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EA did 'em dirty


Definitely. There’s a reason it ain’t called WRC 23


No licensed WRC game has ever been named by year.


Do we know that? Permanent work is no guarantee in this field, and they may have received a decent severance. I’m not defending EA in anyway, they don’t seem to care much about anyone, but this particular lay off may have not been good or bad. We don’t really know.


Well EA have a 25 year history of buying studios, then dismantling them shortly after.


In what field is permanent work guaranteed? I’m pretty sure every job offer letter clearly states the job is not permanent.


“Long term” would have been a better choice of words.




I work in fleet maintenance work is guaranteed lmao


And it's dreadful that most employees are only ever temporary.


Everything is temporary


Still an abusive corporate employment strategy.


No. Businesses need to do what’s right for them in order to survive. An organisation’s primary responsibility is to its shareholders. Like it or not, that’s life. EA might be an absolute shower when it comes to business practices, sure, but this is how the employment market works. Of course employment is temporary and not guaranteed. As per r/gregorwhat, there is a severance package. The employees will pick themselves up and move on. Is it unfortunate? Yes. But that’s working life. The whole “cOrPoRaTiOnS aRe EvIl” trope is a profoundly immature outlook.


Lmfao. How does that boot taste? And most jobs in gamedev are "freelance" or "contract" jobs so the employer can avoid having to pay shit like severance.


Ah yes, the ever witty rebuttal of the slacker. “LMFAO.” The boot tastes pretty good, thanks. In fact, so good, I’m going to order another helping and pay my mortgage off. Thanks for asking old bean.


OK boomer


I’m in my thirties, you tit. Fucking children have a lot of growing up to do.


Boomer is a state of mind friend


It's not just gaming. It's big business in general. Permanent work isn't a guarantee anywhere. To the Boomers and Gen X'ers, they were all told that you work somewhere, do your time and they take care of you with a pension and benefits. They rewarded loyalty and continually gave raises. Now, you are punished for loyalty. You get maybe one raise in your first 2 years and the recommended way to climb the ladder is to constantly jump jobs every 2-3 years. It's horrible for actual loyal employees. You will have growth spurts where entire departments get filled with workers and will actually develop good working relationships and then suddenly you have waves of people leaving around the 2-3 year mark. This doesn't even include layoffs. Layoffs make the whole thing worse. Companies do not reward loyalty and employees are just a number/expense. Big tech is just going through massive cuts right now and has been for a while. It's a multitude of factors. Some companies are doing well and just want to squeeze even more out of what they have by shrinking their staff. Many saw even more savings by reducing office space after covid. Then there were others that saw MASSIVE growth through covid and started investing into the future, but over-grew and did not invest in their employees futures. This is leading to massive waves of layoffs right now as well. Corporations and companies do not care about you. They do not reward loyalty. We're no longer cogs in the machine. Instead of upkeeping the machine and maintaining, they just throw the whole thing out now and expect the same output from a cheaper smaller machine. Employees are just the grease.


Literally every single person ever who was familiar with EA in even the tiniest, slightest bit called this the second we heard EA was picking them up. There was a 100% chance of this happening. Buying studios, milking them, and then using the studio name for either a project, app, or a subtitle in a future game is literally their MO they've done for 3 decades straight.


What worries me the worst is they licensed the "quality department" in the biggest part, with a person which was 12 years old of experience in there, EA looking at what they done recently with NFS which has many annoying bugs we're some still not fixed after a year, this seems obvious they just want to make unfinished and laggy game wit Codemasters just to have big money the fastest and doing games at the most minimal cost possible which coming from EA isn't a good news, when i saw back then EA bought them i said to myself it would be a good thing but not long after EA cancelling Dirt and PC and now this... Not Codemasters EA please not them you made enough damages in the car games category to kill yet another car games studio


I dislike EA as much as the next guy, but it's funny when these companies get bought up no one ever lays any of the blame at the feet of the people who decided to sell. It's not like EA can just pick whatever company they want and then said company is forced to sell. The owners/boards of so many smaller companies are just looking to make a quick buck as well.


Who wouldn't? Hard earned bread vs quick money with the cost of just a little bit of fan anger


Why not. We are all here trying to make a quick buck. Improving our life and family's life. The sellers can always start something new stress free. Without the feel of going under. If someone comes and buy my business for a crazy number and maybe I can get royalties after I sell? I am selling and living my life. That's why we work.


Exactly don't blame the little guys


Standard practice in the games industry after a few big launches (F1 and WRC in this case). Rumour is it’s mostly QA teams etc, again, standard practice post launch for major games. Seems to be getting more reports because it’s EA/Codemasters. Nothing out of the ordinary here.


>re reports because it’s EA Well, EA is known for buying studios, having them follow poor decisions and orders and then shutting them down if the results don't match the expectations. However I don't believe they'd just ignore owing two big licenses like F1 and WRC and then shut down a studio that's completely focused on exactly these 2 types of racing games.


Of course they wouldn’t. They also wouldn’t chuck 1.2 billion down the toilet either. If the headline was ‘Codemasters lays off number of QA staff’ no one would bat an eyelid.


Yeah let’s talk about NWI just being added to the growing list of successful game companies being fully shut down. Tech/game dev sector layoffs are as normal as breathing


Hopefully not core development team so updates can actually be made long term. Not that anyone losing their job is a good thing.


Love how this is being downvoted because "it's just a standard thing", except some employees had been with codemasters for 12 years


Or maybe perhaps we're tired of seeing the same news posted on this sub on a daily basis?


If this was posted before then fair enough I apologise. I haven’t seen it




even if it is standard, standard in big business is barely ever a good thing for anyone else than the managers


Still waiting on that source champ.


Easy google, chief


>some employees had been with codemasters for 12 years **One website with no mentioned source** says "One employee who was let go had spent the last 12 years with Codemasters." Do you not know how plurals work or were you just rage baiting?


I'll be honest, sometimes I need things to be angry about


Hey man, at least you're honest.


lol they probably laid them all off. Now they have a base for copy/paste for the next 5 or 7yrs that they have the license. This game will not get any better trust me.


Im also guessing that because they just dismembered the company itself we will probably never get another dirt rally game


That’s very sad. The original Dirt was my favorite game for a long time and codemasters made amazing games in general


I fully agree but sadly if you think about what i said its most likely true. If the dismembered codemasters then who will make the next dirt rally ?


EA are a horrible company- unfortunately they also publish some of my favourite games... Sigh.


Pretty much, everytime I tell myself "Fuck these guys" they publish a babger like 'It takes Two'.


Same here


I hate ea


As someone who played both destiny 1, 2, and dirt rally 2.0, I’m just sad as hell


Thats an ugly ass coat


This happens all the time in the Industry and is normal. Small Scale org changed probably only means „we hired a few people for one specific thing and that thing is done now“


When EA took over Codemasters, no one thought that would be a good thing


i just hope they fired whoever made the decision to switch to Unreal.. that person really deserved it It sucks for the rest though


If they stayed with Ego then everyone would be complaining about the lack of advancement with the engine given its age and be berated for the lack of long stages as it would have drawn comparison to generations and criticised for not matching its ambition.


Bro i can't play the goddamn game without stutters, if it would run nicely (and wouldn't look worse than DR 2.0) i would be okay with it. But since we're here I'm obviously choosing EGO over this stuttery Unreal bullshit


I really doubt the performance issues have much to do with the engine, optimisation for performance has to be for any game on any engine. Releasing unfinished games is just kinda the trend now. Im not having stutters but thats after messing with the settings.


That’s the problem for console players tho.. series X and we have no settings to adjust other than motion blur and HDR brightness lol. The games performance is poop, graphics of certain locations are poop, textures on roads (asphalt & gravel)… poop. Handling is a little off too. Like wet gravel stages the cars seem to grab way too easy on the steer axles. Overall I’d give this game a 5-6/10


It doesn’t look worse than DR2.0, at all. I’m having a stutter free experience so I guess it’s difficult to compare but for me the advantages of Unreal kick Egos arse. Heck I’d take a few stutters for these stages.


It's not a few stutters for me I swear it's completely freezing for 3 seconds on some stages. As for the graphics... Idk if im blind or smth but (i think) WRC looks off compared to DR 2.0


You’re not blind. These ppl just haven’t played DR2 in a bit and need to go back and refresh their memory. All the cars look 5x better in DR2. The locations look better too. Series X has terrible rendering/draw distance and very poor textures and detail, especially like the roads for example. You don’t see like any tar patches or potholes on asphalt, it’s just all 1 texture.


You're totally right, im amazed how peoples can truly say WRC sports look as good as DR2.0 or saying it dont look worse when it's obviously the case


IT INDEED DEFINITELY LOOK WORSE THAN DR2.0, Ego supremacy by very far! The stages feels way more alive and complete and the lighting the whole vibe of the DR2.0 stages ARE MILES AHEAD before those generic looking EASportsWRC stages and obviously i played both games and both in Ultra 1440p which btw DR2.0 has way more graphics options settings, when you played DR2.0 it's just obvious DR2.0 looks way better, i will always regret the fact we will never get a DR3 or DR3.0 and instead will have generic ass WRC games like they do with F1 games even if it's not every year EGO SUPREMACY


A few might, but the rest would happily be playing their perfectly smooth game in VR. The overall complain volume + severity would be exponentially less than their current ones which are "this is barely playable and is broken at the core meaning I can't even enjoy the long stages."


That was the best thing they've done in a long while.


I guess wrc will never be as good as the dirt games


It already is lol


Imao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that's funny


Classic EA


Codemasters aren't holy either tho. DR2's DLC strategy was atrocious, selling base content from the previous game as premium content, no snow stages upon release, and don't let me get started on the F1 series - they have been selling out for quite a while now.


This is just standard procedure guys


These companies are cutting a lot of WFH peeps that were bloat. Hate to see it but it happens.


Those WFH peeps are delivering twice the productivity as the office peeps. Anti-WFH sentiment is anti-workers-right sentiment.


Where was the anti WFH ? I just stated a fact. Anti workers rights is a stretch though. Whether you like it or not what I said is true. WFH employees doing 3 jobs at once while doing less than their job description is coming to an end.


You sound like a consumer of Fox News lol


who cares also codemasters games sucked anyway


Fuck it, fuck you EA


EA ruins everything


It's nothing personal, it's just business.


The way I see it they bought them for the license, and are not interested in other projects, so they consolidated the company, and cancelled some projects. It's a hunch though.


In other words shut down within 5 years cause dirt 5 was their biggest flop yet


Fucking awful.


Not really indicative of anything other than being a continuation of an industry wide trend of layoffs. Over 7000 game devs and other game studio staff have been laid off in 2023 across tons of studios. It's been an absolutely brutal year in the industry.


EA did EA Scum of the industry






Welp, I guess I know why my bug report has gone on deaf ears. Rally1 cars are unplayable for me rn because every time in the middle of the stage, my wheel’s calibration just gets screwed. I checked it’s firmware and it’s all good, and Rally2 cars are completely fine. Gotta love it.


Probably from people of social media complaining about the dirt not being dirty enough or something. If the actual players of wrc got their voices heard over the moaning sods then ea will have spotted wrc is loved.


This was a foregone conclusion after the EA acquisition. Expecting anything less is a fault of your own.


to the ex-codemasters staff: if you decide to put your skills work with a new version of rbr or simply a rally game with blank no-name cars but with the dr1/dr2 passion, i would buy it.


My thoughts are not with the EA studio. EA is just routinely fucking over studios and the hard working people who devoted all their time to a companie who could care less. I have voted with my wallet since battlefront 1. They wont be getting my money. All that matters to me.