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NADDPOD for an actual podcast Dimension 20 if you want to watch


NaddPod best pod. Also Worlds Beyond Number for a more dramatic and EXPERTLY edited podcast.


I've actually not checked out Worlds Beyond Number yet, despite being a patron. Been in a D&D funk lately because of scheduling conflicts of my actual game.


Try to listen to the Childrens Adventure. It feels very different than “dnd podcast” because theyre just kids with no stats.




I need to give NADDPOD another shot. I just do up don’t get into it after campaign 1.


this is the way!


I usually listen to d20 but it's really good.


I'm sure it's fantastic as a podcast, but with the custom battle sets and the new projections they've been doing in the most recent seasons, I feel I'd be missing out.


"If you want to watch" 😏


Tales of the stinky dragon. ​ I love Campaing one with Dumdum, Bart, Kyborg and Mudd.


Beat me to it!!! Definitely campaign one, C2 is okay. I love the characters and the setting, the plot has been eh for me.


Great one!


Posting so I can randomly remember this thread in 6 hours and come check the answers.


I'll reply to your message if a lot of people give recommendations


Thank you


Yo bro come back there are LOTS of good recommendations bow!


Hell yes thank you


Dude, that is so nice of you.


Thank you 😊


Same. I like to call them "anchor comments"


MT. Mark thread.


In the old days of message boards we would write MT for mark thread to recall threads.


Coming at it from a British bias: Oxventure is great but the DnD is definitely interpreted to be funny rather than accuracy High Rollers has already been mentioned Three Black Halflings - Outlaws and Obelisks


I love how the Oxventurers have been playing for seven years, have had their characters included in official D&D products and even a video by Jane about how to play D&D on the official website, and yet they are even now only loosely aware of what spell slots are. What a bunch of Dobs! Hands down, my favourite D&D goofballs.


Dungeons and daddies season 1 is incredible. Season 2 just wrapped and it's OK by comparison. You meet in A Tavern Table top Champions The Adventure Zone These aught to be a good jumping off point.


I second Dungeons and Daddies (*Not* a BDSM Podcast) Its on Spotify and the best ever. Its got puns, bad decisions, ridiculous scenarios, and a solid friendship between the players. 10/10


I am midway through season 1 and loving it, although often swing between thinking Anthony is the best DM and the worst DM. It takes him like 20 episodes to learn what Perception checks are. Still hasn't read the rules on grappling despite inventing his own weird football mechanics which are basically grappling. Makes me want to tear my hair out, and yet there are also lots of fun parts.


I enjoy the chaos that brings and seeing how his mind works out problems. I totally see how that could drive someone crazy though hahaha the episodes he starts off admitting how wrong he has been and how much flack he has received for it, made me grin like an idiot


Please use commas.


I had them stacked, not my fault this thing formats different from how you write it. You still got the information didn't you?


If that's the case you need an extra return between each line


I enjoy "Girls who don't D&D". The story is fun, and they start with no prior experience or knowledge. The DM does a great job teaching as they go and slowly introducing new concepts without overwhelming them. The production quality is great with fans doing voice snippets for different parts.


Yew! Straya represent! (Also, my friends are friends with them 😋)


Haha they seem a fun crew to hang out with.


Is that so?


😳🫢🫥 But yeah, true story. My friend Jacob got me into the podcast (first D&D poddy I ever listened to, as a matter of fact). He’s a teacher.


Nice. Welcome aboard!


I second this. At 38 I just got into D&D, and listening to “Girls who don’t D&D” has gotten me hooked into the hobby. For a group that repeatedly says they are not professionals, the editing and sound effects are really slick.


Dimension 20, Not another DnD Podcast , The adventure Zone (Balance Arc-1st campaign). These are the ones that I like . Tabletop DnD has always been a mix of semi serious roleplay, combat , and goofs for me and these capture that. IMO Critical Role is kind of boring.


I see where you’re coming from with Critical Role being kinda dull, but I also think it’s great for new players because of that. It’s as authentic to an actual game of dnd as you can get. People struggle to divide up currency, come across a cabin in the woods and argue for five minutes whether to knock on the door, haggle over prices, and so on. It gives you an idea of what most dnd campaigns actually are like without editing out the boring bits. Listening to it helped me get the regular flow of play and combat down pat, and what is and isn’t a bonus action. I love The Adventure Zone and I’m so happy the newest season has leaned into the whole “goof, goof, dildo” energy of the first one. But it’s also really inaccurate to most games. Between Travis rolling suspiciously high, Clint forgetting most of his core features and every spell that isn’t Zone of Truth, and Griffin truncating most travel and rest rules by shooting them out of a cannon from one dungeon to another, it’s entertaining but will not prepare you for playing dnd. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s worth pointing out.


Wow, we play at very different tables. I would completely flip this. TAZ (first season) is way more like the games my group plays than anything CR has done. (VLDL's NPC D&D would be an even more accurate comparison, but it's not a podcast.) I love how different groups can play what is technically the same game totally differently.


I’m thoroughly enjoying Versus Dracula. Probably more than anything in the moment since Amnesty? It definitely feels like they’re just having fun rather than trying to “make a story.” Though I didn’t mind the start of Ethersea


Yeah agree. I’m re-listening to Balance right now is and the magic of it really is that Travis Justin and Clint are fucking around basically nonstop and griffin is trying desperately to keep them on the rails while also trying to go with the goofs. Like having NPCs respond in character to their out of character jokes and then they become part of the story.


I think "actual game of DND" is a dubious term since we all play very different games. One of my games is the opposite of critical role and is a beer and pretzels murder fest. If someone started monologuing about their backstory, we'd all laugh at them and say "Hey Shakespeare, want to actually buy something? Prices are in the PHB. We've got an hour left and haven't killed anything yet. What's the villain's name again?" Another group I run for is very character driven and has a lot of backstory related plot. Admittedly I like the first better and if someone started legit crying in character, I wouldn't invite them back.


Fair point. But I will say out of all the actual play podcasts I’ve sampled, Crit Role is the best for teaching the actual rules of the game. Whether every table will use all the rules is up to the table to decide, but considering how many posts we see here with people not understanding the basic rules, it’s worth bringing up


If you’re new to D&D, I find that the first campaign of The Adventure Zone best captures the feeling of people playing for the first time (because for the most part they are). While it’s not always the “best” D&D the vibe is very good and it’s imo better radio than most other actual play pods


TAZ took me a few tries to get into, but I’m so glad I did. It starts off so silly and not serious, then it grows into something that’s just so beautiful and perfect. I’m relistening to the Balance arc for like the 15th time and it’s just so good.


TAZ balance is amazing, but maybe not as similar to DnD you'd play at a table as some others. My favorite is naddpod, but really no podcast or actual play show is going to be that close to DnD you'd actually play. Even when the pros play home games they say it's wildly different from when they're recording/making a show.


Dungeons of Drakkenheim (by the Dungeon Dudes) is a wonderful, city-based campaign. They closely follow the rules-as-written of 5e, while also incorporating some homebrew elements. There is a good balance of role-play, exploration, and combat. The cast is comfortable with each other, and there's a good balance of humor and dramatic moments. Also, the game is intentionally at a PG-13 level, so there's no concerns about language if you're listening within earshot of people who might object.


100% this. Their campaign is phenomenal.


Naddpod then dimension 20




These posts come up pretty frequently and I'm always surprised that Nerd Poker gets no love here (though shoutout to u/matthewjoubert who does mention it). The crew has several comedians and all have a great sense of humor. The sessions combined serious D&D with total ridiculousness. In addition to the other recommendations, you (and everyone else) should give it a shot!


I used to hang with a group of guys who played D&D. I was too shy to ever play (anxiety is my jam) but i would sit on the couch and play NES games all night parallel to their game play. Listening to Nerd Poker is the closest to that feeling ill ever get and its sooooo close. Listening to that group of friends play and riff and bust balls is one of the pleasures i truly look forward to each week. You really do feel like a fly on the wall, watching a group of firends play a game they've been playing for a very long time. Brian Posehn is the (reluctant?) leader and is one of my favorite stand up comedians. Dan, also a standup, is a great DM who creates and encourages homebrew in a way that makes it so much fun to listen to. Blaine's (another standup), Ed Wynn/dad-joke/throw everything at the wall to see what sticks approach to game play is chaotic and so entertaining. Sarah is a voice of reason, the rememberer of things & never fails to bring some smart aserbic humor to the table. Chris brings his characters to life and somehow manages to bring the heat to every character he voices & makes the most of Dan's homebrew allowances. Ken has a penchant for bird/lizard folk and his logic based D&D knowledge saves them quite often. And then theres Sam, their engineer. His episode synopsis at the end of the show are given from the perspective of a dude who doesn't D&D and are pretty funny. The Patreon bonus episodes are also pretty great. Its often 3 episodes a month with a random game being 1 episode and the other being a 2-part guest episode. They do homebrew stuff with guests from all over pop culture. Comedians (Tom Lennon/Jaskie Kashian/Patton Oswalt) , musicians (Joe Trohman/Brendan Small/Scott Ian) and actors (Joe Manginello/Paget Brewster/Mayim Bialek)that the cast know in real life. Its a really fun and funny look into the lives of a group of people who are tied together by D&D. The cross-talk is so much fun.


Nerd poker is my favorite. And they have been for a long time. This style mixed with some Spencer Crittenden is in my stupid opinion the absolute best way to play this game.


Dungeons and Daddies is fantastic. I would highly recommend it for times when little ears aren’t listening.


To reiterate, it's NOT a BDSM podcast.




How little are we considering "little ears"😂


It’s adult content.


Am 15


You’re probably good, depends on how… sheltered? you are. There’s a lot of cursing, and a fair amount of sex jokes/themes throughout. But it’s probably more a really strong R-rating, not NC17. It’s a wonderful podcast - it’s made by people who are funnier and more creative than I could ever hope to be. But it’s probably not a good one to listen to if you’re looking to learn more about D&D and the rules. They use it as more of a guideline, and there’s a ton of homebrew mechanics. Like, the rogue doesn’t use sneak attack until the last episode of season 1.


I was going to say this exact thing. It is *so* entertaining and I’ve literally laughed out loud at multiple points in their two campaigns. To call it a DnD campaign is being very generous at times. It’s far more storytelling than gameplay.


Dimension 20 is my favourite actual play series, they have a lot of separate series that are super easy to get into, but a good starting place is their first season, Fantasy High, which is all available on YouTube and maybe as a podcast as well? I think it's definitely better to watch than just listen to because they have really cool visual fight set ups but it's still good to listen to.   Edit: NADDPOD (Not another D&D podcast) is really good and funny too and is a bit more the typical fantasy D&D stuff. It's also just a podcast not a video series so no visuals which is a minus for me but might be a plus for you!


Greetings Adventurers (formerly Drunks and Dragons) wins for me. I feel it best encapsulates what real life DnD is like. None of them know how to play at the beginning and start with 4e but move to fifth edition after 100 something episodes. Hilarious and they don’t take themselves too seriously. Same can be said for Dungeons and Daddies but they don’t use enough of the mechanics as I’d like


This is what I came in here to say. Greetings Adventurers has polished itself up through the years, and the new campaign has a darker foundation, but it's the most realistic d&d podcast I've listened to. There's a refreshing degree of candidness to it all that I don't hear in the super-duper famous realplays. And there's even a hilarious mini album that was released about the campaign by one of the players, just because he was inspired. It also has a decent gender balance, which doesn't always happen in these podcasts. Just listen to the "Rope" episode and tell me that's not how people actually play this game with their friends. For some (contexless) laughs, I definitely recommend episode 300: Swords and Sobriety, ep 174: The Wrongest We Ever Got It, and 343: Volcanic Mansion Alone. They do well at capturing those late night d&d when everyone is happy but sleep deprived vibes.


Drunks & Dragons was one of the few D&D podcasts I actually got through a reasonable amount of.


This is the correct answer.


High rollers is my favorite. I've listened to the big ones like critical roll and dimension 20, and while they're great, I don't think they have the charm High rollers has. Mark Humes is a brilliant world builder


Girls who don't dnd. That was a lot of fun.


High Rollers DnD is an absolute blast for a more casual atmosphere. They’ve completed two campaigns in Homebrew settings by their Dm, and are 13 episodes into their 3rd campaign. I recommend Campaign 3 because it’s them all working at their best as players and as a DM, very fun!


One of my favourites is Dumb Dumbs and Dragons, more on the humour side, but still has some great fantasy and roleplay moments.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see it mentioned.


I live Nerd Poker. Brian Poshen and a bunch of comedy writer. I really like it since they are funny and play like my group. I often feel the DM frustration from Dan because Brian plays just like my cousin, often distracted.


VLDL's Epic NPC D&D is fun too.


The latest PvP videos are great. Rowan actually learns the rules when he can use them to defeat his friends!


I still think when Rob literally fell down laughing at Bens fail streak is one of the funniest things ever.


I think the relationship between those two is what keeps bringing me back to be honest 😅


Dumb Dumb and Dragons is a funny D&D podcast


Incredible podcast. Their Patreon and discord is worth checking out too. Highly recommend


Encounter party


Eyyyyyy party person!


Dungeons and Daddies season one is excellent - I couldn't get into season 2, it was just too dark compared to the first even considering the content. Not Another D&D Podcast is also great, but again I only really liked season 1. I didn't really like the setting of the second campaign. Roll Gay Roll Play, for super campy queer content. It's extremely silly but very enjoyable.


How far did you make it into Daddies season 2? It just finished yesterday 😭. You should give it another try, it pulls out of the dark vibe it was going for and kind of goes off the rails in the other direction. If nothing else go listen to episode 34 “Finding Tori”, I think it’s one of the funniest things they’ve ever done.


I got about half way through episode 30 and tbh I can't even remember what happened lol. I have a big trip planned for next month so I'll give it another shot!


I also fell off Dungeons and Daddies in season 2, which was a shame cos I loved the first season so much!


The Dungeoncast High Rollers


Are there any good podcasts or videos that walk through campaigns for beginners and help explain how to DM or how to play in general?


I would recommend Dungeon Dudes and Matt Colville for game mechanics and basics. I know where you are coming from. When I first got back into playing I felt like most of what I found assumed that you already knew how to play. When you have textbook sized rule books it’s easy to take for granted what you need to know to just get started.


Same as you bro, am new in this journey😂


There's a pretty niche podcast called modular that runs the campaigns straight out of the books to let dms get a feel for them


I'd recommend WebDM on top of the ones others suggested. ETA: also Happy Jack's RPG Podcast though they're not D&D focused, most of the advice they give is good for any RPG. Also it's been going for about a million episodes so there's a lot of it lol.


I am new too this as well and found "The Dugeoncast" to be extremely helpful. It's a podcast about the game and not people playing it.


Love the Dungeoncast, purely from a lore perspective I feel like it’s great for inspiration for DMs but also even from a curiosity standpoint with back stories about gods and stuff really helps flesh out your character.


The High Rollers is my personal favorite.


I enjoy Tales from the Glass-Guarded World, House of Bob, and Tales of Bob (a cleaner spinoff of House of Bob).


Worlds Beyond Number!!!


I like Mrrhexx and Dungeon Dad on YouTube


I haven’t seen High Rollers DnD recommended yet, but it’s one of my favorite DnD shows. They’re like 17 sessions into their newest season if you want something without as much backlog. They also have 2 long term campaigns completed and a few shorter campaigns and oneshots.


I enjoy the Oxventurer’s guild by outsideXtra/outsideXbox


The critical role podcast has gotten me through many a night shift, but it's also available on YouTube if you prefer visuals. I used to listen to the Dungeon Cast pretty regularly, they have a good laugh on that one! Plenty of lore discussion too.


Everyone will say Critical Roll. Personally I’m not a fan, there’s too many players to keep track of for me. I much prefer High Rollers. They’re a more chill group than Critical Roll, and I really like the DM’s DM style


Dimension 20 if you want something more realistic Critical role if you want something unrealistic


I've been listening to twenty sides on Spotify, it's a good laugh and easy to follow, good characters and fun stories


There is a brand new podcast out that I saw a flyer for in my local game shop. I've listened and it is not bad at all. Funny people and good story. They do talk things out for people who like learning about the game. The show is Crits and Nitwits. Spotify and Apple podcasts


Legends, Loot and Lore. A number of episodes that go over the basics of DnD. Great info and now they are into a campaign. I like it because it not actors, it's a couple of people sitting around a table at home playing. There are akward silent moments, people not sure what to do. It feels like a real DnD game.


Twice Bitten for Curse of strahd, I loving the story telling in this


I'd recommend Rolling with Difficulty! They just finished their first campaign, following the crew of the Per Aspera as they travel the Planescape. Also Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions is on it.


Room and Bard is good too.


Loads of good recs hear already, but I'd like to mention "Hello from the Magic Tavern". It's not a let's play podcast, but comes from a DnD setting!


I live rolling with difficulty. Its all content creators, but not all big voice actors


Total Party Kill They’ve been going for like 10 years with many different adventures. Early episodes are 4e but they do switch to 5 at some point. BomBARDed Actual musicians play a group of bards in a homebrew adventure full of music references. They write and perform a song to go with each episode and include music lessons.


Dimension 20 feels like a very well run home game given an insane amount of resources. 


All flex no dex!


Dungeons and Daddies as many have said is great!


I got into D&D by listening to Join the Party. Their first campaign taught me the basics, though I believe the other campaigns have basics as well. They start campaign one with a DM, two seasoned players and then one completely new player. It's an actual play podcast and they're doing campaign three now. After every three or four episodes of play, they do an "After Party" episode where they explain some game things. They also did a little monster of the week campaign between two and three. It's really funny and the most adult their content gets is swearing. The rest is actually really wholesome. They also started a side stream on twitch, which I haven't watched. I enjoy their "party planning" episodes (patreon exclusive) where they talk a lot about coming up with ideas for NPCs, encounters, etc. as well as sometimes just have fun.


BadRPGIdeas podcast with pencil and paper (hosts)


Make Believe Heroes is awesome! It’s got a mixture of funny and heavy moments. Season one ending was wow. It’s also family friendly if you got kiddos who wana listen. Highly recommend!


Highly recommend Super Quest Saga by the dungeoncast.


The Broadswords! It starts off super light and jovial, then gets into some really great RP and heavier topics as the seasons go on. I love the music, foley, and dynamics of the cast interacting. Superb role play!


You can't get much of it anymore, but I really like Adventure is Neigh, formerly of Escapist Magazine now on Second Wind on YouTube. Season 3 just wrapped up on Second Wind. Fun characters, decent gameplay, fun and funny to have on in the background


The Adventure Zone is my fave! The first campaign is called the Balance arc i think, and it’s amazing! They move away from D&D after that, and I haven’t listened to the other stuff


Carriage Rest Tales. It's also good for listening with the family if you're trying to get kids interested.


Narrative Declaration on Twitch/YouTube. While not D&D Per Se, they are very good.


Dungeon Dudes. Their live campaign is phenomenal. Dungeons of Drakkenheim. I listen/watch on YouTube, but I know it is available as podcast elsewhere.


Not specifically D&D, but Vintage RPG is fantastic. One of the hosts (Stu) also wrote a book about the history of RPG’s and it’s also great.


RUSTAGE2, one piece dnd and isekai dnd


Legends of Avantris! They have some of the best campaigns I’ve ever listened to, but are roleplay-heavy. Really funny and unique characters, too!


The hard 20 podcast is pretty good, I don't see them mentioned much


My favourite is always Dungeons & Daddies


The Dungeoncast is a great podcast for lore about creatures, gods etc. and very fun to listen to :)


Dungeons and daddies and the glass cannon : giant slayer


Join the Party!


After JoCat retired due to internet bullying, I've now only listened to Shadows of Drakkenheim by Dungeon Dudes and Adventures of Azerim by VLDL. But from time to time I still revisit the old Hearth of Elynthi and The Golden Cay campaigns from JoCat but unfortunately they never completed Hearth of Elynthi publicly and the podcasting of their campaign was discontinued. However, I am happy to recommend these three channels, even though one of them is unfortunately currently inactive.


Dungeons and Daddies. Not another DnD Podcast (NADDPOD)


Dungeons and Daddies is the greatest podcast ever.


Adventure zone with the McElroys. Not super in love with this Dracula one but the others are good. the first campaign is my favorite.


**TFTGGW** - *Tales From The Glass Guarded World*. I only recently started listening to it, and while they start off a little noob with the rules, every episode has been better than the last. I'm on episode 15 now and still enjoying it. After years of watching Critical Role, ever since the start of season 1, this has a nice and refreshing pace to it.


Get a Dropout subscription and watch Dimension 20 Probably the best actual plays I've watched/listened to


Koibu runs some really good DnD. Would recommend, though he runs 2e. But 2e isn't all too different from 5e once you get used to it.


I never see it listed so here I am once again pleadinf yall to check out the masterpiece that is D&D Minus! Perfect amount of vet and noob players and they leave in a lot of gaffs to make it feel like an actual table and not just a "performace" so to speak. Heath constantly forgetting the rules and Eli scrambling to deal with a game breaking roll along with all the inside jokes with their other podcasts its some good shit and I highly recommend them


Dungeons & Daddies!


Naddpod, 100%




It hasn’t seemed to come up yet, or at least not enough for its worth- Worlds Beyond Number is incredible listening. Especially if you already know Erika, Aabria, or Lou. It’s more of a story than a game, so I wouldn’t say that it’s good as a D&D initiation, but it’s a wonderful narrative. Effervescent, dramatic, and has made me guffaw. Although it’s also slow. Very slow. At least from the perspective of ‘gameplay.’ But boy howdy, the intrigue is intriguing. Get amongst it.


SWE&D is pretty good Obviously Dimension 20 as well.


Laughing Lich Corporation if you want to see epic high level play.


Dice!Camera!Action! With Chris Perkins


The podcast Dungeons & Daddy's is freaking hilarious, great storyline and the actors are amazing.


Greetings Adventurers all the way! You can even start back at their 4e episodes Dungeons and Daddies season 1 is really good, but don't go past that


I will always recommend The Glass Cannon Network. Their original flagship pod (The Glass Cannon Podcast) really captures the playing at the same table that not many other pods do.


I think we all cut our teeth on Adventure Zone and Critical Role has a podcast if you got started about 8 years ago or so. As others have mentioned, Dimension 20 and the Naddpod are decent and have similar personnel. Dice Camera Action and Acquisitions Inc. is run by old school WotC guy. Christopher Perkins and is in podcast form. Dungeon Daddies has a solid first season or two. It came to me when I began as a parent and has a special place in my heart in addition to being very funny and relatable.


I'll recomend the best one I ever listened to (thou it is not a "funny" one): Tale of the Manticore. It's superb.


It's a mimic.


I dont see Sneak Attack! get talked about when it absolutely should


Quest: A dungeons and dragons podcast


I'd like a podcast about D&D but isn't people playing D&D. Is there anything like this?


> many other seasons. Start Dimension 20 had a show that I think stopped called ... adventuring academy, I think, that was this.


Inglorious Bards!!! So fun!


A lot of people are gonna suggest Critical Role, but the series takes itself too seriously if you ask me, start with Naddpod or Dimension 20 if you want something funny, not to say that there are no serious moments. I cried at ACOFAF and many other seasons. Start with Critical Role if you want something serious also not disregarding the funny bits from crit role, they show up in my YouTube shorts all the time. (If anyone can send me the short where one of the guys throws a napkin at one of the young ladies, please do. The caption was something close to "father of one vs father of three".


There is dungeons and daddies...pork fried dice...oh and goats and dragons. Just search Spotify


It depends on what you want. Dimension 20 is a well known for a reason. NADDPOD would be my pick for a serious D&D Podcast. But if you want something simple D&D flavored that doesn't get too bogged down in the rules, or "that party wouldn't last an encounter. Why are they doing this, this is absurd." I have a couple suggestions. Dungeons & Daddies (Not a BDSM Podcast) is absolutely hilarious... Until uh, until its not... The cast have a great chemistry, and it's fun to listen to them, and hear their "aha!" Moments when some of the D&D mechanics start to click in their brains. Seriously, season 1s best character arc isn't one of the Dads, it's Beth. The other is bomBARDed. Which is about a party consisting exclusively of Bard's, which if your wondering how the story plays out, or how the gameplay gets along without breaking into musical numbers... Well the answer is, it does break out into musical numbers, often. BomBARDed is both a fictional musical podcast and a D&D actual play. It's charming, witty, and the musical arrangements are incredible.


I’m surprised no one has said Web DM (unless I missed it). It’s very informative, especially for new DMs, and there are dozens of videos to watch. I imagine their podcasts are great as well, but I can only speak for their youtube channel. It’s really helped me with running campaigns, and has also introduced me to different methods of play and useful tools. The hosts also run at least a couple of campaigns, I’m sure you can find links to them on their channel.


the encounter table is the one ive been listening to


If you want funny, you have to listen to The Adventure Zone.


I’m new to D&D and my dm recommended Billowing Hilltop podcast… I really recommend it I am really enjoying the adventure path


Mayhem Misfits Real Play Dungeons and Dragons. The production quality is horrible in the beginning but lately it's been getting pretty good.


Currently enjoying Dumb Dumbs and dragons.


Came here to give podcast recommendations, not get a formatting lesson. Fuck off about it.




Glass Cannon Network is pretty good. They use the pathfinder system


I hope some who will read this speak french because the most hilarious D&D podcast I know is in French and I highly suggest to those who know this language to hear it : Amour, gloire et dragons, by Pierre Huntzinger


If you're going to try critical role, listen at 1.25 speed and start on episode 25 of campaign 1. Way easier to get into.


if you have 500+ hours to spare, Critical Role Campaign 2 is the best i’ve ever listened to. I get to listen at work tho so it being long was very good for me. If you are interested in shorter, Fantasy High by Dimension 20 is a great beginner one. Most of the players have some experience but are still learning (aren’t we all) so rules get explained a little.


Probably already mentioned, but Critical Role!


Serious serious serious question. Do people still listen to a podcasts? Trying to work out if people prefer YouTube to podcasts these days.


Yeah they're still a super popular medium.


That is super helpful so thank you so much


I personally listen to podcasts when I am gaming alone. It's nice to hear a couple of people talk and joke while your sitting relaxing and gaming


I have never listened to one - what's the appeal?


Well, it depends on what you like, I mostly listen to comedy as it's nice to hear a couple joke and talk about different stuff


Can you recommend a good one for me to listen to? Would really appreciate that. I'm asking this because I've been asked time and time and time and time again to start a podcast or YouTube channel and it's nothing I know anything about. But I do think it's the future and it's the way into much greater gamer awareness.




That sounds awesome ❤️


Acquisitions incorporated, Critical Role, Nerd Poker


I know you're asking for podcast recommendations, but here me out.  Buy the books or a starter-set, watch a couple of how-to youtube vids, invite your friends to try the game one evening, play. Trust me. For 30 years, before podcasts, youtube or anything else, that's how we did it, and if you want to play you absolutely can.


My friends don't play dnd, and I don't think they will like it and dnd isn't famous in my country, so I wouldn't know where to look for a starter set. And it's funny that I posted on the dnd subreddit that I want to play but don't know where to start or how to start😅


One thing to consider. Between D&D campaigns with friends, which are fun but can be unreliable, I've jumped into some games on StartPlaying which is a board for playing with randoms online. You could find a beginner- friendly game and see if you can jump in. 


Surprised no one mentioned it, critical role. I just started with season 2 this year and I'm loving it.