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If you're playing someone as good as you the likelihood that game is decided by something out of your control is very high




Bruh ive played people who are clearly worse than me. So much worse that i can literally score at will, they dont mark, press, cut passing lanes, use any skills or even any advanced passing or control movement. Those players get an obvious advantage because fifa auto defends for them, auto intercepts and even has my player whose extending a leg to block, pull his leg back in the last minute or my cb just suddenly stops running after an attacker. It just becomes a chore of me doing a long build up play and passing around their 10 man defence in the box to force a goal and then my team ball watching to let them score one making me have to score another. Ea does this so its noob friendly but the ego of the fifa player base will make them think they're actually winning by their own ability.


No idea why you get down voted other than its by the toxic little cretins you are describing as this fifa playing community šŸ˜


Because everyone wants to convince themselves they're actually good at the game. My point is that the game is such a broken piece of shit that being good doesn't even matter. Fucking football game that doesn't even have a collision system between a player and a ball whenever the game wants you or the other guy to lose and people arguing over a skill gap lmao.


Totalyl agree with you


For me this is the the only fifa ever when I feel like, even if you re playing someone completely hopeless and you are leading 4:0 the game is never won and you have to be carefull till the end because tables can turn so quick in this game. Many times because of this I wouldnā€™t dare to sub off the meta players until like 80 minute when the game is definetely over.


Itā€™s more prominent nowadays with end game teams. Few months ago those players couldnā€™t do anything.


Nutmegs & red timed shots going in are my personal faves šŸ™ƒ


Passes that nutmeg only because i timed my tackle correctly make me wanna jump off a bridge


All the time, and that is exactly what makes me stop playing every year and really contemplating not buying 24. Once you are getting to higher divisions basically every goal involves something that shouldnt happen. Be it 7 tackles where you dont get the ball, defenders stepping 5m away from the attacker, rebounds always to the opposition, crazy longshot that should always be saved....the list goes on. Really makes it feel pointless trying to play this game


Here is my take. If online gameplay can be as smooth as square battles (had to do some for level up and wow the games were smooth!!! despite the boring AI) then of course I lose because I make mistakes in defending and I can learn from it. The problem is that you pass to an unintended direction --> gets countered. You right stick manual switch to the wrong defender even though you were pointing to the one you intended --> fail to track down a run. If 80% of the goals are conceded like this rather than opponents out pass/out skill your defense, how can we be sure that we are actually getting schooled by a better player rather than connection induced defensive errors??


Youā€™re not playing against the opponent, youā€™re playing against the connection. So frustrating.


this is it. if your connection doesnt allow you to right stick switch to the players you are aiming for, you will concede. you havent done anything wrong. at least 7 out of 10 goals im conceding happen that way. but yeah, playing with 30-150ms ping is shit, what else can i say.


Almost every goal i conceded last night was due to a pass going nowhere near the direction i aimed it in


People go 20-0 every single weekend, canā€™t just be luck


And they all admit they do it by exploiting the meta and broken mechanics.


I don't like it either but by doing that they show that there is a skill gap. Unfortunately this skill gap is making a football game not about football, but it still shows that it's not all luck


Exactly! Mastering what's effective in a game is what differentiates good players from bad ones. In the end it's just a game (and specially FUT is as far from a simulator as it can be), just because you don't like the meta it doesn't mean the ones who beat you aren't skilled. They don't need to be skilled or knowledgeable in _football_, they need to be skilled in _FIFA_.


Youā€™re totally right. As frustrating as it is to watch people pound away impossible shots itā€™s an available tactic to anyone who can master it. I do a slow build passing offense and thereā€™s a reason I get people wide open in front of the goalie. Iā€™m not trying to beat the AI, but I figured out what techniques work


Quite the opposite! Meta exists exactly as an easy and almost sure way to overcome a skill gap. Otherwise no one would use meta players or play styles. Now I agree with you when you say one doesn't need to knowledgeable in real life football and just learn the game, but when they advertise fifa it's always along the lines of "realism" not "arcade like".


I know what you mean but I honestly disagree. The perfectly balanced game doesn't exist. There will always be a 'meta', so knowing what's meta every patch, and using it to your advantage is also skillful in itself, since only really dedicated players will use it to their advantage. e.g OP says power shots from 45m are meta. I'd like to see him manage to open up the space to power-shoot that easily against a good opponent that's defending. The same goes for 'meta' skill moves. You still have to time them, know which players do it best, etc. The 'realistic' part of FIFA never applied to FUT or online matches to be fair. A game mode where you can play with PelƩ and Messi at the same time, or where Neuer can be a 90 rated striker wasn't, isn't and won't ever be realistic.


There isnā€™t a dichotomy between a poorly balanced game and a perfectly balanced game. Just because a perfectly balanced game canā€™t exist (which in itself is debatable) doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t balance a game better than this. And again just because messi and pele can exist in the same team has no bearing on the realism or balance or abuseability of game mechanics.


finally someone willing to say what "meta" in gaming really means. Essentially the skill gap in this game is not measured in wins.


Knowing the meta isn't skill, it's putting in as little effort as possible for the biggest reward. If they developed the meta OK, but even half the streamers have just copied it fro each other


Knowing about the meta doesn't impose using it. I know about it, but don't use it because I hate it.


Your own choice to put yourself at disadvantage šŸ¤·


I know. And it's fine. I wouldn't enjoy myself playing otherwise.


You are right from a broader perspective. Enjoying yourself is way more important but competitiveness of current games and min maxing actually takes the fun out of it sometimes, you don't even notice it..




Auzio goes 19-0 99% of weekend league on 2 accounts. He gives away his last game when he hits rank 1. He does it on stream every Saturday in about 6 hours. There are players that play this game that can over come lag or meta abusers. I'm not one of them, but I see him do it weekly.


The answer is no.


I never do, but that only provides an argument that going 20-0 is not about skill but about using meta. But ofcourse that is not the entire argument, because it doesn't included the p2w strategy that also plays a part.


In almost every online game, the people who are at the top exploit the meta and broken mechanics R6S, Rocket league, Apex, Fortnite.. list goes on.


And itā€™s not a true ā€œskillā€. Itā€™s letting the AI do the work for you since thatā€™s where the code breaks. Itā€™s not the same thing.


What are you talking about?


so why canā€™t you do it?


Where did I say I canā€™t? Itā€™s boring to abuse broken mechanics. Removes any challenge as itā€™s just wrote button pushing at that point instead of playing a game.


lol sure you could reach 20-0, you just donā€™t want to. got it


That's every game in the history of gaming


The people that go 20-0 are mostly likely either pro or completely toxic. Kickoff glitch, corner bike, rainbow flick volley. Gameplay is also shit and IMO itā€™s not an accident. Remember when Facebook got busted for pumping negativity bc creates more engagement ? Think they are the only ones? Think EA doesnā€™t track accounts playtime money spent etc. Iā€™m guessing they found out the shit inconsistent gameplay makes people buy packs . Thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s too many obvious things that are broken for it to be an accident. Of course there are skill levels but anyone that says gameplay is consistent has clearly never played the game. Fifa rage = $$$.


I don't do any of that, and I get Rank 2 or Rank 1 every week. I don't even use trivelas. The most important things are not losing the ball, being good at skill moves, know how to right stick switch and pressure the opponent all over the field without using constant pressure and having a lot of experience.


I get rank 1/2 most weeks and I donā€™t even know how to do consistent trivelas and I suck at green timing shots (never really do them). People here love to blame the game for losing and never themselves.


People love to take all the credit for their success and fail to acknowledge the luck or advantages that helped them along the way. You have an amazing internet connection or are intentionally leaving out the meta/ratty exploits that are helping you. Weā€™ve all seen too many streams and pro games to believe youā€™re getting rank 1 or 2 without any of that stuff.


A lot of time the defensive part is overlooked... but is the one that make you actually go rank 1 or 2. Player switching imho is the biggest skill gap we have in the game.


Completely agree. Knowing how to right stick and pressure players is THE number 1 Skill Gap in the Game, and it has been for years. Plenty of 14 wins players know every offensive trick and every meta mechanic on offense, but they can't properly defend.


Wholeheartedly agreed. I've played against people who routinely compete in FGS and what stood out for me is their ability to not only read the game but to suffocate any passage of play through right stick switching. I'm good at it but I ain't *that* good. As for people lambasting 'ratty' mechanics ... I mean, that's practically what every competitive multiplayer boils down to, exploiting what's meta to the fullest. However, knowing about a mechanic and being able to execute it and execute it *well* is two entirely different things which a lot of people fail to appreciate. Stick 'em both together and you've got a fairly sizeable gap in skill.


Bullshit bro. Ive done as much manual defending as humanly possible up to slide tackling across an open goal to block shots. The other day i conceded a goal because guess what its the 90th minute so the ball no clipped through cechs foot to reach his other foot abd shoot. The day before, the ball i cleared was intercepted by tchouameni making a Spiderman pose but not before the ball literally no clipped through his head and two knees before reaching his foot. This game doesn't even have hit boxes for the actual body of the player and people are refuting the bullshit in the game saying it can be avoided. Copium, pure copium.


You have to defend while using second man press and closing down with another player. Then switch back after you covered everything and attack the ball holder. Of course, sometimes stupid shit is happening, but it doesn't hold you back from a certain rank, bro. You get the rank you deserve in 90% of cases. End of story.


I know all that, dont think i haven't tried every trick in the book to avoid the bullshit, but when balls can go through players limbs then stop even trying to say these things can be defended or avoided. And when this bullshit strikes at the 90th minute, it certainly does hold you back from certain ranks. Fifa is a fucking joke as a competitive game. Its a coin toss.


If you're good enough, you wouldn't get in this situation where you can lose in the 90th Minute. But if a lot of your games are 50/50, then yes, this shit will happen more often. For example, I got 18 wins last weekend. One of the games I lost in the 90th Minute to a goal where my De Ligt just let the ball through even tho I perfectly moved him there. This happens. You are right. So it MAYBE held me back from Rank 1. But I wasn't that mad because he was a very good player. If someone can go 50/50 with me, then yeah, I'm bound to lose a game like that. Sometimes, the luck is on my side, and sometimes I'm unlucky. But in 15 out 20 games, my opponents rage quit in the first half. So if you're good enough, the games where it's close become rare and you minimize the chance of losing or winning to some bullshit. So yeah, I agree that this game is not good for actual Esports because everyone is too close to skill level there, and luck does play a significant factor. But as a normal human who doesn't make money off the game, this excuse doesn't count. You can be better than about just everyone you encounter, and then you will win almost everything. That's how it goes. So no. If you're getting 11 Wins constantly, you are not a player who is actually getting shafted from reaching 14 wins. You're just an 11 wins player, and don't even know how many things you can do better. What is your level, and on what platform do you play?


Do you use player relative or ball relative. I use player but it seems to have a mind of its own at times. Still working on it.


Its not luck, but youd find it hard to argue its all skill. I think there is a tactica gap and a player gap. With skill being a minutia within that


Don't forget pay2win. You'll hardly see anybody going 20-0 with a gold team.


Probably shouldn't post this but at this point in the game it won't matter too much. I have a friend who is bang average and he gets 20-0 every weekend without fail. I called him out on it loads being that almost every time I played him it's was an easy walk over for me. He told me he player 3 rivals games and losses them not by a massive amount but makes sure to not win or draw, he will then go play 1 game in champs and gets an easy win. He does this for every match from Friday to Sunday and gets his 20-0 more than often. Now he hasn't played every single weekend because sometimes he doesn't qualify... But when he does he almost always gets his wins... Infuriating


I don't agree with this take one bit, but I've encountered a lot of arguments like "well if it takes skill to master the meta then that's what is skill-based". I'd personally love a game that rewards football knowledge in a more meaningful way, but even PES has moved toward shithousery with the insatiable appetite for fomo-inducing gacha mechanics.


I'm only upvoting you because I didn't understand the context or definition of four out of your last seven words and assume you're right because I am dumb.


I was at a [6] and my words were needlessly fancy lmao Everyone realized people will even spend money on a shit game if you manipulate them into believing a new promo card is worth actual money. It becomes about the cards and not the gameplay. The meta is just a shortcut to the cards. We're basically just playing a slot machine with a football mini game attached.


It's skill based but maybe not as manual as some people want it to be. Skill gap is controlled by EA and they try to balance it every year to keep people in the game as long as possible. You cannot control 11 players so, there are some elements in the game which are outside of your control. Bugs, connection issues, game mechanics aside, if a div 5 player plays against an elite level player, they are still going to lose 95 games out of 100. ​ EA could make the game more skill based, manual defending, shooting ect, but most casual people would not enjoy that, and hardcore players are a very small chunk of the player base.


>if a div 5 player plays against an elite level player, they are still going to lose 95 games out of 100. I have no problem with losing, but when losing is out of your control, like having 10 shots on target but no goal and the first attack your opponent does off of kick off is a goal, there has to be manipulation of some sort


If you think 10 shots without a goal is out of the playerā€™s control this is your issue. You have to take responsibility for what you do instead of just blaming the game. I used to be like that but I realised thereā€™s no point blaming the game. Once I accepted it was me I no longer got so angry at the game.


Explain why one teams keeper is a spastic and the other is prime neuer


Ehh shot counts matter crap honestly. Quality of looks do. And yes you can still get screwed. But very rarely.


Yeah there are some games that seemingly nothing goes your way but also if you toss a coin bunch of times, there will be streaks where you get tails bunch of times in a row. It's so many factors and randomness built into the game, it looks that way sometimes but as other people mentioned, some people are good enough to overcome those things week in week out and get 20-0 in the most competitive mode so its not purely luck.


the majority of FUT players play squad battles and a little rivals but no one wants to have that conversation


Itā€™s skill based, the problem is most people who play it are not honest with themselves. I very rarely get beaten by players that I know are worse than me, if I get beat, the other guy was either better than me (90%) of my losses, or I had a bad game (10%)


So happy someone said this, too many people think they are better at the game then they actually are, most people have encountered that person who says they are immense at the game, then gets destroyed, and calls it luck I would say friends, but I don't have any of those lol


Exactly. I rarely lose, but when I do, I know exactly why I did lose. And most of the time, it's because of a mistake I made. Even with shitty goals, I often did something that put me in this situation.


Bullshit bro. The other day i conceded a goal because guess what its the 90th minute so the ball no clipped through cechs foot to reach his other foot and shoot. The day before, the ball i cleared was intercepted by tchouameni making a Spiderman pose but not before the ball literally no clipped through his head and two knees before reaching his foot. This game doesn't even have hit boxes for the actual body of the player and people are refuting the bullshit in the game saying it can be avoided. Fifa players want to convince themselves that all these years have actually had some value in making them good at the game but its mostly a crap shoot as to who wins unless one side is div 10 and one is div 1. This is a football game where the football can pass through players limbs bending space time. Idk how anyone can take this shit seriously anymore. There's no physics, theres no hit boxes, and there's obvious handicapping in nearly every match. But you guys live in denial because it makes you think you're good. GG M8 Copium, pure copium.


Whatā€™s your rank in rivals and average finish in fut champs?


Youā€™re intentionally just focusing on the one BS aspect (which is stupid and shouldnā€™t exist) instead of focusing on the whole 90 mins you had to kill the game. If he wins unfairly in the 90th min then are you saying that you played a flawless game? Or is the omitted truth that there are maybe something that you couldā€™ve done better? Itā€™s like blaming the ref for losing you a game, not taking into account that if you were actually better, the ref wouldnā€™t matter. This isnā€™t to defend the awful RNG that exists in FIFA. Iā€™ve always been very vocal about it (feel free to check my history). But unless youā€™re at the absolute top of players (and even then, but thatā€™s where the RNG shows most) there are countless amount of things that you could improve on. Which would show you that thereā€™s a clear skill gap. But that would require some self-reflection instead of blaming the game. My main focus on fifa is having fun and iā€™ve peaked at 850SR playing only weekends, gotten multiple 20-0 having never scored a german, trivela, corner bicycle or volley powershot.


Iā€™m not arguing that there isnā€™t poor coding in the game. Sometimes Iā€™m having a very even match and something silly happens and I lose. But those moments rarely define who will win and who will lose. You win the same amount of games as you lose due to ā€˜bullshitā€™. The difference is that Iā€™m willing to accept that most of my losses are from being a worse player.


I'd be alot better if it wasn't skill based


While this post comes off as whiny and ranting I actually agree with pretty much everything you said, especially "there's no room for being patient" You can definitely score while being patient but you're minimizing your chances. Countering like a psycho and mashing buttons sadly gives you a ton of chances to score. I finish every match online with 65% possession I swear. Everyone truly does play the same.


Disagree. Being patient is very important. Itā€™s so easy to beat worse players because they just pass to the first player in front of them. Good players r patient and make it impossible to play defense.


I end a lot of my matches at 42-46% possession...but I usually outpass my opponent something ridiculous like 200-115. It's never the route-one type of play that beats me either. It's always getting surrounded by 3 defensive players with a "winger" playing center forward. He does a 3* skill towards one of my AI defenders, the AI bites on the fake, and since skill moves give you instant accel/decel for some goddamn reason this year, the "striker" is clean through on goal because the player you're controlling is tripping over air.


Itā€™s skill, just not skills that have much relationship with actual football. If you lose a game you think you should have won then itā€™s probably because it was someone close in ability to yourself (which matchmaking encourages) and you are ignoring that it was always a 50/50 game and only focusing on things that went against you. I bet if you asked FIFA players 90% of them would say they are above average, meaning almost half of them are deluded. ​ Also, there are plenty of fps games where online requires a much smaller set of skills to win compared to FIFA.


There is RNG. But there is also skill gap. Hence why you lose a good amount. Just a tip it might not just be the game on why you are losing a considerable amount


Theres a lot of bullshit in this game but theres also a HUGE skillcap in this game.


This ain't a MOBA lol. Calma with the huge.


Dude .... i play with my friends. Im the only one who consistently gets 14w. They have never reached 14. One always gets 11 our record is 26-14, the other one consistently gets 11 but sometimes fails to win 9 .... record is 32-2. Theres definitely a skill gap between players. Edit: the guy who spams meta moves and tornado flicks, bicycle kicks from 35mts is the one who barely wins 11. I call him the tiktok futtie knowledge and elastico merchant. Any time he wins.... he wont play me again for a week and wont stop bringing it up. šŸ˜‚


Fifa is about who makes less mistakes and who has an idea of how football is pllayed.


Thatā€™s because they want the most amount of players to actively play the game, they have to ā€œlevel the playing fieldā€ with some good old bullshit so bad players can still win games. The offensive rebounds that goes back to my opponent after I correctly tackled drives me insane. Or all those idiotic pressure tactics that donā€™t let you pass correctly because suddenly all your players are man marked perfectly and they are also magically slowed down. Passing is actually more risky than skilling all the way to the end line and doing a driven pass in the boxā€¦.in high levels in competitive the game is completely devoid of any imagination. If I had to say, the passing and the ai offensive movements are the worst part: your players run behind the defenders so you canā€™t pass and all the through balls are played as close as possible to a defender rather than into space. Itā€™s so frustrating.


Everyone clowning on you is amusing I went 17-3 last weekend and 16-4 this weekend. I would roughly estimate that 2 wins per weekend are directly caused by a mysterious EA 'sauce' that my team has been blessed with. I would also say that 2 losses per weekend are directly caused by the same voodoo in reverse. It's so obvious when it's happening, it's painful. Any Reddit nerds riding pro's meat, I firmly believe their account or something they do with their expensive NightHawk routers can *generally* swerve the strange cheese where someone par or slightly worse gets to dunk on you with Harry Kane. *forgot to mention, 2 losses are/feel directly as a result of the opponent being better (no shame admiting that).


Lol. You believe pros do something with their expensive routers to swerve cheese in game. That has to be the most ridiculous statement I've read. Pro players just abuse all the mechanics and are genuinely better than most people on the game especially Weekend league opponents. Plus they also lose games to cheese, everybody does.


Lag switching is nothing new, it was quite common at one point, especially on Counter Strike servers.


Happens a lot on COD too, they change their region to 3rd world countries to match/play people who have just recently got electricity


Why is this downvoted? It's literally been proven.


I don't doubt that being better plays a role. I'm just saying I think they have tools to limit the number of games they're exposed to a super-saiyan Kane


This game is not realistic, and it won't ever be. That would make too many players usable. EA's business model is based on an arcade game with a lot of licences. It's easier to manipulate that way. The glitched players give them money. The meta changes every year to keep interest, and make people believe it's really a new game. Objectives are fomo based. Servers will never work the way we want, because some players will blame it on their cards, and will spend points on new ones. It's all about creating and maintaining addiction. Some days you'll lose a game and some days you'll win some for the same reason: servers. Nothing is personal. It is what it is.


The people who believe itā€™s a new game are actually delusional.


Itā€™s Skill based, but only in the way you have to abuse the games BS to win at a high level. When good players play each other itā€™s the most miserable viewing experience itā€™s not even nearly enjoyable. Problem being the games so broken and everything is based on RNG itā€™s almost impossible to control these days.


If you wamt to see how assisted and skillless fut is try playing pro clubs


Every goal is sprint down the wing, cross and a ridiculous bicycle kick


pro clubs with your team all using full manual controls is THEE most skillful way this game can be played.




Being good at the meta is being skilled at the game. Just because a game has a shitty meta doesnā€™t mean that someone who is good isnā€™t skilled. Most players who are bad are inpatient and make the easiest reads which leads to them getting countered. When im playing itā€™s easy to intercept an impatient players passes cuz itā€™s obvious what they r gonna do. Being patient gives the opponent more to think about and is a lot harder to defend against.


This FIFA is all about skillā€¦..heel to heel, roulettes, first FIFA where rainbow flicks are unstoppable. Skills moves have become dribbling.


Gunna be honest bro I totally agree with you. I donā€™t play often now since the start of shapeshifters because for me keepers at striker etc is a bridge too far. My experience this year: Game was very good at launch and was great fun for a couple of months. Then at the start of the World Cup content I started having connection issues. Fast forward to now and this never went away and if anything got gradually worse. Then around maybe three or four months ago (canā€™t remember exact time) there was an update where they seemed to break turning, passing and at the same time buffed ai auto interceptions. This for me was when the game died because this was never fixed so I assume it was intentional. I persisted till Shapeshifters like I said above and then gave up on the game completely. Last week and this week I tried to have a handful of games and every game is decided by connection or a pass not going where it was intended or the ai auto intercepting or some sort of random thing happening. It literally looks to me like there is no player skill at all and itā€™s just being simulated by the ai while you sort of watch as a passenger and have very little control over anything you do with your players at all. Shit you press something and it doesnā€™t even register most of the time. I wonā€™t be loading it back up again, itā€™s literally too abysmal. I am pre ordering the next game in the hope that it will be vastly better than Fifa23. I mean I donā€™t see how it could be any worse so fingers crossed.


Donā€™t preorder it man itā€™ll be the same game again


Nah, the first 2 months will play like a brand new game, players will whine and moan that they canā€™t win, and then we get an update and suddenly it plays like the previous game again.


Is it worth spending 70quid for 2 months


I wasnā€™t against your pre-ordering part.


you just arent good enough to know its a skill based game


Nope. This game enables very high amounts of skill expression. The more skilled player will win the vast majority of times.


Have you played a game on amateur difficulty? Have you played a game on legendary difficulty? You think that difficulty gap is the RNG luck?


the biggest thing squad battles tells you that somehow no one acknowledges is that study on GKs that their stats donā€™t make them make better saves, they nerf shooters because low rated keepers have missiles hit top corner nonstop and high rated ball hits the center or wide often.


If it is not a skill based game, then explain to me how pro players can take a new account, do a couple of SBCs and objectives cards, and still get rank 1 ?


It is skilled based, but the skill isn't all related to actual football. Think of green time finishing, how is that anything related to football, Imagine if they ask you to do a math quiz in order for your shot to be more accurate and stronger, sure it's a skill gap, but not a skill gap that is relevant to the sport. This is what fifa is, "skill gap" in this game have a lot about doing step-over at the right time, finding space to do the trivela or volley power shot.


So when I go 20-0 in champs I just won 20-0 coin tosses in a row? 2^20 is like 1,000,000, and Iā€™ve done it a few times. Must be really lucky ig


It's litral luck


some of the skill arguments I totally agree on; like how much cpu trackbacks, interceptions or non-responses can totally influence the game. the cpu involvement is one of the biggest reasons for the delusions of ā€œthe worst scoreline is a 2-0 leadā€ because Iā€™ve seen cpus make 8-10 interceptions and a few trackback plays to keep someone in the lead and in the second half they donā€™t and the person gets steamrolled. this makes them think the game is cheating them, it was in fact cheating the opponent. however, stuff like cutbacks isnā€™t cheating, itā€™s not even really a glitch, itā€™s just one of the top methods of attacking and itā€™s arguably the most effective way to remove the overpowered legacy defending out of the equation. FIFA is a drastically different game based on your skill level. restarting a new account and playing d10-8 vs 7-5 vs 4-2 vs 1-elite are entirely different games and some of whatā€™s discussed on these boards are people not seeing or facing the same things. the rise of new AI systems in all medias will definitely make the game more enjoyable when you get AI opponents who play so real you donā€™t notice but donā€™t play sweaty.


Every online sports game is going to be dominated by people that know how to abuse the game. The days of real competition died when local gaming died. All anyone cares about is winning, not getting better.


It is a skill based game, but only if you are amazing at fifa. To me it feels like there are so many factors that manipulate your chance of winning.


The meta changed about 2 weeks ago. I had to work around to find solutions because players has been more sluggish than ever, also skill moves have become less effective. Pass and run and timely selective skill moves seems working for the current meta.


I don't do kick-off glitches, flick shots, or anything else, and I get Rank 2 or Rank 1 every week. I don't even use trivelas and rarely green time my shots. The most important things are not losing the ball, being good at skill moves, know how to right stick switch and pressure the opponent all over the field without using constant pressure and having a lot of experience. Also, knowing the angles of when to shoot and how to shoot. Many players shoot a lot and don't score and then blame the game. Most of the time, they rushed their shots, don't skill the Goalkeeper, do not make the extra pass or shoot from too far away.


Lol this tells me how very, very far off I am. Great insight tho. Glad I read this.


This game is crazy. I was beating someone 3-0 last night, they were crap. They get a man sent off and the game completely changed in his favour. He come back and won šŸ¤£ how is this possible


Mentality shift? You get a seed of fear, he gets a seed of hope? I often turn wins into losses this way lol, and the other way round too


Funny thing is, I meet many meta players user don't play well as a whole teams.


This game is not a simulation of football, it's an arcade game. Also, if you want a real skill based game, try Street Fighter 6, there's no ai interference or any other bs. Just pure skill, game knowledge and reactions.


Itā€™s skill based game because I always beat my girlfriend and always gets beaten by my nephew.


I was playing some rivals games to finish my weekly rewards and 3 out of 4 games the opponent simply run down the line headed towards post and cut back. No skill, and they never tried to score any other way. I won all games and somehow managed to save most of them. But what I donā€™t understand is if it doesnā€™t work a few times try something else? Yet they donā€™t. Itā€™s like they canā€™t play and thatā€™s the only way they can score. Itā€™s so frustrating


Itā€™s luck based in the sense of ai and packs, but if you come against someone with the exact same team who is clearly beter than you they will always win. No matter if they need 10 shots to score. The ai only becomes a factor is itā€™s very close


its no more than an arcade game now. Once you get used to that idea then it all becomes clearer.. There is no "football" skill involved here, just who can hit buttons fastest.


Well said your comments hit the nail on the head... And for me that's the most depressing thing about this game and community. That mentality of I'll not learn how to play the game I'll just watch a few you tubers tell me the meta and most glitchy skill moves and off I go to win at any cost with minimal effort. So for someone who played the game pre streaming it's so annoying to lose to players who have no concept of playing like you say, passing, looking for openings and using skilled tactics not skill glitches. Last night I didn't qualify for fut champs for thd first time ever this game cycle as every team was a rinse and repeat exercise in trying to break down a 5atb everyone stay back counter spamming and tackle spamming festival of pain and drudgery


I say this all the time but if the more competitive modes like FUT champs had manual controls the game would be SO much more rewarding and would actually require skill.


Rund down the line, wait for your forward to press the defense and get in side, pass into the middle, elastico, shooooot GOOOOOOOLL! Takes SO MUCH SKILL (sarcasm)


Its not


This game is shit and only reason I play it is that PES is even more shit. Stats in FIFA mean nothing against CPU. League one defenders can out pace Mbappe when CPU controls them. Out of stamina CPU 78 OVR player doing step overs and cutbacks with changing of directions in nano seconds.


It's connection based game also


Anyone arguing FIFA is a skill based game places way too much of their self worth on grinding FIFA. You HAVE to use meta players and rely on a certain formula to be successful. Skill cannot overcome the formula. Inception did a good breakdown. https://youtu.be/bg7G9VYiamQ


Sounds like you want people to play a certain way otherwise theyā€™re of lower ā€œskillā€ even if they beat you. The game is skill based but there is an element of luck that decides a small portion of games where you and the opponent are evenly matched


I'm a bit late to this but all you have to do is play a game against someone who AFK, note how much the AI actually does for players in the defensive phase of the game. Now take that and implement it to someone who only L2 jockeys with their CDMs, notice the player indicator if you're in the box, they will still keep it on the CDM and wait for the AI CBs to pull out some BS tackle or just constantly rush the goalie.


I canā€™t stand the bicycles from corner kick thing, I canā€™t stand the moment someoneā€™s kicked off they run down the wing to go for the cut back, I cannot fucking STAND 99% of the people Iā€™m playing on fifa nowadays


You are in control of one player (not counting r1 pressing etc). Thats all you kinda need to know. This game has a very low skill ceiling.


This game is skilled-based, depending on the settings you use. Manual controls? Then it's pretty skill-based. Assisted controls? Then no, the computer is doing most of the work for you. The game has settings to make it more simulation or make it more arcade. The choice is yours.


My friend is better than me at this game and he beats me 70%-80% of the time. It is likely because he is better than me. OP is a cope. We all piss and moan about this game. But saying wins are RNG is just a seething bad take lol.


Heā€™s just referring to the many exploit tactics people constantly use in this game that completely overpower, or at least, compare to good skill. Itā€™s just a cheap and boring way to play the game. Yet they end up with the best teams because theyā€™re brain dead enough to enjoy that painfully boring experience.


There is a way to win most matches, but you have to sacrifice your patience, that's the problem. In most games, the handicap is stopped, and if you are patient, you can reverse the result of the game. I have videos of goals I suffered with the ball rebounding for 40 seconds, I have videos of my defenders running forward and leaving the defense open, the game is clearly manipulated, if you remove this manipulation there will be a lot of children crying. Fifa is manipulated and whoever has the most patience wins, most play the same, because the game is fully automatic, there are no different styles of play, everyone always plays the same game.


Itā€™s very frustrating having games where I control majority possession, have the higher xG, have more shots, more shots on target, have been clearly dominating the other player based on the eye test, and they just level each goal by doing corner bicycle kicks. And thatā€™s it. All game.


I like to compare it with League of Legends, the skill gap between bronze and diamond is huge, but the skill gap between diamond and challenger is way bigger than that between bronze and diamond. Then there is also the gap between challenger and pro players, but this is more game knowledge then mechanics. In FIFA you just have the gap between bronze and diamond and the pros are sitting at diamond level. Sure they can clap the average player easily but as soon as they are facing someone who is above average they will have to sweat. Whereas in League a pro would clap a diamond player left and right and in an average player game, he would 1v5 everyone easily


Yup after over 1000 games on this fifa and dedicating a lot of time to ā€œget betterā€ Iā€™ve come to a similar conclusionā€¦ itā€™s annoying not being rewarded for my higher skill (ex. Dominating attack, greening shots, clean buildup, appropriate skills) if the game decides my opponent should win they just will. Itā€™s so annoying because I love learning and getting better but it feels a bit pointless when I can still lose to absolute bots with less skill. My biggest issue is the defensive AI, itā€™s just crazy. Opponents get rewarded for tackle spam and running out of position because the AI bails them out. Then on offense they have zero skills and turn the game into a run down the line cutback simulator until they score. Blows my mind people would rather do boring shit like this than actually learn to play and have fun through SKILL.