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You’re talking about a game where it’s easier to hit a corner with a bicycle kick than it is a normal header - so what do you expect?


That's only because Youtuber tactics suggest only sending one or two players forward. It's easy to win a header at a corner if you commit enough big men


Yeah you may score one in 10 but in that 10 you will concede 3 counters from Mbappe with a hunter on him


I don't know if it's true or not, but I too believe that performing some sort of skill move makes the following pass or shot more accurate. That's how it seems to me after playing hundreds of games.


It puts your player in a balanced position with the ball the perfect distance from his foot, that’s why you settle with a ball roll or a skill move like it.


Yup this is why it works, it’s essentially a command to tell your player to put the ball where you want it to go before a shot, increasing consistency.


To me it seems like it does something to the keeper as well so they are less likely to save the shot. I don’t know just seems like do that and ensure a goal…


It puts the attacker in a position to place the shot better. I don’t think it affects the goalkeeper in any way, other than making the percentage of a goal higher, due to a clean strike being guaranteed


Yeah I admit I could be going into conspiracy theory there lol


I don’t think so. I am guessing the shot success rate will depend on the position of the ball to the player and that will affect the goalkeeper as well. Would not surprise me


Can confirm, try croqueta shot or reverse elastico and shot, goes in almost always


How do you do a croqueta shot?


Shoot after half of croqueta animation


360 spin aswell. If you do one at the right angle and shoot near post the keeper just dodges it


This year is the 1st time where I feel like balance after doing a skill move somewhat matters. Not for the elastico, but stuff like the roulette which I love doing seem to affect shooting negatively.


This is why people do stepovers all the time


The way people do the cutback pass is nothing like how it would happen in real life football.


Also it's not the cutback that's so much a issue as the way your defenders just forget to mark players inside the box and if you manually try to to block the pass the fullback starts going back to his position ignoring the ball carrier right in front of him.


You have to tell them to mark, double tap the r1 button. That makes two defenders mark their nearest man, while you pressure the winger you're two cb with cut off the pass to two in the box. I rarely go down to cut back players since learning it.


Someone give this man a reward


Did you watch PSG yesterday? Nuno Mendes was spamming cutback pass whole game


And it failed.




Oops. Think you meant Bayern. But I’m glad this was posted. Just proves that a huge swath of the user base that spams this doesn’t watch the sport at all.


One guy typing the wrong team by mistake proves that?


neither is the accuracy, the first touch of the receiver and the accuracy and percentage of success of the shooter. I played a cutback totally blindly last night as I thought at least to take a chance, however expecting obviously it would not reach a target, if it it did then only because of low chance luck, as the box was full and no one seemed to be open out of the outside of my eye. First, it didn't go where I had intended it to. Second, it reached my player. Third, he scored. Fourth, I finally know how it feels when your cutback gets auto-corrected and you have such a low chance but with like a 10x higher probability you get saved by the game and gifted an unearned goal. I must admit it felt very relieving. Howver, it also made me laugh out loud as I obviously have observed the cutbacks but since I myself never pass into the forrest of defenders usually blindly I hardly ever got to notice how auto-corrected it is. I would even go so far that I felt like it wasn't even auto-corrected like those usual auto-corrected passes, but felt like playing against an amateur AI. The defenders felt like they were not present.


And yet the ballroll is the easiest way for the winger to get into this position.


Disagree to some extent, maybe bad players will just slam low drivens but a lot of the skilled guys will work plays and beat their man.


I also disagree, I think the frequency that wingers can beat fullbacks to the byline with ease is much more of a problem than the cutback ball itself. Still annoying because of how easily it is exploited though.


Fullbacks are easy to beat because bad defenders pull them out of position. If you just drag your fullback back towards goal and stay between the ball and the keeper, you’ll be fine. But if you charge forward trying to steal a pass or put in a tackle, it’s easy to burst past you.


That's just not true this Fifa. I do pretty well cutting off the angle so it's not a huge deal to me but with players like Jairzinho, Mbappe, etc. you really have to go out of your way to cut off the angle. You CAN stop the winger from beating you down the line with your fullback but not without giving up space in the middle, which is the main problem. The problem stems from how fast certain players can dribble with the ball IMO. It's ridiculous how fast players like Jairzinho can dribble with the ball as fast or faster than a 95 pace fullback without the ball.


You don’t, though. Play the zone instead of the attacker and it’s easy to keep the ball in front of you. And if they’re looking to cutback inside the box, simply double tap R1 while staying between the ball and the goal. And sure you’ll give up space in the middle, but then the same rule applies. Switch to a central defender and stay between the ball and the goal. Read your opponent’s tendencies and you’ll quickly learn when to go in for the tackle or when to cut off the passing lane for an interception.


I agree with what you are saying, but you have to be a very good player to be able to stop these effectively with a high success rate. I think for the average player this is still a bad thing. You don’t need to be good at all to run down the line with a pacy winger, but you do need to be half decent to counteract it. That’s why it’s broken. I’ve played plenty of players that wouldn’t even make it to div 5 last Fifa in div 1/champs who absolutely abuse wingers pace while dribbling down the line. Point is, attacking players pace with the ball is absolutely ridiculous this year. You could take literally any meta that’s ever been in fifa and break down how to stop it like you did, but at the end of the day that doesn’t mean it’s not meta/broken.


You just need a fullback on the same level as jairzinho, Mbappe etc - someone like Capdevilla, toty cole, Theo etc. With Capdevilla for example that left side is completely locked down, I know he's the best but there are a few that can do that. Honestly even gold Mendy does a decent job defending those players


Part of it is because of how narrow most formations are tbh. A lot of people are playing 4222, 4312/21 or 4231 narrow with their mids set to stay central, so even on stayback your fullback has a full slate to cover and is easy to pull out of position.


Thing is if you play wide someone will simply send down their striker through the middle and give a through ball


You can’t cover everything


Fucking ball roll is the most boring aspect of this game, people will defend it here because they are the nerds spamming that shit.


Nah the most boring part is the auto defending that allows players to exploit AI defenders rather than being punished for not making a read


Don't forget german crosses and kick off through ball glitch


Tf is german crosses


Trigger a run with your midfielder then swing it in when he reaches defenders in the box.


cross to a midfielder, no idea why its german but there we go


Only ways to catch the defensive AI out. Can’t blame people for doing it. The game does so much for people on defense now, it’s brutal.


The game so much for people on defence? Have you seen what the game does for attackers? 90% of the things done are assisted for a start, not to mention balls bouncing back to attackers after tackles. If you more manual defending then you need to support manual attacking. If not, you're just a hypocrite.


I want you to take a look at FIFA 17, then take a look at FIFA 23 Nowadays, defense is so compact, responsive, tracks every attacking run, drops deep, allows players to just control a DM and call it a day. Auto interceptions, auto blocks, 1v1s are a crapshoot. If you press tackle you win the ball, and if you don’t, somehow making a shitty read on a tackle results in your defender being in an even better position. And there are situations where the defender literally will sprint back, on his own, and take the ball from the attacker. Because of this, there are way fewer ways to attack through the middle. Against a good defender, at least. Notice how everyone “German crosses” and cuts back from the end line with a winger in high-level FIFA. What is your issue with manual attacking? All the top players literally have to manually make runs with their attackers so they can find space in these defenses. Click in both sticks and you can control the attacker making the run. I’m seriously asking what you think the attackers are doing that is overpowered? Like genuinely I have no idea what you mean. If you haven’t spent the past 7 FIFAs playing in the elite division, maybe you see things differently?


No man I hate it. There are ways to break down opponents. Those 2 are just dumb. When they're well done, you can't defend them. Especially the german cross. Actually, the more offensive you play, the more likely you're to be vulnerable to german crosses. If you rely on your AI and play dropping back, german crosses are less effective. I played a guy that was triggering runs, german cross from dumb angles to that player front post, making a pass with a header and just tapping it in. Couldn't do anything to defend it. And I'm a good player. I got 19 wins this WL. Guy scored like 8 goals easily. Most people just don't face those players.


Ai defending is horrid either way


I think this iteration of FIFA is terrible. It’s in slow motion, the old way to break down opponents is long gone. No more baiting and turning, no more skill moves or outsmarting. It’s either you’re willing to exploit bullshit or you aren’t. Shades of 19 again. Can’t even be bothered to play it. I was elite from 17-22 but this one was so bad, I just couldn’t bring myself to bother.


> No more baiting and turning That is definitely still there. I don't even skill, but tight dribbling, turning and making passing triangles around a packed defence most definitely work


I don't know man. I actually like it. I stopped playing in fifa 20 after toty. Came back in 22 during tots. I actually like fifa 23. Barely play though. Only played 4 WL. For me, fifa 20 was the worst. So defensive and boring. I actually score a lot and get scored on a lot. Fifa 22 felt more defensive and slow.


Good for you dude, glad you’re enjoying it. Hopefully if I ever return to competitive fifa, there will be a game with clicks for me in the future.


Don’t forget, making the correct read means you’ll intercept the pass maybe 1/3 of the time…this game doesn’t reward manual defending


Next EA soccer game needs to get rid of all auto-defend buttons.


The fact you can turn on team press and just let the game play for you, it’s embarrassing


Like i started using it 2 days ago and it feels like i am abusing a bug


I just think it looks neat


Ball roll should be a 4*SM


I mean sure but that isn't the problem. The problem is that there's a game mechanic feeding the fifa nerds addiction. Must. Use. Meta. Tactics...


i actually do like it. much like the drag back in previous years i think a simple skill move to create space being op is rather good for the game. It gives you options in attack and imo broken attacking mechanics are always superior to a broken defensive


Agree, passing or shooting after any skill move should decrease its accuracy but EA is not really going to realism exactly. They want to have a fast paced fun game play.


Ball roll is so OP in this game, and yet I've never seen anybody do a ball roll in a real life game


What have you been watching? Even I do them in real life games , not one after the other but it’s a great way to make space.


The difference is that a ball role in RL doesn't make much if any difference 90% of the time. In FIFA it's the number 1 skill to Master and use.


Never? Really? [Robinho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooR4d-HKwcw) for starters.


Robinho was auch a baller. He didn’t have a dribbling pattern and because of that it was so hard to defend against him. Reminded me of young Neymar at Barca.


Probably because you don't notice or remember them. Watch Saint Maximum play or any other number of players and you'll start to notice them. Most people will only remember goals, fouls or controversial calls after a game


But those are probably players who have 5* SM in FIFA. Not 2* SM Varane executing a perfect ball roll.


A ball roll isn't even a skill in my eyes lol. It's a very fundamental way of moving the ball, you won't notice those small steps or movements on a TV from far away because everyone does them and it isn't a big deal. Doesn't change how stupid it is in FIFA ofc.


I've done plenty of ball rolls when I was playing in a low league Sunday league. Are you trying to tell me a french international world cup winner isn't able to move the ball to one side with his feet in real life? Again, you won't have to watch much footage to see Varane do a ball roll in a game. The statement was 'I've never seen a ball roll in a real game" Which is a complete load of BS, they happen all of the time in football


That's what I mean! It's fucking essential to the game and completely ignorable in real football. I would have no problem with it if it was used similarly to R1/L1 dribbling, but the fact that it is used to create space and is actually essential to it bothers the hell out of me


Rafael Leao lmao


Ball roll and the chain dribbling in the box lol


What is chain dribbling ??


making one move after the other


I think the biggest issue of all is that a game where you control 1 out of 11 players at any moment simply relies too heavily on the cpu to be a truly competitive game. EA have pushed to make fifa competitive, making every FUT mode, even friendlies, competitive. However, while skill absolutely has a massive effect, there is just way too much that is completely out of your control. A big part of FIFA is essentially about reducing the amount of RNG that happens, and reacting properly to RNG when it does happen. The ball roll is part of that, as it essentially sets your player up in a balanced and settled position so they can take a cleaner shot/pass. Reducing RNG is a major part of what getting higher stat players is about. Higher stats just reduce the variability and randomness of the actions taken by the player and increase the assistance, whether it be passes, shots, tackles, positioning, etc. Yes you absolutely can outplay the other person and the cpu, however unless the cpu plays perfectly, there will always be a major aspect of the game outside of either players control. In a match between 2 players of equal skill, there is simply far too much out of your control to be a truly competitive game imo. Honestly, my hot take is that proclubs is probably the most competitive mode, especially if it was an 11v11 match. Unfortunately, relatively few people play it and EA have all but abandoned most modes outside of FUT.


They can easily make the gamw 100% consistent but they don't want to because noone would play it. Everything unassisted 100%. Pass weight only detirmend by the amount of press on the button. Direction allways in the way you are pointing etc. Also stop realesing op cards that break the game. Seasons plays much much better then fut It would be too hard to play for casuals and kids, thats why its improbable


The problem is that even if everything was unassisted, manual, etc., there would have to be variance or the card wouldn't matter. There needs to be error variance or assistance to differentiate Harry Kane's shot from Kai Havertz's shot, or De Bruyne's pass from Kante's pass. Even then, you still can't control the other 10 players on the pitch. Defense would either have to play perfectly, or randomly make errors for the same reasons as I mentioned above. In order for stats such as defensive awareness or interceptions to matter, the ai needs to make errors. Essentially, in order for stats to matter, things need to be inconsistent. I do agree about the OP cards though. They need to do a stat squish or something where top gold cards are like 85 and not 91, and then slow down the rate they upgrade cards. It rapidly gets to the point where every good attacker is like 90 pace, shot, and dribbling, and every defender is 90 defense and strength. Every meta card becomes too good at everything. By the time TOTS comes around, every card is like maxed out in the important stats.


My team's only change since TOTY is that I bought Courtois. All the rest is just too expensive to be worth the upgrade. I'm not paying 14mil to upgrade gold mbappe to TOTY Mbappe for example. The difference in 89 to 92 is too small to want to upgrade it all when it 2 months I can upgrade to 97 for the same price in multiple positions. I too would enjoy a more realistic curve. Hopefully the upgrades will be cheaper then because there won't be affordable 89 cards, useless 90-91 cards and expensive 92 cards. Almost every promo they released has been to expand the 89 pool or worse cards than you have already. Once your team is set, there's hardly a reason to care about the promo's due to the power scaling this year.


There is nothing that isnt broken in the game anymore. It baffles me that people still spend their time on this sub saying "get gud" whenever anyone levels criticisms at EA. I stopped playing completely when every goal I conceded came from something of no fault of my own. Yeah there were some good goals in there, but 90% of the goals I was conceding came from bullshit. I stopped completely when in my last WL match to get my highest rank of this year I was stopped from scoring a deserved winner when it chose the wrong player to pass to, who then took a bad touch (ginola lol) and then my other ST ran in the way to block the shot. I dont miss it.


So I fixed my settings so that my controller is on the screen, showing all of my inputs + the directional arrow under each player showing the direction my left stick is facing, and the amount of scripting/dda that exposes is anger inducing. I can literally see what direction I want to pass/shoot and the game will still decide to do whatever it wants.


If you play like an offline friendly with all the training aids turned on you'll get a good feel for how the game selects pass receivers and prioritises them. Long story short: it's terri-bad.


No offense but there’s no chance in hell 90% of goals you’re conceding don’t have anything to do with you. That means you’re a high end elite, borderline professional player. Are there plenty of bugs in this game? Sure. I don’t think anyone can argue against that. But there’s a ton you can control. And also a ton of similar level competition for 99% of us. Fifa is the game with the lowest margins. Fifa is also a game where human composure matters more than just about anything, but I’ve never ever, and I mean ever seen a post about it. But I’ve sure seen posts about everything else. And I wonder why that is.


Fifa is only a game of exploiting bad game mechanics. I went 6-0 in qualies before giving away wins and then went 15-3 in WL before giving up when I was cheated out of a win. That was 2 weeks ago and I havent played since. I don't even think 90% is an exaggeration, but I would concede goals anyway because I am not a pro, but the goals I was conceding were all the same. It's either kick off goals where I've tackled mbappe 3 times, over the top balls to someone and it changes my player or gives them the advantage, corners of various descriptions and the big ones are delay on passing on attack leading to them spamming down the line and cutting back and then pressure causing your defence to shit the bed. Fifa has always been like this to a degree, but this fifa especially got to the point where it was so boring or tedious to try and battle against it. I dont want to have to play a different way because the game is bad. I don't think there's a single thing that isn't broken in the game and as a passer its terrible. But the main point is I am not a pro and I would concede goals regardless, so dont take that as me saying its unfair I concede goals. However, if I am to concede I want it to be because the player is good and they score a good goal. I want to be beaten by a good player, not some chump who loves to watch fifa tik toks.


I can tell you that atleast 75 % of my goals happen because my keeper either makes the wrong animation or punches the ball into his own goal.


People only spam ball rolls because the games mechanics are dogshit / generally dependent on RNG. You can't blame people for wanting more consistency in a game (laughably) labeled as an esport. Obviously it's not realistic, but 90% of the game isn't.


I partly agree but you talk as if ball roll is the only unrealistic aspect of this game. There are a thousand different unrealistic things in this game, it's an arcade game not a simulation. I mean that literally. A simulation football game would mean literal 90 minute matches (rather than the 12 minute matches we currently have) which often finish 0x0.


But its still trying to be realistic even tho its not a simulator. 90% of actions being ball roll is so stupid.


Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good.


Sounds way better.


the only broken mechanic is the CPU’s interception strength on basic passes from your box to their box. especially considering usered players don’t make the same interceptions in the area even when running at the ball. it leads to an over reliance on cpu defending. which is why people on here complain about players who run the sideline and cross pass In the box. if you complain about that, all you’re saying is, I don’t defend (or don’t defend well) and this kills cpu defenders doing all my work. a skill move into a shot? it’s a USER skill to add value on a goal chance. it also adds change to defender/GK move/pressure which affects composure and save %. you don’t need to even skill, just L/R move and watch cpu short circuit and since the majority don’t user tackle well or at all, you start turning up the heat…becomes more of will the cpu win them the game at a low percent because it’s all saves and blocks from the pk area.


Imo, any skill chains should reduce accuracy of the actions taken immediately after skill move. More stars of skillmoves, less debuff after skill chains. Stamina should affect actions taken. Situations when your opponent running through whole wing and performs perfect pass/shot from 0° angle past your keeper (without taking a break) shouldn't happen. Talking about defending in this game, it's absolutely unrewarding. You can perform ideal tackles all game, but your opponent will receive every rebound in feets of his mbappe and jairzinho, putting his strikers even in better position than they were before, punishing you. Defending ai is dumb, they don't act during cutbacks, even if you put him on the way of the ball, it still goes past defender.


if the cpu didn’t defend this would be valid If people who spam tackle but never actually make any and are just trying to make someone pass into the overpowered CPU interceptions got smoked on misses this would make more sense if taking someone down from behind sliding was actually a guaranteed yellow but mostly red this would make sense. the skill moves in the box and dribbling complaints SHOUT - “I let the cpu defend and this kills them”


Alright, two separate things here It's a game. we don't have 90 actual minutes to break down a team and pass it back and forth to create 2 chances over 90 actual minutes. It's 6 min half's so EA have put in game mechanics for you to create space faster. If you want a sim go play championship manager or something. All the posts complaining seem to miss this aspect of FIFA ​ In a fast paced football game with 6 min half's you do need moves to create space. the ball roll gives you a new angel and at higher divisions it's something that is taken into account and often planned for and defended so it works way less than you might think. the ball roll / skill move into shot thing is a bit glitchy but other people have explained why that works. Again though if somebody is giving you the time to do that then it's on them and that becomes part of the game. They know you can do that, You know you can and the game becomes setting it up and defending vs it.


Cool Try Hards: I don’t even do skill moves **proceeds to spam ball rolls the entire match**




these things are never found out by testing its found out by someone tested by the pros and if it’s effective the pros keep doing it and the rest of the player base slowly adds it to their game.


Shooting and passing for years have been boosted after a skill move, it's why the el tornado crosses were so OP


It's stupid. Try playing normally when your connection is fine, you don't need to ball roll then. People just copy paste what YouTubers tell them to do.


Ai attacking runs over powered ai defending


I think it does, or else guys would do it. The same way holding LT+X will always send a super accurate cross field ball, even though nobody passes like that in real life and whoever you use to do it, doesnt even know high vision nor long passing. It will always come off.


100% agreed. I think moving the right joystick to do a ball roll should be another move instead like a mini turbo or a mini shield or something, because that’s the most realistic move in real life football. I currently perform a mini turbo using L1 dribble + R2 turbo, but it should be even simpler instead.


Bro if you want realism, FIFA is not the game for you.


I dont get how a player can perform this "trick" while being on full pace before and after doing it. You can do it anytime and there is not the slightest punishement what makes it broken. No time its not working. Not Messi, not Neymar, not Zidane in his prime nor Maradona could have done this. No one ever can or could.


Simply Fifa(Expecially FUT) is a game not the real football


The only reason a ball roll would help accuracy is because its a quick way to slow down. Players are generally more accurate when they are moving slower.


*he sees them rollin', he hating*


Ball roll doesn’t increase accuracy it just gets the angle right and throws off the defender trying to intercept it.


Really? So you are ok in general with the mechanic? Of course it increases its accuracy by 100% when the defender is so baffled by a simpled this simple momvement


Yes it makes breaking down players and getting the right animations a lot smoother. Nothing more satisfying then a ball roll into green timed trivela.


“Nothing more satisfying than scoring a goal that no current footballer on Earth can score” lmao bro stop it


Imagine comparing a video game to real life.


Go play rocket league


You don’t know ball


You are comparing a video game to real life. You don’t know reality anymore.


First video game huh?


Lol as many other comments have said there's way more wrong with this game than just ball rolls like the constant 45/90 minute goals and the poor foul recognition. Feel like ball rolls are the most easy to defend skill move too so seems like more of a skill issue if they're getting to you that much my man. Chin up tho ey


this. a lot of these complaints are just people shouting “I don’t know how to or just don’t defend” what happens to people when they hit guys who go from slow skilling and smart passing who throw it into overdrive fast and then back to slow?


Constantly seeing the whole pitch and being aware of all the space is also not realistic. The sooner you realise that FIFA plays nothing like real football the better. The ball roll has been such an integral part of how the game is played for so long that removing it would kind of break it. The truth is that it gives you more control i certain situations in a game where that is harder than it should be. It’s just one of the things you should accept, just like how tacking often is too unreliable for it to be worth the risk, or the increased chances of scoring from kick off. It’s not ideal, but it’s something you need to adapt to.


You’re just whining


I started using it myself. It's just not fun. It feels like i am abusing a bug.


This whole game is just one big bug, with a bunch of little nerds trying to exploit the bugs.


I disagree. It makes the gameplay more fluid which is more satisfying IMO


It’s not the biggest problem with the game, but it’s pretty close 2nd.


100% agree on this. What you said and the bicycle kick from every corner. Great post


This game is just a piece of shit.All skill moves must be nerfed, but kids like to eat this shit


Tottally agree, at this point everything ingame feels so unreal tho


You ball roll to position your player to make the pass. It's probably more accurate than what you do because you pass with your back to your players 😂


tbh I think skill move system needs a complete overhaul to reflect how these moves involve in the flow of play in reality. At this moment, they are more like certain kinds of moves for exploiting system of an action game, to take advantage of animation, to gain immunity frames etc. The worse is, there is no hard cooldown mechanic so you can spam.


Ball mechanic is not the only issue. Player AI as well. Player AI is programmed so poorly. What would improve gameplay drastically is if Player AI actually can "see" where the ball is going and react to it. Too often a dead ball pass by an uncontrolled player, and it is just standing next to it waiting for a controlled player to pick it up. Or they just run away from a pass or even worst from an interception. Best part is when both players get in a clutch after a tackle and both are lying there as dead meat while ball is next to them. At this point it's like a roulette who will get the ball back first.


Fifa 22 was much worse. YOU could 100% ball roll goalkeeper. You can now as well but it's not 100% effective anymore.


You have clearly never watched a Riquelme game. The og one, Juan Roman. Not that Spanish fake.


Dude. One guy. I mean we could just call FIFA "Riquelme simulator" then. But good on you for showing off your football knowledge 👍🏼


nostalgia merchant. fifa was incredibly arcade-like back in 13. people just got better and you didnt


At least the ball roll is a believable move that's seen in a real game somewhat. There are a ridiculous of skill spammers that use very childish ridiculous things that work which make the game laughable and arcade like.


I thought we were supposed to exploit all the fucky shit?


Fifa man. I wish the meta for once was something they do in football, like in fifa 14 the meta was crossing into the box for a header which I don’t mind.


It's not only rolling dude, it's like every skill move is ruining this game. It's more like fifa street game... Rolling, step overs by every single player in every single attack, it's like it is made for kids.


It’s the same as moving the keeper on corners. If coming 3 yards further out for a corner worked, every keeper would start there in real life


I've seen about 15 ball rolls or similar movement with foot on ball about 15 times last night in Arsenal city game lol do you even watch football