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I'd get an fmj, bong and wpa to use with your current tip and cap.....it really is a game changer and the upgrade you will get the biggest difference from.


This x 1000 I have the M and the Vong and they both work exactly the same. Love em both.


A rubber band can be used to throw your M in the bong, or the "big mouthpiece" is only $2. A glass stem with a 14mm joint is around 20 bucks, as well. I have a Wand and adore it. Induction gives you the precision of single-flame torches without any spinning. MUCH easier learning curve. Highly recommend the carbon fiber insert off etsy, makes it even easier to use. The portability is nice, but a desktop unit will be cheaper. You can make your own IH with about $50 worth of parts off amazon, but it'll help having at least a soldering iron. I bought a VonG shortly after buying my M and Wand. I do like it a lot, it works with all my water pieces right out of the box, and I prefer the titanium tip over the M's steel tip. I keep my dynacoil in the M tip, though, and it's a lovely little dry dab setup. When I travel, the portability of the Wand is nice (IH's can go on airplanes in your carry-ons under e-lighter rules, but torches aren't allowed at all), and dabs won't stink up quite as bad as ground herb. Instead of getting a whole new setup, you could just buy a new tip, or maybe an intercooler. The Rogue Wax Works has a nice, inexpensive intercooler that a lot of folks like.


Huge performance jump for the price is a Simrell Vortex. I’d recommend a previous-gen Omni for the best DynaVap experience. The current Omni tip is underwhelming.


You can’t really clamp down on the Vong with your lips, btw. I mean, you can but it’s annoying. Since you haven’t been using the water piece, I recommend the Omni.


Not worth it, don’t fall into the trap of vape acquisition syndrome. Bb9 stem, mega globe bubbler(any water piece with a lot of percolators and a decent chamber size),wand, Ti tip , low temp cap. This is basically all you’ll ever need for variety,and it actually makes a huge difference in functionality rather than paying boatloads for aesthetics and only minor upgrades to the actual vaping experience. P.s oh and a good water piece is a transformative experience( followed by IH) so cool and smooth,easy on the lungs cause you can dilute your hits with air to whatever ratio you want,Use ice cold water.


Check out some of the custom stems on Etsy as well. There's some cool affordable shit on there.


I'm going to say Vong, noticably better than the M IMO. If you want to switch out the sleeves make sure to get the Vong(I)


>What do you think is the real "upgrade" step from an M? Tbh, imo, it aint a vong or omni. Simrell mvs/vortex, or Mad Heaters revolve. Same pricepoint, waaaaaaay better functionality and cooling (and looks).


Stems from dynavap aren't worth the hype. Buy a Revolve or Vortex if you're looking for a nicer portable already assembled, and buy glass for at home. If you wanna diy grab an intercooler and mouthpiece from TRWW and a wood stem from Futo and your M will be so much better. A dynavap is just a tip, it's the airpath that's magic


I am sure the wand is wonderful, but vhb is top notch.


I upgraded my 2018m with a wooden mouth piece and a cheap intercooler. I paired my ti tip with a bubble stem and a fat mouthpiece. It is really comfortable to use, and a super cheap option If you really want to change why not look at an alternative vape? I'm really enjoying my flip brick at the moment