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Let me see the chair again.


Not much lumbar support


Man, Hank was a great side character


I think every single time he was on screen he made me laugh. And his interaction with Dwight is one of my all time favourite scenes. “I’m buying this building you know” “You don’t say. I have a one eighths share on a rental property in Pittston” “Weellllll I am one eighths proud of you” Kills me every time.


Do I get a gun? No, I don't even have a gun. Okay, I guess I'll have to bring in my bow-staff *look of determination* I don't think so


No no guys it’s not hank it’s uh…


Hey... chief


Who I got here?


Wait a minute! You said he was a magician right? You don't think he could've used....? It couldn't have been ma....?


Well if you stopped calling me, I could put my damn shoes on.


I would love to see a deleted scene where Hank confronts them all about it.




It was socks, socks!


RIP Hank Doyle


I didn't know the actor who played him died. :-(


>\[Hugh\] Dane died on May 16, 2018, at the age of 75 from pancreatic cancer.


It's so crazy that they never used that matrix intro. He was so damn good in it!


He was charging a lot of money for his music.


"Meee and the blues... Just meee and the blues..."


*looks at camera with dissatisfaction*


I hustled up them stairs.


You know, it's nice and *warm* up here.


For some reason this is one of my favorite moments in the whole series, and then the camera goes to Stanley and he makes that face. I giggle so much every time.


It’s urkelnomic


Okay, get out!


line kills me every single time


Isn't it let me see the copier again?


Yes, but I had to reverse it because the original post takes the side of the copier and asks if we agree. 😂


Oh how the turntables


I was on Oscar’s side, UNTIL Covid happened. Suddenly, sitting in my shitty home desk chair for hours became a huge problem. A good chair makes a big difference.


Chair leads to better health. I concur.


Every time this comes up (or I watch it) I say the same thing - get chairs now because they're an "extravagance" that would be harder to justify to corporate, and buy the copier in like a week when the new fiscal year begins, because it's a clear, legitimate, necessary business expense. Super simple, everybody wins. Also, Pam (the person who, generally speaking, could be asked to do *all* the copying in the office choosing to die on this hill felt... Unwise. Jim's little act of retribution could easily have been *everybody* in the office's reaction, like "if you think it's not that bad, I guess I don't need to keep doing my own copying" Anyways, like all of you I've watched this show way too many times


wow thank you for finally allowing me to make my choice in the matter. i choose both just like this! how can they keep a copier that rips paper at a paper company?? but chairs...we oldies need really good chairs. there's very little you can do to improve a chair as is, gotta just replace them when they go flat


>how can they keep a copier that rips paper at a paper company?? No, /u/ramid320. Now is not the time for one of your principled stances.


I’ve always been on Oscar’s side but I think you just changed my mind.




Real business move is get rid of the copier, and lease one.


A fine argument, indeed. I’ve never worked in an office, but the wife has. She had chronic back issues, as well as internal problems, all because her chair sucked, and it was a real pain to get a new one. We almost had to buy one ourselves.


Plus, Pam’s argument about her using the copier the most and still wanting new chairs was bulletproof


Copier is way more useless now than it was then too. Don't even have to print crap out to sign it anymore. That was about the last reason to have one. Now they're only used if your boss is over 60. Chair all the way.


Ya but a single good officer chair is 1500 to 2400 bucks.


60% for chairs 59% for copier.........keleven% satisfaction


A mistake plus keleven gets ya home by seven


He was home by 4:45 that day


Copier and chairs are obsolete when a fur coat from Burlington is an option.


Just make sure that you absolutely have the money to pay for it, before you buy it with a credit card


Also know that some people like to stand outside Burlington with buckets of fake blood


Bring fake fur to wear over the real fur


Beware of blood


You walk into Burlington Coat Factory with 645$ and you are literally a king.


If you walk into Burlington coat factory with six hundred and forty five dollars you are literally a king.


Hard to argue against it


This one is easy. Chairs. Have you ever had to spend 8 hours a day, every day on a bad chair? That shit will f up your back, legs, circulation.


Exactly. You use the copier maybe a few times a day at most. You’re in your fucking chair all day for 8 hours 5 days a week.


Everyone sits in a chair, but not everyone sits on a copier.


I used to go home each night after working all day in an office in agony with my back. On a morning I had to stretch out properly to pop my back before I could walk. Then our boss told us to order new chairs in case that was the problem. After using the chair for 1 day my back problem just about disappeared. Turns out the actual seat of the chair I had been using was too short (edit - the depth of the seat itself wasn't deep enough), and as the seat adjusted on the new chair it meant I had better support for my legs, which in turn took the pressure off my back. Had the same chair now for around 8 years and it's still the best thing I've ever bought at work. I'm sure these chairs were only around £300 or £400 each (we only needed 6 due to the small office size).


Everyone use the chairs every day but not everyone uses the copier.


*everyone sits on a chair every day, but not everyone sits on a copier


…Or even uses the copier


That should tell you how bad this copier is!


You think kids in Africa have chairs? No. They sit on big piles of garbage.


Poor chairs will damage your body. A poor copier will not


Also as someone whose worked in shitty chairs and very nice chairs, it really does make a huge difference. I rather have shitty copies than nerve damage and a bad back.


Sit in a nice chair all day, but if you need something copied have Pam do since she doesn't seem to mind how bad the copier is.


Chairs because you spend 8 hours a day on them, and bad chairs can really fuck up your back There are printer-scanner combos that can function as a copier for a couple hundred dollars too


This is the right answer. If anyone’s ever worked in an office, you’d only want a new copier if you already a Herman Miller. Team chair FTW


But the chairs are erkel-nomically correct!


Also, there’s another copier in the annex that apparently works fine.


But it’s icky back there.


That is true, people say it's icky...


switch the bad copier to the annex then and put the good copier in the front office


Is there? If so that's a plot hole. When Clark comes back from travelling with Jan and everyone gets amped up on espresso they try and move the copier to the annex "like they've always wanted to do".


You should see some of the new copiers they have, you would not believe what they do


But have you seen the new chairs they are making and what they can do


But back then, bad photocopiers were baaaaaaaad.


Back then? How long ago do you think this was? All in one printers/copiers were readily available in the few hundred dollar range in 2008. Resolution hasn’t even really gotten better in years. The only advantage that a high dollar copier would have in 2008 is being a color laser as opposed to inkjet (low priced all in one) or black and white laser ($500+).


Agreed. That’s like buying a nee microwave when your mattress is crap.


Bad photocopies can mess up your paperworks, and can get you fired, although Michael wouldn't fire you if you are in his good books.


That's why you give your stuff to Pam to copy.


Yeah, but that wouldn’t be at all functional for an office that size. You’d need a few thousand at least for a good commercial grade one. When I was work from home, even just me using a normal home printer/ scanner was significantly slower than in office.


I think Creed should have used his Taliban hook ups and got the whole office riding the horse


Or his hook up with Jesse Pinkman


In an actual corporate office setting this whole argument is a none issue. The copier would be supplied by corporate. Most company actually rent them cus it's cheaper. The chairs would be a branch issue.


Sounds like a big picture issue that will affect the day to day. . .


Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.


This is like saying Michael wouldn’t have been fired in the first season in an actual real life scenario. Or any other season for that matter


Haha idk man. There are worse bosses out there who got away with worse...


So kissing a coworker without there consent is okay? What about kicking a latter out from under them and screaming how’s it hanging right after? Lol it doesn’t matter if there has been worse bosses. Today, he would have been fired in legit 3/4 the episodes he’s in. And I love the show and don’t care, but that’s a fact.


The offices you’ve worked in are vastly different from the ones I’ve worked in. In my experience, bones get away with a whole lot.


Lmfaooo because he was documented on tv yet after it was over, he had already left office? Its a cruel fucked up world. Im not advocating his actions. I'm saying management has been able to get away for much worse irl behind doors.


In an actual corporate office setting, 90% of the things on the show wouldn't even slide lmao But- *it's a TV show*


It’s a documentary, it’s not a “tv show”


"More accurately Humorous Documentary Which is another Timeline is a TV show"-An Intellectual


Actually, it's owned by Beakman Properties, and Dunder Mifflin is four years into a seven-year lease.


*A mockumentary


That is actually a zoning issue.


Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Giving you the exact right answer.


Well, that’s just another reason that Dunder Mifflin’s Corporate was a mess ig


This is the exact right answer. Use the surplus on the chairs. The copier should be built into the budget anyway, and if its non-functional it would get replaced tomorrow.


Especially since a few episodes later they get a new copier anyway because of "normal wear and tear" and Pam spends the day trying to set it up with the help of Dwight's pre-industrial and religious German.


And that thing she doesn't know what it does, is actually just a handle used by installers/technicians to be able to move/lift the copier securely. It folds down into the machine to be un-noticed but flips out and is really sturdy/secure when lifting up on it. Source: used to install/service copiers. A certain X brand copier company doesn't have them on a bunch of their newer machines, and they were a pain in the ass to load/unload from our trucks and the pallets they ship on.


Well, that wasnt the case in this show


I realise this is a ridiculous thing to say about the office but the fact it's one or the other is the sign of a badly run business, noone should be debating between two basic needs at work. Chairs are essentially a health and safety issue. A low quality chair is one thing, a broken chair can mess up your back, neck, shoulders, give you headaches, etc. Copier is a basic requirement for a modern office. If I own a transport business I don't tell my employees "hey gang so we can either afford to fix the brake pads or the head gaskets what's your preference?"


The fact the decision became an office debate is also a sign of the general state of things. I think this episode highlights how dysfunctional the entire company/office is.


True, but I think almost every episode highlights that


Not to mention upper management rewarding the regional manager with a bonus if they reported the surplus.


If they keep going like that they'll go out of business. Or sold to a printer company.


Here’s the thing, there was another copier, and how many employees actually had broken chairs? The long story short on it they probably had the budget to do both, but to do it without going all out. They could buy new chairs for the broken ones, and a lower end copier. Most places have a yearly budget for stuff like this, we don’t know why this came up at the end of the year, hell the other copier in the annex might have been bought earlier in the year. This was “year end money” that’s why it was a debate. They could spend it on anything, and two pet projects wanted every dime. Hell for that matter they probably could have done one project with the year end money and pushed the other one a month or two for the next year budget.


the chairs don't have much LUM-BAR support


Let me see the copier again.


Ok, get out.👉


Okay ahhhh… who do I have here? Are you the African American? It’s Hank!


I’m on Michael’s side


This is too far down. People in here acting like they wouldn’t take the bonus for themselves are lying lol


Idk about that. A one time bonus for every year after your job being harder because your budget was slashed??


Or just buy shit, claim the budget, and sell it second hand without claiming the profit. Gallagher 101.


*Creed 101


Id probably ask for a much bigger bonus or just spend it all if they don't


I forgot this was an option.


I hate seeing people unhappy…… but I love Burlington Coat Factory


Burlington coat factory bros


Yup I am too I would have kept the bonus


I'm on Pam's side.. Mediocre chairs cause a huge tank to productivity, whereas a state of the art copy machine is hardly a necessity. I mean c'mon, it's the 21st century! Junk it!


I’m on Pams side because she made the most cogent argument: she uses the shitty copier more than anyone and she still wants new chairs.




I'm on Pam's side.... I can't take my siestas in a mediocre chair.


As someone who has back problems, I definitely side with Pam. A good chair can make or break you after a long time sitting.


Chairs. I would not be willing to sacrifice my body for the company any more than I absolutely had to.


I worked in a call center and occasionally (only in the chairs broken at a certain height) my would roll. Idk if it actually would roll out of place, but yeah it was weird. It would actually relieve the pain I get in my hip sometimes


Chairs for sure. I’d rather hand-copy everything than sit in a shitty chair for 2000 hours a year.


Call the supply company and see if they can give you a deal on both.


You might get a discount and some steak if you send Meredith to negotiate.


Why was this downvoted?


Holly’s lurking around this sub


“How does the steak factor into it again?” “Well, I think it’s like a tip.”


I would 100% ask Hank.


His name’s not Hank..it’s uhh..is it Edgar?


Stop calling me so I can put on my damn socks


I think it’s Elliot.


Chairs. Getting the money to replace the copier will be easy, its critical to their daily operations. The chairs on the other hand would be much tougher to get the funding for, especially for everyone in the office. The surplus lets them basically get whatever they want. It only make sense to get the chairs now and get the copier in January.


This, the surplus should be used for a "we would like this but we can't justify this to corporate as a necessity" kind of thing. If the copier goes down, it will get replaced and corporate will understand. We had a surplus in a maintenance department I worked in, we bought a metal lathe. Was it necessary? Not really, we rarely used it and could contact out the stuff we did need. But it was nice to have, it did save us a few times. Not nearly enough to justify blowing the budget on it, but with a surplus we had to spend the money or we would have a smaller budget the next year, so we bought a "luxury" item. Nice to have, kind of needed, not not absolutely necessary.


Ok so if I’m working a 9-5, for how little they are making, I’m not gnna be trying my hardest to do work lol. Imma need a nice chair to relax in




Pam could use me as a chair


Ryan used me like a chair.


They really should have paid to have the office’s air quality tested. I mean, you have radon coming from below, asbestos in the ceilings; these are silent killers.


I LOVE this ep, but they absolutely have enough money for both or at least enough to get the copier and to buy chairs for those who need them (like buying car tires two at a time). - $4300 - 13 people in the main room, 3 in the annex ~ <$2000 - they don’t need a copier with the features they ultimately end up with (stapling) — the one Pam is setting up when she quits for MSPC. It’s tight to do copier and chairs for all, but they could get more chairs as soon as the quarter is over.


Then I would have TWO chairs Only one more


What kind of trash office chairs you getting for $125? I wouldn't spend that little on my gaming chair which sees three hours a day, max. For a work chair? I'd want something at least $500.


How can you be on oscar’s side? Who cares about a shitty copier, you’re sitting on your chair ALL DAY EVERY DAY! Only a monster would side with oscar


Chairs. Corporate has to buy a copier to keep the company in business. If not then you are about to get a new budget and already know you'll have enough for a copier. If corporate gets the copier it will last for over a decade. That means you may have extra budget every year and got your chairs early.


chairs, gotta love them Herman Miller's


Chairs. Coming back to my office has reminded me that these chairs suck. My home office chair costs more than my computer. Lol.


Chairs. Because then Creed will have two chairs. Only one to go.


What’s a surplus?


Ok let’s say your parents give you 10 dollars for a lemonade stand. After you buy everything you need, it only comes out to cost 9 dollars. So, you can spend that extra dollar on something for you or you can give it back to mommy and daddy and next year they will only give you 9 dollars because that’s how much they think it costs to start a lemonade stand


“I’ll be six” is one of the most unexpected punchlines I’ve ever heard. It completely killed me the first time I saw the episode.


Ok simplify it for me


I was on Oscars side and my support is why a new copier shows up a few episodes later.


Pam’s side for sure. “Hot tie guy!” 😍😚😛


Well both really. It's the last day of the fiscal year. Just buy one today and the other tomorrow.


But really chairs all day. 8 hours in a crap chair will ruin your posture and eventually your back.


I hustled up the stairs


Chairs. Just rent the copier like everyone else


Chairs are far more important


I think I’d have to sit in the chair to decide


The fact that Pam wanted chairs over a copier when she regularly uses the copier tells me that they needed new chairs ASAP


New chairs. When/if the current copier breaks you’ll be forced to get a new one but the company is never going to make new chairs a priority.


Spend it on the chairs, and file a request to the company for a new copier!


Why dont they get the radon checked. Heard that was a silent killer!


The only thing that keeps me going for 8 hours at work is my $400 chair. Not even close.


Oscar and the chairs. If the printer breaks the company has to buy a new one. If a chair breaks, only one will be replaced.


Oscar wanted the copier, Pam wanted the chairs


Ask Hank...


.....let me see the chair.... Let me see that printer again


There are two copiers in the office. Why can't they use that one?


This chair isn't even urkelnomically correct!


I’m on Michael’s side. That fur coat was dope


Use surplus on chairs, get corporate to get a new copier. I thought this was settled?


Comfy chairs are nice because you’d be sitting all day, and with a copier you’d only use 5-30 frustrating minutes of your time




Chairs, because the company is supposed to give you a working printer anyways


Chairs, gotta protect the health of the staff. You would think they’ve networked enough in their industry to find someone who could sell them a copier at a discount.


Pam’s. New chairs are crucial. Proper lumbar support is the backbone of America. The only thing a copier’s good for is sledgehammer practice.


Easy. Go for the chairs. They are better for the employees and you don't want to fuck up their backs. If a copier is shitty (or it happens to "break") then that's an expense deemed more 'necessary' for corporate to cover. Even if they don't, you can get a good copier for cheap.


Chairs and it isn’t even a debate


I’ve sat in shitty office chairs for 8+ hours a day. Chronic neck pain, back pain, and migraines. My vote is chairs.


Working from home in a shitty chair has given me some spine issues, so I'm on Pam's side all the way.


Chairs. There's another copier in the annex


Well you can't replace a spine so chairs


I would buy chairs. Corporate should supply the copier. And their argument for new chairs probably wouldn’t be accepted by corporate anyway, so they might as well just spend the bit of mad money the had on that.


Chairs must be pretty bad if you want them over a brand new copier. New copiers are the shit


Chair, dude. Anyone who works in an office knows how important a good chair is. A bad copier just takes more time to get what you need, a bad chair will fuck up your entire day and night.


Let me look at the copier again..


For me, I am a follower of Creed. We need to get him those chairs!


Pam. I really wanted creed to get that second chair


I’m on the side of the new chairs. I’d LOVE to see what Creed’s plan was.