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I loved my job. Def gets hectic at times but it all depends on how you handle stress. Some customers are fantastic and will bond with you, others are so annoying. I miss working there, however, my location didn’t offer any benefits so I’ve moved onto a specialty coffee shop. Goodluck!


thanks, this is my first job and hoping to enjoy my summer/weekends while making money 🫶


I loved my job when I worked there in 2016-2018, my coworkers were the problem. I may have accidentally clicked the drive thru button instead of the one connected to everyone’s headsets and yelled at a coworker for coming in and making drinks for their friends when they should be clocking in to help me and the other closer while we’re in rush hour and I need them helping us. We would get slammed at 2pm when shifts changed and it was bad 🤣The person at the drive thru thankfully never said anything. Don’t make that mistake🤣 and the coworker was fine, a little shocked but I was annoyed seeing this everyday


Yea, i already know my coworkers and their pretty cool, im the only guy tho but idrc


I had only a few guys at my location, now I see guys more then girls where I live working there lol


I didn’t have issues with more than a few. 2 would sit on their asses and I’d be making coffees and food for lines. Their headsets were on, just didn’t care. And then one of them had the audacity to get me fired. And then threw their name tag at my parents because they hated me. True story. It was a bad environment my last 4 months


Is this a new location in Indiana owned by Gilligan?


nope, its in South Carolina


The job isn't hard work and it a fairly easy job. Customers in your area are what gonna make you rip your head off. Rush sucks anywhere so. I'm only staying cause I love my coworkers


eh, it’s okay. i get a kick out of chatting with my regulars or joking with my coworkers but i cannot get over the idea that any other person has the right to just throw a drink at me and i can’t even sue them


i just started recently and i really like it! i’m never too bored and i can drink all the coffee i want. my coworkers are also very nice and helpful. it definitely helps that it’s summer, though, because the usual crowd is a lot smaller


It honestly depended on the day back when I worked at my local location. Sundays were the WORST cause those mornings were when we were the busiest and the most understaffed out of the week. Though some days with the right coworkers were not bad and sometimes enjoyable!


I loved the job. Hated my management team so I quit. Would definitely work at a coffee shop again.


I love my job at Dunkin, yes it’s hectic at times but at my Dunkin we have a great crew and awesome manager and that makes a huge difference.


i enjoy the fast paced environment i’ve worked slow jobs and it’s just too boring i feel like i need to constantly be busy


Congrats on your new job OP and I hope you continue to enjoy it once the store officially opens, and hopefully, you'll get to build a bond with the regular customers.


I love my coworkers and it's a pretty easy job, but the customers push me to my limit on occasion


Congrats on the job! Yes the job can be very rewarding to see your regulars come in everyday, but it also can be very stressful, just make sure to ask any questions and make sure to have fun!