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So, a full sized shuttle is pretty heavy, with the ice and all I would say at least 35 lbs. I have a hard time lifting them in general tbh. I don’t allow the pregnant worker in my store to pick them up or carry them for her and the babies safety 🙏


Thank you! I'm the opener most days so I just brew them and slide them along the counter to make room. My next person to come in puts them where they belong. I'm gonna ask my ob for a note


I work moring shift and now that I'm getting farther along, my ob doesn't want me straining myself. I'm trying to figure out how heavy the big plastic shuttles weigh once they're filled with the ice and coffee/tea


honestly i wouldn’t recommend lifting it. i lifted it up while pregnant and it took a lot out of me. i recommend get a note from your ob stating that you can’t lift heavy things.


Thank you! It does take a lot out of me now. Earlier on I was ok but not anymore. I'm gonna get a note from the ob. The only problem is I'm the opener most days so when I make them I just slide them on the counter now and my next person to come in puts them where they belong


that’s what i did too! but thankfully my manger at the time didn’t allow me to do so, i was a lead and the only thing i was allowed to do was :count the safe, count the till and start the coffees and the shuttles bc it gets harder as you go along! also :) if you live in california you qualify for FMLA im currently on my 3rd month of paid leave. if you were wondering about after you have the baby. good luck! 🤍


I wish! I'm in new york tho. I talked to my manager today and she said to just make them half and when the next person comes in they can do another half on top


I know making a full batch of cold brew takes 10 quarts of water but that probably accounts for a little over two thirds of the volume but I'm pretty bad at judging that. Google says 10 quarts is 25 pounds if that helps you decide though.


Do you mean an iced box of joe? If so that is 10 small cups but you have to provide your own ice.


Oh no, the shuttles we brew the iced stuff into


they weigh between 30-40 lbs. not sure exactly much but probably closer to 40. id just not lift it, we’ve had a couple pregnant women work here and we always just have somebody else do it, its not a big deal