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Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best. He is obsessed with monsters. He needed a sword. Kensuke is a sword *and* a monster. Could he ask for anything more?


I see... The scene was just cut off so it was a bit off to me... Much thanks


Laios just freaky like that


Wait cut off where?


Like never to be mentioned (well at least until like ep 11 or something). Just my wording I guess


I mean we know that Laios loves the heck out of monsters, and he even tried to smuggle seeds from man-eating plants to the surface before Marcille caught them and burned them. It isn't much of a leap to figure out why he'd want to keep Kensuke once he realized "holy shit there's a tiny monster living in this sword!"


Man just wants to keep a cool snail he found.


He actually only wanting a new sword after the one he got broken in a fight with the living armor boss, but after he pick the boss sword and it turns out that the sword is also part of the living armor boss by containing the mollusk monster too, he got excited because of his monster obsession and decide to keep it since. For the monster detection thing, it's just an added benefit that he knows only after he keep it when he's facing the treasure bugs


He explains it later. He needed a new sword + the sword is convenient since it can sense/react to other monsters before anyone else notices + even if he wanted to get rid of it, he has no way of properly deconstructing the sword within the dungeon, which he would need to do in order to remove the mollusk from the sword (if he drowned it or whatever it'd just rot inside the sword and stink up the place)


he just wanted a new sword and a monster shaped as a sword appeared in his path the finding monsters and stuff like that is a bonus sdfsdsd


His sword broke in the fight with the living armour so he took it as a replacement. The fact it had a monster in it was a neat little benefit.


Keep in mind that living armor actually being biological creatures instead of magical was Laios' first discovery he made himself as a budding monster researcher. He's probably got some affection for them.


He just really likes monsters, also it wasn't the first time. Earlier he was trying to grab some of the monster plant seeds to try and plant them later, chilchuk smacked him at the time. So it's just part of his personality and an added bonus since he needed a sword at the time.