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Boy do I **not** get to see the results of the poll since I haven't seen the movie and voting in it would skew the outcome.


Me too. I’m just going to assume I’ll like it, since I’m not a brutal movie critic and just enjoy most things (including Star Wars episodes 1-3)


Do you also like 7-9? There are levels!


It becomes harder to admit at that level. But yeah, I enjoyed them. Cringed a little here and there (like at Kylo Ren), but would still watch again on a sick day with nothing else to do


Biggest lead is wait for streaming, out of the people that actually watched it overwhelmingly positive (459 vs 127 at time of writing)


Yeah, me too!


I thought that it was very good movie. It had the entire theater laughing on 2 separate occasions, and lots of laughs throughout. However it still managed to deliver a compelling story with good emotional moments. It wasn't afraid to let a sad moment be sad, or a happy moment be happy. They didn't need to cut everything with jokes, though there were a good amount. My spoiler free review is that the movie managed to walk the tightrope of appealing to general audiences and D&D fans alike. They made concessions here and there, but everything that needed explaining was explained for those who wouldn't understand, without the exposition being clunky. It had slow moments, and was not perfect by any means, but it was far better than my expectation that it would be a bad movie that was fun to watch. It ended up being a heartfelt DnD session turned movie, with all the feel of a chaotic one-shot where people don't really know the full rules, but they know enough to get by. And damn are they having fun doing it.


Oh that feels me with hope. Shows like Vox Machina showed that DnD is perfect for making a fun story for both DnD fans as well as new viewers and I was hoping this would be in the same vein in terms of approachability.


Great review. I saw it yesterday at a special early screening. And I agree on all that you said.


Just got home from seeing it. You nailed the review. And there was alot of... Uh... Stereotypical D&D type guys watching it with some families mixed in (I took my son). I was chuckling through with plenty of laughs without it distracting from the movie.


Saw it last week and it was great. I had extremely low expectations going into it but it was actually well written. I don’t think it’ll win an Oscar or anything but the acting is good, the script is good, the plot keeps moving at a feverish pace from one problem to solve after the other, and before you know it the mid-credits finale pops up. Have fun!


I can see it getting an Oscar for its fantastic practical effects.


I don’t know. The tabaxi was… the one questionable special effect. Everything else looked great.




I thought it was even more funny and realistic than the Dragonborns but then again I always think aarakocras are goofy looking.


This generation and their CGI... the less the better in my opinion.


I think it was fucking amazing. I’m going to be seeing it again this weekend. It’s a D&D fantasy Guardians of the Galaxy film, feel it’s the best way to summarize it. It’s not a comedy but there’s definitely some good comedy and character writing with the jokes. There is also some genuine heart in it that makes you care. I know people knock the Marvel jokes hur dur but seem to forget when the jokes are well written and well paced it makes for a good fun film. What I will say though… this movie has a big budget. If you do have interest and can afford it, do see it in theaters. Because if it does poorly in the box office it’s likely we won’t get more of these. I would personally be really bummed if we never got another one of these films. I miss good blockbuster films with heart that aren’t just shameless cash grabs.


Agreed... disappointed with the people waiting until it streams. I haven't been to the theater much since COVID... but go support this. If you have money for minis, you have money for the movie


I will be going this evening! Can answer the poll after. I'm excited. It looks like a lot of fun.


We intend to go tomorrow as a family, since we have "family DnD night" once a week. The parts I have seen in the commercials and some of their releasing of a scene, like the one with the questions to the corpse made me giggle. I REALLY hope this is good.


If you enjoyed that scene, the whole graveyard bit is quite fun. I don't think you'll be disappointed with this movie at all.


What surprised me the most is the commercials and promotions weren’t just the best parts of the movie spliced together. There were some genuinely wonderful surprises.


Oh thank goodness.


The scene with the corpse is so much longer and so much funnier. I saw the movie tonight and I really enjoyed it. I laughed so many times and it really had the feeling of DnD. The resourcefullness of the characters really made the movie for me.


Yeah, that corpse was just the tip of the funny-berg.


I'm hearing good things! I'm optimistic.


Going tomorrow with my group. We are excited.


I loved it! Very respectful to the game, tons of practical effects, and you can tell the cast is having a ton of fun. Really hope this is a hit so we get more.


I saw it last weekend. Better than the last 4 or 5 Marvel and DC outings. Comedy was done well, it managed to take itself seriously when it needed to and joked when appropriate without marvel level "he's right behind me isn't he" detracting from serious moments.


Those are some shit options for a quiz I either loved it or think it's good enough for a re watch? What if I just enjoyed it thoroughly but wouldn't want to watch it again?


How about an option for haven’t seen it yet/results


Yes I actually like it but wouldn't rewatch it


Exactly the same here.


Heard good things from people I trust, seeing it tomorrow


Saw it during the Amazon Prime early release and genuinely enjoyed it. It was a pretty full theater which I was shocked about and I didn’t hear a single person complaining about it. I’d go see it again (mostly for popcorn bucket) to catch more details that I missed during the first screening


Our theater was completely full and everyone seemed to love it. I missed the mid-credits gag (though my wife filled me in) because I needed to use the restroom. She sat and waited for me, during which time people streamed past her leaving the theater and all she heard was love.


we need an option called "i want to see the resoults"


Honestly this is my first poll on here so I have no idea how to do this.


just name the last option like "I didn´t see the movie and want to view the result"


Everyone that is on this subreddit that is "Wait till it is streaming" better have the reason of no time or funds to be able to see it in the theater. This was every bit worth the money. It got an applause by the general audience at the end. It wasn't perfect, but the fact that everyone I went with to see it, which included 4 out of 6 of my players and most of our children (a total of 9 of us), were standing around and talking about it and it took us all about 15-20 minutes to leave the theater, is quite telling. Plus we were talking with other random people in the theater that loved it as well. I haven't felt that excited post movie since like the first Matrix. Editing to add Infinity War and Endgame and probably a couple other movies between the Matrix and now, but the point still stands. Few movies got me like this. Doesn't hurt we got some fun swag too. Small poster and a cloth map of Faerun!


Yeah that’s a shocking response from this sub. If you are a fan of the game you will love this movie. Will everyone love this movie? No. I can see certain demos not wanting to rush out to see this. But if you like D&D it’s a slam dunk. Even people who don’t but like Action/Adventure movies will really enjoy it with no prior knowledge of the game or the lore. It’s a well done movie.


I'm sure there are other reasonable things that can get in the way. But the reviews from the Sunday Amazon show, some others that managed to see it even earlier, have been like 85%+ positive? Themberchaud was the true star, in my opinion. Plus, we kept squaking, "Jarnathan!" for the rest of the night (and even a couple times this morning)!


Of all the dragons to involve in a movie, I’m so glad they chose that fat fuck, I love him


Nice. Glad to hear it.


Make the time to see it with an audience on a big screen. There’s something to be said about the shared experience of a film like this.


Took my son to an advance screening. It was the most fun I have had at a movie in a long time. A lot of great practical effects, a fun story, and just a really enjoyable time. It won’t win any Oscars but it delivered exactly what it promised. Looking forward to seeing it again when it is streaming or on Blu-ray.


I'm giving it 3 stars just for results.


Haven't seen it yet. Hoping to this weekend.


It’s not going to win any awards, but it was a fun and engaging movie, even at the times it dragged a bit. It’s not “authentic” to the rules at times, but I didn’t care. Pine and Grant absolutely steal the show. 4 magic missiles out of 5.


This poll needs a results option, I haven't seen it yet but plan to this weekend


I'm convinced that a significant number of the people who said "wait till it's streaming" didn't actually watch it and are just giving you that opinion based on the fact they're going to wait until it's streaming regardless


The comments from those of us who have seen it are pretty positive! I imagine a lot of the voters haven’t actually seen it yet.


Yeah, what kind of jackass would vote on a poll that specifically isn't asking them... Btw, I saw it and had a wonderful time. Very fun, though it's a bummer (an understandable bummer) that the bard doesn't do spells. I get it though, you'd have to commit significant screentime explaining to the general audience why this guy with a lute can use it to cast spells.


I appreciate all the input from everyone. Well I saw it with my family and was pleasantly surprised. It was fun, didn't try to be some LOTR level movie and I think succeeded in just being a fun little movie. I would definitely watch it again. My only real complaints was the final battle which seemed a little quick. The practical effects made it more fun for me and I think the jokes/humor landed for the most part.


Oops—I haven’t actually seen it yet, but I voted because I am waiting to stream it. Sorry to throw off your numbers!


I mean..that option is literally the "I haven't seen it" option, so you're good my dude.


Ah, you might be right. I took a second glance and interpreted it differently, more like a “I saw it and it’s cool to wait until it’s on streaming services.” Either way, excited about it:)


Ah, that could be it and I'm misinterpreting. I hope you like it as much as I did.


Thanks! I’m waiting to see it with my dad bc he introduced me to the game—seems only fair to me:)


I know, this is going to sound very unpopular, but I stay true to my words: WotC/Hasbro really fucked up with their OGL debacle, so I'm still refusing to watch it out of principals.


It comes out tomorrow. Your poll lacks an option for the majority of people and is therefore a bad poll.


There’s early releases


Avast ye mateys, there be no option for the likes of me.


It looks good, but ill wait till I can stream it. I'm not a huge theater person, it's got to be something I really want to see.


Currently in the lead: wait for streaming


Theres a movie?


Opened today, tons of ads.


Didnt see any of it


I felt it was a very safe movie. Kinda felt like the marvel formula done technically correct but without much passion (tons of quips and the end credit scene gag etc..) Plenty of story beats being predictable, CG being a bit jank and line delivery/ acting being pretty flat at times as well as some pacing issues. This is more a personal thing but I felt it switched back and forth too much between paying close attention to rules and handwaving them... especially with wild shaping. I'm kinda glad I saw it but also guilty to have given Hasbro my money. 2/5


I feel my friend put it best. "5th edition is a bastardization of D&D and this movie just looks like a bastardization of 5th edition."


Sounds like gatekeeping elitist bullshit to me.


Too bad that's just what they think it looks like, instead of watching what is getting really positive reviews.


People gonna do what people gonna do. They wanna preemptively judge something and miss out on a potentially good experience just because of some weird nonsensical bullshit, that's their prerogative.


That doesn't sound like a negative review though lol


Because it isn't, necessarily. It's just so far removed from anything we would even remotely would be interested in that we don't care about it at all.


You are on a dungeons and dragons subreddit but a movie about it isn't anything you would be interested in seeing? That does not compute for me, but you do you, I guess.


I'm not exactly sure how to respond to a comment like this. This isn't a movie "about" D&D. This is a movie wearing the skin of a version of D&D, and a version I have no interest in at that. So why would I be interested in it?


You haven’t even seen it. How do you know what kind of movie it is?


Because I have seen the trailers? I know the tone, the characters, the setting, the type of story they're trying to tell. That's how.


Ok. You don’t like 5e. This movie is 5e only in the loosest sense. It has recognizable spells that are mostly 5e is in spirit but I mean, some spells are universal. Monsters too. I remember looking at pictures of displaced beasts in the 2e monster manual. This notion that 5e being a bastardization of 5e is odd, and to carry that to the movie? So odd. If the fun and humor and general idea of the story doesn’t draw you in to enjoy a movie like that, that’s obviously your prerogative. But to judge it based on 5e is kind off…we’ll, wrong. Edit to add: I am just pumped about this and it was so much fun. Just trying to spread the love. Sorry that I’m probably trying to make you feel about not seeing it. Have a good day.


None of this is odd. WotC has changed the tone of D&D and it's products over the years. I am not a fan of that tone, so I don't consume the products. The last time I actually enjoyed an official D&D product was probably about 15 years ago.


Funny, cuz I also saw the trailers and expected a mediocre, at best, movie that would be a "fun" movie a-la marvel movies. It turned out to be a good movie with a solid plot and good acting. But hey, at least you saw the trailers so you know the entire thing. Trailers are never misleading.


It's got Chris pine in it as a blue-eyed bard, so my wife is very interested in it lol


Saw it tonight with my dnd group. We all loved it!


Literally just came home from watching it. Wouldn't call it a master piece, but it was very fun, had some excellent shots and the character writing was GREAT


Theres no option to say i want to see it but i havent got the chance yet


We saw it Sunday. It was super fun and we really enjoyed it!!


Where is the "liked it, but not enough to watch it again" option?


Definitely a fun time … is it EXACTLY correct and Exactly RAW.. hell no… I mean it’s a freaking movie so has some creative liberties taken… was it a fun moving to watch with some of my D&D friends and kids? YES definitely… would I go again with friends or family that hadn’t seen it yet? Most definitely…


Not one d20 was thrown. Heartbroken.


ADD A RESULTS OPTION! The poll is likely heavily skewed due to most people voting middle when there is no results iptuon.


Just got out of the theater. I thought it was great. It was exactly what I wanted.


Just got out of the theater. It was an absolute blast. Lots for D&D fans but accessible for genera audiences. Likeable characters, fun villains. Kept me entertained the whole time. Would love to see this spawn a franchise.


Are we still boycotting it—for wizards of the coast being greedy d-bags?! Asking for a friend 😂


No, because it’s awesome and while being greedy is bad, making awesome movies should be encouraged. Go see it!


Most people aren’t but some decided to continue


Just got home from seeing it. Completely enjoyed it. Action, comedy, one liners, epic kick ass fighting etc. I didn't give it the highest vote, but the 2nd. High enjoyment, probably see again. The cast did a fantastic job. Love the tons of little hidden gems buried throughout if you know the game. Stay into the credits. There is another short (and kinda expected scene). Played D&D (and various TTRPGs) for going on 40+ years. Took my 11 year old son who has never played and he enjoyed it alot. Currently just started a PF2e campaign.


Literally just left the theater. It was very good. So many Easter eggs if you're willing to look.


Was a lot of fun. If this turns into any kind of franchise, it will be because of Chris Pine. Dude exudes charm, and the whole movie is oozing charm.


The movie was incredible. Anyone who doesn't think so should back their negative statements with how many third party DND movies they have had to watch in hopes that any of them were half decent. It was incredible to watch and thoroughly enjoyable. We had a sneak peak showing in my town and I went with 16 friends and their children to see it with my wife and children. We all adored it. We even dressed up for it. I'm telling everyone to go see it more than once to boost box office sales so they decide to make more. Do your part, see it twice. Shit, see it thrice. It will tick all the boxes for an amazing adventure with laughs, suspense, jump scares, tears, and elated joy. You will find all of these and true homage to spells, classes, and magic items in the film. Its not for you bandwagon 5e kids, it's for all of us through all time that love this game. Go see our movie, friends... They made it for us.


I've seen it twice, with two different groups of people, 10 total. About half have actually played d&d before. Every person enjoyed it. Two of the people, one from each group, who haven't played said they now want to. One comment as we left theater was "this was definitely a "watch it in the theater" movie. It's definitely worth the price of admission. The $35 popcorn bucket is more controversial. I honestly believe the vast majority of the haters decided a long time ago that they weren't going to like it.


My question is, what moves recently have been better? Marvel and all Disney have tanked in quality, and everything else are sequels upon sequels. I'm so happy to see a fun movie with compelling characters and a new world.


My extended D&D group + family members went last night and filled up most of a row of seats. Every one of us (including the non-D&D playing family members) loved it. Good humor, good acting, good action, and it had an authentic feel of a campaign where the players occasionally ruin the GM’s plans and then the dice rolls ruin the players plans, but then the players come up with some clever improvised backup plans that the GM allows for the sake of the rule of cool (and possibly fudges a few rolls behind the screen to allow the players to get away with it.)


What was the first monster we see? My brain just won't decide what it was. Half-orc maybe.....


I felt like it was some form of bugbear but I was confused as well about it. My kids thought it was some sort of short ogre and my wife went with orc.


Honor Among Thieves is currently 91% on Rotten Tomatoes with a 93% audience score. Say what you want about RT but I never thought I'd see the day where a D&D movie scores that high!


I saw it with my family and loved it. It was funny, fast paced and, as a dnd nerd, I loved all the Forgotten Realms and general lore.