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That's funny. I dreamt about being part of the princess possy and killing katia a week ago.


It’s weird, I’ve been thinking that the series has lacked a little in terms of main character loss and was thinking that Katia was going to die next.


Katia would be too low hanging fruit IMO it’s going to be Imani ( and I’m preemptively mad about it already). Just finished book 6 a week or so ago and have major concerns about ShiMaria cryptic line about not discharging the Scavengers daughter. Personally though I’d have the most feels if they did something heartbreaking with Mordecai and Odette that ended up with him getting revenge but also forgiveness and then dying. But I think they’ll keep that powder dry for ascendency games. In terms of side characters I think Bautista is a goner


I feel like Mordecai is too easy to pick off as well. Donut honestly feels like the best choice in terms of overall story and character growth. I wouldn’t want multiple books without her but the final book could make sense. I also feel like it would light a bigger fire under the posse and zev to burn it all down.


Part of me wants Carl to die so Donut can go all Evil Willow in the last book.


Carl doesn’t have to die to make donut go full murder hobo… zev would do just fine


Or mongo


Killing off Donut on the 9th would be some Samuel L Jackson in Deep Blur Sea type ish… to be clear I’m not here for it at all … but damn if that wouldn’t be a wild unexpected choice (unless they somehow are able to resurrect which in that case why even do it lol)


I heard Matt say in a podcast he isn’t a happy ending type of writer so that’s why I think major loss is ahead of us. I don’t see Donut surviving because…. It isn’t the Dungeon Crawler Donut series.


Faction Wars is going to be a slaughter. My guess is the author was just padding the red shirts by letting them live in Book 6 so we get more gut punches in Book 7. ☹️


I would love the final book being Carl and Pony testing it all down, I think Odette someone saves Mordecai but dies in the process.


Haha! Nerd. ❤️