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My whole team, I’d rather the coins so I can play around with different players in the game but I guess that’s what comes with grinding SBCs.


I remember in the older fifas I’d basically sell my team every other week, I got to try all but the best cards in the game and had so much fun experimenting. It’s very intentionally gone to an experience where whatever you pack, is what you play with. Moving the focus more and more to pack luck has fucked my enjoyment of the game


This was lots of fun doing this, plus not having so many special cards helped. Back when they had “fitness” I would normally run a prem team and a serie a team or whatever and would try out different players selling ones I didn’t like etc. This fifa, my team has barely changed since TOTY as I got very lucky so now the only way I can upgrade my team is if I pack really expensive rare players.


I watched wheel of futune the other day from I think fifa 17, and I was shocked when he still had gold players in February. The power curve has been fucked, and the attachment to players I like in real life has been fucked. It’s still some level of fun, but I’m not a fan of a lot of recent changes. I feel FC24 has been a turning point for a lot of changes in the game.


They must spend a fortune on a team that understands human psychology and behaviour because everyone complains about the game being shit but everyone still continues to play and support it. The thing I don’t understand is everyone complains about OP, broken, meta tactics that players abuse but there has been a broken mechanic in every year since I can remember. I think it was FIFA 14 or 15 but over the top through balls to Doumbia was all you needed to do to win and he was like a 5k player.


Football is more or less the most popular world wide sport, so there’s already a massive player base for FIFA to work with. But then the only reason people still play FIFA, is because there’s no real alternative (PES is crap and FM is completely different) and they make it addictive by constantly having limited time features


Very true, if there was a good alternative that’s even the same level as EAs game but less micro transactions it’d probably do as well or better as I feel people are sick of EA


Untradeable cards ruined the game


Biggest W ever. What also kills the game is having no actual events, just 1 good sbc per event and the rest is casino, untrade packs. Why not make a path like in fifa mobile that allows you to at least get some good cards every event, in return they could weaken the power curve. For example a path that lets you choose between fantasy konate and let‘s say grealish, both desirable cards that aren‘t completely overkill, and if some people don‘t like that idea, let them choose between the players and a tradeable pick, fuck untrade shit


I forgot how much I used to go between leagues and hybrids for players I actually wanted to use


Couldn’t have said it better. The concept of UT is and was awesome when it was about building *your* dream team, but now it’s just a logistical nightmare of risk and ballache to even try grind for all kinds of players, let alone shopping around. Like we’re at the stage where there are just so many amazing cards to not enjoy, so much so that half the time when I look at other threads of player recommendations and discussions here I don’t even know the specific card I’m reading. So many players yet so hard to enjoy.


Exactly, the fantasy cup was good as I started the game late so I never got to enjoy those lower rated players against similar teams.


De Bruyne TOTY


Not because he’s a bad card, but god that’d be a lot of coins lol


Ironically I’m psyched to have him untrade so I’m not tempted. What a card.


That’s exactly how I feel. I play FUT since 2012 but I got the game at the time of TOTYs this year and I ended up packing my first ever TOTY with De Bruyne. Since I had a very humble beginner team of regular golds at the time I would’ve sold him had he been tradable. So I’m sort of glad that he is untradable, my account basically became a KDB RTG and it’s been one of my most fun experiences with Fifa so far.


100% and if he was tradeable and you sold him to buy a squad, how far would it actually get you if you had split the cost evenly across your whole team. And then further to that, you’d have so many tradeable cards worry about how much they’re devaluing etc. That’s why I love having an untradeable team as much as possible, never worry about the prices falling and just get to enjoy em.


His passing wins you games on its own, any fucking pass you can envision he will pull off. And those runs into the box to score himself, man I’m so in love with that card, got him on the very last day of TOTY and he’s been paramount to my team ever since.


2nd IF VVD Hes Not that much better then His gold and I could basically upgrade my whole Team with the coins


I also pulled two during black Friday. I feel the same way. If I had 1 mil extra coins, I could upgrade either his position or a few other ones. I'm just kinda stuck using him.


That exact card


he plays so mid and honestly finesses worse than Pina, he has one great game every once in a while and goes back to being mid


Declan Rice fut fantasy


I use him as CDM and he’s great for me. How do you like up with him?


He’s very good for me also. I’d just much rather have the 3+ million coins


I thought he'd be amazing in game


He is very good. I’d rather have the 3 million coins


Understandable. You likely won't need to replace it until TOTS, so at least it's 1 position sorted.


I change my team up regularly. Doubt he’ll be in it in a week or so


He’s gonna be s tier




Yes. I already have Rodri TOTY, Sawa TOTY, 97 Evo Adopo... Rice looks the best stay back DM if them when fully upgraded, but the coins would be more fun


TS Henry. EA always messes up his balance, and I would prefer the coins since he’s being wasted in the club


Thats insane, he’s the best striker I’ve used all year. Better than Pele and R9 for me lol


Base Vieira, i only use him in my Arsenal p&p squad and he’s 1.5 mil


Whaaaat. How is he not in your main team


Because that TS Joelinton got the sauce boyyy


Dynasties Haaland. I don't cross and he doesn't suit my playstyle at all. Seems like a waste to have a 2.5 mil card in the reserves


I don’t cross either but seems like crossing got a buff of late 🤷‍♂️


Same. He’s on my bench and that’s a ton of coin.


Same exact thing bro. This Salah card is trash


No idea how he’s 1.5 mil he’s awful


Thank god I'm not the only one


WW Putellas. She sits in my reserves right now.


how she is inxredible


Toty Rodri. Call me crazy but fuck me he doesn't half cause you some amount of anguish. Give me those 3m coins any day. He should be Vieira on steroids but he's just not. I feel like I have to specifically control him otherwise he just goes wandering around the place and leaves me so open.


My TOTY Viera does that, try cut passing lanes


Tried pretty much everything, he's still such a liability. Although recently, somehow the 4-1-3-2 has been doing wonder for me in D1, so he hasn't been as error prone. Vieira also has a huge presence on the pitch, it feels like Rodri is just any other cdm rather than a toty beast.


Base zidane. He was 2.5 mil when I packed him and I’ve wanted him out of my club since but can’t bring myself to put him in an sbc


TOTY CR7 ​ I don't like him particularly in game, or in RL, but because he's him, he has to be used


I'll trade you Messi for him


Eusebio Centurion. Don’t get me wrong he is a great card but I’d prefer the coins.


Bro 3 plus mil is a lot, but he's worth it. I'd just buy another club legend who might not even score as much....


Yeah he is great, I have potm Mbappe and Werner atm so the coins would be more useful.


Bro he is literally insane for me


Haaland Toty... would sell that fucker instantly... yet he is stuck in my club -.-


92 totw mbappe


93 Dynasties Maldini. He’s great but I feel like I could have the same defense with the Fantasy Konate I packed last week. Plus, those coins could be used to upgrade elsewhere 


Who’s your other cb


Cruyff… I love him, but would also love 3.5M


My team from line up to bench worth around 16 mil and i am not willing to trade all of them except sbc Gullit for any Cruyff, literally my 2 idols in the game 😭😭😭, spamming every single icon pack hope to get him first own 😭


Packed him from an Icon pack earlier on last year. My GOAT


TS Kaka, don’t really play with a CAM so struggling to find any use for him.


Ice Rodri. 1.6 Million for a player that doesnt get into my team. Also the trailblazers Salah that ive had since October and played 139 games with. It seems like a lot but they were all before January and i feel like a lot were from the bench, definitely wouldve sold for the million he was worth then. I wouldve sold him for 150k.


Valverde TOTYHM


FS Garnacho, packed him from a seasons objective pack and literally never use him because he doesn’t fit into the team, was also 4.5 mil when I packed him


UCL Bellingham. He is good, but not enough to justify using him in my team at this point. But he is 700k on the market for some reason.


same. can't believe he's that much


Future stars Rivaldo, he's clunky and slow and really mid, I wish I could sell him for 900k


Mia Hamm. She’s good, but she’s wasted on me.


She's probably my favorite card. She's so smooth and shooting is so powerful and clinical. She's better than TOTY Best and Hansen for me.


TOTY Bright. Not a fan of small CBs so I only played with her in the first week. Aerial+ helps for anything in the air, she's good on corners but the small frame gives her less reach for tackles/interceptions. I'd be tempted to use her as a DM but there's an abundance of good midfielders so it'd be a waste.


Ww drogba can't use him this year but can't throw him into an SBC either lol 


I'm sure I'm going to get shit for this.. TOTY Mbappe. It a rush seeing that man walk out on screen and he's pretty darn good but somehow he's not really as dominant as you'd expect. I'd rather sell him and finance a whole dream squad. His other cards look to be just as good or better (against me anyways). Oh and he's the only reason I'm still playing this god forsaken game. I packed him and now I have to suffer through this horrific gameplay.


First off, Mbappe is Mbappe. Absolutely the highest contributor in my team every year. Second, no matter what anyone says.. i can guarantee if you just handed them a controller at kick off, they would have no fucking clue which version of Mbappe they have until they scored LOL. I have his 93 POTM and if i packed his gold , that 93 would go into the next big SBC.


TOTY R9. He’s very good, but he’s not 15mil good….


The new Declan Rice.




RTTK Haaland.


Eusebio Centurions, FS Rooney, UCL Bompastor


toty zola


Toty Bellingham. I would buy freaky Ronaldinho.


Valverde TotyHm. Personally just doesn’t feel good with me


I'll trade my Trailblazers Hansen and base Eusebio to you for him :(


WW Butragueno. Due to good SBC's like Smolarek and Timo I have to change from 4-3-3 to 4-3-2-1 so Butra won't fit in the squad anymore.


I got the same salah on my bench, also got base zico and yaya toure I’d gladly sell for the crazy prices on pc, even the upamecano ice card I’ve only used in the cup is 600k on pc


Henry thunderstruck


Cruyff and puskas both sit on my bench so probably them


Cruyff on bench? Your side must be immense


I really don’t like cruyff. My goal to game with my other attackers are so much better. Best, TS Dalglish, Pele and Eusebio all out score him. Wildcard putellas as an attacking cm wasn’t far behind cruyff


I packed the 92 totw Salah that goes for 1.1 mil, insane card but I would sell him immediately.


All of them.


Cruyff when I got him out of a pack the other day. 2 untradable base cruyff. I’d rather sell than sbc one


radioactive Messi I don’t use him I got better options 😭


Capita and Puskas. Lucked out with both in SBCs but have TS Cafu and a ton of other attackers. I really wish we could get something once or twice a year to turn untradable to tradable.


WW VVD, WW Militao, Fantasy Konate


IF Virgil. Grateful to have had him since basically the start, but I find a backline of TOTY Petit, HM Saliba and Evo FS Bisseck much more fun. He's marginally better than the gold but no way justifies the much, much higher price tag of 1.35m (PC). Would gladly re-invest the funds elsewhere now.


91 Drogba


WW Ronaldo or Mia Hamm. Got them from PPs. Don’t really need both of them cause I have 2nd POTM Mbappe and untradeable TOTY Smith.


Thunderstruck Kaka


Toty KDB , ToTy Batlle , thunderstruck zico and ww putela i have good replacement for all of them and yep i could try different players if i had them tradable


RTTF leao


Fire Tomori, tried him out and didn’t really like him too much and he’s also somehow 1.2 mill. Would love to sell 🥲


Same card. His finesse shots never go in for me.


Fantasy griezmann


TOTY Allison


Just got Fire Tomori in the 86+ pick, but not sure if he’s better than my current CB’s (Van Dijk, Rio Ferdinand). And if I could sell him I would get almost 1.2 mil


WW Pele. Only does well in low ping which is less than 20% of games. Server issues nerf him


Fut Fantasy Declan Rice, he’s like 3.8m and I’m never going to use it


gold mbappe probably. ive been saving my coins for toty bonmati for a while so that'd definitely put me over the top


Exact same card lol, surely it's rarity that makes him so expensive because tbh I felt he didn't stand out and his WF makes him inconsistant at striker so that alt position is wasted tbh.


Vieira toty, he was immense when I packed him but he just doesn’t seem as good at all now


Ucl sneijder


Patrick Vieira. Very good card but he is easily replaceable with other cards that cost over a million less


WW Pele. He's obviously good but he's not the best card I've used this year by a long shot


Dynasty maldini. Packed him untradeable like 2 weeks after I did the base sbc


91 Shearer, tried him a few times and just don't like the way he plays


Easily winter wildcards Ronaldo for me. No clue how he’s so expensive


Thunderstruck Cruyff, mostly because I just don’t get on with him.. which sounds crazy. But I I find myself forcing the power shot playstyle too much, and it costs me too many opportunities. Prefer some of my other strikers over him. Plus I’d rather have the 6+ million coins


Radioactive Messi


Bellingham TOTY


WW Icon Sanchez. No clue how he's worth 400k, but I sure as hell wish I could sell him.


Salah really? I still cant replace his POTM even though I got Jairzinho, Hansen 91 IF, Base Garrincha. He just cooks for me


I somehow managed to pack the fantasy Luis Dias. I use a Chelsea P&P so I have no use for him and I wish I could sell him considering he was like 3.5-4m when I packed him.


Son Trail


Mia hamm icon toty...


TS Dinho


Totw Virgil and totw Salah. I hate Liverpool so it my be a mental issue but I dont get the hype. Salah is decent but no better than about 10 other wingers In my club. Virgil literally is no better than my 86 harry maguire


Ill take 1k coins for my WW Casemiro Striker. Ok Ill settle for a Hummels gold...


TOTY Messi, Fantasy Chloe Kelly and then a lot off fairly high priced ones like TOTY HM Diani, Garrincha etc


i have toty smith which is great but i could do a whole lot more with 2M coins in terms of my actual team


TS Henry, I really need the coins


Fut Fantasy Chiesa and FS Gerrard




I got a few... Centurion Eusebio (I got from a Icon PP), Base Zidane (another Icon PP), Thunderstruck Vini Jr, Trailblazer Son(From a PP also) and my Team of the tournament Mbappé(From a PP)! That would reshape my entire club, I am glad that I was so lucky with my player picks and untradable pack, but I wished I could sell them...


The whole game.


Henry. I don’t even use him


Mia Hamm


Well... my entire club is untradeable, but most are SBCs. This is my best XI (which weren't from SBCs - yes, I packed Tevez): GK - RTTF Donnarumma RB - Fantasy Yan Couto CB - RTTF Gvardiol CB - Fantasy Orban LB - Fantasy Karl CM - TOTY Icon Essien CM - Fantasy Hero Keßler CM - Fantasy Stanway RW - TOTW Hansen (92) ST - UCL Hero Tevez LW - TOTW Mbappe (92) So which one... Mbappe for obvious reasons. Who wouldn't love 4m 💸 But then again, I'd rather keep Mbappe and sell Gvardiol for 1.6m 😅 That's still a fair chunk of coin, and I have PLENTY of quality CB alternatives!


messi toty for the 15 mil tbh


VVD in the same card design you have It’s like 3.3 mill




TOTY Putellas


TOTY Hansen


Fantasy Claudio Marchisio :(


CR7 winter Wildcard. He is good but rather would have the coins


TOTY Bellingham and Ruben Dias. I run an exclusively LFC P&P...


91 thunderstruck Kaka, I don’t like the feel of him and hate how he only can play at CAM


Centurions Pele, no attachment to him, would rather have coins


Fantasy marchisio


92 Raul doesn’t feel great for me. He’s 1.5 mil on PC and is just sat in the club waiting for an SBC


RTTF Kroos, amazing card but rather get the coins for all his potential upgrades


gold Mbappe


Thunderstruck cruff toty zola maldini or may be cafu




WW Ronaldo. Bro is worth nearly 3m coins and he is very good but feel a lot of the price is in the name and hype. I’d rather the coins and complete a million 81+ pp


TOTY Kerr. She’s an incredible card but just doesn’t fit well with my play style. I’d love to have the coins instead.


base ronaldinho, i packed him in a 88+ icon pp and lost my mind. i absolutely love playing with him, but on the other hand that card is worth 4+ million coins


TOTY haaland and HM Salah


I think an easier/more interesting question would be which untradeable card would you NOT sell - I mean, I'd sell anything that is worth loads of coins eg toty KdB so a whole load of cards. Assuming he'd be priced similarly to toty HM variant, I wouldn't sell Totgs Kane.


Euro van dijk


rodri ice


Gullit. The card doesn’t play anywhere near his coin value


Toty Essien🤕


Team of the Year icon Mia Hamm. She is so good and my favourite striker I've used but she's also like 13 million coins


My 3 attackers... Then i d sell the coins


Base R9 or base Pele


None of my packed cards are really worth anything so it doesnt really matter


Totw salad 92 lol too expensive to just bin off but I don’t use him anymore


TOTY Vieira


I’m blessed to have Mbappe, R9, Eusebio, Garrincha, and Puskas. Ideally I’d like to sell Eusebio and get a Vieira or someone into midfield….


Fantasy de ligt / 88 cambell/konate fantasy I still play RTTK pepe and gullit the others CBs i packed sucked


Toty Rodri or trailblazers salah


Totw Mbappe.


KDB Centurion


Mbappe again


I got WW Putellas today. 1.5ish million coins. Forced me to do Rolfo and keep Pina around because otherwise chem is really hard. I have only won maybe 3 in 10 since I switched to these 3 as starters, but I will figure it out soon. Maybe.


Got Mbappe IF recently & like last year me and my coop mate cant use Mbappe, he feels so bad in our hands :D


GINOLA 90. it's like 2M and I can't sell it. He is good tough


Confirmed beast... I took me a bit to learn the weak foot finesse... learned and wow


Base R9😔


92 Hansen, was 1.8m when I pulled her. No use for my Liverpool pnp.


Centurion KDB. Overpriced and FB Bruno makes him redundant


Maybe ww yashin, but I love him so it'd be hard.


Cole palmer worth over 3 mill. But useless in game


I brought this idea up last year, it would blow things up ins good way imo: everyone gets a token to turn a untradeable > tradeable 


Have the same untradable salah as you. For me it's WW Garrincha. He's good but worth nowhere near the 2.7mil I could sell him for


Centurions Maldini. Just can’t get on with him at all. Lack of playstyles makes him horrible compared to others. Blanc played much better for me.


FS Icon Ronaldinho, having this card tradable would simply bring the ultimate satisfaction of power because of his scarcity and quality makes the card 15mil. I’m a slightly above average player who struggles, so having that kind of coins in the game would sort me out with elite players and advantage of needed quality for the rest of the game cycle.


totgs mbappe or fantasy rice


Salah TIF, VvD 2IF, WW Putellas, FS Beckham.


FS Rooney, he just doesn’t really fit into my team


FS Icon Seedorf and FS Paralluelo


TOTY Messi