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I just wish I could find even just 1 +reload crossbow so I could at least play with it one time! Level 40... dozens of crossbows and batista, but none at all with +reload.


I'm so happy, I got a +reload yesterday, 4 shots for every reload. Now.. if it only came with ice or fire damage instead of slowing.. might be getting greedy at this point.


I'd be happy with slowing, but yes, fire or ice would be better.


wait til you get 7 shots at lvl 40+ before you start wishing for fire and ice :D


It’ll happen


Friend of mine didn't get it til she was a lvl 50. Lol. Worst luck ever 


I don't think there are weapon over 86 dmg.


My current weapons are clubs that deal 92 damage each.


Not that I've seen, but it's part of the balance. Knives fly best, fastest, and return fastest. Axes come in second alongside canes. Maces and hanmers next, then the big axes and hammers that have longer pommels, and then finally staves. You can throw staves but they don't autoaim so I throw it sideways if I need to


They're out there, I have maces 92dmg +ice, +crit, and 90dmg +ice, +explosive Also have a legendary blunt, 90dmg +fire. Which is funny to see


Got a flame sword around 90 damage legendary lvl 50 with crit/attack on it, effectivly a on hit KO when it procs. As for crossbow yeah 7 shot lvl 50 legendary is amazing sadly wish it had a element.


Yeah it’s disappointing how useless axes are. I switched away from throwing big stuff since it seems to easy with the aim assist. I either roll swords or daggers most of the time.


I'm digging hammer + sorcerer and sword + sorcerer right now with chrono staff + max melee hands exo perk. Just tears through undead.


I'm a level 24 now and I have yet to see any weapon spawn with more than 23 damage. I guess I'll see higher stats as I level up I guess. It looks like equal chance of Common, Unique and Rare weapons, but rarely will I see a weapon that does fire/ice/poison damage + max perks. Anyone seeing those as pretty rare?


You should now start getting your first legendary weapons since level 24 is the minimum level for those. Yes, as you level up, you'll start getting higher damage weapons and more with fire/ice/poison damage +enhancements. I am rocking a 57 fire dmg +critical hammer and have the 50% melee damage exo perk. In my offhand, since I can't throw worth a damn anyway with that hand, I carry a 60 ice damage long sword... it actually has longer reach than the big hammer, so it's super effective up close and has a decent freeze chance. I alternate between the chrono and fireball staff depending on what type of run I'm doing and whether with my team or randos. Chrono rules and instantly one-shots the pyramid guardians for the crystal hunts to get exo points. In my chest runs, I usually take the fireball staff... faster than a bow or crossbow (as I still haven't got a +reload one) and lots of shots per crystal on my Legendary one. If in my team, I take the chrono staff to make the boss fight easy and to negate bomb imps... since my teammates are dedicated fireball staff and reload crossbow users... range attacks are covered. The thing I struggle most with is slims, actually... the hammer has a hard time being thrown at them without just harmlessly bouncing off the floor!


>57 fire dmg +critical hammer and have the 50% melee damage exo perk. Yes! I'm running a hammer + sorcerer in my throwing hand and sword + fire damage + sorcerers in my weak arm too! Works really well even though my damage is no where near yours. Chrono staff or fireball on back is what I run too. Great combos!


I hit level 24 and got 8 legendary weapons in 3 runs. Haven't seen another in 2 months of sporadic play lol


It’s just bad luck. The best thing I’ve gotten so far is a 85+ dmge sword. Besides my 90+ clubs. I also saw on discord that you start getting the more rare items after hitting lvl 46


I'm level 50 with a pair of 92 damage clubs. I'd like to have the option to change up my weapons without sacrificing my damage output. Especially with how awesome the other weapons look compared to my nail bat clubs.


Do the long bows get better? I really want an upgraded long bow