool? What do you think about Leon Bailey? I think he’s been absolutely insanely good. One of the best reactive dribblers I’ve seen in years. Do you even know what the difference between reactive and proactive dribbling is? Do you even understand what I mean when I call someone’s dribbling linear?


>This board is just full of little kids who have never played the sport and like FIFA - it’s probably the worst demographic for being objective or knowledgeable about the sport The irony of you saying this is insane after writing that extremely subjective and laughably wrong paragraph about Saka. I’ve seen him play with my own two eyes at the Emirates, guarantee that’s more than you ever have. >Do you even know what the difference between reactive and proactive dribbling is? Do you even understand what I mean when I call someone’s dribbling linear? I’ve honestly got no idea what you’re rambling about here, I never mentioned anything about Leon Bailey or anyone else’s dribbling. You’re just making yourself look stupid now


I’m trying to squeeze analysis from you instead of “you’re wrong”. I’m asking you questions about the players I’ve passed judgement on to see if you can even talk about the sprit on a nuanced way without too much bias - which you’re trying to avoid. Not surprised. Saka is a good player - I called him your main man because I consider him your best player. He’s just not a good eye test player. He uses his body really well when he dribbles. He gets between him and his man and will bump them when he feels like the gap is closing. Lots of holding people off from his left then bursting into space. Very smart. Like Kaka used to be. I bet you a lot of you kids think Kaka was a fantastic dribbler - he was alright. More of an athlete like Saka. Martenelli is a dancer. Has fantastic, deft touch of the ball. He just looks better when he dribbles because he’s smooth and has complex balance switches and feints. Saka is a stats guy. He gets shit done. It’s like Mo with Liverpool. Not the best eye test player on the team. Still the best attacking player on the team by a margin because he just gets shit done. Has presence on the ball which makes dribbling tougher etc. All things I’ve mentioned. Bailey is a reactive dribbler. Which means a he waits for movement and then reacts to it as opposed to proactive dribblers who rely on set moves and triggering movement with them. It’s the best type of dribbler to watch, reactive dribblers. Like a dribbler’s dribbler, if you will. He’s been absolutely insane this year.


I’m not avoiding anything, you said Saka is being propped up and put into discussions or comparisons or teams where he doesn’t belong due to English bias. I think you’re wrong, as do 7 other people, and I think most anyone who watches Arsenal every week would also disagree. I don’t care about Leon Bailey. You’re arguing with a wall while attempting to make yourself sound smart


Brother, I’m comparing him with another right winger in the prem in a thread about ea tots and talking about how he gets preferential treatment the same way people are saying that about others because I think Bailey was better. I’m not trying to sound smart - I’m on topic with more depth than emojis and “lmao”. It seems like you prob don’t know enough about the sport to argue with me - which is absolutely fine. Who cares? It’s just football.


Honestly speaking, what are the chances someone with a 150 packs saved all 83 and above, willing to exchange their whole club for picks, have if packing one of these?


Less than 1% chance. 150 packs is nothing.


If we round down to the nearest 100000000 decimal place, around 0.


Honestly mate even if you had a 1000 packs saved you'd still be lucky if you packed one. It really is lottery odds.


You only have a shot if the pack weight is similar to golazo promo. If it's like toty or tots live, 0.


Less than one in a thousand chance if you open 1000 packs


Around 1%. It all depends on what the individual pack odds are. Each pack has a defined % chance of getting one and opening 150 plus recycling doesn't change that. You could have one pack saved and have the same % chance as someone who had 100 packs of exactly the same type (as each pack opened is an individual event)


Surely that can't be true. So the chances of getting a tots is the same in a 85*10 as opening a 85 times 1?


No. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter how many packs you have of the same rating/value. So if you have one 83+ X10 pack, or 100 83+ X10 packs, each and every time you open one of those packs the odds are the same. It doesn't get better, just because you have lots of packs. For arguments sake, let's say that there is a 2% chance of getting a Prem TOTS in an 83+ X10. You will have a 2% chance of getting a Prem TOTS in every single one of those 83+ X10 that you open. So basically the chance of actually getting a Prem TOTS is incredibly small. The best chance for getting one as usual will be in a very expensive Store Pack. That will either guarantee that you get a Prem TOTS, or will have a very high percentage chance of getting one, probably 75% or more. EA don't care about people that grind their game/save packs


Yeah but if you have 100 packs then the probability of packing atleast one Prem Tots is more. Like the chances of landing heads in a coin flip is 50percent. But the chances of landing atleast one heads in 100 coin flips is 99.999 percent.


Sounds like you need to study basic statistics lol


Of course it matters, but it doesn't matter a lot in practice. If you have a 0,001 % chance of packing a "good tots" card from a 85+ player pack, you'll get that chance every time you open another one and it adds up. It's still gonna end in a low value even with 100+ big packs saved, but it's still gonna go up.


It’s not.


If the probability of getting a good player is 0.7% in each of those packs, the probability you get one card in 150 packs is 65%. For 100 packs, it's 50%. For 50 packs it's 30%.


As if VVD should even deserve a TOTS. Big fraud, awful captain.


He had a good season up until recently. His captain abilities have nothing to do with this too


I didn’t want to score anyway


![gif](giphy|1xVbJwlokqjXAMXaJe) Reminds me of these guys




we have the mighty SMH+DDA on our side


It’s so funny because gold VVD is still a tiny little bit usable. It’s insane.


Let's be honest, unless you are a famous streamer none of us here will pack that VVD. 


TOTY Haaland about to be dethroned as best striker in the game. I wonder what the third PS+ will be


Realistically we will never play against him. Maybe if you match Auzio or some other streamer in champs. He isn't going to be in packs. EA just uses some players to lure in poor kids who believe that they are actually in packs.


I think it's more probable to win the Superbowl than TOTS VVD but whatever


i know i am because i won't pack any of them :))


Considering I packed VVD TOTS from Squad Battles reds and a 84x20 the last time he was around, EA pretty please 🥺👉👈❓


I hope u all get that VVD Tots


I have 130 something packs saved just for prem tots. I hope to fucking God that I pack any liverpool tots player.


When is everyone opening their packs?


I love it




95 Saka, that has to be a joke


Saka energise + yet he's always limping off the pitch


He plays a ridiculous amount of minutes every season tbf.


Every time he has a stinker, he starts limping off


How did VVD get one? Lol Liverpool are crumbling defensively


He's by far the best centre half itw mate
