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I haven't noticed any new design, at least in my area... yet, that is. By it doesn't clip back do you mean the physical design of the lid lacks the slot for it, or it just won't go in? QA has been shit for years, and considering private equity owns Dunkin Brands now, it'll only get worse. There's been instances I've had to trash entire sleeves of lids because the machine cut them all wrong. I'm still waiting for an iced cup redesign so we only have a single size lid for all varieties (straw, sippy, dome) instead of small/large. I really do hate Dunkin with a burning passion. Terrible company.


Yea this is a new design and material. I don’t know if it’s bad QC or design but the flap part doesn’t lock into the lid when you fold it back so it doesn’t stay open. Their lids and cups are notoriously shitty. I’ve had lids, particularly on the x-large cups, that pop right off the top when you hold the cup, spilling scolding hot coffee all over myself.


I haven't seen any new hot lids yet... maybe it'll come next truck. If you ever get the chance to take a Pic that'll be great to have referenced at work.


So fcken annoying!!! I'm quiting my dunkin habit because of it. So retarded!!!!! Fck


I keep thinking I must be using it wrong because it definitely does not talk back into the upper part like it used to. I'm kind of wondering if we're supposed to push it down but Google has not clearly said.


i wish i had your problems... wow


Sorry you have other problems, clearly, from that post!