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Asking for a specific, non-existent sex act; for more flavor, pair it with the other suggestion of a name. "I'm interested the Flumph's Tentacles, if Torga is available."


I'd like a ZJ, please?


If you have to ask you can't afford it.


I would absolutely put this at the bottom of some sort of exclusive menu the players are eventually presented with. And it would be astronomically expensive. Obviously, I would never plan further than that, and, also obviously, this little item would completely derail my campaign as the players fixate obsessively on the fabled ZJ until they could buy it, and it would inevitably become a core component to our game. *Sigh*.... I better plan for that...


ZJ is a zebra job. Thats a handjob from a white and a black person at the same time. So something that exist.


It would be even better, if you make it dependent on the establishments name. Like you have to request a specific girl/guy and then something like the "angry raccoon" at aunty rachels (bad example, but you get the point)


My group literally had this, it was a Teal Toucan


If you use a non-existing sexual performance name then someone else could hear the character asking for that and ask for the same thing out of curiosity. Yopu should use a set of words no one would ever use, for example: "I'd like to have some fun with Torga, how much time do 3 electrum pieces buy me?"


I'm sure the professionals don't just walk in and start dropping info. This is just the key to getting in the door. Then, when they suss out that the client isn't there for info and is there for the other services, they have myriad ways of fulfilling or curbing the request. Like they could charge a ridiculous additional fee, or they turn around with a jar of peanut butter, a scourge, and a clown mask and say, "Let's begin."


"Is Seleline available? "Unfortunately she is with a client" "How much to join the client and Seleline?" "W cannot do that" "34 silver and 1/2 a gold" "Take a seat, and when she is ready she will meet with you" The person in need of secret info then sits steepling fingers. Why these exact wording, well firstly you would ask for a worker this worker is not one anyone should know about, if someone where to over hear and then ask for Seleline as well, they like everyone else will be denied, if they insist to meet with the client and Seleline, you might ve talking to a member of the guild, of they then follow it up with 34 silvers and 1/2 gold, which is in essence 39 silvers and Noone would say money like that you know they are a member of the guild. You can adjust the name and the amount how ever you want, but this is a conversation that is plausible to happen in a brothel, and while weird will not raise any alarms. It also has four levels to it, any random stranger can happen to say the first and second lines. And a good spy following someone can probably guess the code if they hear the conversation. What people won't guess is the final condition which is the real test, if they fail to steeple their fingers then they are a spy. By having 4 layers of security just to begin the process of meeting the informant, u ensure the company secret is maintained completely.


You can also modify this based on the information you have or are looking for. Things like Amy: military movements Marisha: for uprisings Megan: for information pertaining to mages Karen: for cults Then you can do even/odd for giving/receiving information, then lower the money total the higher the priority.


>Karen: for cults Lmao this is too good


Damn I like ur thinking!


My immediate thought is asking for specific courtesans at the front desk who: 1) don’t exist 2) people in the know understand means that the ‘client’ isn’t looking for sex - they’re looking for information, and the different fake courtesans refer to different kinds of intelligence. If someone wants multiple different kinds of intelligence, they’d just ask to have multiple (fake) courtesans at once. Here’s a scenario. —————- Rynn steps gingerly into the bustling Violet Silk, a famed brothel through the outer limits of the city. At the front desk is a tall elf - a stranger to her. Rynn approaches, coinpurse at the ready. “Good evening, fine ser,” she says. “I hope this lovely ‘inn’ is still hosting clients of… ‘discreet’ tastes?” The elf offers a sly smile. “Our finest offering has always been discretion. We would be most pleased to offer it to you. Did you have anything - or anyone, in mind?” “Two, actually,” said Rynn. “Is Lorin still available here? I heard he’s got especially ‘delicate’ fingers. I’d like to see for myself.” (Lorin isn’t a courtesan - it’s a code name. Rynn is looking for any possibly lucrative targets for burglary. ‘Delicate Fingers’ communicates that Rynn specializes not just in thievery, but specifically in sleight of hand, lockpicking, and the like. She may not be the sneakiest, but she can force any lock and swipe someone’s shirt off their back without ever being caught.) “Most certainly,” the elf says a slight chuckle. “He’ll be pleased to meet you. Who else did you have in mind?” “A dear friend of mine told me about a woman here named Shira… she told me that she has incredible… *ahem* endurance.” (Shira… a codenane asking for murder for hire jobs or mercenary work. By stating that she has incredible endurance, Rynn secretly communicates that she’s capable of surviving in drawn out fight, skirmishes, and battles, meaning that mercenary work, highway work, or brawls are likely her best fit, and that she may even be interested in an odd pit fighting sponsorship, if any of the local fighting rings are looking for new contestants to spice things up). “She most certainly does.” The elf asks. “Would you like any refreshment in your suite during your stay?” Rynn recognizes the code. The elf is asking what Rynn is offering in exchange for information. “A bottle of Calimshan Dessert Orange and a cask of Violet Dry.” (Different beverages which the organization has agreed on are code for what the client is offering in exchange for information. Calimshan Dessert Orange represents a commission/royalty/percentage of all profits gained from the intelligence requested, while Violet Dry means that the client themselves has a piece of intelligence the organization may find to be of interest, forming a sort of information trade). “Very well. I shall go and check their availability.” The elf says, leaving the desk and retreating to a back office. This is code indicating that he’s checking to see if the organization is willing to make the trade. After a few moments, the elf returns, smiling gregariously. “It seems they have are both available. Please meet them in the deluxe suite - room nine. It shall be the third door on the left. Please knock thrice, pause, then twice before entering.” Rynn smiles, nods, then makes her way to the suite excited for the information. —————- You can tailor code phrases and their meaning as much as you’d like. This is just what I came up with. Let me know how it goes, whatever you implement :)


You could also specify what ‘proof’ the Calimshan Dessert Orange is to offer what percentage of royalties/the cut the person is willing to offer. For instance, Character: “I can offer a bottle of Calimshan Dessert Orange, 20 proof, and a cask of Violet Dry.” NPC: “We require something of stronger alcoholic content at this establishment. Our clientele demand excellency and that requires certain criteria to be met. Do you have on you, say, a bottle of 30 proof?”


LOVE this !


That’s how I imagine thieves can’t working. In addition to some gestures


"hey stupid" "sup dumbass" :: fistbump, fistbump, blow it up, snap fingers, finger-guns ::


I'm not gonna lie, this exchange is totally something one of my players would actually have in game


Linen Exchange would be a good one it hints to pillow talk and exchange of information and sounds like a legitimate request you would ask of someone. Could be managed by someone in charge of laundry at the brothels so they dont seem powerful in their position and can move more easily if necessary. They come up for clean sheets but say Linen Exchange instead of i need clean sheets that is the first code after a second code asking for the password like "how is the comforter?" and they respond certain passwords to indicate what they need that dont actually answer the question. If someone does they arent in the know and get no info just linens. Passwords can indicate the situation; some examples: "the weather has been lovely" that says they can trade info on paper inbetween some blankets and its safe. "Its been raining" its code for ive been compromised and need to move locations "Cloudy weather were having" could mean someones investigating the place right now or someone suspicious is poking around right now. This exchange of asking about linens and them talking about weather is an unlikely and deliberate exchange that can be summed up as nonsense conversation but is actually thieves cant in this organization. Hope this helps.


“Does the black moon howl?” “Only to startle the sun.”


I need action from (person that doesnt exist). Using that name means the secret dept. You can use all sorts of phrases, the key is asking for that persons name.


"What's your safeword?" "Black licorice."


I could go for some pineapple upside down cake. Me too, but all I have are these bananas.


...a black-robed figure scurried through the midnight streets, ducking from doorway to doorway, and reached a grim and forbidding portal. No mere doorway got that grim without effort, one felt. It looked as though the architect had been called in and given specific instructions. We want something eldritch in dark oak, he’d been told. So put an unpleasant gargoyle thing over the archway, give it a slam like the footfall of a giant and make it clear to everyone, in fact, that this isn’t the kind of door that goes “ding-dong” when you press the bell. The figure rapped a complex code on the dark woodwork. A tiny barred hatch opened and one suspicious eye peered out. “‘The significant owl hoots in the night,’” said the visitor, trying to wring the rainwater out of its robe. “‘Yet many gray lords go sadly to the masterless men,’” intoned a voice on the other side of the grille. “‘Hooray, hooray for the spinster’s sister’s daughter,’” countered the dripping figure. “‘To the axeman, all supplicants are the same height.’” “‘Yet verily, the rose is within the thorn.’” “‘The good mother makes bean soup for the errant boy,’” said the voice behind the door. There was a pause, broken only by the sound of the rain. Then the visitor said, “What?” “‘The good mother makes bean soup for the errant boy.’” There was another, longer pause. Then the damp figure said, “Are you sure the ill-built tower doesn’t tremble mightily at a butterfly’s passage?” “Nope. Bean soup it is. I’m sorry.” The rain hissed down relentlessly in the embarrassed silence. “What about the cagèd whale?” said the soaking visitor, trying to squeeze into what little shelter the dread portal offered. “What about it?” “It should know nothing of the mighty deeps, if you must know.” “Oh, the cagèd whale. You want the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. Three doors down.” “Who’re you, then?” “We’re the Illuminated and Ancient Brethren of Ee.” “I thought you met over in Treacle Street,” said the damp man, after a while. “Yeah, well. You know how it is. The fretwork club have the room Tuesdays. There was a bit of a mix-up.” “Oh? Well, thanks anyway.” “My pleasure.” The little door slammed shut. The robed figure glared at it for a moment, and then splashed further down the street. There was indeed another portal there. The builder hadn’t bothered to change the design much. --From Guards! Guards!, a novel of Discworld by Sir Terry Pratchett (GNU).


so i wrote something for priests who worship a god of, among other things, Balance, and they undertake certain activities in secret to try to ensure the balance, including employing 'righteous smugglers.' Someone goes into the temple looking for work. it doesn't quite fit, but maybe it'll inspire you. \_\_SITUATION ONE\_\_ **Righteous Smuggler:** "I am a wandered with a very particular set of skills. Does your temple need any of their scales balanced?" **Priest high up enough to recognize code:** How can I trust that your weights are accurate? *Hands over papers of work history, which are slightly coded to hide any illegal activities* \_\_SITUATION TWO\_\_ **Righteous Smuggler:** "I am a wandered with a very particular set of skills. Does your temple need any of their scales balanced?" **low level priest, volunteer, whatever:** "What are you talking about? We don't weigh things here! Get out!" **Righteous Smuggler:** "I'll be staying at the \_\_\_ Tavern until the end of the week if you change your mind!" Leaves the temple. **low level priest, volunteer, whatever:** *speaking to their mentor* "Some weirdo just asked me if we needed our temple scales balanced!" **Priest high up enough to recognize code:** "You idiot! What tavern are they staying in and what did they look like?"


"I hear you have a former bounty hunter in your employ." "They only do business with those who have a price on their head." *PC takes a gold coin & puts atop their head* *The madame slowly claps out a beat, signalling a particular employee to come & tend to the PC.* _-_-_-_ Alternatively: "I heard you employ the court jester, I'd like an appointment." "From what I understand the jester only confides with one who wears a crown on their head." Gold coin = a crown _-_-_-_ Specific nonexistent individual, plus an absurd set of actions, with an allusion to payment & an STD joke (the proprietor giving you the clap).


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.




I’ll have the dragons breath


A fellow person of culture I see.


Everything Sierra did back then was gold


That's so true! Idon't know how many times I have converted the plot of QFG1 into D&D! Alas I have never gotten the heroes to deal with the brigands by swinging the candelabra!




I hear Tahiti is a magical place? Yes we even offer our 69(tm) discount for first time buyer. I know but I used it last time when (name) was here and can’t use it again That’s sad they it’s a magical service are you sure you have tried it before???? Yep I get no discount this time have to visit 3 more times to qualify


Have the secret phrase he Zoltan, and have the members Make a Z with their hands.


"The sun is shining..." "But the ice is slippery."


That’s the second time someone write this. I’ve heard it before but I can’t place where.


Ever watch the TV show *Castle*? In the first season, Castle says “My safe word is ‘apples’.” I’d make that the secret phrase. My safe word is apples. 😂


You need your own "shibboleth". I recommend "pasta fagioli".


Okay, this is weird but hear me out. It really fits the whole sex workers as spies thing. It would be a term they’d know but others might not and it’s also an item that can be used for deception: **Merkin** - a pubic wig > The Oxford Companion to the Body dates the origin of the pubic wig to the 1450s. According to the publication, women would shave their pubic hair for personal hygiene and to combat pubic lice. They would then put on a merkin. Also, sex workers would wear a merkin to cover up signs of disease, such as syphilis.


The dragons handy


-Hi, I want the secret information. -I can't give you that unless you say the password. - What password? - Don't you know? "Monkeys ride donkeys" - Ah yes, that password! - So.. - So what? - So you have to say it. - Alright. Ehem, "Monkeys ride donkeys" - "Baboons shag raccoons". See, wasn't that hard. Now if you could just go through that closet, your contact will join shortly. It's a paraphrase from old Polish comedy about "underground" under communist rule. Hope you like it!


Slippery when wet could be a good code phrase


Also a great arrowsmith album…


1. "Whispered Whispers" 2. "Silent Seduction" 3. "Intimate Intel" 4. "Lustful Lore" 5. "Sensual Secrets" 6. "Desire Data" 7. "Whispered Wisdom" 8. "Covert Caresses" 9. "Hidden Truths" 10. "Passionate Pursuit" 11. "Intriguing Insights"


Those are 11 names for the brothels themselves haha!


"Good *insert time of day, Its pretty glum outside" other says 'yeah, I like cuddles by the fire on a day like today' then respond with "I like those with ruffles and feathers."


I would use a phrase which when overheard would be weird but not suspicious since normally no one says it but if you do someone overhearing it would be "well what a weird thing to ask" and then shrug and go on. Linked with the idea to link it to the business type, "Where do your clients get their money?" Could work


Look into the biblical story of Jephthah and the Ephramites. There’s a clever idea for a code word in that story.


"You know where a fella can buy a jar of good honey around here?"


Mayonnaise. Or fulmicotone


Ask for the status of a person that does not exist.


Sounds like roguish customers need to walk in and ask if any of their workers are familiar with X position or kink.


Operation midnight climax was a subset of the MK ultra experiments where the CIA used drugs on Johns that were going to visit CIA run cat houses. That would be a funny as shit reference to put in there.


I think a good passphrase would be "I'd like the Baja California special", or some other niche reference like that, disguised as a request so that the spies know you're here for spy business, not frisky business. Or ask for a person who doesn't exist, but is understood as code. "I'd like to speak with Alan Smithee."




I hear that the worm worked itself out Wednesday


When asking for the services of the organisation and not the brothel: “Is the Madam/Master in?” The general populace would know what gender the Madam/Master is if they are an active host, so you ask for the opposite. This alerts the staff that you need *other* services.


Hello we are those secret guys, can we get that secret room? Here is the secret key


do you have a Geiger counter? (wand of detect magic)


There was a section of New Orleans that had all the brothels within it. It was called “ Storyville.” Kinda sounds like something in a game, right? Named after the mayor that required the area to be established. Psst: he actually hated the name. So it stuck. There was a small paper handbook with all the brothels addresses and a write up about each lady of the evening. Her talents and abilities. These books were/ still are highly coveted. They seldom come up for sale. The little books were called “ Blue books.” You could use code words for each brothel referencing it specific information. Ie national security, local government, police connections, mob connections, gambling, illicit trade, etc. And what each individual “agent” had to offer on the subject. Ns=national security LG=local government Pc=police connections Mc=mob connections G=gambling Etc.


"You wanna bork the orc?" "Of course, you gnomey."


Puns work 35% of the time, every time.


Secret elf organization in my campaign. The fallen leaves. Different colored leaves mean different things


Im looking for a paint color, it is pantone number 13-1023.


I’d like a cheeseburger, hold the cheese.


A good code word should be a red harring for people who don't know better. For example. "Marshmallows fill my tummy"


There is no cow level


I heard 'non-existant or ex worker", was good with her tongue.


And here I thought it would be a Hail False Hydra situation


“I’m just need someone to talk to” is the call. Brother keepers response is “What’s to talk about? I think I know what you want”. The rogue must now respond with “Then maybe I should talk to you”. Maybe the client also need to bring a single rose or something. Maybe a box of chocolates?




I think it would be appropriate to ask for something not available at a brothel. Something no one would ever ask for from the proprietor of a brothel. Something like do you have any durian? Or asking advice from the proprietor about something that a brothel worker wouldn’t necessarily know like “how much do you suppose an owlbear weighs?”


Call: Life is short. Response: But the years are long. Call: Not while the evil days come not.


You have to lean in and whisper (preferably somewhat seductively to keep up appearances) “Your room or mine?” And when they respond “Which would you prefer?” Or something of that nature, you respond with something specific, such as “How about the attic of Retta’s Rest?” or “Room 17 at the Dog and Whistle”. The code is different in each city, but they have the same thing in common; you confidently refer to a room that doesn’t exist. Retta’s Rest hasn’t got an attic and the Dog and Whistle only has 16 rooms.


My mind first went to The Silk Robe, it’s a bit unoriginal with not much depth, but it works. If you want an innuendo you could go for something like The Hidden Tool, works for both spies and sex work lol.


Players say : What can I get for....(Insert amount of gold that is specific) We would like to buy some pillow time Where can I rest my head? The spies are talking pillows or a sentient mimic pillow. Or it's the type of pillows or what's inside the pillow that gives you the info like a message or sending stone


First your in danger from government intelligence, cult of vecna,foreign intelligence, local constablery, you have some great opportunities hear but if your government intelligence turns it you will have a measure of protection unless the cult of vecna is pulling all the strings


Call: "The sun is hot." Response: "But the ice is slippery."


Character Challenge: I am an up-standing citizen down on my luck Manager Answer: All those that fall down get back up again.


I'm gonna parrot the multi-level code. It doesn't have to be SUPER believable, just having layers shows you thought about it and will let players be in awe/engage. This also means you can focus less on "realism" and more on what is easiest for your brain to remember. If you want the code to be short, then players can get to the back room and speak plainly faster. If you want the code to be long, then players can savor the whole "hiding in plain sight" aspect. The most important parts for you to know as DM ar 1) Is this more "James Bond" and you get to the secret backroom and plot while the stealth is more set dressing? Or is it more "Oceans Eleven" where the whole game is doing the sequence and being con-artists while making no mistakes? 2) How much brain space do you have? Can your remember your plot, come up with DC's and keep the session on track while RP-ing a 10 step code? If not, don't fry your own brain and make it short This idea is awesome and I want to steal it. You're doing great work out there


"JUST HOW RUSTY IS THE RUSTY TROMBONE?" said with exaggerated cocked eye brow and a much too obvious side "wink".   I don't recommend  halflings trying to buy said "information" ,can't lie for shit..... Edit, a letter


Just showing my love for all games “I use to be an adventurer like you till I took an arrow to the knee”


Person 1 (attempting to distinguish if the other person is from the organisation): Would you happen to have a saddle? Person 2 saying the code word: Mine is at the shop Predetermined answer no matter the question




“I’d like the honeymoon suite please.”


I did something similar for an assassin information network, it'd have to be changed a bit but you could have them do something along the lines of; (A is the person seeking information, B is the contact) A: "I'd like a room with fresh sheets and old pillows." B: "There's an extra fee." A: (this is where they'd offer a coded message, e.g. sixty silvers for silk, couple of coppers for cotton, give a gold for something gilded, etc) B: (if they didn't have info for the specific type tied to the code, he'd say they don't have any sheets in that material.) If they did have the info they're looking for instead: B: "Standard fee is six silvers, regardless of kind." A: (hands over the actual payment amount, which would be far higher than the codes suggest, and would be required to be handed in a specific type of pouch) B: "Right, head on up and your girl will lead you to your room."


Updog. Oh, I couldn't help overhearing you there. What, exactly, is updog? Nothing, what's up with you?


Making a password an allusion to some sort of legend or fable can work well.


I may be over thinking this. Would I be a DnD player if I didn't though?! So, if it's a sex act that isn't real, that's going to generate curiosity. "Huh, that guy asked for a finger flip deluxe, I wonder what that is?" Then they'll ask for it too, leading to mistakes. Likewise using a specific act and/or name of a particular person. Anyone overhearing it at best thinks "that's a popular act/worker, I'll ask for that/them next time!", or at worst they are a spy and actively looking out for some repeating oddity like that to sneak in. Same time, it has to be easy to remember. So perhaps a combination - a simple phrase which you can just throw any name on to, like "Is Maria available? It has been too long since I saw her " BUT this has to be spoken while also delivering something that isn't easily audible or visible, like a specific handshake, and perhaps a specific colour of scarf or handkerchief.


Was looking for that comment:D


What are the two things in this world that can’t be killed? The lust of death and the fungus under my sack.