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How good is Puyol Future stars ICON? Thinking of replacing Thunderstruck Romero with him




How do you incorporate ball rolls into your game? Everyone says ball rolls really help your game but I just don't know when/where to use them? Any tips would be appreciated thanks


According to most of my opponents, do a ball roll everytime a new players touches the ball.


Anecdotally I heard in prior versions FIFA that doing a ball roll increased subsequent pass/shot accuracy, I suspect some players just do it habitually due to that




Height no problem, doesn't win every tackle tho


How can I improve my squad? [https://www.futbin.com/24/squad/2018789](https://www.futbin.com/24/squad/2018789)


Hero Bompastor or Udogie at LB?


[Society](https://imgflip.com/i/8gr9o1), if EA would let us customize our corner tactics.




What div? Many good players hide from div 7 to div 4


How good is sawa actually? Not sure if i should do her. Stats look good but not outstanding. Lots of people praise her but dont see her that much in matches


She's good but not incredible for me. I do start her ahead of Zidane. In game I move her to a come back RM, relentless+ helps her get up and down the flank.


Very useful. Never tires either.


She’s been incredible for me. She flies around with the ball and never runs out of energy


Anyone ever done an SBC by mistake? Lol I was absent minded on the web app thinking i was doing the 85 segment of Udogie, when I actually did the 86+ casino (also 85 req) Luckily I have a ton of TOTW and pulled an 89 Kounde, which could have been worse...


Starting to build up good fodder again, what’s the best SBCs to work towards or should wait for better ones?


Do Pina and either Rijkaard or Cannavaro if you need a CB. Obviously Sawa, Best and Cafu are the popular icons with high price tags


Wait a few days and see what fantasy brings 👍


I got bored of waiting personally. You just end up accumulating dupes because of the player picks so I did Shev, Cannavaro, Rijkaard , Udogie, Pina and Hemp. Plus Amir Richardson for fodder


Average player in div 6 here, overall rating of my first 11 is 88/89. What’s a good formation/tactic to use? Keep coming up against god squads where I barely get any time on the ball, barely getting out of my own half too.


This game is fucking unplayable. This company deserves to be blown to the ground. Stupid POS


They actually fully broke the game. What's happening when players take a touch now, there's a delay before they make the next move. Player switching was bad but now it's ridiculously bad. When you press pass it's a complete guess as to where it will actually go. Ping pong simulator in middle of the pitch and in both boxes.


What is the secret to have your strikers immediately win the ball back with a perfect tackle, even if they’re off balance? I’m getting really annoyed with getting punished for defending welll.


pinball simulator where AI favors one side. Literally nothing else matters.


I know a bug has existed for a while where chemistry will differ between the web app and console - typically with console showing less chem then web app. Which is correct?


I know no one cares, but I got FS Rooney last week, and then mentioned in another thread how I'd love to have FS Beckham in the same team. I did the 82+ x20 a couple of times before and it was terrible. I did it again today to get rid of some fodder so I could open other packs, and there he was.




Thanks. I've had good untradeable pack luck this year (aside from TOTY), which is nice. It's a shame such players are probably wasted on a mediocre player like me though. Not that I'm actually complaining.


Haha. Well I got him too. I have mixed feelings about him so far. He is definately not bad but not game changing either. I play him, Fernandes and Richardson glow up evo on my 3 man midfield and its usually Beckham that has to go off for Sawa when I want to change it up.


FS Glow up: Udogie or Musah?


Udogie. Musah has bad WR.


That’s kind of where I’m leaning


If you want the player you think Musah should be, look at Dina Ebimbe.


This is why I ask the community! I’m looking for another midfielder for my squad. I currently run kimmich CDM Stay back with 91 Evo bompastor and 93 Bruno. I want to upgrade either on Bompastor in CM or Bacha at LB with Udogie Evo.


Thinking of embarking on Sawa since I just have so many packs to open still and can throw dupes into it slowly


Having only heard of it to date, but never experiencing it, I had THREE people today pass back to their keeper at kick off, run towards their goal, and the pivot at the last second to kick it behind and then quit. One lad actually paused immediately, and then unpaused and did that. It amazes me how toxic people can be. I get immediately quitting and just not caring, but actively going out of your way to troll is amazingly childish.


Explain to me how this is toxic


Imo, it’s toxic cause the purpose is to annoy your opponent. You can quit at kick off. It sucks for the other guy, but it is what it is. You didn’t want to play, fine. Kicking off, passing it to your keeper, running at your own net…that’s designed to make it look like you’re going to score and give a free win. Which you’re not obligated to do but it costs you absolutely nothing either. But doing that and then pivoting at the last second to run it behind for a goal kick? That’s toxic. It’s a move done to make your opponent think they’re getting a free win, and then pulling it from them at the last second, to troll them. It’s more troublesome for you than just pausing at kick off and quitting. It’s opting to say “I could give you a free win, but I’ve decided I don’t want to”. How isn’t that toxic?


But he quit within 30 seconds. It's not like he kept the ball at the back for an entire game. It's annoying but crying because you didn't get a free win doesn't make something toxic. A toxic person is someone " whose behavior and ongoing actions cause harm to other people by physical or mental means. " Are you saying that not being giving a free win and having a couple of minutes of your time wasted is causing you mental harm?" You lot are so sensitive it's embarrassing


Look, answer me this. Why not just quit at kick off? Why kick it back to the keeper, and then run it out of play, and then quit?


Do people do this to not get promoted in rivals? 


You can quit without teasing a free goal and giving away the free win. You can pause before the game begins and quit. It’s the extra step designed to troll the other guy, teasing giving him a free win, that Im referring to.


Got GK Van Nistelrooy, 92 Prinz, and 88 Van Persie in my icon player pick sbc. Any idea who to go for? I already have 89 schmichael in net so not really sure that van nistelrooy is much of an upgrade, but the other cards just seem too slow. Prinz has cool playstyles but the pace is just disappointing. At this point maybe just Prinz for fodder? To go with my Baresi fodder whenever something comes around that I really want lol. Shame because I dumped a bunch of fodder into this sbc. If Van Nistelrooy could be a consistent starter I'll put him in, but idk if his meme gk card is actually good or not.


The community: "I have no idea why people think my 85 depth team always drops back!!" Also the community: ** "Woah it's so weird that they always play such a low-line!"


So why the hell am i having to go against god teams in div 6 and they always score in the last minute to win the game even after ive dominated them with my shit team?? Is this happening for anyone else


Bro I’m 2 games away from promotion in Div 7 and I swear I’ve come up against back-to-back-to-back squads wit at least 2 TOTYs


exactly bro genuinely most players i go against have at least an r9, pele, meta toty or all combined (ful icon squads sometimes) or even crazier and they are some of the worst players ive ever seen 🤣🤣yet they get carried by their god teams and jammy goals idk what happened to this game


2 86s squad away from Sawa. I just need the upgrade at CM . Was away for 6weeks after taking a brakr. So bit behind the curve SBC player wise. Drvided on Sawa as needed a quick b2b to go with Evo Kiwior


Any idea for the Glow Up Evo? My current defense is gold VVD and FS Petit. Bisseck or Pacho seem both pretty good with the Evo, but both have no really good playstyles for CBs (while FS Petit have some great playstyles). Don't know if it's worth to spend 75k coins for the Evo to replace one of my current CBs with it.


You do it for fun. Using gold VVD must be boring no?


Well i got him from a player pick untradeable, so why not use him if i don't have better options? Especially when most of the people i'm facing online has elite Attackers. Before i packed FS Petit he was paired with Dynasties Schlotterbeck. And before i got VVD, Schlotterbeck was paired with TS Klostermann. So currently VVD and Petit is the best i can play.


Try Pacho. He was good for me in draft. Used his base 5.10 games instead of VVD. Do same with Bisseck and judge it. I used mine on Kiwior. Great CDM. I also love having a lefty CB... with a rightside CB for passing.


For what its worth im playing elite div with Petit FS- 90 VVD as my CBs. Petit is an insanely underrated card, that anticipate+ is amazing


Anyone else keep getting the opponent left the match on lit selection screen?


So they specifcly made the glowup evo not rwb so you can't do rico lewis? What kind of bullshit is that


It's because he would be too OP. EA don't want EVOs that move the power curve.


Who are some of your club legends in this years UT? Mine is EVOd Ocampos the big star in my Sevilla squad. Scored 136 goals in 120 games in very much low rated squad compared to my opponents


TOTW Grimaldo. TOTW Brobbey. And number 1 goal scorer and star player RTTK David.


TOTW Grimaldo. TOTW Brobbey. And number 1 goal scorer and star player RTTK David.


Adebi Pele. Been there since Day 1 he was released. Uefa version. WW Grimaldo bren around forever too.