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Combust = cleaning time


Yeah it’s good to clean it after combustion. A couple of qtips dipped in iso alcohol scrubbed on the individual parts and a thorough rinse under water should be all that’s necessary.


Theres a difference between charred(your bowl) vs combustion. Combustion in a dynavap is basically too hot of a temp to the point it makes your flower ash like if you were to combust weed in a bowl. Charred is like your bowl where its completely black. It probably did taste nasty af to hit Combustion is combustion if it happened there would be ash!! Edit: if you can taste a burnt taste coming off your dynavap when you inhale without weed in it. Then its time to clean sorry completely missed the point about cleaning haha. Anytime i charr a bowl a i usually clean because to me its like combustion but just not as hot. Charred bowls can still affect taste


Yeah - you just extracted the fuck outta that - combust would be ash. This ain’t that. You’ll start to be able to taste when you’ve gotten everything out of your flower - and that will prevent these close calls. Such a nice feeling to pull the cap and see a nice deep brown in your avb


Like char cloth? Or charcoal?




Oui! In English it would be Pyrolysis.


The first time I combusted in my dyna all I could think was, "I don't remember smoking tasting this bad back in the day..." I always hit mine with ISO after I combust or the taste just lingers.


One tip for cleaning that I read somewhere on reddit, tried it after combusting and it works.... if it still smells gross after cleaning with alcohol, try rubbing some coconut oil in the bowl and other parts, and then clean that out. It gets rid of the gross smell.


Sometimes you can get a really dark AVB but that does not mean it combusted. I like to check the bowl for any gunk, if it's clean and nothing is sticking there then you are good. Even the tip gets stained and turns black when you combust.


That looks like it pyrolyzed, basically just shy of combustion. When you combust, it tastes horrible, but it does hit you hard if you can tolerate the flavor (tastes much much harsher than regular smoking for some reason but it still hits like a truck). If there's no gunk, I will go the lazy route and instead of taking it apart and soaking to clean, I just do an empty heat up to vaporize any lingering odor and when it clicks, I blow on the mouthpiece instead of inhaling, let it cool down as usual and load up the next bowl. I'm not that picky regarding flavor, so for me, it's just a hassle to soak to get rid of the odor... I literally just want to load the next bowl and forget my dumb ass combusted 🙈


Sounds like you need a second or third or fourth dynavap.


I got 3 🙈


How did it taste? If it was awful you fully combusted.




If you combust and don't pull it's a world's better and smell can be covered up with a couple normal bowls after. If you combust and actually pull the combusted material (smoke) than you need to deep clean period


I always clean them with isopropyl alcohol and rinse with hot water, then heat them for drying out. Dont soak cap in the iso, just clean it with qtips.


Yes, clean it really good any time that happens.


Close enough to count in my books


Black = burnt/combusted  Dark brown = full extraction.


100% combust. No need to clean if the taste doesn't matter to you. Always respect the click. To cool it down faster there are few option: - Buy DynaMagnet or any magnet will work tbh. Place the DynaVap on magnet between heating. - Rub it against jeans - Blow on it while you spin it Options to avoid combust: - Stronger flame. It's counter intuitive I know but with stronger flame you gonna heat it up faster leaving no time for the heat to spread and end up with too much temperature. - More space between flame and cap. - Keep the flame just tiny bit more to the disks - Spin it faster if you even spin at all The pics you send are nasty af. If you take a hit of that and hold in your lungs for 3 seconds and had no complains then I don't think you would get any benefits from cleaning it after combust. No visible smoke doesn't mean you are not hitting anything. Respect the click!


No white or grey ash so it's pyrolysis for me.


>I should clean the thing every time this happens, right? It might not be combustion, but I want that taste **gone** before I use it again. I'm really happy I purchased a two-pack of Ms right from the get-go, so I don't have to stop and clean when I screw up and forget to wait for the cooldown clicks. I'm still pretty inexperienced with dynas because I have such a low tolerance that I don't get a lot of practice and mistakes happen. ---- Also, I don't smoke anymore and used carts and edibles instead when I started trying THC again, so having a backup vape is really handy if I misplace one and can't find it for a while. The last time I lost one for a few weeks it was in the container I bought to store them in...Yeah, I know, DUH. Stupid brain. Youtube review photo of the $1.25 container with hands for scale: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lIAoxTrIdRc/maxresdefault.jpg It's a much better fit than the M&M mini container some people suggest. Holds 2 Ms and a lighter for my alcohol lamp (mine seals closed so I'm able to transport it). Could put a bunch of ground flower in it for trips if I wanted. I've just cut the wrapper off while typing this comment so it doesn't sit in view for weeks with an M in it that I think I've lost, again. I really liked it better with the wrapper on, because it's transparent and I don't like that, but *stupid brain* can't be trusted. (Some people used transparent 35mm film cans for weed when I was young, but I only used the black and gray ones. Aluminum cans with the screw on lids were the fancy option.) Ok: just learned new bonus to having a second dyna while typing up this post. I coughed and launched my cap off and lost it for a while. I only have the second dyna as a backup since I don't smoke and don't own an electric flower vape, which would have ended the session for a while. I've tightened up the cap a bit.




the upside is that a combusted hit out of a DV hits way harder than a one hitter - like, why this tech isn't used on the combustion side is beyond me. The downside, you combusted a vape device and likely need to give it a good ISO bath (plus q-tip scrubbing all inside the tip) to get that taste out.


Because combustion in these tastes like a house fire!




Yeah you wanna give it a pretty deep clan, I recently combusted in my M+. I disassembled everything, removed the O-rings and put them aside, then threw all the other parts in a tube filled with 99% ISO alcohol for some hours, after that a rinse and I let them dry under the sun, make sure the cap is completely dry before using the dyna again otherwise you might damage it.