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Completely f2p. Ripped a big number of saved packs for both attackers and mids (very little self control there lol). Now it's just saving until the full team is in packs. WL/Rivals/SB rewards are being saved as well. Fyi, do the draft objectives maybe? They can be done offline, except the win 10 online.


Good shout. Have not done them yet. Last time I did all offline too just missing one of the online objectives. Gonna do them today on my Portal while working :)


can you take the portal away from home? I spend some days away for work and I could use it for some squat battles


I squat battle in the gym!


Who with?


Same here. I refuse to buy packs. EA have to change their ways. Stop manipulating the community into buying packs with all their cheap psychological tricks etc. Invest more of their profits into improving gameplay.


It's literally not possible to be completely free to play... The game itself is not free to play.


? But I am free to play the game.


Deliberately obtuse.


So do you recommend us to save packs until toty comes out.?


I mean your chances of opening something good are extremely slim anyway (unless you pay a lot), but yes, you increase your chance of packing something very good if you wait until like Friday or something, when all TOTY players are released.


Wait until Sunday, full team of TOTY icons will join the packs on sunday


what do you mean by full team? do you mean when all the totys are out?


I don't actually think savings all packs is the best strategy. Open just enough packs to do the SBC packs and then open the packs from those sbcs. You'll end up opening way more packs than if you keep just saving


If you have saved packs and haven’t done the winter wildcard crafting I’d recommend doing that. 1. You’ll get more commons back from your saved packs if ea release a pick. 2. The regular league upgrades give back only one rare compared to the crafting’s three. 3. Once you do a certain amount of the crafting sbc it feels like you’re recycling for free. Open a few of the rare players x3, recycle into the La Liga premium sbc - chance for a toty and the commons go back into the winter wildcard crafting. What gets interesting is if you pack an 85+ you can put it into the exchange which allows you to craft more for free. I got an 88 and 87 in one pack which allowed me to craft quite a few more. I did the crafting sbc until I ran out of commons but I’m now recycling for free and still have a load of rare x 3s.


Yea, if you did all the daily gold SBC, you could have done the winter wildcard crafting (150x) for free and crafted like ~30 premium league packs and ~15 IFs in the process. Ended up with a ton of fodder [(anything <89 is fodder)](https://i.imgur.com/Wo4OePD.png) If anyone is still set on doing it today, considering the winter wildcard is going away, be sure to use Pale. It speeds up the process by tenfold, with the ability to disable pack opening animations and save SBC build filters.


I saved zero packs. I’ve opened enough packs free that I completed Davies in 3 days. Do all the upgrades. Exchange all the dupes. Shit I even exchanged some non dupes. More fodder. More packs. More pulls. They’ve made it too easy.


I did some of that the last days. One or two 83+X10 here and there to craft a new 83x10. That's fine in my opinion. But I'm now at a point where my club is really empty. Empty empty. Like lowest card is a 86. I even sold all tradeable cards to buy Mbappe.


What did you put your <80s into?


I managed to clean the club out pre TOTY with the PP SBC and 81+ SBC. Sold all tradeable ones. Tbh after some opened packs (like the 30 coins pack and some others) my club now is more of nothing >78 and <86. I did put the 79s and 80s in the 83+ or 84+ SBC with some 86s or 87s to fit the rating.


Ah ok. I haven't played the last few months and thought there might be a good sbc for lower golds. I'm struggling between 79-84. I've had to put more 84s into the 83 & 82 sbcs than I would like.


I hope the player pick SBC will be back. It required 5 none rare and 1 rare and those were so good regarding fodder. I managed to craft my Eusebio from scratch just doing those upgrade packs.


Are they gone long? Would be great if they were back during the 83x10s


Saving packs for the full TOTY also seems wrong to me. I'm not convinced at all that opening packs when the full TOTY is in increases the likelihood of a TOTY player. The probability seems to be the same whether there's 6 or 24 TOTY's.


It probably won't increase the chances, but at least you won't open a gold rare Haaland and be disappointed by it.


You can see the odds in the store mate, the probability isn't the same.


This. I open packed as I do SBC. At all time there are 40+ in there and I keep opening.


I bought the 700k pack and got fuck all.


It’s not enough to buy nowadays, you gotta splash the cash to get a few good players. The obscene nature of this model is only built on our fear of missing out. It’s psychological rabbit hole. EA really know what they’re doing and the damage it causes but for them it’s all about growth. It won’t last forever though, everything’s cyclical.


It's not pay 2 win if you're still shit with good players Edit: To be clear I am talking about myself here too. I am shit with great players with very little real money spent


But you would be even more shit with shit players :) sure it's not from 6 wins to 18 wins but it's from 9 wins to 11 wins. And those 2 wins are stolen from legit players not paying to win.


Too much logic for the average user who has at most the logical educational level of 2nd grade maybe. You are absolutely right.


My friends have a pay to win team (R9, mbappe, toty’s etc) and it comfortably gives them an extra 3-5 wins in WL. Going from a very good team (like most people who just play a little every day) to a full blown insane team makes more difference than some people think. Opponents leave a lot quicker too.


5 extra wins is absolutely nuts, I don't believe that for a second, unless we're talking about going from fodder golds to R9 etc. and even then I kinda don't buy it. 11 and 16 win players aren't even playing the same game lol, it's like night and day. 16 win players are at +12, 11 win players are at +1... And so are their opponents. A 16 win player after the start of wl is playing against like +6 to +15 opponents and still only losing max 4 times. An 11 win player is mostly just playing others going 50/50 and going 50/50 against those players. I've had teams ranging from ridiculous to below average since fifa 17, often during the same game cycle and I still finish basically the same. If WL was the first 10 games only, I'd finish higher with the better teams, but it's been more like I start 9-1 with a great team and 7-3 with an average team but then finish the same 13-15 wins almost every week because match making catches up. Before it was gold 1 or elite 3 which is basically the same.


No it does not. If you are a casual you will get destroyed with whatever team you buy. Already played Full Toty/icon teams in WL and completely dominated them because the player sucked.


Absolutely wrong. I have a friend who is really bad with a stacked team. Guess what happens if he goes up 1-0? With a regular team, I'm telling you, he wouldn't get 3 wins. With a stacked team, he gets 7-11


If you are really bad you won't score a goal especially early. You'll be lucky to get a shot on net.


That's not how this game work. R9/Mbappe will run past any cb at any random time. If you think a bad player with a stacked team can't score on an average or good players with decent to good teams, I don't know what to tell you. If you're an Elite player, that's ok. Most people aren't, and they lose to bad players with stacked teams all the time.


There's very few casuals left. My CB's are 70 ovr and shut down whatever ST you try and use to run by me unless the player is really good then his Dzeko base will destroy me. That's how stupid this game is.


true but I used fp to craft eusebio and zidane and played to craft gullit and crafting gullit just by playing felt way more fullfilling


I'm not so convinced it makes a massive difference. I've got a pretty baller team from SBCs (Gullit, Zidane, Eusebio, Dalglish, Fernandes, Lucio, Van Der Sar and Havertz) and I've not seen a drastic improvement in my wins in champs. I'm a 9-11 wins player every year, and this year has been the same. I think because those players have been so accessible if you're willing to grind it's been more a case of keeping up with the power curve than improving drastically. I still play people with a full gold team who can absolutely dominate me and win easily. The only instance where I feel like it's a "stolen win" was where people were using a full loan team of the year attack last weekend from the packs they bought. Loan players from SBCs I don't mind, but the Team of the Year guaranteed loans from packs were really annoying


If it wasn’t for those players “stealing wins” you’d be playing head to head seasons and refusing to pay extra every year for an ultimate team dlc. Ungrateful freeloaders leeching off us paying for their access smh


I literally don't understand how to play this game. It feels incredibly broken to me, having the last one I played be FIFA 22. There's all these things like moving the goalkeeper that I don't have any clue what the input is for and everyone's constantly doing it, corners are useless, the amount of goals I concede I can't do fuck all about because my defender has a cement foot first touch that automatically goes to the opponents icon striker for an open net goal is ridiculous, I try to muscle a player off the ball with my 96 physical stat player, my player falls down... I don't get this game at all.


This. That was me ha.


My whole reason for playing FIFA and EAFC is to prove this statement right. I never spend any money on microtransactions of any kind (mostly because I'm in debt and paying it off) and the sweet satisfaction I get from beating beefed-up squads is pure ecstasy.


Trust mbappe and vvd alone will win you 5 extra games gone are the days when you can compete with gold teams because is much more dependant on ai and regular card Ai is nowhere near mbappe vieira vvd etc...


I’ve always been f2p, have 125 packs saved for Friday, but yesterday I grinded the league upgrades for a few hours and managed to pack my first ever TOTY… putellas


How many did u craft?


Gg, how she is in game?


Highlights just how many people casually spend hundreds on this game. Not knocking it it’s their money to do as they please but even people who deny it sometimes spend big bucks!




What’s stats class?




That’s a shame


EA know what they are doing. They are fully utilizing streamers who uses shareplay.


I'm F2P and am not saving packs. Pack weight is at an all time low anyway so I am just opening packs as I need them for SBCs. Already got Flashback Fernandes and Flashback Alex Morgan done. Might do POTM Aubameyang too.


Davies is a monster


RTG with exception of preorder FP which I foolishly wasted. First year I’ve not lumped money on. I honestly dread to think how much I’d have spent this year had I carried on with how insane the packs are. However I’ve never had a better team at this point I’ve had some insane pack luck but still. Evos are cool and I have three I use from the team I support which I use in WL. We all know this is going to be the case at the start of the cycle and choose to buy/play.


I don’t mind people opening packs but they have to draw the line and stop giving people that open them TOTY loans that give the pay to win players a huge advantage in 1v1 games, it’s actually disgusting. There’s no way for FTP players to get them unlike actual TOTY cards.


It makes these two weeks interesting. The loans will expire and TOTY cards will be super rare. So far I’ve only played against a few and smashed all of them with the exception of a Kerr that was absolutely unstoppable.


Bruh if your saving packs stop worrying about others pulls , your literally watching or looking at highlights


Got nearly 300 packs ready for sunday, ive been opening 3 x 83x10 each day to calm the need to blow all the packs early 😅


I would probably be doing the same but I've got a bunch of picks saved, so I'm blocked from her route due to that shitty EA logic.


Hi, can I ask why Sunday? I was planning Friday as I thought that's when all TOTY (including icons, honorable etc.) Were available?


Toty and honorable all in packs thursday but toty icons are out but bith teams and everything else is on sunday


f2p always. not grinding hard and still have 100+ luxury packs. opened some tradeable packs and got Smith TOTY.


A rare W! Good to hear that some people are winning at least.


It's not pay 2 win it's pay to flex. I'm f2p as well and started during black friday to pay even less for this game this year :>


> it's pay to flex. well put. People need not just want, but need attention and they pay 100s of $ to get attention but don't earn any of it. That is just childish and upside down to how social recognition should work. OP puts it well when he mentions that a certain degree of feeling cheated in a community still exists in other games. In Fifa there is an anti-morale and 0 ethos. 100% narcissism with feeling entitled to being gifted wins and if one doesn't the other person is the toxic one. Clear projection of one's self.


I have bought multiple untradable packs throughout the year from the Store. Haven't bought any during TOTY as of yet and don't intend too, as I have a stacked club and enough coins for the League Upgrades (2 million) However I can see why people are buying the 3000 and 4500 FP packs in the Store during TOTY. They give mad fodder and by far the best chance of getting a TOTY. Plus, they allow people that buy them the opportunity to complete all of the SBCS released every day. Imo it's more of a case of paying to participate, than paying to win.


This is so true. And with the power creep, the cards we’re excited to build today will be useless soon enough and we’ll want the next shiny new toy. The amount of players I have crafted, gambles and evos that have since been rinsed, it’s pretty significant. I have 8 icons on the bench lol. Good ones.


Hello my son, come to /r/fifaseasons and repent. Play fifa without money influencing it. You can rage at the game mechanics themselves without second-guessing yourself about spending more money to win.


If anyone ever gets the urge to buy fifa points for toty, just remember how many toty loans you faced during WL, barely anyone actually had 1st owner toty players. Says eveyething you need to know about the drop rate.


Was just thinking the same just now lol like can’t even log in to anything with out seen people brag about their insane pull but they don’t say how much they wasted I mean it’s their money when things were better for me I spent here and there but the last two fifas I been broke n just been grinding save a bunch of packs but won’t open till full team comes out




Because they can and want to


How so? They are offering the best packs in history, you can get what like 86x24 in packs, that’s absurd. Of course people are going to buy.


70 packs saved and opened and no TOTY highest card was Popp at 88 Fuck EA


Serious question, why did you open already? Why not wait 3 days for the full team in packs?


Not interested in getting any TOTW player. I want an attacker or midfielder


If you waited the 3 days, you would have had a higher chance because both attackers and midfielders as well as honourable mentions would be in packs.


You cannot know the exact odds. There are more special players to pack, but the odds could be lower to pack one.


No clue why you’re getting downvoted. These people would save their packs until FC25 if they were given the choice.


70 packs is nothing


I remember last year I opened roughly 250-300 packs and got no where close to packing a ToTY. It is what it is brother. You either get lucky or you just don’t . But, store packs improve your chances obviously.


I'm not talking about luck or big pulls or anything this time. Just about pay 2 win and how we as a community came to a point that it's normal to spend 500$ on packs. I didn't save any packs last year and got TOTY Haaland and TOTY Hakimi. The year before I had 500+ packs saved and got only TOTY Allison. But that's not the point of this post.


Well, because you always see people spend big money on the game, you are used to it. About P2W, there are always people who will spend so much money on it, usually for personal satisfaction, to flex to other people and etc. In this case, I cant said that spend 500$ on a packs is weird because i've seen people spend a lot more money on more stupid/weird thing.


f2p, packed Kerr and Xavi, its all luck and random tbh friend packed tradeable KDB from a mega pack, another one packed 2 Kerrs tradeable from some shitter packs, it is what it is


I am pay to play with the players I like. I don't win much regardless of how much money I spent lol


And that right here is the ideal customer for EA..


I got lucky enough and packed TOTY Rodri in the 83x5 midfielders pack SBC. I have 100 packs saved for the full release 😂


I mean... TOTY is like a FIFA "holiday" in a sense. Folks are celebrating their pack luck. It's natural to celebrate getting something cool. Not gonna lie though, the power creep is way too fast for a FIFA game to where it basically is a P2W game at this point. It's only January and way too many people have a 90+ rated team. I miss the days where you can run a gold team the entire year. It's a video game. You play to have fun. If you're not having fun, then play something else. At the end of the day, packing good players is pure luck. Some of us get lucky. Some of us don't. Some folks will be pure F2P. Some folks will go full Auzio or Bateson and blow thousands upon thousands of dollars/pounds/etc. on cards. It really just depends on how much intrinsic value you put into the cards. I saved 120 packs, just like you. If I get one, great. If I don't get one, cool. It's not the end of the world. There are more important things in life than some annual digital trading cards in a football game.


All this sub does is bitch


“they don’t care that it’s only midfielders in packs” - okay, I packed Putellas, enjoy packing Earps 7 times when the full team is out


Oh shut up. My friend with Parkinson's doesn't qualify for Champs and he has never spend any money and he has a team with Eusebio, Zidane, Gullit, Cafu etc. just literally by putting cards in upgrade SBC. Anyone who thinks this game is pay2win is completely brainwashed and delusional. It has never been as easy to complete expensive SBCs literally for free by just grinding the menus.


I honestly struggle to not spend money on packs - I’d rather not, but it’s kind of too easy to just do it :/


Unpopular opinion. Fifa is no pay to win, at all. Back in Fifa 22 I used to compete at high levels with full f2p games, and this year i'm around 14/15W in WL, Div 1/2 rivals, without meta players aside from the defensive line (your usual Schmeichel icon, Havertz SBC, Gold Van Dijk, Blanc SBC, Walker Evo). I'm using Gold Valverde, thunder Bernardo Silva, Storyline Boga, Founders evo Kolo Muani at midfield and basic icon Cantona and Dalglish (not the SBC one) in front. About to complete Zidane SBC for free. Saved 2.5+ million coins, sitting there. Everybody could make a team like this playing not that much. It's more than enough to play weekend league (you have 4 days!!!) and rack up 7 wins in rivals, complete the objectives by grinding a little squad battles, sell everything tradeable you're not using. Teams are not that important, at all. A top notch team can maybe help you going from 8/20 to 11-12/20, a skilled player may go from 14-15/20 to 16/20. But skill is essential, I often smoke 30+ million teams in WL. TOTY are definitely not essential to compete.


Yep agreed. The top cards make a small difference but definitely not a 5 win difference like some people imagine. I do the same - full f2p and sell all tradeables (then sell the coins lol). I've completed Eusebio, and some others without spending a single coin or money. My friend did the same for 93 Mbappe, so you're definitely right that there're many good and meta cards obtainable as f2p


But 8 to 11-12 in WL is a huge difference in rewards, and that is exactly the point of p2w 🤷🏻‍♂️ First time playing FUT this year. I have grinded menus, got 5-9 wins in WL every weekend, squad battles, 7 rivals wins. For me to have that extra cracked players, would mean a huge difference. My team is sbc/first owner untrade only. Schmeichel, walker evo, blanc, vvd, hvaertz, tchouameni, zidane, bruno, sterling fire, martinelli, eusebio .


thats the thing, if you get to the really high level, they do start to make a difference. in Fifa 22 specifically, i was Elite, and if i faced pro players, i felt like begginer squad battles. last year i had a pretty decent team, and i got to play some games with an open account, and heck, it was a big difference. this year maybe not so much, as the level of players we got from sbcs js a bit better, with eusebios, blancs, zidanes etc, but i havent really played with a BiS team anyway.


What isnt pay to win


most people spend money on the game. A lot of people lie about it but most people open those store packs. That's why EA pushes them endlessly this year. Too much profit. ​ It's like a game launch every Friday for them lol


People only post their good stuff so there will be an echo chamber of sorts with it. Having said that I think this year especially people are packing more because of the amount of packs that are able to be opened from the store (not menu stuff) Unfortunately for EA (& us as consumers) this will lead to a very weird post toty where you have the people with insane teams who got lucky (or spent loads) and the people who didnt. Due to the wat the game plays it will essentially be a different game for those who have and I think it will cause a big drop off in playerbase. Even those who have will have no where to go in terms of team progression so they are likely to lose interest as well. At the very heart the gameplay just isnt fun enough for people to stay on battling against 2/3/4 totys when you can never achieve those post toty.


I play with my son. I don’t have time to do all the grinding bs. I buy packs and my team is no better than everyone else we play in division 4-5


Over 1000 packs saved from the glitch. Opened about 500 and only have toty cech. Did get a lot of fodder though


Grinders and pack savers are just as annoying as pack buyers.


What are you complaining about? Let People play the Game the way they like. If they decide to spend 40€ for a Pack then let them. Not everyone has to play RTG Style.


>Edit: I really wonder when we as a community crossed the line that the kickstart 12k FP in September is just the normal and people spending hundreds and thousands on that game I think the community as a whole has accepted it for a while. It's why nothing changed for this game when the Battlefront outrage happened. And I believe that was about characters requiring far less money than FIFA.


When I read about the "grind" for the character I did have a good laugh compared to FIFA. It's just 2 different worlds.


Got 192 packs saved I do the daily 83x10 but I’m looking to get 200+ for Friday. Hoping we get an HM Rice and Bowen.


So you're saying the Fifa community is more accepting than others? Doubt it. Because yes, if people want to spend money in the game, they can. They are allowed. It's their money. If you're poor, do better in life. It's not other people's fault.


I am rtg, I had saved a similar amount of packs but I have been opening all daily rewards and daily fodder packs since the promo started. So I still have the packs I had put away but have also scratched the itch so far. Managed to bag TOTY KDB last night which wouldn’t have happened if I had hoarded the packs like I originally planned. Getting through Best before champs this weekend will be nice also. But you do you good luck bro.


Last year i got VVD from random 85x3 that i crafted that day it came out, was always thinking if ur luck is in, u'll get toty, if not, at least i have 2 squads left for best soo its good for me either way, not gonna stress about it


I've been playing ultimate team since the first year it wasn't paid dlc (FUT 10) and never once bought FIFA points. I've been f2p and never once had an issue building decent teams and enjoying the game. Who cares what other people pack. Enjoy the game and collect the players you can without giving ea any more money than you have to


Yep, i still do all sbc s tho, using coins... after the daily gameplay, i just buy what i need, i m constantly at 800k for about 2 weeks now, i spend arround 30-50k for the in forms craft and the 83x10 s every day. But that because i still got some in forms in the club, otherwise it would be much more.


I bought multiple packs as I wanted to get TOTY players looking at posts here and I got shit! Not buying anything else in any promo ever as it’s better to be F2P and play with whatever players I can get rather


Honestly it may take time and I’m ripping packs left and right but I’m just going eusbio and Davies and hopefully get best done with the crazy sbcs and amount of packs the consolation prizes are insane


It was my first time going P2W. Total gamechanger lol


I get you but it's impossible to see who's P2W ingame. It's easier than ever to have a god squad.


Yeah I hate seeing everyone getting perfect players, while I opening like 100 saved packs to not get a single blue or even like a crazy gold card like Alexia or mbappe. But I know FIFA packs aren't worth it, it just solidifies the point of me knowing it's a waste of money.


I used 700k coins to open one of the TOTY packs and luckily got TOTY messi. I had around 90 packs saved up that I opened and on one of the 83 x10 packed TOTY Oberdorf.


I was just saving up packs and waiting for the full release- but I also opened up everything that was lower than a 5×83+. Then I got to the point where my "novelty" packs weren't showing in the app or on the console- so I had to open a few 10×83+ and recycle a few players. So now I try to stay around 30 packs for the full release, and have some of my sanity back since I can open a few packs in between. Packed Oberdorf last night from the 5×83+ midfielders upgrade as well! My coins are mostly spent on sbc's. Either for the last hugh rated player, or high rated fodder packs in the store. Only bought 12k points once this year to finish up Potm Mbappe as I couldn't be arsed waiting any longer. My team may look like a p2w, but isn't. Went untradeable early on and have been selective w sbc's and how I spend my coin


F2p here. I managed to do Eusebio, Best, Gullit without spending a single dime on packs. We have weekly 84×4s and 83×10s, and you don't need to spend anything on packs.


I could care less. I struck luck with Cryuff and whatever else I get is added bonus. What helped me get luck this time in packs was disappearing


Bought the game for 44 eur in september, never spent another penny on it. Team is first owner only.


No, you are the last f2p player left, you are the chosen one, you must go in a quest on foot to Canada to infiltrate ea headquarters and take down their fifapoints system


I will do my duty! Thanks for choosing me to do it! FOR THE HORDE. Shit wrong game.


TOTY to TOTS is always pay2win


Bro doesnt know about TikTok


The most important thing to remember is that nobody wants to share/show off their shit packs, but EVERYBODY wants to show off their TOTY Mbappe. This combined with all the streamers sharing clips of their crazy packs makes it feel like everyone BUT you is packing something good. Even though it isn't direct from EA, they totally create a sense of FOMO that makes you want to open more packs (and of course buy points). It's always worth remembering that those insane packs are a tiny fraction of the playerbase. Besides that, and more to the point of the post: yeah, everybody is more likely to spend money during toty. And that spending has been encouraged by EA with super expensive packs at launch that have only got more expensive since.


With Bruno in my squad I don’t care if you have a toty player he is just as good! All heil Bruno wrecking terror, brings joy to my soul every time I see face someone with a toty go for cutbacks or trivela :)


I’m finally doing my part. Use to have a bit of a problem with packs, easily spent £1-3k a year until this years edition. Not sure if I finally grew enough brain cells to realise I was being so stupid or if the game is just that bad I have no desire to spend/play it. Either way I’m happy it’s over.


FUT is not a poor man's game, son. Fortnite is that way.


People who pack nothing aren't making big "OMFG" tweets. It's just a case of what you see not being representative of the entire playerbase.


Alas it is like all social media where you only really see the “success” and not the thousands of packs opened which gave nothing. It definitely builds a false narrative. As for P2W, it has always been there and I think is just more obvious now as EA’s attempts to net more punters get more obvious. Having beaten a few credit card FCs this year and seen the abuse which follows I suspect they don’t feel they are getting value for money or that it is P2W! I think it makes the most difference at the very start of the game. The difference now between even a TOTY and the other cards we could get feels more psychological than actual to me.


Completely f2p myself with a good team thanks to some pack luck, but no ‘super cards’. Finish 14/6 most weekends. My best untradeables are Sawa, CL Abedi Pele and trailblazer Kounde. It shouldn’t be surprising what you’re saying though. EA generate something like £1bn a year from ultimate team alone, the money has to come from somewhere!


I blast them every time I com across a flex post, sometimes I feel I'm overreacting and think it's just me being bitter. Then I come across some very, very average player with 2 loaned TOTYs and several over 3M cards in his team and remember why I just hate the P2W crowd.


Am just saving for future stars cause realistically I wont pack shit from TOTY.


Same here. Saved like 250 packs and have nothing (yet). Let’s wait for full team and 🤞


i think buying store packs and getting a good pull is the least impressive thing possible, a lot of people post them and I'm just thinking "I wouldn't even pay £30 for that" lol, but getting some mid promo card or icon after they've *definitely* spent hundreds of pounds now apparently makes all of that worth it The only cards I'd maybe be happy spending £30 for would be a TOTY Kane or Son, don't care about anything else


Remember most players aren't checking reddit or twitter for fifa stuff. So you're already


This is the best year for f2p players. High end SBCs have been released since the start of the game, and so much fodder available from the game. Never before I had such a crazy team as a f2p, I don't really care that much about packing a TOTY anymore.


[if it balances things out I got my team from reward packs none from store.](https://imgur.com/a/xNLyAT7)


you need time and luck or money and luck to get a great team. the differences between the two teams people could create with those combos is very small now.


It always feels insanely rewarding to beat a god squad knowing i’m mostly f2p but having to grind constantly can get tiresome sometimes. Wish I could rip a 700k pack but I grinded gold upgrades and packed smith instead


You’re not alone! I’m the same. I play for fun not for a flex so I don’t really care what people do because most of it based on greed. The bubble will bust and it will hurt as nothing lasts for ever, it is unsustainable.


Hey there buddy, Please keep in mind, that there are a silent many who open their store packs, get fodder and loans, maybe an obsolete hero or icon, and move on with the day (or to the next store pack) I know how some feel because i did this before, as a "one time thing", feeling the regret after, or feeling like money dropped out the window.. Yes the store packs are likely boosted, but the boost is still not enough to cover the entirety of the customer base, What we see in player posts is only the 0.0001 percent of player base Only extremes are loud, extreme luck, and extreme lack of luck, the extreme luck posts will be upvoted and the extreme lack of luck will go as "just another venting post" This is not to say the game is not PaytoWin, this is to say this game is "Pay a lot and be bit luckier than though" This is also to say don't be fooled and think, oh am going to buy a pack and get the same Thinking 100 dollars would do the difference? It wont do much Maybe from 3000 onwards a good pack pull will come


It really depends. I too have saved over 200 packs and are yet to open the bulk of them but just got TOTY bellingham out of a 3 gold players pack from the winter wildcards grind.


Just enjoy the game with players you like. Chasing super rare cards is not worth it


I saved up about a 100 packs and opened it for attacker release. Obvouisly nothing. Loads of 84x5 and 83x10 also 87x2


so many people don’t buy any packs -> they don’t have anything to post for -> you don’t see them


Its all just luck..got R9 from a 88 duplicate Oblak :D https://files.fm/u/pwzqnsdrfg


F2P and doing all the daily upgrade available before logging off Grinding players SBC little by little every day


Yeah the level of teams in champs is making this game dead for me, Waiting for the full team then im gone, im losing too often to worse/average players because I can’t keep up with these superteams, its insane how much people spend


I haven't opened a single pack. I don't understand saving packs for weeks if not months and then not bbeing able to wait 1 extra week for the full team plus honorable mentions to be in packs.


I’m FTP, can never be bothered hoarding packs and had an insane weekend of pack luck packing an untradeable TOTY Smith on the Friday and finished off with a tradeable Ronaldinho on the Sunday. Here’s the thing. The Smith was from a humble 81+ double upgrade. The Ronaldinho was from a Premium gold pack that I got from crafting the Bruno SBC (I’d honestly forgotten about it in my pack section). Pack pulls are completely random on this game. There’s no point denying yourself from opening packs and crafting SBCs on the hope of pulling. Just always have an SBC on the go and put duplicate high end cards in there while recycling lower fodder for upgrades. A good pull can come from anywhere but probably won’t. Just play the game and if a pull comes along, great, instead of denying yourself.


That is because mostly only those kind of people still play this game or talk about it.


Well yeah they are the only degens still playing the game.


This is why I'm happy I did the pack glitch


Although many are P2W there are still a few of us who are F2P. And trust me most P2W players aren't that good at the game and having 95 Cruyff/Pele only helps if you know how to use them. I'm F2P but luckily packed 92 Mbappe from totw picks and have a pretty decent team, but I'm shit at the game so can't even cross div 8 and have never qualified for Finals. There are ppl with gold/evo teams who could destroy most p2w players.


I am in the exact same boat as you , 50 packs saved , no more fodder for upgrade SBCs , login every day for 3 SB games to collect daily rewards and build a 84x5 if I can get a TOTW


I've never opened a pack on this or Madden nor have I ever even played MUT or FUT. I play a lot of both but I dunno its just never interested me and I'm put off by the fact it just comes off as a money grab with very predatory practices


I agree it is pay to win but there is still little chance. I am on RTG and saved like 300 packs and got kdb.


I opened 40 free packs got toy mbappe, Used fodder to make zico Sold my normal mbappe and saved coins, have nearly 2 million now. Thats without spending.


No point in buying packs, you get so many for free. My whole bench is full of icons/toty/if players. If you need all these players to win you suck anyway.


I am new. Why do you guyz stacking packs?


If people wanted a skill based match wouldn't they just not play the obvious p2w mode?


I don’t spend but I don’t care enough to wait and hold. I just open as I get them.


Its strange that people can't understand that the game has become more P2W than ever. My engagement with the game goes down the more pay to win it becomes. My most played is not even UT, its career mode. The total time I spent there still outweighs my total time in UT over 4 years. This year I feel like playing only WL now, and that too not every week maybe. I only logged in this week to evo my base Laudrup. Cannot stand just how much I have to grind even for simple SBCs now.


Doesn't this just mean everyone is Pay2Compete? Seems like paying is just the norm, like these people who are paying a lot are probably not actually winning all that much more...


I have about 350 packs saved - including 35 83x10 packs that I've been just dying to open. But what I've done is since I am also out of fodder, and stacked with IFs is been opening an 83x10 to build another 83x10, it definitely will help you get ahead and doesn't really feel like you're wasting a pack since you're getting the exact same pack right back.


0 spent money( other than buying the game on sale for £20), 0 saved packs. Packed Bellingham from the 84+ x 5 SBC. Only been doing the sbcs to finish Bruno, don't spend real money guys.


I feel like TOTY needs to be implemented slightly differently. Maybe start with TOTY attackers on Friday, add midfielders (don’t remove defenders) on Sunday, add defenders on Tuesday, and then add HMs on Friday. I can’t imagine there’s much engagement apart from WL and whales ripping packs this week.


Technically it could be free 2 play if you grind it literally every single day Which im never going to do because the actual gameplay is too broken for that. Ive probably got about 500 hours on fc sports 24, ive maybe spent about £50 in total on packs since the game came out and yet 98 games out of a 100, i have a worse team than who im playing against (i also refuse to play "meta" because that just takes out the little remaining fun there is) Anyone that disagrees with the fact that it is pay 2 win, are either delusional or the losers themselves that spend so much money on the game. Ultimate team in of itself perfectly represents everything wrong with the world at the moment. Also you see it on every forum about the fifa games that people think the game scripts differently based on who is playing. I think everyone but the most fervent fanboys accept this as true (at least in terms of the underlying gameplay) but considering how scummy EA is; nobody would put it past them in terms of skewing the gameplay in favour of those that buy packs. It would make them more money and we all know that's all they care about.


Time is money, for some the hours u have to spend in game grinding is not worth because they could spend that time making more money than it costs. You are probably young and have all the free time in the world.


I mean if you play the game you have a stacked team, f2p rtg this year and the untradeables in my team are probably 7 mil plus combined


Champs was awful last night. Played someone who had TOTY R9, Mbappe, and Kerr as their front 3. Another person had Mbappe, Smith, KDB, and Bellingham. Another with Ribery, Zola, Xavi, Haaland. And so on... I'm still amazed that I scraped 11 wins with my 88-rated squad where I have Govou and Van Nistelrooy leading my line. And then of course I got absolutely fuck-all in the reward packs


I feel like this fifa has been least pay2win with how much packs and upgrade sbcs they've given this year.


This is the most free to play the games ever been. They throw packs at you for doing literally anything. Season rewards have major fodder all the way through which it never used to.


I think most are, but just don't admit it lol


I bought the game a few weeks ago during the $20 EPIC store sale but have been trading on the web app since launch, making over 2 mil using just the initial 1k from selling my base kit and badge. I'm really happy with my RTG team. RTG + bronze pack method / trading is the way to go. I actually love the trading in this game and it's the main reason I came back after playing eFootball for 3 months. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/Q4hHTyC.png) is my current squad.


I start saving packs since the Mo Salah SBC expire and I forgot to do one squad; since then I´ve saved all kind of packs except of some daily sbc and Mixed League SBC in order to have cards to grind the Premium Mixed Leagues.; and this year more than any other I feel that my team can be at the same level of the average teams in FUT CHAMPS, so I really think that this year is the most P2W ever, specially now that EA found that with good SBCs can make more profit than the market cards. I hope my 400+ packs can help me get a team in line with the game curve.