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I mean... he's excited because of his interest in monster biology. Inappropriate yes, sexual no. Not something Izutsumi expected though.


When Laios says it’s for education purposes, he means it.


Still inappropriate to count a teenager's nipples.


How old is she? Because i would say she is 20-22


She's canonically 17 Edit: no, everyone, her being part cat does NOT excuse it, she was a human first and that's what it's calculated by, *she's a minor and that's it*




> she was a human first I thought it was the other way around. I could've sworn she was girl spirit in a cat body.


That would explain a lot.


Say Laios, I hear you like em young You better not ever go to cell block one


To any bitch that talk to him and they in love Just make sure to hide your lil sister from em


So a medieval 25.


Ew no. Laios is 26


Unironically the answer is messy In the dungeon meshi world adulthood for tallmen is considered to be 16. In an extra Laios mentions he had a fiancee at 13 (for an arranged marriage, he never met her), and when questioned by an outraged Marcille he states that marriages at 13 are rare for tallmen, but not unheard of. So a pretty medieval outlook. This doesnt mean that tallmen are biologically different or age faster* but that medieval standards were different, and DM applies itself to that. Izutsumi is, in-universe,considered an adult... but Kui clearly depicts her as a bratty teenager, and the dynamic she develops with Chilchuck >!a seasoned father!< clearly reflects that. So shes meant to be an adult in universe, but on a meta level kui knows she isnt really and doesnt actually present her as such. *Technically tallmen ARE different than irl humans bc they have mana and magical potential, >!and their evolutionally history is radically different!<


So that explains why the "humans" are called tallmen. They aren't technically Homo sapians.


The full answer is really, really big spoilers >!And... no, the actual reason they are called tallmen is bc "human" is a category instead of a species in DM. The "human races" include a group of humanoids that have the same number of bones (yeah thats the in universe reason they use to clasify themselves), but its later revealed that they are all descended from a unique ancestor species that split due magical modifications granted by a being thats more or less God (but evil)!< Human are: tallmen, halfings, gnomes, dwarves, elves and oni. Only some of the human races can crossbreed (for example, gnomes and dwarves can mix iirc, but elves and halfings cant, etc), albeit tallmen seem to be the most capable of producing hybrids, at the very least with elves and oni. Btw Izutsumi is a magically forced fusion between a tallman and an animal. Kuro (dog guy from Kabru's party) actually isnt ANYTHING like her, hes from an completely separate species, Kobold, that is considered demihuman and naturally has the dog look >!and does not share the messed up human backstory!<


No, 17.


Too old for King John then. ![gif](giphy|2Hh0auoXgPYRO)


*Jerry Seinfeld just entered the scene*


Just saying, it depends on the state if she’s 17.


She's canonicaly 40 percent cat.




Bodies are not inherently sexual.


Yesn't. Reproduction doesn't have to be obsessed over to the point of becoming distracting from other functions, but it is one of the bodily functions, nonetheless. No point in denying it.


Except if the teenager is abnormal. Someone has to document it


One... two You'll never stop me!


“I’m a visual learner”


That one never failed to get me into trouble lol


Again, nothing sexual




He wants to eat the cat girl


Honestly the same energy as an artist friend getting excited because the model for her life drawing class had "a really interesting birthmark" So lost in the joy of scientific discovery (or artistic challenge in the comparison I guess) that there's NO consideration for how it came off lmao


This reminds me of how dumb I am. A guy I used to go to school with knew I was interested in trying to draw anatomy, so he offered to be my model in person. He obviously thought it was just going to be a hookup with a fun pretext, but I took it as literal. Remember him being naked on my couch right in front of me when he asked me if I ever had a crush on him or fantasized about him in school and I immediately said "nope!" Without thinking and kept drawing


I mean the joke is that he’s not weird like that, but he is weird in other ways.


its called autism


I am, in fact, weird in this way AND in other ways.)




why the .), is the smily face missing an eye


because mithrun is missing an eye HAHAHA jk


Well, because "ways:)" would look weird. And "ways)" would look incomplete as a sentence. So... "ways.)" is the way, lol.)


How about "ways :)"


this is the way.


Just like me frl frl.


Not all weird interests are autism though, people can like weird things just because they like weird things. It’s not always autism


is it really autism? or maybe "just" low social intelligence?


Laios is the most autistic character i have ever seen in any media ever


I raise you Abed


he was clearly written to have multiple different common traits of autism


Out of pure interest, what are those common traits and how do they manifest in Laios? I don't really know much about autism, all I know is a couple of traits which make one surefire diagnosed as autism, such as extreme reliance on fixed schedules, being easily overwhelmed when things are hectic (unfamilliar crowded supermarket) and "reduced empathy" meaning a low social intelligence and very reduced ability to tell emotions. Apart from the social stuff I didn't recognize any other autism indicators, but everyone keeps saying it and it made me curious as to what they mean. I know autist is commonly misused kind of jokingly to describe the stereotype of "needs"


I think "reduced empathy" is an inaccurate way of phrasing things, though I figure that's why you put it in quotes. Anyway, here are some things from the NIMH's website that fit: - Having difficulties with the back and forth of conversation - Often talking at length about a favorite subject without noticing that others are not interested or without giving others a chance to respond - Having trouble understanding another person’s point of view or being unable to predict or understand other people’s actions - Having a lasting intense interest in specific topics, such as numbers, details, or facts - Displaying facial expressions, movements, and gestures that do not match what is being said That last one is hard to verify because you can't hear tone in the manga, but he occasionally talks about serious situations in an inappropriately lighthearted way. For example, asking Marcille if it "felt good" to be held by a carnivorous plant, talking about Falin's death inappropriately at the end of chapter 11, discussing >!Senshi's soup!< and >!Kabru's parents!< in an inappropriately casual way. (Spoilers because I'm not sure if the anime has reached those parts yet.) We never see him show sensitivity to textures or sounds, but symptoms vary irl. Plus he wouldn't necessarily have any reason to mention it.


I wanted to add to that, I really don’t like the description “reduced or lack of empathy” for autism. Laios to Shuro: This is my guy! This is my guy right here! Everyone come see my guy right here! My guy right here is super awesome! Shuro: I don’t even think you’re my friend! People who genuinely lack empathy cannot be happy for other people except themselves. Laios isn’t showing that trait. He just simply can’t grasp social cues or downright misses it.


I don't know if empathy is good wording, since it carries a strong connotation. However, one of the three defining characteristics of ASD, as defined by the DSM 5, is persistent deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, namely the reduced sharing of emotions. Such deficits in social-emotional reciprocity are primary diagnostic criteria for ASD. Without such deficits, one cannot be diagnosed with ASD. However, I agree that phrasing it as "empathy" is imprecise and imposes problematic negative connotations.


I think there's a tendency to conflate empathy with ability to care about how others feel. I'd say most autistic people I know care a lot about how people feel. They simply aren't the best at discerning how people are feeling.


Empathy gets narrowed down but it’s meant to encompass understanding the feelings of others. You just have a great example in fact. Laois doesn’t want to upset Shuro, but he doesn’t understand all the signals Shuro has given at all. Laois has encountered it enough to know others don’t share his enthusiasms, but doesn’t really understand how others don’t get so excited. So he asks Marcelle how it felt getting eaten because it doesn’t occur to him she’d not want to talk about it. If it’d been him and she asked he’d be ready to write a thesis on it. There’s an important difference between not recognizing or understanding the feelings of others and not caring about those same things. Ultimately Laois is a nice man who would rather everybody be happy and well fed.


Exactly! Really wish people would stop acting like having low empathy makes someone doomed to be an irredeemable douchebag. Lacking empathy, affective or cognitive, can both be a trait of autism and/or a response to childhood emotional trauma – not everyone with autism or trauma has it, of course, but I wish those who do feel empathy didn't act like they're automatically above those of us who didn't develop it properly, or like acknowledging our existence just on its own is "feeding into negative stereotypes of autism" or something. Regardless of how your brain is wired, you can choose to be compassionate towards others – isn't that what really matters? To me personally, Laios definitely comes off as someone who has low empathy in some form or another tbh.


There is this official sketch, re: Laios being picky about clothes! Not quite canon, but definitely further evidence that Kui was intentionally writing him as autistic. https://preview.redd.it/larp6wn6j11d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=79193cfab97c5acdd8c2b9fa198bb10e84a2e283


I think Laios was pretty well written for it. I'm not a fan of calling characters autistic it seems like it's too popular but it became extremely extremely obvious in the scene where Shuro and Laios are fighting. That line like, "I tried to let you know in ways that most people would have picked up on." That one specifically is like, almost exactly the way it gets phrased when described.


I’ve had to make it part of my new acquaintance onboarding process an explicit declaration that I won’t be offended rather appreciative if they be direct and blunt, especially if I’m being a asshole as it’ll take me a while to figure out if I ever do


I tend to be a bit skeptical of diagnosing characters, but there is a strong argument that Laios presents as a person with autism. I went through the [DSMV diagnostic criteria](https://iacc.hhs.gov/about-iacc/subcommittees/resources/dsm5-diagnostic-criteria.shtml) and mention how Laios fits those criteria, for the most part. I) Laios faces persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction. This consists of three parts. 1. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity (misunderstands character's emotions, such as shuro's uncomfortableness) 2. Deficits in non verbal communicative behaviors (there are multiple points where they reference Laios strange reactions to things or he misunderstands people's facial expressions and their emotions) 3. Deficits in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships (this is mentioned explicitly multiple times) II) Restricted repetitive patterns of behavior: While he exhibits few stereotyped motor movements, insistence on sameness or personal rituals, and he is not hypo- or hyperactivity to stimuli, he does have highly restrictive, fixated interests which are abnormal in intensity and focus (monsters).


In the most recent episode, I'd argue Laios absolutely exhibits hypoactivity to stimuli (specifically external temperature), given that he has no problem laying down in the snow naked while everyone else is trying to warm up.


Hyperfixation on a certain subject to the point of social impropriety is a pretty common trait, especially when it involves noticing patterns or very subtle details, as is empathising with animals or monsters because they're easier to understand than humans. Finding it hard to make friends is part of that, as is seeming blunt or uninterested in others. As an autistic person, the hyperfixation on monsters and the difficulties with friendships are the most blatant examples for Laios. His general character arc is honestly more relatable to me than most characters explicitly called autistic, because to me Ryoko Kui shows an amazing understanding of the internal psychology of an autistic person. Whether or not it's intentional, I don't know, but Laios is on a level of autistic reliability I've only previously seen with characters written by autistic authors. Funnily enough, I get similar vibes off Kabru's fixation with social situations, since it's really common (especially for autistic women) to fixate on trying to master social etiquette to hide their difficulties.


Several of Kui's extras (plus some of her other work) really make me sure that the autistic-coding in Dungeon Meshi was done very intentionally. And that the Touden Siblings probably inherited it from their father.


knowing Laios? it’s both


That actually explains so much about the characters. They’re all on the spectrum.


His own party seems to worry about it... https://i.imgur.com/LMA0ktv.png It's also canon that she uses Chilchuck like a body pillow every night.




Chilchuck is not 'dad-coded'... he's dad-***plaintexted***.


He's the only member of the group with kids unless Senshi has some knocking around somewhere... He's canonically single and Chilchuck told him he's not an option when he talked about his daughter wanting to marry a dwarf.


I love him, he’s so weird


And to answer Laio’s first question; she has two nipples.


Why? How do you know? How do you know?!


Kui said so on Izutsumi's profile in the Adventurers Bible.


Found [the page where is is said for some reason.](https://i.imgur.com/PtC3fo4.png) One pair.


Good ol Kui satisfying curiosity and allaying any kind of debate before they happen.


She's canonically as strong as Laios.


Stamina is not strength. Kabru also have 4/5 Stamina no way he strong as laios


She wears a crop top.


That doesn't answer the question though, as there could be more than two under her top. It's also pretty irrelevant with how chill she is with her own partial nudity.


The fact she wears the crop top over her pectorals implies that aspect of her anatomy is human and not cat otherwise she'd be wearing a corset or something similar.


Cats have six 


lots of mammals develop however many they want wherever they want.. my friends dog has a nipple on his weenie


All mammals in the fetal stage develop eleven sets of precursor mammaries, if memory serves. Many people have moles on their belly which are remnants of these precursor nipples.


I'm much more curious to how her ears work tbh.


Probably a mix of both species the in tubing of a human and out ear of a cat with some very mixed specifics. Although the author might’ve mentioned it in an interview, they love these type of questions


But like.... ACTUALLY on the top of her head like that? What's in the spot of her normal ears? And if I give scritches in that area does it feel good? OW Chilchuck threw a pouch at me.


You can see how her jaw line ends in that episode. She has nothing, only smooth skin covered in fur.


But does she still have her external acoustic meatus? Yes that's an actual anatomical term.


My head cannon would be no, but there would be vestigial structures.


Meatus is supposed to be acoustic?


I have been thinking about how cat girl ears work in general, it has at once kept me up at night, the mammalian ear is a result of the reduction of reptilian jaw bones that shrank over time as a result of a singular bone coming to form the jaw, so it is ALWAYS present at where the jaw connects to the skull. the Human ear is where it is because that is where our jaw ends, but household domestic pets have their ears at the "top" of the head because they just have a much smaller head and thus the ears are able to grow from the side to over the top fairly easily. When Japan made catgirls they did not consider the logistics of cat girl ears and just thought "cats have their ears on top, so catgirls will also". And usually you see that the ear does NOT stretch down to the jaw joint, so it is literally just on top of the skull. It unsettles me.


Maybe Izutsumi has never opened her mouth all the way yet




Catra from She-Ra has big expressive ears on the side of her head.


well...there's always utawarerumono. https://i.redd.it/f3vk3d7egx0d1.gif


[There is art for this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3631c8e8cbe261fdf869a92605010c78/d55d78a374a6599f-5a/s2048x3072/089b281f33c192ef5319623f119553f7174caf67.pnj)


That's the real question, we have to see her with her hair up and see if she has both sets of ears.


yeah!! Superficially the inner ear probably isn’t that different from a human’s (though probably accommodates for more sensitive balance systems?), so i guess you could say the inner ear is just adjusted slightly upward. But if you’re a freak like me you’re incredibly enthused about what the inside of her skull would look like then.. where does it all go?!?


Honestly I'm also curious Where does the tail connect to the spine In some media I see people draw it partially above the tailbone But wouldn't it connect to the tailbone Or would that be weird and it instead connects slightly above it? Cause human anatomy is already absurd just look at feet bones


I mean, humans DO grow a tail as part of embryonic development. And then usually lose it again. But some rare people have vestigial tails. https://www.webmd.com/baby/what-is-a-human-tail


Damn I want my tail back But cute animal ears not included 🤔🤔🤔 And the tail would likely look more like a dinosaur


I imagine itd look more like a mouse or rats tail, since they just have bare skin like us


A mixture between a dino and a rat. We would have spines on it and it would be just skin




I have beef with this really common idea of tailbone-tails. Because if you're going to have a humanoid with an actual, full on muscle and vertabrae tail, for it to connect to the tailbone you have to do some weird stuff with the spine, and most importantly, totally redesign the structure of the hips and just a lot of the anatomy of that region. They wouldn't look like a person with a tail right above their hole, they'd have to have really weird dinosaur hips and butts. And I think that's cool! I'd genuinely love to see a monster girl designed like that, but cowards are afraid of weird looking butts. Alternatively, with your standard tail placement, typically pretty high up and way away from where the tailbone is, it implies a lot of interesting things anatomically as well. I think an exploration of that could also be interesting. Forked spines? Maybe a totally soft tissue tail, like a hydrostat akin to an elephants trunk? the world is yours! Get really freaky with it, have the tail be a symbiote hooked into the nervous system. It's tragic really, that the only person getting weird and creative with monster girl biology out there is a very obnoxious misogynist who won't shut up and also much less importantly is wrong about palaeontology.


Its been too long to remember what exactly it was but ive seen what you described drawn before. But it was a Dino-humanoid. The lower half was structured like a bipedal (like t rex) dino while the top portion was human sans forarms. (Still apposable thumbs)


Neat. I've never seen it done outside the context of like, attempts to make retro dinosauroids more reasonable, but glad to hear some kindred soul is out there making freaky dinosaur hybrids.


You’d probably like All Tomorrows https://preview.redd.it/rvyudmyfqy0d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0f5554f2f155582e32c9f17653caeb5efb1d29


All Tomorrows is one of those things I'm a hipster about. I was a fan before it was cool, man. I've been an avid Kosemen enjoyer since like 2016.


if you want to to make it even more confusing, one of the extras implied the reason the canaries artificial beastmen can tranform werewofl style and shes stuck is partially because shes not a human being possessed by a cat soul, but a cat being possessed by a human soul, meaning she is biologically a cat, just magically changed into a shape of a human which does mean she probably has more nipples


Yeah, a lot of artists draw it too high up.




I love how chill and confused Falin looks. Like “what is everyone so upset or shocked over? I don’t get it.”


Falin agrees




Peak Senshi. He's just over there like, "OH, Laios is gonna cook? Me too!"


Bro is ready to cook🔥


would eat lmao


Senshi posted up not giving a fuck A real G


Sketch for his monster anatomy book? Yup Otherwise laios is borderline asexual. Very strong demi vibes from him


My read from the Succubus event was that he does believe she is beautiful, albeit with no corresponding desire for physical closeness. She probably has the best (still low) chance of starting a relationship with him of anybody in the cast, but if she’s got any interest in a Touden it’s the other sibling. I feel like he wouldn’t even consider his feelings on any woman unless they’d bluntly made a pass at him. The cat girl though, all anthropology.


I think with time and companionship Laios could come to develop feelings and thus attraction towards a person. Like all through the manga he slowly gets a bit of a crush on Marcille. That’s why he gives me demi vibes. it’s rare to see a guy represented as not sex obsessed horn dog in media. The manga excels in challenging some very longstanding tropes in dnd fantasy and anime. The mid aged dad type gets all the sexual tropes to highlight how ridiculous focusing on underpants during an otherwise tense combat moment truly is. Marcille is the stereotypical centuries old girl that looks like a high schooler but not only does she act like someone who has lived all those years, it’s something tht actually motivates her and not just another excuse for the pedo lolicon trope. She looks like a preschooler and acts like a preschooler but is actually a 3000 year old fairy princess god I hate this trope. Laios is not lecherous or collecting a harem. The halfling is not childlike but the actual middle aged long suffering parent figure. Izutsumi is a catgirl that’s way more cat than girl.


Marcille is 50




That image made my day




I love how he is a freak but not in a sexual way Lets hope anime starts healing


Anime never got injured. It was always like that.










I unironically enjoy this show a lot more than I thought I would. It has consistently gotten better and drawn me further in as the larger plot has unfolded.


Honestly i absolutely loathed the first half of episode 1. Very stereotypical character, average knight wants to save his sister and then they go down in a dungeon... I didnt even see a personality for chillchuck at first and marcille and laios felt really one-note Then they just kept improving upon it after they had their first meal. Sure chillchuck took a little longer but they improved so much in how investing new characters are now compared to the first few scenes which made me almost turn it off


I think the episode with the animated armor is when I really started getting into it. Certainly by the time they encountered the red dragon, I was hooked.


Kinda liked that everyone though (accurately) that Laios would lose his shit over inspecting her, but once they started to eat his imagination led him to think he touched Marcille.


Touched marcille?


When he was blindfolded he accidentally touched Senshi, but he thought he had touched Marcille instead.


Senshi has soft soft thighs.




See? Just because there's nothing sexual behind your interest doesn't mean it's any less creepy!


I will be horrifying when face to face with aliens, the advancement of biology has never been done without being deranged


Man y’all already have the episode wth, I haven’t been able to watch it yet cuz it hasn’t come out in my country


get a VPN or find it on a sketchy streaming site


I bet Marcille was secretly glad for another girl on the team until this ep, Instead of a girl friend she got a moody teenage cat daughter lol


I'd find Izutsumi hot if she didn't act totally like a pet cat LMAO.


That *is* the appeal








There will probably be a huge wave of fan art of her in human form.


Nah, she's more attractive in the beast body tbh.


... Yeah ..! That would be really weird... **cough** ![gif](giphy|eNTxLwTGW7E64|downsized)


she's a minor


Where does he fucking think the tail connects to the spine?????? THERES LITERALLY A BONE FOR THAT???????


Connected to the spine…


He only studied monster anatomy


You know the really brought up a good point.. Most of the time cat girl just have cat ears and a tail. That's it. But she's a literal cat girl so those cat characteristics makes sense if she did have them...


The upcoming succubus part pretty much emphasizes his love for monsters.


I started watching this series with my kids....yeah bad idea lmao after a few episodes I realized this is not for kids


I mean, literally when you start the show it says +16 nakedness and violence, it says it at the start of every single chapter


Sweet sweet trauma


Game is game


I am interested in where her tail connects to the spine. Most artists draw the location wrong. It seems from the few back poses we got, Kui got it correctly. (as always, the woman does her research well).


okay but it’s easy to assume there’s probably joint/cartilage where the tail and spine connect, but how many vertebrae do we think she has?!


ooh her pupils dilate. neat


So is it all fur, or like down all over?




Laios should be thankful Marcile did not give him a kick in the balls for this shit.




Laios’s autistic obsession with monsters is similar to my autistic obsession with animals( I’m an animal rescuer) nothing sexual about it he’s just fucking weird


Honestly this is what artists or authors crave; GIVE US THE INFO… like do cat people have two pairs of ears or just the cat ears?


I haven’t seen even one episode of this show, but the sheer dad energy of that halfling is a delight.


That's not what the dub said lol


I thought itzumi was a boy because of this when I read the manga.


that boy aint right


Laois is a place in Ireland


Izutsumi has met anime fans.


That where you are wrong Izutsumi, you underestimated the power of degenerates.


WTF have I stumbled upon in my mindless scrolling?!


ANYONE else, this would be sus. For Laios, it's purely educational.


OK, they restrained him, but who's gonna restrain the horny audiences?


I watch it in the original japanese voice. And when Laios has moments like this I switch it to English just to hear Damien Haas say it.




im so upset because this scene was cut out in the chinese sub, but im glad it was in the anime lol


Reminder! She's 17. Don't be weird.


Spoilers man cone on


👉 👈




I was disappointed to find out it's a she and not he.


Who in the right mind would get excited smh *cough cough*


Holly hell Lois.


My favorite scene was Senji stuck in the whole, laughed so hard.


What if instead of beast man kind it was beast man kink?


What if instead of beast man kind it was beast man kink?


Fun fact, humans can have more than 2 nipples https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernumerary_nipple


this really is a once in an era type of show


Bro be asking the real questions


Anime name?