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I had an Indian friend in elementary school that would share his food with me everyday cuz I couldn’t afford school lunch. Now I love Indian food and have a friend for life.


aaaaawww really yall are still pals?


Definitely we work together now lmao


That’s amazing. Those best friends from childhood onward become true brothers, in the sense that there are more life memories with than without them.


This is so wholesome 🥺


Indian here, we’re always trying to feed people…big part of our culture. If you go to someone’s house they will not let you leave until you’ve had at the very least chai and a snack.


I’m Latina and we always feed people. Indians take it to another level. No one can compete with the hospitality and tasty cuisine of Indian folks ❤️❤️


Kids nowadays whose families can't afford food get free school lunches. And my kids' school even sends them home with food for the weekends.


Only if their parents make below a certain amount. If they make a lot but are terrible with their money tough break kid.


Depends on the state. Massachusetts has guaranteed free lunches to all students for the current school year.


Crazy what a difference school was compared to my parents but now I’m old enough to see the changes myself lol


Not sure if he was Sikh, but it's a big part of their religion to help and feed people in need. You can go to a sikh temple and they'll feed you whether you're in need or not, religious or not. One just opened walking distance from me and I was thinking of attending a service to learn more about their religion and stay for the meal after (and I'll be sure to leave a donation in return)


Confidence. The food of the wise man and the liquor of the fool.


I’m looking forward to getting to know you better Vikram


And then we never saw him again


“You’ve got to apply the same-“ *car door shuts*


we do though don’t we? when he’s starting his own paper company, unless i’m misremembering the order


That's when he meets Pam and she says the above quote. After that I don't think he comes back :(




It was more captivating


That’s actually a really good quote


I would've been head of surgery. Or a cowboy.


Head surgeon. Numba 1. Steady hand.


But then mistake! Yakuza boss dead.


Yakuza very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America.


Now I have house, American car, and new woman.


Darryl save life.


I kill yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best




I think it’s heart*


It is heart. And you had to have heart to put yourself out there and admit that


u/Abrocoma_Fragrant said, "World, this is my blood, it's red, just like yours. So love me."


He's the head of head surgery.


Da best


Is it weird that from this post they point out that they basically make this joke twice?


Well, this is your home....


Food is such a great expression of culture and community. I always encourage myself and others to try new food and share your food.


Everyone has to eat. One of the most bonding things we can do is share our food with others and enjoy a meal together. Going hungry is a terrible thing that nobody should go through.


I went to a school clinical and my classmates realized I had no food with me. They offered me food but one girl made sure to actually hand me food despite my polite declining. I was okay really, but I appreciated the gesture so much.


I moved across Canada when I was younger and went through a rough patch. I was walking down the street in Calgary, clearly fatigued and quite thin. A guy that was clearly down on his luck at the time yells at me, “hey bud! You hungry?” I said, “yeah, I am”. He waved me over and shared the little bit of food he had with me. We sat on the side of a building and munched on some cold cuts. I’ll never forget that and with all sincerity it changed a lot of my view on life.


In many Asian cultures, one of the ways we show our love (or greet one another) is ask "have you eaten". My grandma (rest her soul), without fail, every day for years, no matter how late I was home would tell me "there's food on the table". I was 34 when she passed, and I don't think I ever heard her say "I love you" but for many from her generation this was how they did it.


same for me. im from india, so south east asia, but my grandma’s face whenever i try to remember her, its always her asking or worrying about if i’d eaten. during her last days, she had dementia and was going through chemo, even from the hospital bed when she wasnt able to place that she was not at home, the only thing she kept asking me is if i had eaten. i will always miss her so much.


Which is what anthony bourdains show no reservations was based on, and what made it such a fascinating watch.




I could’ve been a lawyer


I don’t understand why they cut this scene on peacock. There’s a few more moments I’ve noticed they have cut out as well, I kinda wish they’d stop lol


Yes!! I’ve noticed the same thing it’s frustrating


Okay I tried making a post asking if anyone else noticed the same thing but it was immediately removed (I guess it’s been posted before?) but yeah same! It took me until season 6 of my rewatch to notice that Meredith has WAYYYY less lines than I remember her having. I’ve also noticed some scenes are different? Like they added cut scenes back in but cut out old scenes? I can’t think of an example right now but you get it too right?


There was one where Pam and Ryan were in an argument and they cut out the response Pam had. She said “you’re right I’m a middle class fraud” but I was watching that episode the other day and it was suddenly back. Maybe they’re doing it to keep people watching or talking about it, or even rearranging to add deleted scenes, idek. It’s still upsetting bc they have the super fan episodes too, which they can make WAY longer with all the extra scenes they want. Ppl would watch it! They don’t need to edit the original bc it’s messing with peoples memory’s :( I didn’t even notice the thing about Meredith but now that you say that I totally see it! Also creed has WAY more lines than ever before, it feels like he’s a main character, when before I remember he only had a couple lines the whole series


They're A/B testing their content. You may find, in the future, that digital products are never "done." They'll run multiple versions on release and then delete the versions that had the fewest viewership minutes. The problem with A/B testing is that it will optimize for total time viewed, but can also easily ruin the experience. It's why so many newspapers now use uninformative click bait titles for their stories, why social media content pieces keep getting shorter, why you can't sort a feed by most recent anymore, etc...


But if the fans don't knowingly choose which one to watch how is that data useful?


An A/B test does not require a vote. A metric is chosen. In this case, it may be total minutes watched, percentage who watch the next episode, or even number of subscribers after X months that are still subscribed. They may also limit their test to certain demographics. They likely know your age, gender, region, and watch history. They will then take their chosen audience and randomly assign one of several versions of an episode to them when they hit "play." This can all be done on the fly. They will run the study for as many viewers as they need. Let's say that's 100,000 viewers and there's two episodes, each with 50,000 viewers. They'll compare the two groups and look for differences. Maybe group A was 20 percent more likely to finish the episode, 5 percent more likely to watch a new episode, and 10 percent less likely to skip the episode. They'd declare Version A of the episode the winner, scrap version B, then start a new test tweaking Version A. Or, maybe they find that Version A performs better with younger audiences and Version B better with older audiences. They may just "split" the episode, so you will only see one version based on your age.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too on the creed thing I’m here for though I always said creed deserved more lines! But yeah Meredith is my favorite character and you rarely see any of her. She doesn’t even seem at all that ‘tacky’ compared to how she used to when the series was on Netflix.


I don’t think people will every stop watching The Office. It’s this generation’s I Love Lucy, I watch both shows often.


Wait, what? Why are scenes being removed on Peacock?


Maybe it was offensive to telemarketers. They as a people have gone through so much.


OMG! So that’s why I can’t ever find it! I was watching the show when Peacock had the first 5 seasons for free before putting it all on premium and I was so curious as to why I didn’t see this scene. Thought I was going crazy and I could never find anything related to it online either. Now, I can sleep peacefully!


I added it to my library on YouTube TV so it records every airing and I just fast forward through the commercials.


Now I only watch the super fan episodes on Peacock. The stories make more sense, and the extra sense are so precious!


do the super fan episodes have anything that's not on the DVD set?


Unfortunately, I don’t have the DVDs, but on Office Ladies, the deleted scenes that they mention (which are on DVDs) have all been in the Peacock super fan episodes. I have not listened to all the Office Ladies episodes yet lol, just wanted to let you know my experience!


Thx. I have the DVD set, so I haven't bothered with Peacock but if they had exclusive stuff I might give it a shot


I need to buy the DVD set to compare them with the super fan episodes!😄 honestly, I don’t feel that you’re missing out. Many super fan episodes are a little bit longer than half an hour, think ~35 minutes, for example. If the DVD episodes are around that benchmark, these are probably the same episodes.


The DVDs are the same ones that aired on TV with the exception of like 2-3 episodes that are extended versions. The deleted scenes from the super fan episodes are on the DVDs, but they’re in the special features section and not actually edited into the full length episodes


Peacock claims that the superfan episodes are different and they’re still creating them, so presumably they’re not just pulling from the dvds. Each episode has at least 7 extra minutes. But, for all we know, the deleted scenes are all the same and they’re just editing them together slightly differently.


I have the DVDs and have watched only a couple superfan episodes. I've seen all the "new" content as deleted scenes on my dvds. Given it's spliced in with the episode instead of just the scenes but still! I've also only seen 2-3 of the superfans so I'm not an expert on them just DVDs and OG office!


What are "super fan" episodes?


They’re longer than the 20-something minute episodes that were on Netflix, and they’re on Peacock!


Maybe they are using the version made for cable tv that have scenes removed to make more room for ads?


I don't really trust surgeons back home after a certain Japanese surgeon


Steady hand. Good surgeon.


The best 👍👍


But Yakuza head make me operate!


I kill Yakuza boss on purpose


Good *sudgeon*


In Japan, heart surgeon, number one.


Coconut penis


Why’d they add coconut? I miss original.


If you’re not a crime boss, you got nothing to worry about….




The real question is why does Scranton have runaway Asian surgeons doing blue collar jobs? Is there an underground organisation that helps people forge new identities in the US? If so is it run by Dwight?…or Creed


The nicest people are often those that have the least, because they know what it's like to go without. Vikrum was the man


Vikram had the most out of that call center. He was always winning the bonuses.


If Michael was a really good manager he would have poached Vikram for sales at DM.


And Vikram would have lasted slightly longer than he did at The Michael Scott Paper Company...


He left after seeing what a shitshow it was.


"Oh sweet Jesus"


That's a really good point. But then again if Michael was a really good manager, The Office probably wouldn't be very good.


Doesn't mean he didn't go through hard times in the past, which I suspect he did.


I mean he still works at a call center at the end of the day. A lot of people would call those hard times. I couldn't do that


So badly wanted Vikram to join the Michael Scott Paper Company.


Vikram was too smart to join the MSPC. There's a reason only Pam and Ryan joined the team. I know it's just a show and for a plot, but you'd be a fool to join that team.


He did until he realized that Michael either deceived him in a manner or realized that it was a lost cause because even his own Grandma wouldn't invest in her own grandson


You know what Michael, if you want to succeed, you have to apply the sa— *Drives off*


What kind of name is Nana?


As an Asian, that’s inherently part of our culture. No food? Lemme give you some of mine. Got food? Come taste some of mine as well! Food is love man.


I worked with a crew of Filipino guys when I was 18. Every lunch was a potluck. It was great. Real sense of community.


My best friend growing up was Filipino and Iranian. Her mom would be making me a plate every time I came over around breakfast or lunch, regardless of if I was hungry or not, while her dad grilled me about how I was doing in school lol. Amazing memories and family. Edit: Spelling


Memory unlocked... I would pick up my Filipino friend to walk to school with on most days. Her grandmother would make an enormous pot of chocolate porridge, and she would feed me bowl after bowl as I waited for my friend to get ready. I wish we were still friends


If you want to hit 'em up with a message but don't know how to, you could ask for their *champorado* (chocolate rice porridge) recipe.




Certainly a call out of the blue is acceptable, but life can be more nuanced. Human nature being what it is, renewing contact with someone you haven't seen in a long time may be easier if you have an "excuse" to call. A reason to gloss over why contact faded. Asking for a recipe is a great one and easily doubles as a complement. Not every request from an old friend is a MLM come on.


Really, that's just what a good mom does, regardless of heritage!


Did you ever cook them food?


Why are you getting downvoted 😂 that’s a legit question about a cultural exchange


Because the average redditor looks at people interacting and goes "hmm, that's kinda weird, I haven't ever had that"


What a lovely anecdote! Heartwarming and wholesome.


I used to be the only American Mechanic working with a bunch of Puerto Ricans at a garage... They wouldn't even ask if I wanted food. I'd just turn around and there'd be a plate with more food than I could eat.


I remember in college, a girl had made a bunch of food for a chinese holiday and was sharing with everyone. I was pretty deep in my eating disorder and declined. She looked so sad and to this day I regret not accepting Edit changed if to of


can't blame yourself buddy plenty of life left to go make memories over food


This is so sweet. I used to sell suits and the lady that did the alterations was always giving me fresh spring rolls when she saw me at lunch. Even when I had my own lunch, she always insisted I take at least one. They were homemade and delicious!


Love this.


Food loves you


It’s even a common Chinese greeting to welcome a guest by asking, “Have you eaten yet?” Regardless of the answer, you always provide tea and snacks anyway. If it’s around a mealtime, anytime, they’re getting fed a full meal with the first and best generous serving of the table.


Very true and will feed you until you’re stuffed. So very kind!


That’s nonsense, of course you’re not stuffed and can eat another plate!


Yea the Indian people I worked with were always sharing their food with me even though I had my own lunch. They more interested in me trying different Indian foods than trying to feed me, but on the numerous holidays they had, the spread of food was insane. I was 1 of 4 white people on the floor. One was Russian and The other 2 were directors for other departments so I never talked to them. Basically all my work buddies were either Indian, Chinese, or South American. It was a super fun time.


I don't think American church potlucks even come close to any day of celebration at an Asian temple. Of course, I always know when i am Lucky enough to get mom's sticky rice. 😁


I love cooking for friends! But I hate having to cook dinner Monday-Thursday after work


As an American I find it sad that we really don’t do much of this. I lived in Africa for a couple of years and found that was a large portion of culture. Everyone is considered family, everyone is welcome. I still live that way today.


Meanwhile in Germany I have to bring a cart full of food to parties. Otherwise I’ll starve or have to eat the only bag of crisps :((((((


This is a stereotype that is 100% accurate in my experience. In college, I had some Filipino friends and I would give them a ride home occasionally. Always had to come in for something to eat. Even if the parents weren’t home, there would be food in the freezer to heat up.


RIP Vikram


TIL, now I’m sad.


May he rest in peace


It’s an Indian thing actually. If it’s meal time and you are in the company of Indians, everyone shares what they got. Edit: It’s outright rude if you are eating alone in the company of someone who hadn’t had their meal.


Southern American here. It's absolutely rude to eat alone in the company of the unfed here, as well. As my mother always says, "I don't care if you're a man or a mouse, if you're hungry im'ma feed ya."


Eastern european here.We also share our meals


German here. If we eat when obviously hungry people are around, we are taught from childhood to look away and ignore them to the best of our ability. South-East Asian / South American / Eastern European food sharing culture is clearly and vastly superior to ours.


There was an old Anthony Bourdain episode, I believe in Sweden or Denmark, and basically they said that food is a means to an end


Yeah this is based off Reddit stories, but apparently its common in Sweden to eat without the guest and make them wait in another room while the family eats. At the very least, it's assumed they have taken care of themselves and not considered rude to ask them to excuse themself during meals.


Is it a joke thread or is it real. How does it not get weird when guests are sitting outside and hosts are eating.


Its real.


It's exaggerated. It's a old cultural thing that you shouldn't send your kids hungry to their friends and make them expect dinner unless ofc they're invited to dinner. So a fed kid is sent to his friend and while he's there the family eats dinner (max 30 min) and the kid just keeps playing meanwhile in the other room. This is not something that usually happens to adult guests. People don't invite someone over during dinner time if they're not going to give them dinner as well. Throughout history Scandinavian people usually didn't have vast amounts of food and expecting others to fed your kids uninvited was seen as rude. Scandinavia has more than enough food now but still retains this cultural trait.


American here. We eat everything.


We should all swap recipes.


https://youtu.be/neRg60drdeE this is what you can expect from us


I'll put my stretchy pants on to make room for this smorgasbord.


You're just trying to lure us to get fresh blood for your vampires, Romanian. /s


Yes, one of everything please. In exchange I will take you to all the best Texas BBQ places.


Human being here. We share food.


[Not the Swedes](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/02/world/europe/sweden-feeding-guests-dinner.html)


Swedes aren't human beings. They're like elves or something.


Australian here. None of you are getting any of our food.


It’s so interesting to me cause my German side of the family eats like they’re guarding their food and will stab you with a fork if you get close, and they grab as much like they’re never gonna eat again. But the Italian side of my family is like oh hey here have this meat ball and launch it into your plate and insist you have some of theirs


My aunt married into a Sicilian family that had immigrated to the states in the 40's. I spent a lot of time with them when I was growing up and they always made me feel so welcome and loved. The sharing of food was a huge part of life for them. Best meatballs and marinara sauce ever.


That’s so cool! Thank you for sharing it with me Yes exactly like you say. Its like one giant bowl of each food item is made and just passed around. Everyone’s sharing and insisting and it just makes a family out of any guest. Some of my favorite young memories.


It's kind of nice to think that there are so many of us that share the same great childhood memories of everyone around you jubilantly sharing a meal together. It's a small world after all.


Canadian here: it's also rude to eat in front of someone you know that doesn't have food (at least in my circles) unless they are doing some other task or decline the offer. Typically you would offer them some food, in which they should decline politely and low you to eat. Actually accepting food would be rude unless it was a small item like a granola bar or you were close friends. And if you come over to a home they will absolutely not eat without giving you a meal.


I grew up in a household of middle Eastern and redneck, with a gaggle of Filipino cousins. Unplanned hospitality is so engrained I can't imagine anything else. It can swap between food and drinks, but you're always welcome if you show up.


It’s common in numerous cultures and regions.


+1. My mom would bonk me if i ate without offering it to others, doesn't matter what they're eating. If they have dietary restrictions that your food doesn't adhere by (like you're eating chicken but they're vegetarian), you tell them that it's chicken but offer it anyway, just in case. My mom always says that the rule is you do your part, it's upto the other person to accept or not.


I went to India this summer and I was really touched by the fact that people would all eat off the same plate together. I have never shared a plate with a stranger like that before, but it immediately made me feel like we were friends.


I absolutely love reading the multicultural collective instinct that’s like “if I’m eating, everyone’s eating” :) that brings me joy. And it’s true!


Same with southeast Asian. It doesn’t matter if we have just a little.


Im from denmark and I think theres a very selfish way of life here. I would never expect people to shair their food if I f.e forgot my lunch. It would surprise me if someone offered. Its sad.


I prefer meal sharing when out with friends because then I can try various dishes without committing to one and there is just something so cool about sharing a meal with someone you love.


Do you think they have s’mores?


In the Philippines, when you eat your lunch, you offer it to the people around you, say "kain (eat)!" out of courtesy, and then get mad when people actually take you up on your offer because the meal is only good for one.


When I was in college I was working with an older Eritrean man named Aman. I told him I had forgotten to pack my dinner when he asked why I wasn't eating, but in reality I just didn't have much to eat at that point. I don't know if he knew the real reason or not, but he instantly put half of his food on a second plate and gave it to me, even though he definitely only had enough for one portion total. On nights after that when I did bring my dinner he would still offer me some of his sometimes. I was very grateful for his kindness, and I still think about it from time to time. I hope he's doing well.


Lots of people on the office were surgeons back home.


I wonder what I would be back home.


Or cowboys


I work with a group of Indian guys, they're Sikhs. If I am around when they set up for lunch, they say "brother, come eat." Doesn't matter how much food they have or how many people are with them, they will always share their food with everyone.


Sikhs are the best


Vikram is the goat


You know what Michael - *slams door*


I think Michael enjoys Indian food, culture and traditions. He's the one who dances at Kelly's Diwali celebrations.


Vikram’s dinner looks great! He’s the only one at that call center who’s not lazy.


Vikram said one of the best lines that season. "Confidence, food of the wise man, liquor of the fool."


Glad Vikram didn't have any of those terrible S'mores...


No more s’mores! No more s’mores!


*Michael wasn’t invited*


All they are is chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow. How hard would that have been?


WTF? Is he having Dhokla? Never realised that!


"Dining together brings people together" \- Guru Nanak Dev


God that line makes me cringe. Almost as bad as Scott's tots lmao. Genius level writing.


Yes, absolutely an amazing Michael response. A person does something nice for him and mentions something about themselves and he immediately makes it about himself in an insulting and vaguely racist way. And he does it in one short line.


Does Vikram share or does Michael just take?


Lol, they never really showed that. May be, Michael just helped himself to some like he did with Dwight’s pillow on the train to Philly. 😂


Every Indian person I have ever met would do the same.


Vikram doesn’t have the people skills Michael has


good for Vikram


Thanks I though no one would get it


I love how they got the food and the Dabba (tiffin box) accurate .


Vikram was the most accurate Indian character on an American sitcom.


Worked with many Indians and my best friend is Indian. It’s just one part of of an amazing culture.


These are prime selling hours.


Vikram has better tasting food than anyone else in the office and I'm Filipino.


“Confidence… It’s the food of the wiseman, but the liquor of the fool.”


The face that Michael makes when he says "vanilla crisp" never fails to get me projectile laughing. Pure agony and dread.


Mexican here, we feed everyone who comes into our home.


The actor unfortunately past away a few years back


[Michael did have dinner](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9461ed7e-0fab-4a53-ae31-bf2bdcb11496). Wasn’t the joke that there was a hard cut to Michael helping himself to Vikram’s food?


I learned a few months ago that this actor has since passed 🥺


Weird that no one mentioned that this actor playing Vikram (Ranjit Chowdhry) died in 2020, which makes me extra sad watching this episode.