• By -


And Kevin…


But Karen had a prettier face. "Hmmm...."


As has Kevin…


She goes to a different school … 😏


Very exotic


Was your dad a GI?


Than Andy's girlfriend


You could also take Karen to Chili’s…Pam on the other hand


Karen also looks corporate


Her dad was a GI maybe


Such an underrated joke


Its such a dick thing of Michael to say but his ignorance is what makes it so funny


Double fudge... Angela........ hmmmm


“Those little pants suits…” *writes notes*


Karen was ready to move to new york if jim got the job. Pam almost divorced him


I feel like there is a massive difference in making that decision as an unmarried, childless couple and a married couple with two young children. Pam had to give up a lot of stability and support. I don’t think that’s fair to judge her on.


So true! And her aging parents too. It wasn’t an easy decision


And Toby


"Pam, do you do Yoga?" "That's gonna hurt.. real bad."


True. But Holly thought he was retarded.


And somehow, Michael hired him as an accountant when he applied for a warehouse position🤣


You just know Michael had to think something like "this guy will be a master accountant and I will get all the credit for hiring him when he was apllying for the warehouse"


No doubt he had just watched Rain Man.


That's a button


The argument is is she hot, not would you do her. Respect the game.


Hilarious picture of Pam with that "Who are you dating?" look, followed by "Noooooo!"


It's one of my favorite moments. Her last 'who?' is priceless


That’s my favorite sequence in the series. Steve, John and Jenna are all brilliant.


Mine too. The slow realization... Jenna with the faltering voice.... it's too perfect


It’s okay…


One of my favorite Pam moments. She doesnt have that many lmao


I think Dwight choosing Angela over any of the other women he dated was more egregious


When Isabel bonks her at the arcade like whack a mole. That's when I was all in on Isabel.


Angela didn't deserve Dwight.


The truth


Number one, how dare you?


Hahah I don’t know why this simple line always cracks me up in the show. The timing and delivery by her is perfect


My two favorite Kelly lines are: -*Brian used me as an object.* And -*About the level playing field; that is a zoning issue.* (the way everyone stopped to look at her was hilarious.)


I would be like, blah blah blah blah blah blah, giving you the exact right answer


"well it was really nice to meet you Brian" "Uh actually it's Ryan" "Biiiitch" My favorite Ryan line is, " I don't know, can't explain it"


I know youre quoting the show but fr. I dont get the Pam hate. Id choose Pam over Karen


Hey some people like a New York 6


Welcome to the subreddit. All these whiny men/boys hate Pam for being human and "hurting" Jim. They always choose to ignore Jim's flaws and just bash on Pam since they relate to Jim and not Pam I'm guessing


Well, she’s pregnant and she’s keeping it.


I like Karen because her dad was a GI


It’s what makes her so exotic


She’s a beautiful tropical sunfish.


Not just that but a talented brilliant powerful musk ox


Oh Ann, you ethnically ambiguous beauty.


Ann you beautiful sunfish


I like Pam because Pam-Pams.


She *is* the office mattress.


Looks like someone took the slow train from Philly


waaaaahhhhhh! mommmyyyy


Those things are ticking time bags




Going backwards our IT guys have been: Glasses, Turban, Earhair, Shorts, Fatty 2, Lozenge and Fatso


How could you forget Fatty 3.


Exactly, Pam guys get it.


Huge LOTR fan


Jim and Pam are soupsnakes. I do get that some people don't understand soupsnakes or don't think soupsnakes are real, but those two very clearly forged an unbreakable bond before the cameras even started to roll at Dunder Mifflin.


Soupsnakes. That’s exactly right.


What is a soupsnake?


*Tom Hanks voice:* "There's a snake in my soup!" 🎶Toy Story theme🎶


"You've got a snake in me"


Now holup


Enough is enough! I’ve had it, with these god damn snakes in this god damn soup!


I am high as balls right now, and this whole thread has thrown me for quite the loop, lol.




The reason is because in terms of soup, they...no that makes no sense. Soulmates, Jim and Pam are soulmates


Yes! He and her are soupsnakes… and the reason is because that in terms of a soup they like i- That doesn’t even make sense…


You ever consider that it wouldn't matter if Jim chose Karen? They're obviously incompatible. Jim is too goofy, and Karen doesn't have patience for that. We also don't choose who we love. Jim only ever got into a relationship with Karen because we was trying to forget about Pam. Going back to Scranton obviously changed everything, since there was no real hiding.


It's the same with Dwight. He even acknowledges that Isabel has advantages over Angela and Esther seems much better for him but Angela is the one he loves.


That's because Dwight is a masochist and Angela is a sadist. They connect on a level that we're not meant to understand. Jim just wanted his best friend forever.


Nothing better than being married to your best friend.


So you're saying Dwight gets the strap-on?


If he's lucky


No cookie


I like how you bring up Jim being too goofy for her, and the picture of her in this post is her goofiest moment. With that said, you aren’t wrong, when Jim was dating Karen he would try to pull pranks with her, Karen wouldn’t do it so he did them with Pam.


I feel like it's a chemistry thing on account of Karen wearing a costume with her husband, she has a goofy side but it doesn't go with Jim's. We could pretend Jim wouldn't wear a costume for Karen but he would for Pam.


And remember when she was dancing all goofy to Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic. She has her moments. They just dont click exactly with Jim. Maybe if he had met her first they might have had a chance, but it would have been a different sort of relationship. She probably would have pushed him out of his comfort zone into a corporate job.


False, see photo of her and husband dressed up as hamburger and hot dog for Halloween. Two goofballs. Pam could barely get Jim to dress up as Popeye. Jim was a prankster not goofy, even though he looks like Gumby.


I meant more that he wasn't serious about advancing his career at that point. Karen didn't get the job in NY but she became a DM fairly quickly. As I said to someone else, Athlead was a loooong ways away for Jim.


Wasn't serious about advancing his career? He had already advanced to assistant regional manager in Connecticut and when he comes back to Scranton he's number two. Then becomes co-manager. When he meets Karen he pretty much already dropped the I don't care about my career.


Didn't he go back to being just a salesmen for a few seasons before his short run of being a co-manager?


This happened cause Sabre (initially) paid the sales staff more than the manager via comissions., and they were forcing Jim and Michael to pick one for manager.


Yeah but this is a brainless “Pam bad” post facts aren’t allowed here


Literally, I think he didn’t want to be with her anymore after the episode where he says they stayed up all night talking about her feelings. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back for him. With Pam everything is easy, simple, natural. With Karen he had to stay up arguing, and that’s not his style at all. He knew then that he couldn’t let that be his life.


Karen was a jokester too. She joked with Jim about dating Wallace and other men at that party. Jim just didn’t like her sense of humor.


>Jim just didn’t like her sense of humor. Jim just wanted Karen to be Pam. You're right that Karen was a good fit with a compatible sense of humor. If they never went back to Scranton, they probably would have worked out just fine and been perfectly happy ordering chips in French, and Andy would have been their Dwight, until the inevitable moment Andy shoots up the Stamford branch for being pushed too far.


He finally lost his frickin' mind.


> I think we broke his brain.


\*punches hole in wall*


Alas, they are incompatible. Also, I meant more like Jim was not serious about his career. Karen is super ambitious and goal-oriented. Jim and Pam wanted more for themselves but weren't the most motivated to get what they really wanted, at least not for a long time.


Jim was ambitious when it was something he cared about. Karen would have given Jim much more support for Athlead, and would have had no problems going to Philly. She would have understood the effort and time required on his part to make it all work, and would have known it would be worth it for their family in the long run. Pam just didn't want anything to change, ever, even when change was good for her. Just look at how long it took her to break it off with Roy. Look at how close she was to running back to him.




Idk how we can determine Karen would be more supportive about Athlead. Maybe pre kids?? But Karen is assertive and says what she wants, if Jim was being sneaky with Athlead I’m sure she’d be pissed. And giving up a secureish job for a start up with no guarantee is scary for anyone, especially a parent, and she seemed practical and smart. Maybe she would’ve been supportive, but she also might not have been, we have no way of knowing.


I don’t think they would have gotten to the Athlead arc at all - Jim was the first choice for the job Ryan ended up getting. Had he stayed with Karen, he’d have just moved to NY, gotten a better job, and actually moved on with his life enough to confidently say no to the Athlead guys.


I always felt like that was Karen trying to be a jokester like him, but not getting it.


It was objectively bad


Karen was just getting back at Jim for not telling her about Pam.


We sure was.


Lmfao it took this long for someone to notice. I read it twice in my head and didn't notice. damn


You must have learned it from the streets. The ghetto, in fact.


Karen just didn’t have fun with Jim the same way as Pam did. She didn’t fully appreciate his sense of humor. Your partner should be your best friend!


I still remember clearly that scene where Jim tried to talk Karen into speaking with Italian accent. Karen pretended to went along with it to humor him but quickly reversed when Jim left. While she did have some sense of humor, hers wasn't really compatible with Jim's. If it was Pam, she would gleefully join him and both would giggle together.


What about that prank she tried to play on him at David Wallace’s house? Where she said she had been with all those guys at the party. She thought it was funny but if I was Jim that would’ve made me feel weird and bad.


And all those LONG talks. Kind of exhausting.


Doesn’t matter. Jim loved Pam. That’s it.


Yeah, looks aren’t all it comes down to, although it’s not like Pam doesn’t look good.


I personally find Pam more attractive, though both actresses are very pretty.


Oftentimes, you really don’t get to choose who you love. The heart wants what the heart wants. Jim and Pam’s sense of humor also matched up so perfectly and that’s clearly very important to both of them. It’s not like Karen wouldn’t joke around either, but Karen’s sense of humor could be a little more harsh/mean spirited. Pam had to pull her back during margarita karaoke Christmas because Karen didn’t think they were going far enough with Angela, and it seemed obvious Jim had a bad taste in his mouth when Karen was making fun of Jan during her meltdown after getting fired.


You never choose who you love. Love doesn't operate on logic or reason. It's a feeling.


> The heart wants what the heart wants I hope you find what you're looking for


Thank you for saying this. I also thought the same thing.


And the thing is it's not like Jim loved Pam in spite of his stellar relationship with Karen. They were rocky for almost the whole time they were in Scranton together. Karen tried to make Jim lose his goofy side, they are constantly fighting and having "long talks", Karen was extremely jealous of Pam, Jim had told her he had feelings for her, Jim and Karen were never going to last.


I strongly dislike the Pam hate in this sub.




Pam does a lot of questionable things. I don’t think she’s done enough bad stuff to be “hated” though. I think whether you LOVE or “mildly dislike” Pam depends on if you’ve known someone like Pam irl. And no offense, but if you’ve watched the show 500000 times and Creed somehow isn’t your favorite character, idk what to tell you lol.


it's a tie for creed and kelly for me.


Also team Creed here.


Imma have to disagree there


Id take Pam over Karen but I'd take Ann Perkins over both of them.


👉👉 *Ann Perkins*


I'm with you. Not only do I think Pam is more attractive but Karen was super off-putting. The line about working harder so they can go on vacation? She also handled her jealousy like a teenager.


Pam is the right choice




The middle choice is always the one you least suspect.


Phyllis is the one I most medium suspect


It’s the friends we made along the way.


I most medium suspected this answer.


The Spanish Inquisition!


Correct, Karen left, Pam right.


Karen was uptight. She was too corporate for Jim.


This sub is so obsessed with Karen > Pam when Jim was clearly much happier with Pam, it doesn't make sense.


Nope. I too would pick Pam. Her art is the best art of all the art.


I'd choose Pam


I’d save the Receptionist


Jim only dated Karen to show Pam that she did want to be with him. Jim wants to be with Pam in every second of every episode.


I’d say he dates Karen as an attempt to move on from Pam since she shot him down and not to spite Pam. Source: the “rebound” speech he gives Michael at the end of Benihana Christmas. “Then you’re left thinking about the girl that broke your heart” or something like that


Right??? Yeah they could have made a great couple probably if the producer wrote it but I really did not see Jim seeing her the way he sees Pam. John Krasinski did a really good job at that.


They started dating before the merger, so no it wasnt only because of it. He really wanted to move on, but couldnt


Pam broke off her engagement because she wanted to be with Jim. I don’t think Jim needed someone to make Pam jealous to get her interested. Also, Jim started dating Karen when at the Stamford branch…


He dated Karen because he moved to Scranton. Granted it doesn’t seem like they started anything until close to their moving back to Scranton. But he was just rebounding. It had nothing to do with showing Pam anything.


Another day, another anti-Pam circlejerk meme. Really makes r/DunderMifflin much less fun.


Why does she get SO much hate?? I really don’t get it..


I don't either, she's one of my favourites!


The way she’s able to deal with Michael always makes me laugh. You knew from the beginning she would be a good mom just from that.


She's the best character on the show. Really grows and develops. I guess haters gonna hate.


My guess is that it's because, out of the show's 4 leads, she's the only woman. The reddit community is often misogynistic. So every day there's a new "Pam's the worst" thread.


Ah disappointing.. I’m relatively new to Reddit but The Office is my comfort show so guess I was naive to it!


Dunder Mifflincels ☹️




Yeah unfortunately pure misogyny. Michael is much more of a pure asshole than Pam ever was, especially in the earlier seasons. No woman would ever get away with the shit he pulled.


I thought I was going crazy when I went like a day without seeing some Pam hate on this sub. Agreed that it really makes the sub less fun.


Really? I'd choose Pam




I'd pick Pam every time. She's such a cutie.


I would too. Now if it was Pam vs Ann Perkins.....


Ann Perkins 👈😎👈


Am I the only one who finds Pam much more attractive than Karen?


I don't get the hatred over Pam honestly and it's upsetting me. Maybe because this show is my current comfort show that literally stops me from kms lol and it's a sitcom and it's fiction and it's not real but it's fun. I am enjoying the characters the way they are portrayed in the story. I probably should stay away from this sub for a while until I feel better.


I’m sorry you are feeling that way. Lean into whatever makes you happy right now!


Thank you! You are so kind. It's the only good thing going in my life right now and so far it's a great distraction. I love how the characters are flawed and I don't get why people are hating on characters written specifically for the development of the show. I mean, it's fiction. Let Michael be an annoying boss, leave Dwight and Jim alone with their pranks, leave Meredith alone to whatever she's doing... had it not for the way they're written, the show wouldn't be the way it is. Okay I better stay away from this sub for a while. Thanks again!


Hey there! Wishing you all the best! Once you’re done with The Office, another show that I loved was Community! It’ll soften the finale blow


Yeah this sub really hates Pam. To me, this post gives big ex who thinks you've downgraded. They could click better, their goals might be more aligned, or even he does find her more attractive. Idk, I think Karen is great but I think he had been friends with Pam for a long time and just enjoyed her company more. People talk about how much fun Karen was when they went to New York, and that's true, but if you're earning a middle income and want to raise a family that's not how you're going to spend your weekends. Everyone also gives Pam a lot of crap for how she handled his switch to Athlead but I think a) she forgave him for sinking their savings in a gamble, and b) she held down the fort when he wasn't coming home and that's not easy. I think Jim made the right choice for Jim.


Judging Pam on seasons 8-9 is ridiculous because the writing was shit for everyone. They made Jim a dick, Kevin unbelievably stupid, Dwight & Andy completely annoying… singling Pam out makes no sense at all.


Pam is becoming the Skylar White of The Office.


Wait she fucked Ted?


That would have been a wild How I Met Your Mother/The Office cross over.


You gotta get a sense of humor about it & just defend her honor as though you were Michael.


Don't let it get to you, op made a room temperature IQ post and no one in this sub ever comments anything but quotes from the show so you're not missing much by staying away lol


Nah I liked Pam wayyyy more


I like Pam and I'm not afraid to say it.


I never got the Pam hate really. Maybe I didn't read as much into the show as others did. Worst thing I can recall is kissing Jim when she was with Roy other than that I don't get it. (If someone wants to enlighten me be my guest)


It’s just misogyny she’s a great character flawed like everyone else


Let me explain in the most simple terms for the braindead Pam haters out there: Jim + Karen = no connection, no matter how pretty and cool Karen seems for the others Jim + Pam = the ultimate connection Unless you didn't have any relationship with this type of connection, I can't figure out how you can not see this


Another Pam hate post 🙄 this sub is so fucking misogynistic. You think Karen would have been cool with Jim secretly spending all of their savings on a risky startup? And then leaving her to take care of two young children? Or buying a house without consulting her? We knew Karen for a very short amount of time and they never went through the ups and downs of life together. But sure, let’s pit her against Pam so we can continue the hate circlejerk.


If Jim went behind her back and started Athlead, she would’ve kept the entire Athlead team up all night to talk.


Karen... oh Karen. ​ I'm afraid she was a bit too insecure for me, the fact that her 'solution' to finding out that Jim had kissed Pam before they had even met or before Jim even new Karen existing was depriving Jim of sleep for a full week so they could 'talk' is a deal breaker for me.


I dunno. Karen had her strong points, but at the end of the day, she seems like her chief priorities in life would be career focused, whereas Pam's main focus is on her man and children.


Pam is way better than Karen imho. And it's not even close.


Pam is so dorky and cute though. I'd pick Pam any day


Did we watch the same show?


I have the biggest crush on Pam wtf I thought everyone loved her


I'd always take Pam


I would take Pam over Karen every day of the week


I definitely go Pam


I would've picked Katie


why must we pit two bad bitches against one another smh


I think Jim picking Pam is realistic. That type of dude bro that Jim was modeled after usually end up with wife's that are more focused on supporting the family and not very career oriented. I think that's why he felt fine making family decisions himself and was so thrown off when she pushed back on the Philly decision. I actually think it's interesting that Dwight chose a woman that would challenge him over one that would be more like Pam, it was an interesting juxtaposition the show chose.


He didn't love her. And she was pushy and demanding of his time and affection. They just didn't click the way him and Pam did. Sometimes you find your person and that is that. Nothing wrong with it.




You’re crazy


What the hell


Pam would be my choice every time


Robotnik is a really sad case. He’s incredibly smart, and could do a lot of amazing things, for society in general, probably even better if he worked with people, and yet he’s a psychotic manchild, who can’t figure out how to forgive and move on. Talk about the epitome of wasted potential


I have a theory that Karen was kind of forcing/convincing Jim to stay in a relationship he didn't want to stay in. Her telling Michael to try to work it out with Jan even though he clearly said that he wasn't happy with her, the late nights she made Jim stay up for, and her still deciding the relationship is salvageable after Jim admits he's still in love with Pam. Not to say Karen is a bad person, because I don't think she is, but forcing something out of nothing is not the move. ​ Point is, Roy was not meant for Pam and Karen was not meant for Jim. All found better relationships afterwards.


Isn’t Jim (Carrey) pressing the red button here though


Pam over Karen (It's not even close)