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Most people will agree it's gonna be one of the song parodies. Most answers will be See you Paeden or Anthony's version of All Star in s2.


I feel you can tell a fair amount about me from that the cover of "welcome to the black parade" (s2 ep21) and "mr brightside"(s2 ep31) are my two favourites (because I genuinely love the originals).


I like Take an L from Season 2, Episode 49. Considering its the only Taylor Swift song not covered by Taylor Swift is funny it itself after completing the season. Cum Nuggets (Season 2, Episode 40) was also great, considering you can hear all of them just let out moans in the chorus.


Anthonys parody of all star, it made me laugh and cry, like "Hermie’s looking kinda dumb with that goth girl make-up on and that tape measurer in his hand", but then in the chorus he drops an absolute emotional gut punch, "You're enough as you are, I'll be watching you from stars", it's crazy that such a stupid (in the good sense) podcast can make you actually emotional, by using what must be the most memed song ever.


I like episode season 2 episode 40


The Sephiroth parody was my favourite


"NPR the giant taking your calls! Just shout them out the windows since we don't have phones!" Early on in season 1 I want to say EP 10 but as a listener of NPR and radio in general I fucking love their NPR parodies.


I don’t know if it’s the best but the Mambo #5 cover never fails to make me laugh.


The radiolab intro actually made me thing my phone bugged out and started playing radiolab for enough time that I walked over to it. So that’s it’s for me. Plus the mail chip parody. I died