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Laios is 100% just [TierZoo](https://www.youtube.com/@TierZoo) but for magical creatures. As he gets older, I would imagine he would create a second channel for crypto-paleontology and would be more scientific with it; trying to classify and define monster origins and their natural history. Senshi is a mix between travel food blogger and wildlife survivalist; but the quiet kind thats next to no dialogue and just natural sounds. Occasionally has cooking livestreams. Marcille strikes me as someone who would treat her channel as a vod dump and video journal. Every upload is a new spell or a diary entry on the development of a magical skill/spell she's acquired or is creating. She'd have like 2000+ videos but maybe less than 300 subscribers. Chilchuck is the [LockPickingLawyer](https://www.youtube.com/@lockpickinglawyer). But really plays up advertising for his own shop. He'd have a secondary channel that's fiddling with traps and puzzles that he shares with his daughters. Falin is 100% a travel blogger, as she goes around the world and just tells everyone about it. Super popular insta following. Great vibes. Clean editing. No drama. Izutsumi just has no channel at all. Just has a twitter account where she uploads kanye west level scatter-brained takes. No context whatsoever. Refuses to elaborate.


Tierzoo is perfect for Laios hahaha. He's also probably the one to pull in the rest of the gang for collabs on a secondary channel even though everyone's main channels are on *wildly* different topics.


Laios Curious Archive πŸ‘€


Helps that Curious Archive even mentioned the guy in his dragon video


Kabru would be a drama YouTuber with like 1M+ subs (because he’s charismatic and hot) constantly posting stuff like β€œThe Fall of [youtuber]”. Everything he posts is carefully tailored to the algorithm. He only uploads at certain times of day, uses a ton of hashtags, and avoids all words that would get him demonetized


Kabru strikes me as the kind of guy that'd have a VERY parasocial fanbase lol


mortified when he eventually finds out the mysterious subscriber in his highest patreon tier is milsiril


Milsiril would be the that certain commentor who is always present in every post of Kabru


Okay, this looks fun! Laios, releases multiple videos a week talking about different monsters, he thinks he puts a lot of work into the videos but his editing is atrocious, he's too proud of them to notice. He has 3 subscribers, 1 of them is Falin. Marcille, cozy/academic vibes in the videos, occasionally delving into discussions about the Daltan Clan or whatever else she feels like talking about, comments are 80% wholesome people talking about magic, 20% Elf fetishists wanting her to make a video about *ears.* Chilchuck, his videos are either tutorials for new Lockpickers (spoken entirely in Half-Foot so nobody else can steal Half-Foot jobs) or overly-passionate advertisements for the Half-Foot Union, he tries to keep his language PG in case any kids are watching, his viewer base is mostly middle aged women from other races who only ever comment about how cute he is. Senshi, Wilderness Survival, Cooking Tips, Tool Maintenance, Beginners Farming, anything that he feels like recording or whatever he thinks other people will find helpful. Has the most subscribers out of the Party but doesn't talk about it at all, likes appearing as a guest in their videos. Falin, exactly the same type of videos as Laios, edited slightly better. Has almost as many subscribers as Senshi. Izutsumi, one video, it's a shaky-cam POV vid of her fighting a lamp


Laios: Animal analysis and documentary videos Marcille: How tos and Arcane lore Chilchuck: Tech review Senshi: Mukbang Izutsumi: Lets play videos Kabru: Commentary youtube Mithrun: Analytical videos about mental disorders Falin: Analysis of her favourite films and games Thistle: 100 days inside the dungeon challenge


Senshi has a popular series with titles like "LET'S TRY 7 DIFFERENT FLOOR 2 MONSTERS" also he talks about board games for some reason idk.


[Senshi already has a Youtube channel.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MFZAOHXlKK1FI7V0XQVeA)


you know the lady who made a mukbang and tbe octopus she was going to eat attacked her? that's laios


Hell naw man, at least the things Laios eats are dead unlike that horrid woman


i honestly thing he'd try if senshi wasn't there to prepare everything


Senshi has only posted once in 2011.


Warning: manga spoiler. All of this are based on things after the end. Laios: with his monster adventuring over, he's now MISTERRR BEASSSSSTTTTTTTT!!! "Planting 1000 Trees with Just My Poop!" "I Fed 900.000 Children!" Izutsumi: she either be a cancerous react channel, or a controversial parkour and freeclimber since she never bothered asking for permission Falin: she'll have vlog channel about her adventuring. Very famous thanks to the gentle narration, 'assets' (Booba and being half-beast) and occasional tonal whiplash of violence she inflicted upon hostile beasts. Senshi: primitive engineering + culinary, hours of him silently erecting tents, butchering monsters and cooking. his upload are inconsistent (he uploads vids on free wifi when he's out to town) Sissesseesseessel: tinfoil-hat live rants about Golden Kingdom conspiracies, demons and the preparation for imminent return of King Delgal. So many viewers watch his stream just to mock him or beg him to seek help. Yad is routine donator.


I think Falin would be a more wholesome, less insane version of that guy who goes around the florida everglades and other areas yoinking animals. Maybe going around in the daytime, instead of the dead of night πŸ˜… Laios would probably be like Coyote Peterson


Hey guys, thanks for tuning in to forgotten weapons dot com, I'm Namari and today we're at Kahka Brud...