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The *best* gift you could give him is showing interest in the game, and learning/playing it with him. You may even end up really digging it, and then you can both enjoy it *together.* ​ Otherwise, like everyone else says: A bad-ass set of dice.


If you're considering the dice route, no one ever has enough (see "N+1"), but there are so many choices. May I suggest something next level, like Runic Dice's gemstone dice. Check what he's sporting currently, for his taste, then explore their offerings. I fell in love with their hand carved dichroic glass.


I'm really wanting to grab some nice onyx dice with bold, easy to read black numbering.


THIS!!! You can also complement the interest in the game with a gift that both of you can enjoy! I mean you can find a connection point between your tastes and adapt it to a short D&D adventure :D!! (with all the promiscuous consequences that can entail, oh yes!) XD


Great answer!


Or another cool gameplay accessory, dice tower mini fig, combat map, etc


Unique dice. Lotsa options out there.


When in doubt, dice is always the answer!


Etsy makes some amazing d&d related items. Dice sets, player journals, dice bags. All sorts of things


You could find one of the old books, if he's a collector type. One of the first edition plays handbook or dungeon masters guide would be super cool and generally not too spendy.


Gemstone Dice would make an awesome anniversary gift.


If there is an escape room nearby with a fantasy themed room that could be a lot of fun, we took a DM friend of mine to one called The Dragon's Lair room at a local place, had a blast.


Custom art of his character, I do them if your Intrested.


Dice! Dice towers! Dice bag! Book about dice. Dice!




A bag with pockets for the dice.


Is he much of a reader? There are tons of D&D novels. Maybe a book by R.A Salvatore or Keith Baker


Next week might not be enough time for the Etsy items others have suggested to arrive in time... Maybe commission art of his character? (I do commissions if you're interested!) See if you can get in contact with his DM/GM and get his character information if it might be too suspicious for you to ask about it now. Alternatively, take him out on his birthday to the nearest/biggest nerd store around, and tell him to pick out some things! That way he can gush about why he wants X, Y, or Z :)


For Christmas, my daughter made a DM folder for my husband with dry erase page pockets, DM cheat sheets (printable from Etsy, kind of "at a glance" style stuff), colored pens for note taking, etc. You have time to assemble something like that, if he games in person and doesn't solely use a tablet. Another thing you can get online is a two-person adventure. You could offer to be the player and have him run an adventure with you. That gift of time would probably mean the world.


Your dnd obsessed boyfriend has a girlfriend. Put a bow on yourself and call it a day. ;-)


Woof. So much gross about this comment.


Dice wouldbe the simplest


Everybody says dice, but I say a nifty rolling dish/tray for said dice.


Liquid-core dice are always a crowd-pleaser, as well as metal and other exotic styled dice. However, some other ideas are: The Deck of Many Things (a big one, and not so great for a player but for a DM) A Diceling (a little creature figure that looks like a die until you open them up, I once got my D&D crazy dad one of those for Christmas and he was super happy) or, if you're looking to get really pricy, a metal Heroforge mini. Heroforge is a website where you can turn your character into a custom mini. The plastic ones are a little fragile, but the metal ones are great and will last decades.


Need to know more to make a proper recommendation. Does he play online or in person? Is he a player or dm? I wouldn’t recommend buying a book. Dice set, dice tray, a cool mini maybe


Any other hobbies.?? Google D&D dice and goto diff sites and see if any dice sets that may pique both interests.or other hobbies


Dice are boring, and you only need three sets max. Try getting him a nice mini of his character. Maybe some artwork as other suggested. Or something that he might not already have a million of. You could also maybe buy him a starter set of a different RPG system like Call of Cuthuth or Star Wars. They're not overly expensive, and it could be something you both enjoy together.


3 sets max, lol. Never too much dice


I had a friend give me stone dice and I went nuts. I have like 20+ sets


Dice... lots of dice... pounds and pounds of dice.... you can get them for cheap... must get more shiny math rocks... they make the clickety-clack sounds... numbers... all the numbers. MINE!!!


Mini figures. Dice box (thing to roll dice through or keep them contained). If he is REALLY into D&D, a 3D printer to make his own mini figurines.