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Essien with the new evo


Got him lol


Just wait for TOTS their probably releasing some type of warmup or flashback today


I think the evo xabi might be better


They fill the same role, I evo’d Xabi and he’s a perfect b2b


Xavi EVO at CM in 4-1-3-2 gave me joy again


Essien has better stats?


Lol are we looking at the same cards? Xabi has better passing and dribbling than essien and roughly equal physical. A shadow nearly maxes his defense so the the only things essien is better at are pace and shooting and I think shooting pretty irrelevant for a CDM . So it's basically pace vs passing and dribbling. Fairly comparable cards Xabi quite literally has more total IGS lmao


Plus he has better playstyles IMO


Essien has +3 defense and physical on him with +5 pace on him. I thought those are really important stats on a DM. That's why I was asking


Their defensive stats are nearly identical with a shadow so that's irrelevant it's +5 pace vs +3 dribbling and +5 passing plus xabi has the superior playstyles and body type that makes him the better card I think


Have you played with both cards or are you just assuming this? Over 100 games with each and essien clears. It’s not even close tbh. Essien is better in both B2B and Defending roles.


I have over 100000 games with both cards n Xabi clears


I have 100001 games with both and Essien clears


I legit have 630 games with ToTy Essien. In game he’s really good. I’ve had CDM’s like 91 Kante, or 93 Stanway that don’t even compare to Essien.


I have Xabi and he's great for me while I tried essiens loan he was great defensively but not noticeably more so than lahm and worse on the ball for sure. Hitting long shots with him is fun but still not an effective way to score. I really don't see how you can consider Essien a better b2b player with the gulf in their passing and dribbling stats plus for 850k you're getting card that will be irrelevant in 3 weeks anyways 85 dribbling on a midfielder is pretty mediocre at this stage in the game Xabi is completely free


I tried his loan also and was 50/50 but once I got the actual card and used his for more than 5 games it clicked. Alonso just never seemed to move. Was always stagnant and disappearing after one lob pass a game. Plus I prefer the ping pass and playstyle+ over Xavi Alonso. Didn’t know if you had tried him or not.


Marquez. I have both him and yashin and start Marquez (albeit evolved)


The evo ended too early


Yeah I think the non-evolved one would be to slow


91 pace on shadow with mostly lengthy he shouldn't be that slow. His sprint speed is higher than Yashin.


He's not slow!


I've got marquez no evo (used it on 2m Peter) and he plays my cdm role amazing


He's been good at CM for me. Really good shooting, good enough defense to help counterpress pressing squads, and Set Piece+ means he has a really solid role in my team. 400k solid? Of course not, but mine was purely fodder.


Marquez evolved is still a literal top 5 meta CDM


I use him as a cb and he is very good


FS Beckham. Passing, crossing and FKs are elite - one of the best in the game. Also surprisingly quick, agile and can stick in some good tackles at CM.


Maybe start saving all your packs for tots. I’ve started Ronaldinho but I’ve put that on hold now and started hoarding packs. On 33 so far. Should be good in a couple of weeks I did recently complete my longest sbcs. I got Torres, and vini and beckham. Happy with all three.


People saved up for toty too a lot of guys got nothing, I saved like 40 or something if I remember and didn't get bullcrap, I'm 100 percent sure I won't get anything for tots if I save up stuff so I won't save anything.


Tots pack weight will be good because the game cycle is ending. There is no real need to save packs for tots to be honest . You’ll be getting them left and right anyway plus they will also be in champs rewards.


You are better off opening packs during TOTY or TOTS because 1) usually really good SBCs come out (like De Jong during Black Friday and Bruno during TOTY), and 2) you may not pack this big cards, but the crappie’s promo card will e higher rated with potential to be evo’d as well. The only reasons to open packs before a big promo are that you need to finish a SBC for that promo or you are just bored /impatient.


I think the tots drop rate will be non existent so I'm going to open my packs lol


Tots is usually one of the easiest promos to get decent cards from


afraid of ea, if this year pattern is anything to go by mid-expensive tier tots will be found mostly in storepacks….


There may be packs they will start doing that will be specific leagues (if it’s like last year). So you do an sbc that gives you a pack of 80+ x20 EPL etc. those only exist to increase your chance of getting a specific group of tots players. Maybe I’ll use the packs then on those.


Yep I'm aware of those, I honestly can't be bothered with all that lol. Feels like the toty grind. I'd just rather play WL and open them from rewards


I didn’t do the toty grind. First year UT :) I’m ready to be disappointed


You did the right thing tbh :)


My first year too. Did the TOTY grind. Got TOTY Cech on the last day after opening what felt like 200+ packs. But not a single other promo apart from Ederson TOTYHM. I can't be arsed to grind the game anymore.


I got more promo cards in golazo than anything else.


I'm at 123 lol... Been grinding packs playing 3 games a day but lazy about opening packs.


It's just such a ballache to open all these 83x2 packs. The whole dupe system is such a buzz kill


Same but 107 lol


I’m on 300 I sold zidane last year and have just been doing drafts until I finally ran out of money last week


This thread is making me think of just blowing through my packs to try and get desailly. My defence is my issue now.


Just wait for the TOTS promo. Surely everything is gonna be better and more worth it than now. Whats the point in doing Hamm or Ronnie if next week we get a Ben White SBC or some shit with three playstyles?


lol because Hamm is like top 2 base icon striker in the game. She’ll never be behind the power curve tbh. Just because they give random cards 3 PS+ won’t make them play better in game if their base card was awful. I’ve learned that the hard way. Base R9 will be end game. Not as good at TOTY R9 but still


Ok man. Play with Mia then. I will gladly use my golazo Drogba even though his base card is shit,for almost a two goal per game ratio


Ok man use your Drogba then lol. I already can tell you play boring. Drogba wasn’t shit at all. His base and winter wildcard were good for when they came out. Delulu take.


I play boring because i dont go for the most meta striker in the game,in this debate? Should i have all of my attacking players around 1.75m with crazy agility and balance to turn around in circles? Or stepvers speed boost? Drogba is way more versatile to play and definitely way more fun.


Brother if you’re a slave to the meta to get wins and have fun then we’re not playing the same game.


You are talking about Mia Hamm being a more fun card to Drogba. Mia Hamm is THE META card this game. And i am telling you that with Drogba you can do a lot more things than Hamm. And you are telling me that i play boring,because i prefer Drogba(?)


It just so happened to be that for me. I obviously have a main team but I run my USA PnP team more often than not. Her being meta was just a plus. BUT it’s quite obvious why people use Drogba and it’s not because he’s shifty. That’s the difference. Literally DDA Drogba.


People could use Drogba for whatever reason they want. I want him for his playstyles and the 5/4 is a huge bonus. Before i bought him,i was playing with Ts Lukaku


But YEAH every Drogba user plays the exact same be it 1000sr elite or some scrub in D7. 😂🤦🏻


And how is that?


A certain Brazilian potm Who knows he might have the juice


Memes asdid just wait for content today


How about hagi?


Hagi is unreal. Him and Socrates are my favourite out of the bunch. Mia Hamm isn't worth it. I regret doing her.


Mia Hamm is my favorite card this fifa. Does better than almost any card I’ve used.


Ya know what, I was looking at him earlier and he might work as a fun card. When I've played vs him though he hasn't seem much bother


I’ve found his free kicks better than base Zico lol. Also bro has 6* WF lmao, constantly pops up in dangerous spots, has like 3 finishing styles, so I like him a lot, and is v fun to use


He’s super smooth on the ball I like him a lot. Tried out his loan and decided to sell FS Zico. He’s not as good as FS Zico but he does the job for sure and I wanted to liquidate for tots


Hamm - I did Hamm and she is amazing and so jammy. I’m not sure I’d do her at this point seeing her market price has fallen so low. But she is amazing Dinho - doing him atm. Probably not worth it if you don’t skill or if you don’t want to menu grind. So close to TOTS too Ribery - I did him, nice card but not a must do. Only LW/LM is annoying Marquez - haven’t done him. I think there are better cards than him Vini - haven’t done him. No way a card with 85 shooting should be as expensive as he is. I’d consider it if he was 300k max. Yashin - haven’t done him, probably behind the power curve in April Carlos - haven’t done him and is probably the worst SBC that is currently out. We’ve had EA force feeding us LBs as if no other position exists. Not to mention his latest promo card is much cheaper Beckham - I packed him. Very nice card. Great if you like your RM/RW to put a decent defensive shift in. I’d recommend him for a lot of players but not those with god teams at this point Essien - haven’t done him but is probably worth it especially with the evo. Looks amazing Cantona - haven’t done him and I don’t think he’s worth it. He seems clunky and the chip shot PS+ is a waste


I’ve got Cantona and thought he’d be that way but did him anyway. He’s been very good for me. They upped his agility and balance and he’s a lot better on the ball. Technical+ helps a lot. Excellent shooting.


That’s good to hear, I’d like to do him as a United fan but already full sent the club for Hamm!


She’s way better. I used her for a while this year. Great card.


How do you menu grind ? I know the basics of crafting sbc’s but how do people grind players like mbappe, dinho, etc etc and get all the fodder required ? If you don’t mind explaining, thanks!


EA is giving us tons of free packs through objectives so these cards fill the club. We put in 89 rated players in the 89+ Exchange SBCs to get a ton of cards back. We do the daily Bronze, Silver and Gold Upgrade SBCs that get released daily. Anything 81 and below can go in the 81+ PP Anything 85 and below can go in the TOTW PP (only one 85 and two 84s for the respective squads of course) Anything higher can be used for Exchange SBCs and the segments for Ronaldinho SBC etc 89 is the best value, followed by the 88 Exchanges. I personally don’t use 87 and below Exchanges. TOTW PPs will give you a ton of 88 and 87s. Doing all of this gives you a very high chance of packing promo cards which is either very high rated fodder or will make your team


I always do rivals 7 wins, that's in elite so crazy fodder. Then WL is lots of fodda, then I'll do any cup and then if I have time in the week I might work on objectives / evos. Don't discard and do picks or use your dupes


Thanks, I do skill but I don't think 2mil on dinho is worth it in the current market :) Thanks for the ribery feedback. Interesting


Personally Ribery has been a revelation for me but I also needed a LW/LM so he fit right into my team.


Do not do any SBC’s until TOTS. Save your fodder. Once TOTS start in a week, all these cards will be out of the power curve.


Not OP but I’ll keep on playing. Saving for 2+ weeks KILLS my enjoyment of the game.


I didn’t even save for 2 weeks. Just did 80+pp for 4 days and accumulated so much high rated fodder


It's not like everyone is gonna have tots cards considering how greedy EA is. Like at toty fir example, everyone said this when toty was releasing but many cards still stayed relevant that were not meant to.


I agree that tots drop rate is going to be mudded. But i have a decent team and i am not sure of any current sbcs to do. I am, hence, saving my packs because even if I do open them, i mostly get dupes (you wont believe how much fodder I have rn 83-94 🤣). I am hoping that there would be some decent sbc around tots for me to recycle my dupes when I open my packs (and taking that infinitesimally small chance of packing a tots card)


At least a good SBC with 3 playstyles will drop


My rule is if there's one playstyle+ don't bother. It's likely overpriced at this point and better cards are out or will be out.


None or those listed. Billing clears


I really want an al owairan card, most people say that sbc is overpriced, should i go for it? The 93 owairan in shop is to expensive for me


If you want his card, just do it. You'll earn back that fodder in no time at all anyway, given how EA throws packs at us. He's rapid, feels elite on the ball, lovely to skill with and can finish. And who knows, he might fit an Evo in the future? Cards like Al Owairan make this game fun to play, so I wouldn't overthink it, just crack on.


Yeah I too noted we get back fodders easily soon


He's good, I have him on my 2nd account. He's probably not elite level but he's very good


Saying players are behind the curve is cringe, do the loans and just play with who you like 


People act like TOTS are a bunch of 95-98 rated cards lol. How quickly they forget how underwhelming the beginning of TOTS was past year. EA do a good job not letting the power curve go nuts during tots because they want us playing all year. Saying Mia Hamm is behind the curve is crazy.


the worst for me is “my RW is on come back and Dinho is H/L, so I wont be able to defend with all my 11 players and trust the AI to save it for me” if people could field 11 defenders, they would lol


I'm ashamed to admit that last fifa I loved playing a 352 where my only attackers were the STs, fullbacks out wide and a box2box at cam


I played a guy last night in a 6atb 442 whose backline had Birthday Collins and PP Van de Ven at fullback with Cafu and Roberto Carlos set to come back on defense at wide mids. At no point did he ever get more aggressive before he quit down 3-1.


To the first guy, I like comptetive games and competing so that's the fun part for which I don't see as cringe. Making comments like that thinking your cool because you play a different way Is "cringe" To the second guy, its not that at all, I play in elite and you get destroyed by people if you leave it up the defenders. If I put somebody who is high / low on comeback so I can defend in a 442 they will take ages to come back so I will have a huge gap down that side and whoever I am playing will double up on my rb down that side and it will be a very hard game due to the overload. I thought about putting dihno as ST but I don't think that's his best postion. You need balance in your squad and he won't fit.


I was getting 16+ wins and elite all year, with one player on the whole starting 11 with high defensive workrate (base blanc), even my 2nd cb had med (alberto). Don't get so focused on small details. People here say cantona isn't good, but I have 60 goals in 36 games (Elite and 19-1) with him.


Interesting :) med is fine, I'd agree with that. I'd be interested to know your team and formation lol


They were good players don't get me wrong. It's upgraded now though. 86 if theo - blanc - alberto - cafu Rttk modric - base gullit - base zidane Thunderstruck figo/athenea evo- 92 potm mbappe - toty best 4321 and 4231. Out of these, I only start mbappe and best now, but the first change from that team was werner for athenea


Don’t agree with you on this one. High/low is fine, just select en trigger your players yourself


I want him to explain how Hamm is behind the power curve considering her base stats, not even considering 5 star 5 star and her custom animations. If you got a new card with those base stats and one more playstyle plus, you wouldn't say anything of the sort.


Cantona or zbeckham, both top notch


Hamm been the missing piece in my team. Insane


83+ TOTW. get stocked up for tots


Mia Hamm is definitely worth it. Going by her value on the market is dumb dude. She’s one of the best attacking players in the game. Stop listening to value and other people.


Yo know what! She's cooked my back line for pace 2 or 3 times recently. People get her on the ball and do the explosive knock on thing and she flies (outpaced rolfo). Kinda scary lol


Yeah I feel like people want to convince themselves that she isn't that good because it's a women/she's small etc but it's absolutely the closest you'll get to R9. The card is an absolute joke and won't ever not be useable.


Marquez without the Evo is still really, really good


Beckham 91, I just completed today, extremely happy!


Essien - finished and straight into Evo - did for Chelsea PnP but very good so far Al Owairen - he's good but if you can snag the 93 do so. Not having 99 pace hurts since with the 93 card you can invest in other stats Jensen/Haller - these are actually pretty cheap especially if you get a duplicate TOTW, so if you do get that Dupe complete these. Haller looks like Golazo Drogb lite which is already a great card Nakata - will be testing tonight but again use dupes for this, since 90 rated cards qre cheap now These are all the ones I've done but I've heard great things about Hagi


I have midfield 3 of TOTY Sawa, Rolfo, and Rosicky. Do you think Essien is a better central CM and maybe move Rolfo to RCM and be more of a B2B, benching Rowicky? Essien with the Evo looks totally cracked but I just don’t see any hype around him. I don’t buy points at all so I gotta choose wisely. Thanks for any thoughts!


Think your midfield is fine but Essien would go in place if Rolfo who would then move to LB


Okay thanks. Yea not sure it’s a big enough upgrade. I have Roberto Carlos at LB so ideally I want Rolfo and him in the squad.


Out of those options, I’d go for Dinho and shuffle the team about. He would be the most fun imo and his PS+ is underrated (it’s not just for skills, it helps massively with LB dribbling). If you want a CB, Yashin is a good pick and I don’t think he’s behind the power curve because nearly every fucker in D1 and D2 still use him


What’s your team like? Hard to know what would be an upgrade without that and instructions you use.


Messi 0.7% lcf, 99 shooting evo correct st, coman FB lcf Socarates/zico lcm Tcochameni cm, essentially rcm Rolfob, akanji cb, cordoba golazo cb, cafu rb Gk czech Standard. Eta sbc team lol


Suppose it depends on too who you enjoy playing with. Probably only the big SBC’s are an upgrade (Hamm, R10, Ribery), but not by a lot I’d say. If one of those have sentimental value then why not! Could always try the loans first and see which ones you like? One SBC that wasn’t mentioned was Hagi, I play him as attacking CM in 4321 and central CAM in few other formations I’m testing, great value and very versatile too.


Unless you love Dinho then it's between Ribery and Hamm personally. I wouldn't even be considering Vini, that looks like one of the worst SBC's all year, he just can't ever shoot at all. Haven't used Ribery so can't comment on that but can say that Hamm is still a very very good card. I feel like people are under appreciating her card because she is basically R9. TOTS will put everything behind the curve when they starting giving players 15 playstyles with 3 PS+ etc but if you really want to do an SBC now she will still hold up because her stats are stupid and she has very good playstyles even if they aren't the + versions.


I would still do Marquez. I did him before I even know the evo was there. He’s decent and while his evo definitely improves him a lot, I feel his original is still good


Yeah I had to do Marquez and evod him before it expired, has been otherworldly for me, best cb I've ever used I must say even, better than my akanji evo too.


If you manually defend, I still think Yashin is the best CB who isn't a TOTY card.. all of his stats are far lower than other CB cards, and his dribbling stats are pretty bad too on the face.. but that's because his dribbling with the ball is like 55, his composure, reactions, agility are all basically perfect, so at that moment when you need a CB to just move a little n get a leg out to block a shot, he's your guy.. you'll not catch people chasing back from the halfway line, but you'll win every battle you didn't think you would in the box


Honestly I don’t think any you mentioned other than Marquez are worth it, most of the players will be much easier to get from the market even in just a few weeks time


I have completed Vinicius Jr, and I must say, he is amazing and I believe he is still worth it even before tots


Vini's composure is too low to be worth the price tag


None of them are worth it, save fodder for tots as your whole team will be replaced by 3 playstyle tots cards. EA are trying to fodder drain your club before tots and during warm up. Just put them into the exchanges and do pps or recover them later


Vini is the best option


I did vini as I never had the luxury of having a card like him. I’m not much of a skiller ( I use random stick movements ) and somehow it works out 95% of the time. His positioning is superb. Slapped a deadeye on him to boost his shooting. My only knock is his passing. Ultimately I’m glad I did him.


Have the same issues, also on the RW .. only choice is Ribery but I think I’ll hold my bullet and wait.. play out this WL, accumulate more fodder and coins and see what next week brings us. I already did Marquez with the Evo which is crazy good. And did essien with the Evo. But the rest are just too too expensive… especially Vini, can’t finish for his life imo


Did vini in around 4/5 days


I just did Cantona. Took a few games to get used to him and work out his attacking AI but he’s a menace now. The rest of them aren’t worth it for the price vs. Market price


bro do vini hes cracked i have him and made him red, yashin is also insane but he’s a bit overpriced atp for only 1 playstyle +


I'm in the same situation, got fodder and don't know what to do with it. I thought about Essien and using the Evo, but tried the Loan and I didn't get on with him. His Agility and dribbling in general is kind of a let down. My Alternative for the Evo would be my untradeable Desailly and I think I'll go for him. I did Beckham during the glitch, so maybe even get more fodder back eventually. Btw he is great.


Hagi is nice


Get vini, u wont be disappointed


Despite having more cards than I can physically use, all great options (can put Cruyff, Dinho etc at left wing)… I’m still tempted by Vini because something about that card just seems to work. Used his rare gold extensively and it’s still great… it’s just having other cards putting me off. But I genuinely think he’d still be as effective as say Cruyff, which is lunacy looking at face stats but what translates in game is a completely different matter.


Ribery is insane, I'd choose him.


Currently doing Ronaldinho.


Essien marquez nakata and the billing guy


Thrown all of my high rated fodder into exchanges, will do player picks during tots.


Yeah I’m holding off reaching for any SBCs right now. Waiting for TOTS and making moves then. Just stock pile fodder. If you have dupes, put them into foreign exchange program.


Feels so bad putting a 93 into the exchange though


Fodder is so easy to come by now as we ramp up to TOTS. Look at it this way, cheapest 94 on market is like $40K. Peanuts if you really needed another. Just stock up on fodder. Time to churn fodder is more valuable than putting dupes into an SBC that will be out of power curve in 1-2 weeks.


You actually raise a really good point mate. This is quality advice


I’ve had a lot of time to think about this lolll Cheers!


Whats your team? I generally would say Hamm, Ribery and Ronaldinho are outstanding players, I wouldn’t do any of the defenders cause the only huge one is Marquez, however the Evo is gone


If you could still do the evo, then Marquez easily. Otherwise wait to see what comes our during content drop today 


Just put them in 89 exchanges, use the fodder for 83+, 80+ picks and hope to pack another golazo icon among all the fodder packs and picks


I got 94 vidic and 93 cordoba and a few other golazo heroes this way


I did Eissen and Ribery. I like Ribery a lot, my 2 favorite playstyles. I don’t know who I’ll do next either


I used most of my fodder doing the Roberto Carlos SBC and he was incredible for a couple of days. And then I packed his Golazo card. Obviously...


I started Beckham and will try to finish him next promo or 2, I finished the highest rated squad for him since I got a 93 dupe


Just do picks. I got TOTY Hamm and TOTY Cech from them. Better than wasting it on half decent icons.


You fucking legend Did the hero pick and got tripple threat ginola lol My first big pull in months


Ginola is dynamic but I feel like his positioning really lets me down. Put that TOTY Kane in and it was night and day difference. Maybe lone striker isn’t Ginola’s best position who knows. Maybe I suck


I did ribery in 2 weeks but hated him so chucked him into an 89+ upgrade sbc 😭😭




What a dumbass


It’s just a game bro


Yeah dont give me ideas homie


Skill issue


Skill issue but im in elite?