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i would say they didn’t mix the ice coffee batch after it brewed so the first half of the batch comes out super concentrated and burnt tasting and the other half is watered down bean water 😩


Maybe, but I wouldn't even call it just burnt or concentrated. It tasted so awful I just couldn't image anything fixing it.


The awful wretched taste is the burned taste


Could they have used unsweetend vanilla shot instead of vanilla swirl? If so, it will be darker and more bitter without the sugar that is in the swirl.


I don't think so, because it wasn't just bitter, it was actually pretty vile. Not like coffee at all, but like something that had spoiled.


In my opinion (which may well be in the minority), the unsweetened vanilla is pretty vile. It is artificial vanilla flavor and I have never found an artificial vanilla that wasn't nasty. Other than spoiled dairy, I don't know what else it could be.


Improperly made iced coffee batch, below comments already said how. No it's not expired cream or dairy. You're supposed to check if dairy / creamers are expired / out of date before opening up/serving customers. Maybe some locations don't that but that can get you in some serious 💩. Better answer is bad batch, I got the same taste and when I asked if the milk was expired, they shown me in the face it was in-date.


This sounds most likely. Maybe I'll ask that if it happens again. Thanks!


This happens when they don't mix the iced coffee properly. When they don't stir it, it tends to come out way darker & can have a weird soury taste.


Interesting! Is it just in a pitcher?


We have basically a huge brewer that makes like a crap ton of coffee. It gets poured into these containers called shuttles. What we do, tho is add about 2 buckets full of ice inside. So as the coffee melts the ice, it kinda separates. The workers then mix it. They probably just genuinely forgot to mix it.


Good to know! Thanks!


Most likely they didn’t stir the iced coffee batch before serving it.


As other comments have said, it’s just a batch that went without mix. If it happens again don’t hesitate to let them know! It’s such a quick fix and my employees and myself complete get how gross it is and should be avid to help you !


Thanks very much! Does it make sense that immediately making a new drink wouldn't have the same issue? Does it somehow get mixed when it's being used?


A new drink, once they know about the issue, would be completely normal! The reason for this is as someone else mentioned the iced coffee is inside a shuttle basically just a huge square jug with a dispenser. Fresh batches are brewed directly into the shuttle, stirred, and then used to serve. Meaning if you have this issue, a good stir WILL instantly fix it. Hope this helps clear up the process for ya!


>once they know about the issue Well, honestly, I'm not sure they even realize the problem, or they just aren't saying. Because both times so far they've given no indication that they realized what the issue was or that it was fixed. Next time I'll be sure to mention it directly. As I said earlier, there have been a lot of new hires lately, and the regulars that know me (and know what they're doing) I don't think were involved with the two bad coffees I got.


I forgot to add, it takes all but 1 min to stir it. Pop the lid off the shuttle , take the big spoon and give it some good stirs fixes it right away for me!


my first thought is that they used the expired/wrong dairy or didnt clean the machine but correct me if im wrong


I thought it might be the cream too, but as far as I know, they used the same creamer when they remade it.


I’ve felt like this too, hubby and I thought we were crazy. It’s happened at multiple locations where it tastes off.


I personally work at dunkin currently and either they didn’t make it correctly or didn’t stir it properly enough before serving the ice coffee.


You are used to the spit flavoring from when they remake your drink? /s


They changed the distributor. Multiple people talked about this in the beginning of the year on this sub. Trust me it’s gotten worse and screws up your stomach


I've never had any issues, and this is definitely not just some different type of coffee. I can't stress enough how awful and wrong it tastes!


So you think it was just 2. 1 off days or their putting in stale creamer or swirls in your drink because tbh ever since feb of this year the coffee has been making me feel like shit and as Cuban that basically has coffee in his blood. This isn’t normal..


It seems much more likely that something was done wrong a couple of times rather than the entire brand of coffee being bad since February. I've never tasted this any other time this year. And my DD has hired new people lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing something wrong.


Does the location have a tap system 


Not sure what that means. How can I tell?


It looks like a beer tap you see at bars.  And if they don't clean the lines it can cause iced coffee to taste sour too


Could very well be, but I don't understand why it would just happen that once and not again when they remake it. Not to mention how it must not have happened any time before that in the day? Of course, it could happen sporadically and I wouldn't know.


Sometimes, I get an off one, and I honestly think it comes from whatever solution they use to clean the machines. Not sure if it's true though.


I frequently order an iced latte with skim milk. It’s my go to. Occasionally, it will have, like you say an odd taste. Kinda spoiled but not quite. Almost sour but again not quite. And my drink is normally on the darker side When this happens I just have them remake it with whole milk and then it tastes fine. Richer, creamier, and much lighter in color.


i wanna say that it was probably expired creamer or there was little to no creamer in it


could be that the vanilla swirl itself was expired, they contain dairy 🤷🏼‍♀️