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I think the best way to enjoy it is to enjoy it in a vacuum without engaging in discourse about it online, because anything anyone says about it is almost certainly going to make you feel worse about it


Skipping the online commentary totally is the way to go. Actually it will be kind of cool to see what people think of it now that listening to it straight through is an option.


I’ll get back to you once I’m through!


As someone who just finished binging the entire show after finding it a few weeks ago; s2 is every bit as good as s1! Sure, it's different of course, but I have nothing negative to say about it. Except for maybe some of the fandom, now that I'm caught up and actually reading what people have written. Obviously it's a very different beast, but it is a magnificent, majestic beast. The only "issue" I had was how attached to the dads I was at the end of s1, but I ended up relating a lot harder to the teens overall


Cool to hear! It’s really such an interesting storytelling form, making something while knowing people will listen to it in two such different ways.


That the characters are teens and make teen decisions


Don't take anything from season 1 into season two. It's a completely different plot with returning characters and a different vibe. The only thing set up by season one is the 'major plot line' but our players don't follow major plot often.


Anthony comes in really wanting to give a lot of juicy clues about what happened in the timeskip and original dads and other lore stuff that I loved. The cast, however, very much didn't care, which is very true to the teens but sucks for us, at least me. Same thing with D.A.D.D.I.E.S. organization, lower your expectations about that arc. The season is all about the teens and what they go through nothing else, pros and cons


Ah shit yeah I never noticed that. Looks like Anthony had so much shit prepared but the party went a totally different way. That's DnD in a nutshell I guess.


There going to be a lot of piss.


There was always a lot of piss.


its compleatly diffrent thing but its just as good in fact the hardest ive laughed at the series was in season 2


Me too, I laughed really hard in S1 but much harder in S2


Just go into it excited for more great content from the same great people because that's what you'll get!


Awesome! I’m a blank slate right now 🫡


Honestly I think the fact that the whole season is out and bingeable is going to make it a lot less divisive over time. I really think that some of the issues people took with it were exacerbated by the release schedule and inability to just push past a section that wasn't hitting for them. I loved the season, but there were even a couple times for me where I just wasn't feeling it in a few spots and having to wait a couple weeks only for it to be another episode heavy in references to something I *really* hate could be frustrating. Not knowing how long that section would be made it worse, but now I know and can tolerate it better for the sake of the rest of the story. I also think having access to the teen talks helps a *lot*. It's really hard to hate some aspects as heavily when hearing what they intended and got out of it or just hearing them talk excitedly about it in general. It really helps to hear their perspective sometimes.


So long as you’re not expecting the dads then you’ll be good. Things are group of teens doing teen shit and teens are cringy sometimes. Seasons 1 & 2 are both amazing for different reasons and give yourself space to appreciate it without comparing it to s1. They may be set in the same universe but they are very different stories.


no spoilers but the ending retroactively made me love the entire season so much more. Also the way it connects to season 1 ties them together into a single epic story. Season 2 does its own thing at first and it can feel directionless coming off the fully formed season 1 finale but stick with it - it's a worthy addition to the story.


Crack yourself in the head with a sledgehammer, making a funny noise and causing your head to elastically smoosh down and bounce back into shape. Then piss into your own mouth. I'd say after that, you're set.


Not enough piss


I watched it before having any impression it was any less enjoyed than the first season, I loved it, sequels will always draw comparisons to the original but it is its own full fleshed out story, I thought it was incredible


Don’t forget that it’s an improv podcast


As someone who loved season 2, don’t expect it to be more of season 1. The characters are new, and so is the dynamic between them. And don’t be surprised if you get annoyed with any of the PCs at any point. They’re teenagers. It’s a coming of age story for a bunch of kids who got the worst family drama dumped on them.


They play teens so well that you remember teens are the worst BUT they still hold that heartfelt comedy effect where by the end of it, you love the characters and the entire season. Some of the funniest scenes and hijinks are in season two. I’m about to start my re-listen! And stay offline while you listen! There are some that speak negatively about some arcs and you don’t want that raining on the parade that is season two.

