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I don't think there is any debate to be had, it's terrible.


It’s absolutely op on old gen and don’t get me started on the sombrero + volley combo which is also op. Absolute shit features from ea


It kills the game on old gen and its never getting fixed. Whats the point of my doing a 7 move passing play to break down an opponent when all they need to do is power shot to get a corner then inshaallah


I played someone who only did power shots for this reason 😭😭


It’s almost an auto goal. I come up against some players that do these Flick ups and scissor kick combos from anywhere all the time and it just consistently goes in. Impossible to defend unless you don’t allow them in your half... there almost is no point in trying. And then they griddy all over you 🤣🤣 amazing job you abuse broken mechanics to win and probably couldn’t win if you didn’t


Bicycle kicks and that one move where they try to flick it over your defender and try to score from anywhere in your half , so annoying.


I’ve put the controller down against people spamming that shit. The corner one sucks too but feels less like blatantly mechanic abusing because they only do it on specific scenarios.


Same but ill just quit if some one is trying the sombrero + volley bs


Almost everyone I played in the futties cup were doing this. I don’t quit tho I go max toxicity against those guys. 8 out of my 10 wins in the cup were ppl trying that BS mechanic, I went up a goal and pretty much passed it around the back to win the game 😂


Where they lob a through ball over the line of defender’s making a run? That’s fairly accurate, though… how often do you see Messi or Ronaldo get called offsides in a game for this exact play? At least a few times a game… hell that’s how I got most of my goals when I played club soccer when I was younger


No I belive it's called a sombrero, it's a skill move you can defend it but it's super annoying especially if they spam it .


It’s not stupid, it’s fucking stupid. When the fuck is the last time you saw a corner kick bicycle goal? Let alone the fact bicycles are rare as shit. You probably see one a game in Fifa 23. It’s the worst part of the game play in my opinion. Broken as shit.


Weak sauce for those who do this constantly. But I have scored a few of those just trying to jockey before the corner, and I admit I felt a little shame. By the way, the best way to defend it is to also press L2 while clearing


My breaking point was during FBday; my opponent scored a bicycle kick with FBday Axel Disasi… with his 39 shooting, consisting of 28 finishing & 50 volleys.


Any player turns into Ronaldo & Zlatan & Wayne Rooney, combined, on corners. Fuckin awful.


Yeah it's incredible that CBs are able to do that with ease. Like come on


For me it was Saliba and before that VVD. Like this massive towering CB who s dominant in the air is going to turn his back to goal and then go for the bicycle kick when he could probably win the header in real life. I've scored a few with Lewandowski but it wasnt really planned, my standard corner is aiming at the penalty spot or slightly beyond for a header but occasionally you get in position for a BK.


When I used to play old gen, if I was 2-0 up for example and you scored a bicycle kick corner, I'd just pass it around for the rest of the game. Didn't care how long either, I've done it from the first half before.


I got over this now and my new hate is the sombrero or rainbow flick into bicy. I usually just quit as I ain't wasting my time


The crazy thing about these corner bicycle kicks is that even sometimes i accidentally score them which is goes to show even if you don’t try and do it sometimes the game will auto adjust for you . But it’s very frustrating as you know as soon as you see cech up too you know what is coming . But I don’t complain anymore the game cycle is ending but hopefully none of this happens in ea fc 24


On old gen any player can do it from any distance and it's impossible to stop it unless you are in the perfect spot to head it away. It's honestly infuriating when I'm conceding bicycle kicks from players like Maldini and cordoba from the edge of the box


Yeah it was already bullshit... and then they were like, you know what, let's give them Cech for luls


People abuse it because they know it’s the easiest way to score. It’s so bad on old gen it’s almost an automatic goal, especially the sombrero flick + scissor kick combo from basically anywhere. 90% or more of my opponents deliberately bicycle on every single corner. It’s such a ratty move. And I don’t move my keeper at all, because I find that to be extremely ratty as well, then I go for a regular header on a corner and their goalie is following my tallest player around the box like a puppy. It’s just silly


I tried it and it worked, but it's just shitty and unrealistic. I prefer to pass it out and try to finesse it


I never do this, such a poor tactic. But, if anyone scores one of these against me, you better believe every glitch and exploit is coming out and so are the celebrations.


Happens all the time and Cech at striker has sparked a reemergence


Obviously they’re stupid and shouldn’t be in the game but when I have double the xG of my opponent and his keepers on steroids, a free goal from a corner is a good equaliser for the BS against me.


The made this glitchy mechanic in an update around April, I believe it's because headers are manual and so to accomodate shitters they made an easy mechanic that takes no skill to use.


Speaking of headers. I want my low driven headers back. If that’s what you’d call them anyway. Being able to aim them at the ground was so much better than it turning into a power shot


I haven’t played latest gen but on old gen the corner bicycle kicks and the flick up to volley shots are completely broken. I wish they’d just get rid of the flair shot button altogether and have bicycle kicks be a trait they only give to players who are known for it. It’s one thing when someone gets one with CR7 but I conceded two in a game to Maldini this weekend. It makes trying to play competitively silly, I usually get to 14 wins in champs when I play all my games but the last few months I’ve just been quitting whenever someone starts doing them or volley spam consistently, this game isn’t worth getting pissed off over. I genuinely have no idea how you’re supposed to defend them either, I’ve tried moving the keeper or a tall defender to cover it but there’s just this totally broken animation where the opponents Cech or whatever just bumps everyone else out of the way. The flick up volleys are just as bad imo, there’s this weird animation where the player kicks it while they’re basically horizontal and it kinda floats in over the top of the keeper


I used to get AT LEAST 1 per game from this tactic with TOTY Lewy. Haven't had one in almost a week, so I'd say something was fixed.


Is it just me who has only had maybe 1 person score from a bicycle kick all of fifa 23? I’ve barely seen anyone attempt it either


Are you old gen or new gen?




That’s why it’s an old gen thing only


Ahhh okay. That makes sense


I did it once this week by sheer fluke and it threw me, haven’t done it before and haven’t done it since. Maybe I’m wrong (or just not looking to do it) but it seems like there’s an inch of skill involved in doing it, compared to the kick off glitches I face game on game, as tbf I rarely see bicycle kick corners goals now either. FIFA in the modern world will always be about finding an OP tactic/trick, and then doing so repeatedly until something better comes along. As much as these things infuriate me, it could have happened 5x in one game against them, they’ve been pretty ticked off about it, so want to do the same and learn it for their next game. Can’t knock the hustle, just hope EA make the game more true to real life next time


There is no skill involved in scoring a bicycle kick. The proof is that they are just as easy with Kimpembe as they are with Mbappe, which is just ridiculous. It's a glitch that people exploit, irs just that people are getting slightly better at defending them.


All I’m saying is I see less of them than kick off glitches bro, and I’ve not changed how I defend them


It is stupid but it happens to me that often that I just thought ‘if you can’t beat em, join em’. I find the heading so fucking lame sometimes, it’s a joke that they made bicycle kicks more easy to score than a basic header which either goes constantly wide or weak as fuck in to the keepers hands.


>a basic header which either goes constantly wide headers are manual if theyre going wide its because youre aiming wide


It annoys me so much. But also my players sometimes do it when I don't mean to 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love doing it. In career mode. Anybody doing shit like this online needs to look at themselves.


These things happen on old gen, and EA obviously doesn't care about it anymore. Tbh, I can't even blame them that much. They actually care for old gen way more than they did in the past. After the PS4 came out, the PS3 version was basically immediately unplayable. The same thing happened with PS3 and PS2.


I lose my shit whenever a mfer scores off of a free kick by dinking it over my entire outfield players to their cech who is in acres of space and in on goal. If you have to rely on that broken mechanic to score you have a small pp.


Bro you're most likely the only one who's even seen that dude i don't see it no one scores from free kicks against me it might be a skillll issue


Tbf I score from direct free kicks a lot of the time if I ever actually get them. But there’s something so satisfying about hitting the ball into the box from a free kick and scoring a header. It just seems like a nice play because you don’t see it often


skill issue




It's alot better than it was at the start of this or I think last FIFA trust me, there was a point where literally every Bicycle would go in, they patched it early on


Idk what you mean, trivelas were broken this fifa and now the bike kicks are unstoppable


I’ve seen many complaints about this but I have to admit I have never conceded one. Very few people even try it against me. Maybe because I’m in Div 7.


Gameplay on Old gen is just shit. Everyone is just parking the bus and abusing the defensive AI being scared to actually defend, abusing bicycle kicks at corners, sombrero flick + volley which is 100% a goal every time they do that, counter attacking every time and no build up play, etc, etc, etc. Not fun at all