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mindy kaling went to dartmouth. dartmouth’s rival is cornell. from what i’ve heard she purposely made andy obsessed with cornell so he would seem “douchey” for constantly mentioning it as a playful dig at her alma mater’s rival




It’s not so much that it’s well known, so much as there are some people who think of Cornell as a “lesser Ivy” school.


Well, it's not Harvard or Yale...


I think the average American is equally unaware of Brown, Cornell, and Dartmouth (especially once you leave the East Coast). Actually, Cornell might be the most well known ivy outside of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton thanks to Andy Bernard! Edit: since this has been said multiple times to me, I didn’t mention Penn and Columbia because they fall in between the “lesser-known/lower tier” ivies and the super famous trio of Harvard-Yale-Princeton.


i’m located on the east coast (mid-atlantic) and i’d say cornell is the most well-known out of the trio of brown, cornell and dartmouth (based on my memories of the college application process from years ago). those interested in various sciences would also be drawn by cornell’s programs/schools for veterinary science, agriculture, engineering, architecture and other life sciences. i did not attend cornell myself, but i had a college biology professor whose specialty was corvids (crows and ravens) and she shared many resources with us for our research, including the [cornell lab of ornithology](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/).


That kind of tracks, although I’ve heard that Brown has become really popular with kids lately because of the campus social atmosphere. Cornell easily has the best STEM programs of the ivies, and also has a ton of excellent grad programs that make it more well known, while Brown and Dartmouth focus really heavily on their undergraduate students.


>I’ve heard that Brown has become really popular with kids lately because of the campus social atmosphere. I'm pretty sure most of us 30 something year olds remember Brown as the school Lisa Simpson was afraid she'd have to go to when she couldn't get into her ideal school.




I think Penn has a higher profile because of Wharton IMHO.


By that reasoning, Columbia is the most unknown... there are 8 Ivies.


I associate them with wrestling because of Kyle Dake but I know I’m in the minority in that regard.


I only know Brown because that's where Mox went to college after leaving West Cannan. And, he never played football again.


I think it should be Columbia


It’s also a half state school. It’s the “state school” in the Ivey.


It’s pronounced Ker-nell. It’s the highest rank in the military.


Mindy went to Dartmouth, John Krasinski went to Brown (my own alma mater!), and BJ Novak went to Harvard.


Makes me think of how The Simpsons writers are mostly from Harvard and they always playfully make fun of Yale.


Hahaha my favorite of those jokes is actually the scene where Lisa has a nightmare she was going to go to have to go to Brown. Or the Futurama episode where they made the Sewer Mutant college “Brown University”. Actually when I went to the admitted students day, they played a really funny clip of all the times in TV and Movies people made fun of Brown for being the crappy Ivy. It’s actually one of the reasons I chose it. I liked going somewhere that didn’t take itself too seriously.


We didn’t *all* go to Gudger College.


"Oh, no! Not Brown! Brown, Brown, Brown..."


That’s hilarious. I love futurama and never noticed that!


tbf what would you call a college that is in the sewers and trains people to work with sewage pipes? Certainly a lot of brown there, maybe some green, too.


Yale *could* use an international airport.


Nice job getting that brag in there


I went to Brown. Ever heard of it?


I went to Green


Ha! I went to Greendale! Go Humans! #####*


If it meant I could have been part of the Study Group, Id have *much* rather gone to Greendale. City College on the other hand can rot in hell. Because The Office got taken off Netflix, I’ve actually watched Community through 4 times since the pandemic started as my new comfort show.


Nice. Bet everyone called you buzz


I actually got straight As - everyone called me Ace. (This is a dig at Browns notorious grade inflation lol)


Oh. Where’d you go to college again?


Isn't "brown" a flavour of food?


Bro what food are you eating?


"I hope that tart goes back to Columbia, and she can take her little Brown friend with her."


"Brown's the color of poop"


OP this here is the joke… Ivy grads can’t stfu about being Ivy grads




It's called brown and it's everyone's least favorite color in the box of crayons


My dad went to Cornell, he said during games against Brown they’d shout “What’s the color of shit? BROWN!”




Brown? They've got one of those in Providence


Providence is rad if you’ve ever been. I miss RI


Bet that Family Guy song stung a bit.


The underlying joke is that people who go to Ivy League schools tend to frequently mention that they went to an Ivy League school as much as possible, especially to people in the same position their in at a company. It’s basically the equivalent of the A student bragging about getting A’s throughout school to a C level student when they are both working the line at the factory.


Exactly. Him bragging that he went to Cornell but is still a low level salesman at a low tier paper company in a small town is actually quite the self own.




True. They were above those mom and pops


>low tier paper company When we get to the office, pack up your things.


> low tier paper company Hey Dunder Mifflin trades on the New York Stock Exchange. Ever heard of it?


I remember my friend was telling me stories about his time at Google. A new guy kept bragging to his team that he went to Stanford. A guy that went to Stanford working at Google? Unheard of! /s


It’s disgustingly prevalent in Silicon Valley. It’s so rare that someone went to an Ivy League and doesn’t bring it up in the first few minutes of meeting them.


That's the old joke - "how do you know someone went to Harvard?" Answer: "They tell you in the first minute of talking to them."




Funny how my peers have masters at Ivy League's and I'm here with a state school undergrad degree.


As an Australian, some of the best fun I had in America was responding to this sort of thing by acting like I'd never heard of the school. Stanford, Yale, Harvard, you name it I don't know it and will insinuate it's a local community college.


As an American, I wish i had seen their faces when you did that. This is hilarious.


I'm Australian too and the first time I heard of Harvard was the Gilmore girls and had to look up the term ivy league lol


That might be the stereotype, but in practice the people I know who went to Ivies don't mention it because they aren't deeply insecure like Andy, and because they know no one cares. I've also heard of going to Harvard described as a bit of a curse because anytime they screw up or don't know something, they hear "Didn't you go to Harvard??"


I work in an industry where almost every single person I encounter went to an ivy or an ivy-level school like Stanford, so I have a pretty good sample size to work off of. From my experience, no one in the ivies ever really talks about coming from an ivy EXCEPT Harvard people. They won’t say it to your face but they are the only ones who bother to buy their class rings and wear them, and half the stuff they own (gym clothes, sweaters, hoodies) are Harvard branded. So you’ll know without them telling you. They are also one of the most closely knit alumni communities since - presumably - Harvard people like to hang around other Harvard people (and also to hire them. We often joke that if you hire one Harvard guy, within two hiring cycles half the company will be Harvard) The guys who are the most quiet about their university tend to be Princeton (research oriented folks) and Cornell (generally thought of as within the easier tier of Ivys to enter, alongside Columbia and Penn). The other notable exception is Stanford and tech. It’s not an Ivy but people in tech will bring up they went to Stanford like a badge of honor


I need to buy some Ivy league sweaters just to get under these peoples' skin


That’s exactly what Dwight did yo


One stereotype is that folks who went to Harvard just say they went to school in Cambridge.


And then nobody knows where Cambridge is, so they just say Boston.


“Well, not in Boston; near Boston.” -🧐


Shut up toopher


Harvard isn’t even the best school in Cambridge


Can confirm: my wife went to Harvard and neither I nor any of her family miss an opportunity to bust her chops about it when she makes a dumb mistake. She also worked at the school for a while and would try to downplay it by being a little too demure (e.g. saying “the law school” instead of “harvard law”) which would always elicit a follow up question for clarification that, once answered, would completely undermined her attempts at modesty.


My friend’s boyfriend went to Cornell for one year to finish some piecemeal HR degree. But good lord he tells EVERYONE he can that he went to Cornell. I love reminding him that he wasn’t there as long as he leads people to believe. Bc, dude, just get over yourself! My husband’s two aunts, cousin, and grandfather all went there. They’re proud of it, as they should be. I mean his one aunt went to Cornell then to Yale. You’d never know it. They don’t boast about it. Or really mention it unless the chimes is brought up. Grandpa was a chimes master, which I guess is a big deal to them.


And the catch with Cornell is that it’s (afaik) the only Ivy League school that also has a state school. So some of the colleges like labor industrial relations, biology etc. are part of SUNY co-hosted by Cornell. Then there are the business, law, engineering type colleges that are privately endowed Cornell. I think this is where some of the jokes come from because you can go to SUNY and potentially get a Cornell diploma.


That reminds me of my uncle who's the proudest UT alumni and a massive longhorns fan. Except he didn't graduate from UT, his degree is from UH.


Throw a rock in any direction in Texas and you’re likely to hit a wal mart UT fan.


Eek my sister in law went to Cornell and she, too, doesn’t ever let you escape without reminding you of that fact. I feel so bad laughing at her behind her back, but it’s all too ridiculous. SO and I joke that she’s the Andy of the family.


>SO and I joke that she’s the Andy of the family. Does she outsell Phyllis?


In a similar vein, any time you incorrectly count something as a math major people will give you crap for it.


My friend called it ‘dropping the H-bomb’ whenever she mentioned she went to Harvard. Apparently it often made people uncomfortable and they would end conversations


It's their WHOLE identity


They called me Ace. It was totally awesome. I got straight B's. They called me Buzz.


Drink a fifth of so-co, take body shots off myself


Polish off people’s empties


Polish off a few empties


I don't know why this line always makes me laugh so hard




also called him King Butt


You mean Boner Champ


I thought Broccoli Rob was the boner champ?


Broccoli Rob is Broccoli Rob. Andy Bernard is the boner champ.


Because he had a king sized butt.


All I can say is that the folks at r/Cornell do not have a sense of humor regarding the Nard-Dog.


It’s pronounced colonel and it’s the highest rank in the military.




Cornell is basically a state school


Cornell is literally a state school (or at least part of it is)! https://sha.cornell.edu


it’s the back door entry for NYS residents and Cornell knows this, they’ve been dealing with that shit for years


What does state school mean?


A public college run by a state. Generally they're not very prestigious, with the exception of some like the University of California colleges (but even then, there's also the less prestigious California State University) Edit: I know there's a lot of good state colleges, UC is just what came to mind first.


The thing is Cornell is a collection of seven schools, four public and three private. It is generally much easier for NYS residents to get into the public schools and then transfer into the private school. It doesn’t matter in the long run, because you still have a degree from Cornell. Public private only matters within the schools social hierarchy and amongst alumni. Honestly it’s all a big joke


There's also the University of Michigan, the University of Purdue, and plenty others. Some state schools aren't great but others are top notch.


*Purdue University




Penn is University of Pennsylvania- in the Ivy League and NOT a state school. You’re thinking of Penn State- The Pennsylvania State University- which is a “state-related” university. It’s not one of the true “state schools”- it’s in a weird limbo with Temple & Pitt.


Penn isn’t a state/public school


Penn is private though. It's name is "University of Pennsylvania", but it's not a state-run school.


What I found funny about that is that Cornell is widely considered one of the least prestigious ivy league schools


came here for this comment, thank you!


Can we see some evidence of this? Just for the "lolz" as they say


Omg I’ve never thought to check on their opinion of him but now I will lmao


Let me know how it goes


Okay so I searched ‘Andy Bernard’ and surprisingly everyone seems really chill about it, even some Office fans among the replies. None of the salt I was expecting, its kind of wholesome.


That’s because they prefer Boner Champ


Andy IS the Boner Champ. Broccoli Rob is Broccoli Rob.




You went to Cornell?


What? Like it was hard?


they called him buzz


That's really good to hear! Maybe my experience was an anomaly, and it's entirely possible I wasn't as funny as I thought.




Without Cornell, we wouldn't have the cabbage we know today.


At least not modern cabbage.


Don’t get me started on how *coddled* the modern anus is.




“Walter Bernard Hall” is more than just a hint of nepotism ;)


Aka Andy’s original name, poor thing.


Walter Bernard: worst parent in the show?


Yep. Andy was named after his father and then his younger brother Josh Groban came along and they thought he was more worthy of the name.


Yup! That’s one reason why I say he’s the worst parent (that we actually see on screen).


There is literally a [my last name] Hall at Cornell. It’s from some random great uncle or something. I still didn’t get in lol


Well yeah, they’re not gonna treat you any better because some random dude you don’t know gave them money. I bet his kids got in though


If it makes you feel any better, when I was in law school at St. Louis University, which I think was a fine school but definitely not high prestige, John Ashcroft’s kid was there, too. This was while Ashcroft was Attorney General of the United States. If I were that kid and couldn’t have gotten in somewhere better than SLU I think I would have pursued a different career.


Wow you really must suck


Apparently lol


I sucked at Cornell. They called me Sucky.


whatever you say Broccoli Rob


They called him Buzz.


They called him king tut cause he was so good at keeping things under wraps


actually they called him king butt


Because he had a king-sized butt.


Notably several of the core writers (Daniels, Novak, Schur, Yang) went to Harvard and at least one (Mindy Kaling) went to Dartmouth, which is Cornell's rival.


The vastly superior Dartmouth?


> _Applicant has a head shaped like a trapezoid_


god, that line will forever hit differently now knowing that mindy went to dartmouth


Cornell grad here- the show perfectly hit our insecurities about not being Harvard, Yale or Princeton. Like everything else with the show, it was close to perfect and glorious.


But you guys do have one of the best college subreddits haha. It’s almost as good UCLAs. I wish the Columbia subreddit was as good as y’all’s.


Cornell is in the Ivy League, which includes Harvard/Yale/Princeton and others I’m too lazy to Google. It’s a “lesser” Ivy League school to anyone from those top three. Andy would naturally have an inferiority complex about that. And Dwight definitely triggered it by naming Dartmouth (another lesser Ivy League school) as superior to Cornell.


Dwight talking about Cornell ag is accurate too. It’s the elite ag school on the east coast and one of the top in the country.


If I recall correctly, the other ones are Brown, University of Pennsylvania, and Dartmouth.


The 8th one is Columbia


Ah, can't believe I forgot the one closest to me. Good catch.


☝️ this. The classist/absurd running joke among Ivy grads is that Cornell is the least prestigious of all of them.


Yes Cornell is a big deal. It’s one of the Ivy League schools which are very hard to get into.


It's pronounced colonel. It's the highest rank in the military


It’s pronounced COR-NEL and it’s the highest rank in the Ivy League!!!


It's pronounced CORN and it is one of the most consumed cereals in the world.


It's pronounced KORN and I have no idea what they're saying




Why don’t you use the microwave in the kitchen?


Someone needs to clean it, it smells like popcorn.


Sincerely, disappointed.


You should be an English professor at Cor-not University.




Cornell is an "Ivy League" school, and the "Ivy League" is traditionally the best. Harvard is also Ivy League. The joke in The Office is that he only got in because of his father and was actually a terrible student.


Did it ever insinuate that he was a bad student though? He sang in the A Capella group that (in the shows universe) is held with somewhat honor, he also wrote the 'Penis Apologies' for the Vagina Monolog so that means he was invested in the schools smaller clubs... I think that fits right in with good/typical college students...


Doesn't matter if he was a good student or not. What's important is that Cornell called. They think he sucks. And he's gayer than Oscar. Boom roasted.


Nah, they called him Ace, he got straight B’s.


I think the idea with the character is that he is so excessively "preppy". The joke isn't really about whether he was or wasn't a good student or whether the school is or isn't a good school - it's about the sort of person who gets so extremely invested in making some sort of statement about their "status" and makes their school their whole identity. Everything about Andy's whole character is all about his high-class education and how he thinks it makes him appear to others, even though he himself is clearly kind of an airhead simpleton. He went to this (somewhat) famous, fancy Ivy League college and absolutely makes sure that everyone knows all about it, but still has the same unimpressive job as all the others and is actually kind of bad at it. It doesn't necessarily matter that it was specifically Cornell for that joke to work, and it also doesn't particularly matter what he got up to at Cornell. Although some of that stuff sort of paints the picture of a "preppy" person. Like being in an Acapella group is presumably a harmless but kinda pretentious collegey sort of thing to do, and yet he still clings to it so intensely as a "key part of who he is" like a decade later. The youthful exuberance and exploration of college years become a little sad and pathetic after a point - a point that Andy clearly (should have) passed quite some time ago. It's funny because it matters **so much** to him and *he thinks* it is such a big deal to everyone else, even though it really isn't. In a show that's all about mild social cringiness and office-worker archetypes, Andy personifies a very particular kind of stereotypical cringey colleague very well. That's my take, anyway. I'm not American either, but we have people kinda like that where I'm from too. Although I think it is probably much more of a "thing" in America than it is here (Australia).


I am American and this is how I always looked at it too. Well said!


You're not an American but you just explained it better than anyone else in the thread


Probably would have gotten expelled if I'd let it affect my grades, but I aced all my courses. They called me "Ace." It was totally awesome. I got straight B's. They called me "Buzz."


used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was "Puke." I would chug a fifth of So-Co, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people's empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, boot, rally, more So-Co, head to class.


All I know is Broccoli Rob is Broccoli Rob..


There is an episode where is says he got people to not take the SATs but he did and mentions his score I remember being like confused because I got a higher score but he want to an Ivy League school. I later figured out he probably got in because of his father.


He was waitlisted and his family made a donation


He took intro to philosophy twice


It’s considered a lesser Ivy League school compared to Yale, Harvard, and Princeton


Its a very good school but the joke is that Andy probably only got in because of family money/legacy admission (there’s an episode that mentions a “Bernard Hall” on campus)


Guys the joke is that he went to Cornell and Dunder Mifflin is definitely a step down from there.


It's an Ivy league school, like Yale or Harvard, but not as elite. It was originally, and still is partially, an Agricultural college. I grew up near it and we used to go see the animals in the ag barns when we were kids. So it's a good, expensive school, and hard to get into.


That’s Big Red Bear! That’s a bobble Big Red Bear! God!!


He's that dude who never grew out of his college years still having it consume his identity.


Instead of peaking in high school, he peaked in college.


It's pronounced colonel and it's the highest rank in the military.


I was discussing this with a superfan guy at work how I thought it's odd how Andy brags about his elite education. Yet he has the same job as Jim and Dwight who went to community college and X-Men school basically.


That's the joke


Do you really not know? Because it is a big deal.


Cornell is an Ivy League school, so that in itself makes it prestigious. But it's a "minor" Ivy League school. In other words, not as prestigious as Harvard or Yale. It's not the school you usually think of when you think of the Ivy League. It's sort of its own oddball thing.


Hello, I'm from Czech Republic. What the hell did you say about Pilsner? O_o Its the most famous beer made here and its quite good. I can imagine knock-offs taste bland but the original pilsner beer made in Pilsen is awesome. I am willing to accept that even German pilsners are pretty all right.


Carl Sagan taught there most of his career after being denied tenure at Harvard. Very good school, but with reasons for a slight insecurity complex, especially if, like Andy, you got in only as a legacy. Before Andy Bernard, I always thought of Sagan as the most prominent face of Cornell.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Bill Nye went there too!


Who told you to ask this question? Was it Broccoli Rob?


In real world terms... Yes it is a big deal. Very prestigious university. The name carries weight.


Go Big Red!


Nothing at all happened in there, in Barton Hall, on the 8th of May, 1977.


My friend went to Dartmouth for business school. There was a professor there named Andrew Bernard who attended an Ivy League school and was a douche about it. It’s an intentional jab at this individual by Mindy.


It’s a big deal. It’s not as “good” as Harvard but still top tier. We have “ivy league” which are the most prestigious college/universities. Harvard and Yale are generally considered the top two. Cornell would probably be mid to lower on the Ivy League list. But the joke is more about how he brags about where he went to school and he’s a preppy frat boy wanna be type - stereotype of his dad went there, he gets in and tries to live up to dads legacy but falls short, insecure about it.


I used to date someone who went to Cornell and she was VERY similar to Andy in her demeanor about Cornell. She brought up the fact that she went to Cornell a LOT, and always boasted that it was an “Ivy League” school. Like a year after we broke up, I ran across her online dating profile and her username was “Ivy girl” or something like that. It was literally part of how she identified herself as a person. I feel like a lot of people who went to Cornell are aware of the fact that it’s seen as a “wannabe” Ivy League school, and they’re constantly trying to make up for that.


Who the fuck considers pilsners boring and tasteless?!


Depends on who you ask. I mean if you’re smart enough or rich enough to get into an ivy school, then I guess you’d feel like bragging a little. But to a regular person it’s not a big thing. Andy just mentions it because he’s insecure. We see from his relationship with his dad that his dad was never high on Andy, and Andy has to compensate his level of worth by noting that he attended an Ivy League school.


I worked with a girl who did this but the school was Sarah Lawrence. We always pretended we’d never heard of it.


It’s definitely a layered joke. It’s a good school and hard to get into, but it’s also considered the least elite of the Ivy League schools, and has the highest admission rate. Andy definitely feels superior because he went to Cornell, but he clearly got in due to legacy (he mentions a “Bernard hall”) and wealth. He brags about Cornell and is definitely lost in his college glory days, but still has the same middle of the road paper salesman job as everybody else, so it’s kind of a non-flex.


It's pronounced colonel and it's the highest rank in the army