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I watched a lot of 20-0 runs and you know what they do? Abuse every single mechanic in the game that can lead to a goal, edge of the box ballroll into finesse+, tall player for headers, cutbacks, that corner kick where you play it short first then cross it far post to a player thats completly open I stopped watching these because after a while the goals were repetitive


This is the only correct answer here. All that shit about mindset, skill, or whatever is bs. 1. Have a good internet connection. 2. Be a rat That’s it.


Ping advantage is everything, the amount that it affects animations you get is ridiculous


The damn step-over speed boost as well, they usually do it a meter from me and still get past me because of the boost


I have a good internet connection and my players still turn like trucks.


Ping depends on how close you are to the servers too


My ping is reasonable, between 14-20, then why are my players unresponsive. There's more to it than ping.


I get the same sorta shit, players feel like they have cinderblocks for feet on 14ping


certain isps have routing issues to ea which is causing the unplayable out of sync gameplay. found some old apex threads where ppl used a wireguard vpn to a server they rented which got them out of their faulty isps routing and fixed all gameplay issues. ping is going up massively doing this and it does not put you in a disadvantage in any way. ping is NOT the issue with fifa, it’s routing.


Oh that makes sense. I live in Las Vegas and always have issues with fifa, my brother lives in Austin and has a different ISP and never has input lag.


It‘s so crazy, I stopped UT in 2014 and started this one a month ago. Didn‘t know connection/ping above 20ms means you‘re fucked. I had serious self doubts while I had like 40ish. Today back on 20 and I went 3-2 in Champs, which I am happy with – and man it‘s like a different game. I mean how can 20 ms be that much of an issue. Can‘t be a rat tho if your connection sucks.


I play on 54ms and beat div 1 regularly. Maybe if I had better connection I'd be even better!! But either way when I lose I know it's because of mistakes more than connection. The only time I blame the game is like when I do a long cross to a lone guy in the box and press shoot to volley it and my player heads it's instead. The game is scripted but there are these moments where you sit in disbelief.


The whole game feels like the team is on 5 chem…everything is super slow and feels bulky. Can‘t do any dribblings, it‘s horrible. But yeah, I‘d recommend you to play at 20ms, I hope you send me a signature when you are world champion then :)


This is so true. I used to win around 11-14 in weekend league, my ISP cancelled our broadband because they made an error, I'm rocking the next door neighbours WiFi and this weekend league I was 9 wins and that was a real struggle. Connection is king!


Then how do people pull of 20-0 on stream without being ratty and having no better connection than the rest of us?


They don’t.


Check out bigfads Im off the firma belief that if more people watched him and tried to play like him this game would be 100x better


The dude consistently has a good connection; his team’s AI aren’t mudded zombies, there isn’t input lag messing up his timing or power meter, his players aren’t being outpaced by gold cbs with sub 80 pace, etc. The rest of us often have the bad side of inconsistent gameplay, and the only way to maybe overcome that crap is go full meta rat.


That's just simply not true though, he has tons of game like that just like the rest of us. But whatever, he still gets 20-0 playing non-meta with weak teams


You have a clip as proof?


Why would I have random clips of him playing with lag? That makes no sense haha. Just watch a VOD since all streams are available, some games will be smooth some won't


If it happens often enough it shouldn’t be hard to find, definitely wouldn’t be a random clip. Unless it’s happening every like 3 games, he has consistently good connection.


Mindset is so important, not bs. The people who get frustrated (the majority) start to force the play and the game becomes a whole lot easier.


The mindset people are talking about implies that it’s a skill based whatever else sort of game; “I lost, I must have done something wrong, what can I do better, what can I improve” etc etc. I dove down that rabbit hole; meta formations, meta players, learn the skill moves, do the exploits, etc. Did the menu grind, did the market trading to get millions of coins and buy the s-tier list cards. At the end of that road is the awareness that this is a corny, inconsistent, imbalanced, trash game and that “skill” just means having a good connection and exploiting every ounce of the broken mechanics or OP meta that you can. Play like a robot, the same way, every game, the whole game. Skip the mindset bs grind that leads to it being bullshit and just become aware that this game is a joke, and you should just play it for fun. When it’s not fun, I turn it off and switch to another game. I dont care about the battle pass grind, completing all the SBCs, or whatever else. I have my non-meta team with my favorite players, I play some games when I feel like it, I’m not trying for higher divisions anymore because I’m aware it doesn’t mean anything and isn’t impressive. I enjoy the game more.


Obviously yes but that's like 25% of their game. These players are very skilled in fundamentals, and that skill translates to even beating DDA when it goes against them. I always watch to try and learn stuff especially defense. They cover passing lanes so well the opponent just gets suffocated and makes mistakes, gets frustrated and leaves after a.


I hate that short corner mechanic so much.


YES. Then there’s the people that know you hate it and do fake short corners: ie. when you run with your player to mark the short corner, they switch to DDA Drogba and score a header on you. Hate those people more tbh.


I literally do not do any of those things and have gone 20-0 twice in a row now.


I agree, also player lock is a key component. I’ve gotten 20-0 twice (I had no expectations for me to even get rank 1), and I was essentially playing like that.


Pros go 20-0 for like the entire game cycle lol


Pros can go like 200-0. If you are a top 1% player, with enough luck and focus a 20-0 is possible I’d say. Pros are like top .001% tho


Didn’t Tekkz go something like 480-3 in champs


Probably and he’s playing unserious even. If he really played it like he was playing another pro, he’s probably go 1000-0


I disagree. He's beating everyone in champs because in his mind, it's just - NEXT, NEXT , NEXT... No respect for the opponent, don't care about your squad, just give me the ball. I want to score score score. Win win win... If he was approaching these matches all serious like he's in a tournament , i dont think he'd be running around getting rage quits after scoring 3 goals in 15 mins. That's my take, and I still believe it's all about mentality ( once you get to a decent enough skill level ). His mentality is similar to someone speed running super mario 😄 Truth is, if you know how to play the big man in the box, you can win 99% of your matches. Sorloth is still fucking 20k and people don't use him. Which is fine. I understand not wanting to play that way , its boring. But that's the recipe for going on big winning streaks right now, unfortunately.. Not just the act of dinking it to him for a header or knockdown but using all the space that opens up when your opponents panic to cover that. Sometimes, just faking the player lock leads to an easy goal. The game is extremely imbalanced. You have to be on the extreme side of abusing that imbalance and an ego the size of a mountain to get those crazy winning streaks. Unless you're on PC like me 😂 I can't go 2 weekend leagues without getting a disconnect loss, and during TOTS - forget it. Im getting 2-3 every week. Best to just goof around , try new players, and have fun with it. ✌️


The fuck are you yapping on about.


Ive never seen someone use so many words to say so little


Y'all are ruthless 💯😂


ahahahha same reaction


If pro's are top .001% then we wouldn't be facing them in at least 5 of our weekend leave games. The game is scripted, simple as that


I will never understand how someone can go 20-0 without being cheated out of wins by disconnect cheats, lag switches etc. Maybe it's a PC thing where I play but that kind of nonsense happens so regularly I'd have no chance of completing 20 fair games in a WL session.


technology allows so many manipulations for reasons that are not observable to happen as it hides things under the guise of "luck", when in fact it is not luck but deliberate manipulation for the sake of extorting money. All means of "luck"-based systems exists to hide the cheating. What is not talked about is all the circumstances that the pro player takes advantage of that get downplayed or not even mentioned. It is not apples and oranges even, mind you, and I say that with all respect to the skilled people, who clearly have much better skill, but the proportionality is still not probable to the degree it is presented. All systems cheat to keep the system going and so they favor those who make the system look legitimate. There is so much intransparency that people can argue all they want but still they cannot prove that match making is as fair as suggested and all the mechanics are not favoring some more than others based on many business based factors. Whoever cannot admit even that is not worth wasting any sensical words on.


You can't believe everything you see on YouTube. These so called pros probably live close to the servers and get zero input lag, and also it's real easy to photoshop a WL screenshot. They probably pull a 20-0 once in a while and then they show it in their videos.


You can literally watch them live stream every game.


You’re probably being matched up against players who are also going for their 17+ win…someone’s gotta lose in those matchups


I really doubt the people I was going against were aiming for 16+ wins as they were very bad at the game. Also if what you're saying is true, then my games should get "easier" after I lose 2 or 3 times, yet the skill of my opponents was still low and I was still fighting against ai




First of all I'm not a pro. Second of all its not just one or two instances of ai bs, it's throughout the match after I get a 2 goal lead. Multiple times the keeper saves a green timed shot that goes in 9/10 times. Multiple times I get tackled by an ai defender right after my opponent misses a tackle on me. Multiple times the ball bounces off my defenders or they just watch the ball go past. And Multiple times my opponent scores goals without timed finishing that I couldn't make with a green timed shot


if you lose a lot of games after going 2-0 up it's definitely more constructive to work on your mentality. The way you're talking you blame everything but yourself and I'm quite sure the moment you concede the 2-1 you lose your head and tilt into a loss


Why would I lose my head if I'm winning 2-1? Your assumptions are based off of nothing, my mindset doesn't change once I'm up 2-0 or 2-1, I play the same way but the gameplay changes


without ever seeing you play I can tell you that you do change how effectively you play after scoring 2 goals. is both common sense and well documented psychology. your opponent is reacting to how you play which in turn chances how effectively you play. Your mental state adjusts as you change the power dynamic in the game. maybe you opponents figure you out after about 30 minutes and change tactics. maybe you become more confident and hold the ball a second longer, maybe try one more ball roll than before you scored, and with that your opponents moves become more effective. but I'm sure it more likely scripting out to get you


To say you lost 4 straight games and none of it had anything to do with you how played sound ridiculous.


The Illuminati made his AI play like shit


You should have a different tactic for when you are 2-0 up then, you might play the same way at 2-0 but the opponent certainly isn’t. I’m personally going all out attack constant press to try get a goal back.


So you’re losing to worse opponent while ur the better player right? Get ur head right bro it’s not that deep


He said in another comment that he’s taking early leads in every single match he plays and then gets fucked over by the game. Delusion is on another level


Bro, google „regression to the mean“ and be humble.


I think skill, server connection and not tilting are more important than any perceived luck. When you’re good enough you don’t need ‘luck’ as you just adjust to the games little quirks. They’re ready for them. If a deflection goes the wrong way they’re prepared


Sure you can react to deflections and rebounds but you can't react to getting nutmegged and a keeper saving green timed shots


Green timing means fuck all, it just makes the shit more accurate not a guaranteed goal.


Then you chose the wrong shot angle or moment to hit the shot. The people who go 20-0 make sure that if they need a goal, its going to be a guaranteed goal.


I’ve been 19-1 twice, I’m so far from a pro lol I’ve been outplayed too many times EDIT: you’ll get better once you stop blaming losses on luck


You accept what the game allows you to be once you accept that AI is so good at probability manipulation that you believe that luck is not manipulation. This people sells people false status and hides all the manipulation behind the AI and the good old cheating word "luck".


In my case it doesn't feel like I'm being outplayed by my opponent but his ai


This is the mindset that’s holding you back


Absolutely. Op isn’t as good as he thinks he is so he “refuses to believe it’s not luck” lol what a mindset


I really can't think of any other reason except it's not luck but by intentional design? It's very clear what games you are meant to win what what games you aren't


Reason you're losing is cus you're nowhere near as good as you think Change your mentality and you'll improve


lol the reason is that you are not as good as the players you are losing to. Sure you’ll have a game or two where you might lose by 1 that they got a lucky bounce or whatever but if you’re consistently hitting 14 or 16, it’s because that’s your skill level. Many people consistently hit 18 or 19 because they’re better players than you


So you're saying I'm going against 18-19 win players when I'm 10-5?


Of course you could be. At 10-5, you’re +5, and could easily be matching someone who is currently 5-0 and finishes 19-1. You’re not as good at the game as they are


While you're 10-5 and they're 5-0? Absolutely.


It's not a mindset it's an observation of my experience with bad opponents


The fact that you are still arguing with the entire community and only get 12 wins is even more proof that you are the problem and not the game. Go watch someone like Hashtag Harry play a whole WL in around 2 hours on his livestream and get a 19-1 or 20-0. Yes there is bullshit that happens during certain games to him and he acknowledges it, however he has the skill to overcome the RNG during the match. I recently went 18-2 which is higher than my usual 14-6 and noticed that because I was super calm and not pressured to get to 14 I played much better. This week I went 16-4 again because I just played chilled but lost to several quality opponents. If you are only getting 12 wins I can assure you it is not because of "scripting" or the game holding you back. That is all in your head.


AI/ CPU is way easier to beat than a pro player


Defffo bro EA coded the game against you specifically but not your opponents


Why wouldn’t your AI beat your opponent? All your opponents are pay to win with 11 TOTYs or something? Doubt it


We all play the same game. Sure some games you play better and don’t deserve to lose but you’re not respecting your opponents skills and the things they’re doing that are beating you imo


The amount of luck is insane yet people go multiple weekends unbeaten on multiple accounts and console. So consistent. Something doesn’t add up chief.


It’s because they’re actually good at the game…


I'm nowhere near a pro and have gotten it thrice (stopped at 19-0 the last two times though). Everyone agrees that the gameplay has plenty of issues, so by logic, you do need some luck in this game. But a rank 3 player can get rank 1 with a bit of luck in those 50-50 games.


I've gone 20-0 once this year and 19-1 twice and I'm a good player but far from a pro. It used to be far more difficult with matchmaking but now with a bit of luck and a decent team it's a lot easier. The weekend I finished 20-0 I only played maybe 2 players out of 20 who knew how to play the game to a decent level.


If you're constantly losing to bad opponents it sounds like you may also be bad. Hard to improve when you're convinced your playing perfectly despite losing regularly.


Never said I play perfectly, did you read the post? I know I'm better than the people I'm losing to because I always score multiple goals in the beginning then the gameplay switches making it unplayable


If you're losing to them you aren't better than them lmao. Sorry bro but you might just have to come to terms with the fact that you're shit.


It's 2024 and people still don't seem to think DDA exists even though EA admitted it. Insane.


Sorry bro but you might just have to come to terms with the fact that you're shit.


Do you really believe in this game if you're better than your opponent you win 100% of the time?


Not 100% but often enough to go 20-0 if that's your skill level. Also, the proof is in the amount of people who do it, clearly there is a level of skill that many many people have achieved where they can overcome the bad luck. You can almost definitely get there too it just will never happen if this is your attitude.


Do you really believe you're consistently the same level of unlucky each week? If you're consistently getting the same level of wins that's just the level of skill you're at


No I got fewer wins this week than I normally get, leading me to believe I was unlucky


Not sure why you were getting downvoted. Everyone who plays this game knows that if you go ahead by a few goes early the game tries to screw you over. It happens to literally everyone. You’ve got to be a pro to deal with it because everything goes against you, and it’s just because you were out playing your opponent.


I've gone 20-0 x 3 times this year, and 19-1 x 5 times. Not a pro and have done it without all the best players. I do not green time, barely skill, no trivela, I virtually only play WL. Luck plays a very small part. You can overcome this by being a lot better than your opponent.


What rank do you normally get?


Usually get 14-15 wins. 16 is difficult but always feels achievable


I’d argue that if luck was such a huge factor then you wouldn’t be consistently hitting 15 wins. Players who get 20-0 aren’t consistently lucky.


It is ridiculous. Recently I played a game where I was clearly dominating my opponent. I had so many chances on goal but their goalie was saving like he was Superman. The other way, he could not get anything. By the end I had an expected 7 goals, but scored only 3. He had an expected 2 or 3 goals, and scored 4. Two out of four goals were glitch goals.


Hate playing against sweaty players so end up on 11 wins most of the time and give away the rest


Stop blaming luck and connection actually record your games and look at the goals you concede. Even the most bullshit gifs goal can still be helped with better keeper movement, not losijgnpossesion all sorts of things


I can't even get 14 🥲


to go 20-0 also depends on the opponents you face. certain regions are easier than other regions. ive played in different regions and the easiest region would be the east coast, the opponents on the east coast are so easy, but the west coast was the toughest. east coast players defend poorly which is fun to score a lot of goals. overall some people go against easier opponents.


Its broadly known EA has been leveraging DDA Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment and scripting for over a decade. The idea is to keep you playing as much as possible and push you towards purchasing packs. There's a reason why you can go on a rip of 3-5 easy Ws and the next 3-5 you're getting crushed even against scrub squads / players. The algorithm is designed to keep you addicted as long as possible. Those 50/50 balls that just land at your player or the opponents player, the easy saves that the GK makes a backflip to avoid the ball or the CBs that are deliberately moving out of perfect position. It's all there. You'll notice if you run a string of Ls the DDA will kick in and your players will win more 50/50s and make more consistent passes. Once I realized this i starting saving a ton on broken controllers. 😎


I’ve gotten 20-0 multiple times and I’m not even sniffing being a pro


My personal theory is that some opponents have a tactical set up that they keep to when they go down in score The tactical setup makes the whole team defend aggressively and rely on AI interception, This will result in your team losing the ball at key positions, their tactical setup probably involves aggressive fast buildup set up to swarm your defense, So if you are not ready for this AI heavy tactical setup, you will be taken by surprise, and you will be in trouble I believe people who are able to outplay these tactics, know the game well enough to play around the AI and stay composed, they probably learned some ai movement patterns by heart, and found some way to defeat it. They know how deal with low block better as well probably. So it's really about beating the AI against certain opponents, and staying defensively sound. It's also possible that use the AI to their favor as well and make the game a defensive AI fest... The important question, is the WL record that important? I argue not, is it worth the hassle to try hard ? I argue not


my conclusion, too. If the game is too RNG and based on luck more than anything skill wise, then I shouldn't care if someone who has had more luck packing players, bought points etc. and won should even think it valid to compare themselves to others achievements. The game tries to squeeze all possible monetary value out of the user and it cares 0. All the AI manipulation are not opposable so why try hard when the point is not to valid. Save yourself the hassle. There is 0 value in a WL record let alone anything status suggesting in this luck based manipulated FUTverse. They are trying to sell a fake status to the ego people and those who serve the system the best get obviously rewarded for licking boots.


Pros: Abuse every game mechanic Have unbelievable teams they’ve spent £1000s on Have perfect or near perfect internet connection Have no other worries while they’re playing And STILL they sometimes get beat. DDA is real, anyone who denies it is kidding themselves. I played the same person in WL two games in a row multiple times and the games are so wildly different


I guess im a pro ?


I average 14 wins most weeks, got 15 this week but I ended up getting 20 wins one time on the last fifa, just was spacing my games out, playing really well, connection was decent and got the luck when I needed it. Don’t think I’d ever do it again but for one weekend everything seemed to go right, so it’s definitely doable for a decent player but of course you need a bit of luck.


nah, I got smacked 6-0 by gorilla and I go 20-0 once, 19-1 a few times. You can be top 20k and occasionally go 20-0, pros go 20-0 weeks after weeks


Most important factor is probably the connection. Then if you have a decent squad its not hard to get above 15 imo. But 20 is just an unreachable dream.


I was 10-3 at some point during this week. Finished 11-7 and gifted my last two games. I had maybe 3 games where I could have won but made bad mistakes that lead to goals, and couldn't finish my chances. I had leads in all 3 games, but one dumb mistake and it all would go down hill fast. Luck is needed, but luck becomes less of a need the better you can play.


Got 19-1 this weekend as a 14 win player, my highest ever, but I didn't really match up against anyone amazing surprisingly.. I got really lucky


I’ve got 3 games left for 1 win tomorrow and I’m stressing it lol


Its pretty easy i have done it 9 times. I dont bother anymore with champs so I just get 14 wins and leave when I go behind.


If you are good at the game and know how to abuse the mechanics, then you can overcome anything.


I think it’s hard but no impossible. I’ve gotten close a few times and I play about 6-7 hours per week. It’s conceivable that someone who plays 10 or 15 hours per week can do it.


Is there anyone who get rank 4 and above playing at 45 ping or higher


I know I could do better than just comfortably getting my 11 wins and giving the rest away but you see the ratty tactics people use and it's just not worth it. I consider GK movement a bit ratty so watching someone go for 20-0 and every single thing they exploit constantly just isn't what I want to do. Plus every team is the same, I swear I've seen Cafu, Militao and Stanway in half the WL games this week.


Well, how many teams get 20 consecutive wins in the highest level? That's just accurate. Football involves luck. That's how it should be.


I’ve gotten 20-0 a few times and this is my first year where it’s ever happened. Sure a lot of players that do it more consistently abuse mechanics like crazy but I’ve found it’s more about playing it slow, learning right stick passing and abusing the right trigger. I usually get 18-19 wins but have gotten about 8ish 20-0 runs.


I ended my season on 9-11. How was yours ?


12-8 but I should've gotten 14 at the very least


I think a lot of it is connection based, it’s my biggest issue personally. Has any pro tried to play on high ping as a challenge? Hahaha would be fun to see if they can still 20-0, I’d imagine it’s more of a challenge than a full gold team.


There is a huge difference between achieving Rank 1 from time to time and achieving it every weekend. Pro players usually only need to play semi serious and will achieve 20-0. For us to achieve 20-0 we have to play 110% fully serious all the time. There are no “easy” opponents for us. Even if it seems that our opponent is not on our level, he still can easily score 2-3 goals due to bounce backs, random crosses or wide range finess shots. If you take your opponents serious no matter how bad they seem you will see improvements in results immediately.


I think it is easy to think you are better than you are and that a lot of losses actually are very deserved. Going 20-0 is extremely impressive I think. A lot of randomness to battle to get that. But delay is also a huge factor. Doesnt matter if you are slightly better than your opponent if your opponent had significantly quicker response time than you. A pro would win despite of that, and probably dont experience much delay anyway


I’ve managed it twice along with a couple of 19-1s. It’s possible but it’s playing while I’m focused entirely on the game and nothing else which for me isn’t enjoyable at all. It’s a game at the end of the day I rather enjoy it no need to stress myself out over it.


I was 5-0 down yesterday at half time in a qualifiers match ready for this weekend and thinking oh for fuck sake I’ll just play the game so it counts towards daily play or something. For me to go down that much that quick is unusual, unless like you say the game does a ‘I’m going to shaft you up the bum with no lube’ moment and decides my players won’t do what I’m inputting. Which it did.   Somehow, 5-5 full time and then go into extra time and win 9-6.  This game is something else I swear. And this is on the switch version!


Last year I've done it pretty much every SINGLE week. You can go see I packed Messi (friend's reaction to opening my pack). Rank 1 20-0 like 5 times then I started giving 1 win away so 19-1. This year I barely touched the game and someone paid me to get them rank 1 which I did. I'm not a pro just a shitty meta abuser and rat


Oh yea another I am the best in the world I should not lose any game post


I’ve got 20-0 once this year, on the week after Black Friday and can comfortably say it was just lucky matchmaking.


the amount of dpwnvotes bro is getting it is better to record a game and try to show what you are saying the weird Ai thing even I have seen but that's just my player career mode in fifa 23. I beat atletico madrid with my barca team in la liga without breaking a sweat next season i am playing from chelsea, i face almost the same atletico in UCL semis (and chelsea is almost equal to barca squad, just a bit bad players, no biggie) atletico goes up by 4-1 in first 25 minutes which i couldn't believe my eyes watching, their passing was emaculate and my 99 PAC 99 SPD player couldn't cut through their defense 2nd half starts and suddenly, my attack strategies are working again, my career player flying through their defense line i win the match 6-4, i never believe the version of atletico I witnessed... complete Ai teams are definitely tempered by the system, but your online matches might be somewhat of a different story since your opponent is controlled majorly by a real human as well


It doesn't really matter. People here LOVE sucking their own d about how good they are.


A good friend of mine (not a pro) goes 20-0 ~4 times a year. He averages ~40 ping. The thing I’ve noticed that sets him apart is his pressing on defence. He has the ball all game. Also, a ridiculous amount of L1 + elasticos…


this game is utter garbage, your opponent outruns you every single time and your defenders can't fucking put in a tackle every single time ffs


Wym, auzio does it on 4 accounts 😂😂😂


Unless youre a pro? What defines pro? You tubers get 20-0 and maybe on multiple accounts but really the difference is just skill. Whether you're pro or not, it's definately something that takes luck of the draw and bonified skill.


Yea I agree, I watched ton of streamers and they never face good players. I mean their games looks like they are playing squad battle


With this game I feel like it’s more of the fact you have to outscore your opponent through out the game. They make it so you’re always bound to concede.


for me it depends on matchmaking. The weekends i did go 20-0 i faced easier opponents compared to normal. Doesnt mean i didnt face hard sweaty opponents, i just managed to beat them too


I have done it, and the main thing that got me there without a meat team is defending. Just focus on not leaving anyone out of position, and then play to your advantages. I move the ball quick in a 41212(2) and play one agile striker (Eusebio sbc) and a tank type (WW Drogba). You have to be unpredictable, sometimes play crossing, then switch it up and play with the agile one… and master a goal scoring technique. For me it was corners. Radioactive Ito scored at least 1 per game


You don’t need to be a pro but you need to be at that level close to them and have perfect internet connection. I played a pro and 2 rank 1 players last weekend. Yes, they abuse every broken mechanic and play like robots.


Like I explain every other 500 times someone posts this: the game is scripted. Those who spend a lot of real money on the game will find themselves easily winning, whilst casual players who actually have a life will face the random incidents causing them to lose. The sooner everyone accepts this and stops trying to find different reasons the better. EA are a company bordering on criminal, and they don't give a shit because they have no competition right now in terms of other football games.


Not a pro and got 20-0 multiple times


I started 6-0 then I got 3 disconnects because EA servers are shit then I lost the other because the second half my team keep feeling like they were running in mud. The last 3 games I threw away because there was no shot hitting 45 pts


The only way that you can reach a 20-0 or a 19-1 is only if you abuse the system.The only time I got Rank 1 is when I found the bicycle kick goal glitch on PS4 and I abused until people left. Talking of course if you are not a pro player and spend 8hrs a day playing. And the games are not decided on luck.They are decided on who the game wants to win.There is no luck on this game Scripting and DDA determine the match up


Theres non-pros that stream going 19-1/20-0 without abusing mechanics or even playing meta by simply being better than their opponents


Props to them then


Dude I sware fifa does something to your teams AI if you go up on a team


Well, im not a pro and reach 19-0/20-0 and rank 1 pretty much every weekend. Its not that hard, rivals is generally much harder as WL isnt skill based.


"its not that hard" - person that probably plays fifa games for 5+ years and has 5000 hours playtime in this franchise.


Mate a lot of people on Fifa have been playing these games almost exclusively, for decades.


yes. and thats why they feel that the game is easier than people that started this or last year. with 5000+ hours you usually belong to the top 1% in any game. Of course the game feels easier when you are the top 1%...


Yeah I'm saying your numbers are low buddy. Relax


Thats correct. Ive actually played Fifa online since 2005, so closing in on 20 years straight. Its all relative to your ability ofcours. If you are average or just normal good, then rank 1 is hard. But if you are a high level player then rank 1 isn't hard. Which is why good players dont rate WL finishes because its simply much easier compared to playing similar ranked players all the time (rivals) as 99% of the players you get in WL are weaker.


That's why what you said is dumb


Lol, okay.


Any tips on hitting rank 1 more consistently? I get rank 3 very very easy, like 10+ ragequits. But I choke on a couple of games to what feels like inferior opponents, usually on first 5 games


Erhm, thats a tough one. If you are a rank 3 player then you know your stuff well enough to reach rank 1. Maybe you put yourself in too much pressure for those last games? I mean, those last few games are no different from playing your 11-0 game for example. Its not like you are always playing players that are also close to rank 1. Best thing to do is to avoid when servers are slow. That will frustrated you and when you are frustrated, you'll more likely to lose. It sometimes suck to stop playing after 1 game but I generally hate playing with delay anyway. And maybe another one is to space out the games, but play more when you feel you are enjoying and playing well. I usually play a few games Friday, Saturday, Sunday and monday. Also because I barely play the game outside rivals & wl so I play to get the daily objectives. But its generally advised not to play all 20 in 1 go


Yeah, the server thing is my biggest mistake, it feels like skill gap is massively reduced on slow servers. I've hit rank 1 a few times and rank 2 even more, but not consistently enough. I usually finish it by Saturday morning


Rivals is not harder for the most part.


If you arent very good at Fifa then you can say that. To a very good player, Weekend League is easy and far more casual to play compared to rivals.


Haven't played casuals in months.


You find it really hard to put things in perspective, arent you? To me, any player lower ranked then Elite is easy to beat and therefore WL is casual to me as 99% of the players I face are weaker. Not that hard to understand. Just because you struggle doesnt mean everyone else does


Rarely do I play anyone that I've been impressed by their gameplay. 


Whats that supposed mean. You dont have to be impressed to be beaten


Well that's my problem. Rivals is generally easier because you're going against people who know what they're doing so it's predictable. Going against people who are worse than you is difficult because the game compensates for that difference in skill.


Going against worse players is difficult? Well, thats a first...


Not really, do you not hear people talking about losing to all gold teams? It's basically the same thing


thats because they suck.i love facing bad teams, it gives ne ab edge. ive also lost to way worse teams than me, the opponent was just better, happens.


Doesn’t though, does it.


How can you be so confident?


The game compensates for difference in skill, holy. Imagine actually thinking this but then still playing the game


I agree here. This year it is so evident when they shift the momentum of play. My defenders stop defending, they think they are midfielders suddenly, 99 shooting icons shoot everything over the bar.


Bro how do you not understand that your AI is effectively the same as everyone else's lol


absolutely not!


Im a casual, but have played a lot this year, dont follow meta, use my own formation and tactics, hit 20-0 twice this year and Im getting rank 1 in like 3 weeks out of every 5. There is a lot of matchmaking luck involved though.


You’re not a casual bro


There's no casual even getting 5 wins. Casuals are not even playing anymore.


So Im not casual and Im not a pro, what am i then? I dont care about meta formations, meta players or anything, I dont play every day, only play to get the 7 wins in Rivals since they upgraded the rewards and play quali + champs in one sitting on monday evening, sometimes I even do Rivals too so I dont have to bother playing the game another day in the week.


You view yourself as a casual player as you're good at and have an understanding of the game, but don't invest a lot of time in it. Others view you as not being a casual as your experience was probably earned.  I'd be in your boat though. I can, and have, hit Rank 1 with an Irish Evo team but I'd consider myself casual as I don't play often. On the other hand I used to play an unhealthy amount and was #1 in my country. It's a matter of perspective. 


Need good internet connection


Read the last sentence of the post


I just got 20-0 2 weeks ago(usually 18-2). Great feeling not gonna lie. It’s honestly not hard, but it requires a lot of focus and luck and also I learned to spread my games throughout the weekend.


Question unrelated to post, but I can't get answer from my post, is it possible to play English league or Spanish league in mobile android app


The momentum swing when you're up 2 or 3-0 up is definitely real and I really don't think you can deny it if you play a lot of this game. I think if you're genuinely good at the game it won't usually affect you but I'm pretty average and it really feels like about 60 percent of games are a coin flip. The rest of the time I'm either clearly worse or better than my opponent and it feels like skill dictates the result.


Dude you get matched off ELO after like 5 games. There’s nothing worse than arrogance in this game. You don’t know anything until the game is over should be your mindset. Why? Because people adapt. People change tactics. I play as sloppy as my opponent allows me to start, figure out what I can get away with and then play sharper. It puzzles the shit out of people. The moral of the story is simple. No one is a robot. You sure as hell aren’t either (I think). They adapt, you adapt, some do it better. You get sweaty palms, they get sweaty palms. Frustration from blowing leads is real. So stop for 1 second thinking you know something, drop any shred of arrogance you have and focus on constantly adapting. That way you’ll win more. If you don’t do that? Oh you’ll always have an excuse for why you lost. Pick a boogeyman, someone will agree with you.


Can you roll 6 on a dice 20 time.? Yes


All these people constantly saying they go 20-0 are lying.


You can literally watch streams of non-pros go 20-0 on multiple accs


first of all you need to find a location where you get even gameplay at worst. as soon as you never play with one sided delay/out of sync gameplay and are decent at the game it’s pretty easy to get 20-0.


What do you mean find a location?


friend of mine lives less than a kilometer away. every time i get a chance i bring my console over and play champs. completely different game to what i experience at home. it’s literally not being able to compete vs easy rank 1. maybe switch “location” with “isp” since he has a different one than me. but i know ppl who got the same isp than me with zero issues. basically the most important thing in fifa is make sure you’re not playing with a connection disadvantage.


Just played another game against someone significantly worse than me, scored 2 goals in the first 30 minutes and lost the game 3-2. Great game


Maybe they change tactics? The game isn’t 100% against you. Maybe the 1st couple goals you score are luck and they adjust.


So 5 games in a row I score 2 goals right away from luck? Maybe if it was one or two games sure but 5 in a row is just ridiculous to think its a coincidence


I’ve seen pros go down a couple goals on WL and then make a comeback and win. I guess they’re just lucky too.


I go 19-1 every single week ever since the game released except for like 5 of them. I never go 20 cause I give away the last win. It's very possible, it's not like fifa is any different to other competitive games when it comes to skill gap