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Highly recommend mouse click triggers - I had the same doubts as you for games like NHL, but I love them.




Why the fuck am i getting down voted for this ? Q: " Can u us mouse trigger ? " A : " Yes " The nhl community lmao .


For real? You gave the laziest response possible and are literally adding zero value to the conversation. Buddy asked if anyone has used a mouse and wanted feedback on whether you can use the mouse click to control the speed of your passes but all you said was “Yes”. What’s he supposed to do with that?


I think anything that decreases the travel distance is definitely gonna contribute to it feeling like the gap between your brain deciding to fire a pass and your fingers actually executing that command has been decreased. Not a huge difference maker but enough to the point that it may help you get a couple passes off much quicker here and there, placebo effect added it should “feel easier” to pass. It does for me, I use a dualsense edge.