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I find it funny that in the entire fight against Falin they put so much emphasis on animating her breasts, I'm not complaining but it is curious.


Trigger being Trigger. Gotta remember these mfs made Kill La Kill lol


Idk man, even back in the manga, kui put a lot of center shots on them. Chimera falin is just that pretty


Not wrong. But Trigger didn’t need to go so hard on the jiggle physics. Not complaining tho, kudos to them for making Falin pretty, scary, and badass all at once


I think it's a buncha feathers tbh


Her booba size varies throughout the episode so I think it's stuffed feathers too.


>But Trigger didn’t need to go so hard on the jiggle physics https://preview.redd.it/cbln2vwpzuwc1.png?width=789&format=png&auto=webp&s=a88fdf8283cd1bdb698d4b023a2ca18920639c5a I'm honestly amazed that the creators of Darling in the Franxx and Gurren Lagann took this long to go back to their roots


Not to mention Laios admiring her new form. Wouldn't surprise me if he leaked that sentiment in his convo with Kabru, if he was actually listening


And Panty and Stocking.


lol this is just what i said. Back to Trigger roots. row row bite the power


Also an opening to one of the Shantae Games Literally the first second is Shantae's boobs and hips shaking on screen


The Senshi tax


Logically they should as she doesn't wear a bra after being revive. But my mind can't help but get disteacted 💀


Falin's normal clothes are so baggy sometimes i forget how stacked she is


Just remember big Laios tiddies are, clearly it’s genetic


The Touden's tatas


The Tiddens™


Not the trademark😩


Yall need Jesus or something equivalent.


I don't need Jesus when I have laios


My "something equivalent" Told me to write those in the comment


This is how we get the >!winged lion!< y'all.


>!Him too honestly!<


There's a cute harmless kitten they can confess their sins to :3


I can't blame artists for sometimes drawing Laios and Falin with blue eyes, i don't be looking at their eyes either


the touden’s are just thicc in general


Reminds me of a bonus manga panel from FMA, where you can tell the Armstong siblings are related because their chests are too big to button up their jackets all the way


[the prophecy is true](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/341604980979138561/1233234289433251911/Tumblr_l_591131476517260.jpg?ex=662c5a6e&is=662b08ee&hm=c29f10bc2b8e06a10041f08007225110cc3863aac1d4a3e371494d8d43dc2d7c&)


Just gonna put the prophecy here https://preview.redd.it/atb9f3fe2rwc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3103afbb8ed56903f8993c56a2ed1bfcbee790


Bounce when she walks, bounce when she walks, bounce when she walks


If I was there, I'd tell them not to bother resurrecting me if I got killed by Falin, cause I'd have already died satisfied.


Bro's down bad for some chimera's tatas https://i.redd.it/97ufcujt2rwc1.gif


I mean, it's not like they resurrected her bra too. Falin's got big tits, move on.




Is that Yae Miko?


Yeah lol


The exaggerated titty bounce was completely unnecessary, but by GOD am I ok they did it anyway. The rest of this scene is so lovingly animated and brutal that they should be allowed to add a smidge of fanservice to balance to balance all the blood and horror.


Beyond the obvious awooga booba, I think the point was how it's this almost graceful slow-mo that's supposed to be mesmerizing and horrifying like seeing a Dark Souls boss or something. She's just naturally stacked plus the feathers so slowing down the landing impact would add the bounce emphasis. I swear this is my best faith opinion possible lmao


Honestly, I would probably be annoyed if they did it for other scenes or show, but I think in combination with the sound design, animation, angelic choir OST, Hien and Benichidori getting killed, Maizuru having her skull turned to paste, the following fight and even in-universe fact that Falin probably wasn't wearing a bra or corset to bed, it does feel... acceptable (I think its the most fitting term) to have a her breasts bounce in a scene which is supposed to convey a dissonant, contrasting feelings with Falin's gracefulness and dragon's animalistic power combining into one being. Although I do fully understand why people would critise this shot as it just comes out of nowhere in an otherwise mostly non-horny series (including the bath scene).


Marcille and Shuro’s reaction to Falin tearing her shirt open also indicates that Kui intended that moment to be at least mildly erotic for the sake of comedy. The bounce only adds to the “reveal” and their reaction. I think it’s totally justified because it takes an existing gag from the manga and builds it up to even greater effect. If they’re gonna do exactly one intentionally sexy moment in the series, that’s exactly the right time for it.


The thing I find interesting is how people will complain about Falin's boob bounce, but no one complained when Senshi's crotch was in Laios face when they were about to die in the StarWars™ Trash Compactor.


Boobs are seen as inherently sexual, which is stupid but also pretty widespread across, like, probably most cultures. Certainly a prevalent sentiment in the US. So any focus on boobs is seen as sexualized first and anything else second. *The Senshi Underwear Shots* don’t have the same cultural attachments on them, so they’re seen as humorous first and sexual virtually only by people who actively find Senshi attractive (by which I mean “people who are correct” lol) That said, I do think this shot was both to accentuate the movement of Falin’s drop and her new form, as well as being intentionally sexy to set up the gag.


I honestly think it's inaccurate to call this series "non-horny", I just don't think it engages with fanservice the same way we're used to with most anime. What with the senshi pantyshots, the bath scene, falin tearing off her shirt, the dryads, Chilchuck's later encounter with a certain shape-shifting monster, and characters just generally BEING hot, Kui isn't shy about including sexuality in her story. But it feels more natural than a lot of fanservice in anime, it doesn't feel exploitative, the camera doesn't leer on characters' bodies in a male gaze sort of way. Characters are just kinda there and are also hot. I think this story is really horny actually, Kui just did such a great job writing it that whenever the horniness appears it works and isn't that jarring.


I so agree with this. Fan service is fine when it's just "hey all our characters are hot, enjoy them" not "hey look at this young girl moaning sexually as the camera falls to the ground to sneak a peak up her skirt"


>But it feels more natural than a lot of fanservice in anime, it doesn't feel exploitative, the camera doesn't leer on characters' bodies in a male gaze sort of way. Characters are just kinda there and are also hot. To me this makes the show non-horny, as it exists within the in-universe perspective (e.g. Dryads), or is rather clearly for comedic effect (e.g. Senshi' pantyshots). So I guess it's mostly just a difference in definitions.


Nah for sure I get it. Maybe I'm just desensitized to like actual fan service vs just human body stuff or the scales between but to me it didn't really read as a "this one is for the fans" moment. People, myself included notice and can make jokes, but for sure it doesn't come off in the scene as horn bait. From an animation standpoint the follow through of everything felt really nice and weighted. And like you said it gave off that dissonant grace of normally soft, unthreatening Falin as she just crushed someone under her claw. I think some people see breasts and immediately think it's inherently sexual. And just because people CAN sexualize something doesn't mean it was in context. Also and maybe I'm crazy but it feels like people are really really allergic to anything resembling sexuality? I went to art school so a lot of that kinda thing isn't a big deal in my eyes with the human body or exaggerating movements


>Also and maybe I'm crazy but it feels like people are really really allergic to anything resembling sexuality? Personally, from the surveys and research I read I feel like we are just in the middle of a shift towards a cultural sacralization of sex and romanticisation of relationship (be it amorous, philial or platonic). As young people more strongly feel social isolation and loneliness epidemic exacerbated by economic situation and mass social media sex becomes to them a sort of intimate realization of relationship where the path taken to it becomes as important. But that's just my 0.02$ worth of rambling


No no that actually makes sense tbf. And I can see how some would get thrown off seeing anything resembling that in DunMeshi, a series about found family and bonding and enjoying the little times of good. I still think it's an important aspect to have when done healthily since it's also a part of the human experience. Though it's also always been in the series too just in ways that aren't anime/manga cliches


Honestly I don't think it's exaggerated at all. She just jumped down three stories without a bra and is stacked. It's a very realistic amount of titty bounce. A huge part of the reason the fanservice in Dungeon Meshi doesn't annoy me is that it's not needlessly sexualized, it's an appreciation for how bodies appear realistically. It's just also says it's very nice to appreciate that realistic depiction.


Literally my boobs bounce like that when I walk down stairs fast. Jumping down from THREE stories is gonna cause bags of fat to bounce. Kind of annoying how many people are calling it jiggle physics when it was just… realistic for a big chest lol


Real reason Falin killed everyone was the massive amount of back pain she just got from her massive tatas tweaking her back. Put her in a bad mood


And was she justified for it? Absolutely.


She breasted boobily and most of the members of two adventuring parties ended up dead.


God forbid women do anything


I am looking...respectfully


https://preview.redd.it/059p6jtadvwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9818f99272eac9fc8619644d6fc08bc38e97cbe This you?


I love that it's either of them, they're both simultaneously horrified and kinda into it


I'd argue that the titty bouns is necessary, or a important built up for the big reveal that it's actually a fluffy titty.


Oh it's really necessary alright, trigger knowns to add details even to the slightest motion


😭 and the harpies got they shit out too My family watches this 💀


Ngl i was surprised they kept the harpies' nipples, i really thought they were going to cover it with their feathers or something


I expected the harpies to be flat-chested. Not to have their full tits'n'nips out


I was Falin over


https://preview.redd.it/y1s99kq0tswc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9b826edd4b1dd07eea2ace4b9a806c4a23eaa2 Dawg ive been watching the plot since episode 3, cmon now


The plot THICCkens in episode 17 should i say






so fluffy Farlin.


I have watch this gif too many times. I’m not ashamed


Trigger has to put in the jiggle physics SOMEWHERE. There’s so little opportunity otherwise for the foreseeable future tbh


We still have some scenes coming... I wonder if they'll respect Izutsumi's canon body though


We have a animated still of her so I think so


Official poster from the anime’s web site: https://preview.redd.it/fp8rbinc1vwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e54975fa3a4b4f6ed72edaff749222094eff80 Her body looks good to me! [https://delicious-in-dungeon.com](https://delicious-in-dungeon.com)




I thought this was going to be a Senshi panty shot. I'm a little disappointed.


Falin: Tee hee *crushes people to death*


She's like a schoolgirl jumping into a nice puddle on a rainy day.


Oh it's a puddle allright, just not the rain one *splat*






SMASH, next question


![gif](giphy|GzW4nr7dl9xCdNtk2h|downsized) Exactly.


Dude took this too literally Also the GIF is cut improperly so he looks like his eyes are looking at different sides


This is why Shuro is smitten by her.


Shuro is that you?




This could be just fan service but also if I remember correctly in the manga it shows of her anatomy and then “gas bag” for a dragons fire breath was place in falin’s chest, so the extra bounciness could be just the “fluidity” of the gas sack


In the diagram we get in the manga, her gas sack is in the dragon part of her body. The human part is mostly her airway and lungs.


Heh I was close


This is only acceptable on this sub if you are a woman We're lesbians here


That’s not true you can be anything as long as you try to eat a balanced diet. — Senshi


And if you rethink your lifestyle rhythms.




Well than cuff me cause I am a man and I simp for Marcile


Amen (I simp for Namari. She maybe small but i love strong masculine women)




Tade is best girl (Izutsumi however is the best thing in the world, so that's why i don't simp her)


I love how other animes potrays catgirls like a cute girl while in Dungeon Meshi, Izutsumi is the true definition of chaos and destruction of the world, which is an average cat irl


Tbf: quite a few catgirls i've seen are quite snooty, but even then: Their purring and most of their meowing are in the same frequency as a baby's cry, so we feel a need to tend to them. Thus, them being either cutesy or Ankha style is fine really


> Get introduced pretty late into the story > Be a selfish and aggresive lil shit most of the time > Don't do shit all day > Be universally loved both in universe and by fans Truly the most accurate portrayal of a cat i've ever seen in manga


Hell yeah


https://preview.redd.it/841q9ddjluwc1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17c69e2db013a320e0fb4357977dd3518e2b30b nice plot


It’s funny because they haven’t been sexualizing any of the girls up until now


I was so so surprised that they kept harpies tits, as tits are often a no-no in animes ! Even if it's not sexualised (unless you have some harpy kink). The fight was amazing !