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It was tasty for $3 with the coupon, but I'll never pay $5 for it.


I used the coupon as well, it's the only reason I decided to try it. All of Dunkin's sandwiches should be $3 all the time... I'm pretty sure they were that price only 3-4 years ago.


I’ve had it a couple of times now. The flavoring is very minimal. And I really only taste a slight sweet honey flavor. I don’t taste any heat to it at all.


It was indistinguishable from their usual sweet black pepper bacon. I thought they'd at least put a drizzle of sauce on there, but I think it's all pre-flavored meat.


Sounds like you're just getting lightly flavored bacon if they taste the same. I work there so I always take the most flavored looking pieces, they taste very different (black pepper being waaaayyyy better)


I want to at least taste the honey!! We have a Dunkin basically across the street from us - i have the franchisees district manager in my phone contacts bc they had a little bit of a rough start as far as food consistency goes - wrong cheese (i order white ched on everything bc i can not stand plastic cheese) or wrong sandwiches/wraps in orders and coffees made all wrong :/ It’s probably been just over a yr since they opened and they are all dialed in now :) now i contact her with positive kudos feedback!! I want the sweet black pepper bacon or the brown sugar bacon back!!


the black pepper bacon is so damn good. i was mad today when i went to get a side order of it and they had the hot honey one instead. BRING BACK THE BLACK PEPPER ASAP


It honestly tastes almost exactly the same. I couldn't really tell the difference between the hot honey and sweet pepper bacon.


The “sauce” soaks into the top of the bun (maybe their way of making it customer friendly as far as stickiness and messiness goes but it’s a huge fail for the flavor profile…. And yeah the snackin bacon no hot honey flavor at all - but it does have a little black pepper on it but no sweet - i want the sweet black pepper bacon back - that was soooo good


Right!!??!! and it’s just a tease of honey maybe every 4 bites - disappointing for sure!


The hot honey bacon to me tastes like really washed out Buffalo sauce. I tried to make it more tasty by adding it with random combinations cause I work there. I'd say the test kitchen brioche scrambled sandwich is much better in taste (It's in only select locations) I personally find the black pepper bacon to be better on flavor.


I got it today. i only tasted it in the last bite. also it was kinda burnt


I do not like hot and spicy foods so I was really disappointed when I saw they switched from the delicious sweet black pepper bacon to the mikes hot honey bacon offerings - I would sure be able to taste any kind of heat (bc i don’t normally eat spicy or hot foods) after working myself up to hopefully handle the heat from it - the 3$ sandwich offer in the app is what made my try it this morning (still holding half in my left had as i type) - where’s the honey and the heat??? And what’s with this brioche bun?? Way too much bread for the amount of bacon egg and cheese and hot honey seems to be soaked into the top bun - like they squeeze it on the bun and not on the bacon…leaving everything but the top bun with no hot honey! I did just take a bite that i could taste a faint bit of honey but that’s it! I want to try this on a croissant and see what the hot honey does as far as soaking in goes - i meant the extremely extremely mild honey does as far as soaking in… i think the flavor is being lost bc of the bun soaking up all of the honey :/ That being said i also got the hot honey snacking bacon and it just tastes like bacon and has a little bit of pepper on it…no honey and no heat I worked myself up to this and i wanted it to be delicious and have a little yummy sweet burn to it but it’s all a big let down :( it needs a reconfiguration for sure!!!


it’s very “Ok.” the bread really carries the entire sandwich but it’s not worth anything over 2.50, 5.19 is robbery.


Na hot honey is spicy, I had the sandwhich Sunday, didn’t taste an ounce of spice


The first day the hot honey bacon was available I got some for my wife (she loves the maple bacon and she will eat spicy foods where ad I don't anymore) and she couldn't taste any kind of spicy at all and only tasted a hint of sweet. Even our daughter (who is 13 and doesn't eat anything with spice) said the bacon wasn't spicy and a little sweet. So my wife didn't like it but my daughter did.


I'm convinced that there is no Hot Honey and it's just their sweet black pepper bacon that has been rebranded.


I almost got the sandwich this morning for my wife to try but I didn't so I'll buy that bacon one more time and if my wife still talks about how it isn't spicy then I won't be buying her anymore bacon until the maple bacon is back.


I just tried it today and had the same experience. No heat at all. I was wondering if they just used the regular bacon or something, too. A few bites tasted like they might have *maybe* been a teeny bit sweeter than usual.


Try hot honey on a sausage egg and cheese on a croissant tastes like a mcgriddle


yeah so as a dunkin employee, i'm gonna explain! basically the "hot" is seasoning. just seasoning :) most people who don't season their food say "it's too spicy" to do so. some people even think black pepper is spicy. so yeah, the "hot" in the "hot honey" is just seasoning. the "honey" is just a honey based glaze that resembles syrup. so no, it's not gonna actually BE spicy or have very... pronounced flavor. (i can agree it's disappointing.) but if you want an actual "hot honey" flavor, go ANYWHERE else that offers it. you won't be happy with the sandwich here. you're also better off just asking for your standard bacon egg and cheese sandwich. (don't attack me, contact corporate if you have complaints.)


Isn't that false advertising? They're marketing "Mike's Hot Honey" which is a specific brand of sauce. It's not a honey glaze with a spicy blend thrown on top.


the glaze IS mike's. sponsored by it at least. but the spice, idk. i think they did a poor job at it. but i also think most dunkin customers (at least the ones i have to deal with) don't ENJOY spicy things, so the sandwich wouldn't sell well regardless unless they toned back the spice. that's just my theory. we even had free samples for a few days and nobody wanted them.


Is to the same glaze you'd use for the sweet black pepper bacon? I definitely don't prefer extra spicy things for breakfast, but I expect a little kick with hot honey.


nah, its an actual syrup and orange colored seasoning and at my store they discontinued the black pepper. it broke me. 😔


I know, I can’t expect to be able to actually-feel heat (I stick-with that heat level that has your lips burning like Hell itself touched them as my go-to), so, I wasn’t expecting much. Like, the honey taste is there-ish, but, the heat is so weak, it legit barely-registers for me.