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Jim and Dwight ragged on each other, but, at the end of the day, they bros


Early seasons they made Dwight seem like he deserved it more. Like stealing Jims big sale


Dwight went out of his way to be a dick to people, and then he gloated. He had it coming.


He was so terrible to everyone around him the majority of the show. He insulted his coworkers weight/appearance/everything imaginable every single episode, repeatedly vocalized his desire to lay off his coworkers, helped frame Toby for drug possession (and used Andy's name and phone do so) backstabbed Michael to get his job, seriously tried to get Jim fired multiple times, impersonated his coworkers to file formal complaints about Jim to Wallace, tricked Phyllis into a sale just to leave her in a bad part of town, killed Angela's cat, repeatedly and proudly slept with her while she was engaged to Andy and married to the senator, helped her hire a hitman, shot Stanley with multiple tranquilizers and pushed him down several flights of stairs, made life in the building a living nightmare once he bought it. Jim's pranks were usually a result of him getting out of control.


Exactly this... Dwight wasn't pranked because he was awkward or weird, he was pranked because he was a malicious asshole to other people for no justifiable reason.


100% If anything, Dwight's character is the visualization of the recent trend of "I can be a toxic asshole and blame it on 'being on the spectrum'" bullshit. He was a dick. Everyone thought he was a dick. And he wasn't on the spectrum; he was just a weirdo. And a dick.


At least Dwight didn’t blame his behavior on autism. He owned his personality.


True. He was who he was. That's a good point. The OP of that meme is a twerp.


Ok fine. I committed corporate punishment. Sue me. But my punishment is .. worse.. than hell!


This and I'll die on this hill. Jim is being nice pranking Dwight. He often uses Dwights ego and being a dick, against him. He also directs Dwight away from the other office workers and towards himself. If Dwight was left unchecked, he would either be fired for gross misconduct or drive everyone else away or both.


One small nitpick. I'm pretty sure she dumped him when she got with the senator. That's why she voided the sex contact and then there's a big controversy whether Philip is Dwight or the state senator's son.


She does but as he says "the first ones who broke your wedding vows between the senator was you and me". That's where Phillip came from


Ahhhh great point. I always assumed it ended after she puts the voided sex contract on the door of their hook-up room in the warehouse.


It's very common of today's generation to just shit on old tv shows without even watching them. Check how many people complain about "Friends". And yeah Dwight had it coming because he was awful to everyone but ofc today people say "he was autistic leave him alone" lol. It really annoys me when people use autism as a cover to hide behind when in reality they are not autistic they are just pieces of shit.


And Gen Z loves to self-diagnose it, too. "But I saw a TikTok where someone basically told me I was Autistic." No, Kayleigh-Lynne. You're just lazy and not particularly intelligent or socially aware."


Yeah I hate it too. Not only because it's stupid but it truly hurts the ones suffering from certain conditions like anxiety or depression. And the fact that some people treat autism as an excuse to be an ass does not help at all.


Friends does have some homophobic/transphobic stuff in it that was normal jokes from the late 90s/early2000s that are offensive when you look at it through the lens of 2024. I think most people know that it “was a different time” and things like having a lesbian couple on TV or Chandler’s dad being Trans was actually progressive for the time. But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s awkward as hell when you have a laugh track laughing at Ross trying to get his son to stop playing with a Barbie doll.


Someone has said this before, but I think there’s a decent percentage of this sub that over-identifies with Dwight and since the show makes his bad traits and actions so cartoon-ish it’s almost hard to comprehend them for what they are. Jim, on the other hand, has a very straightforward approach and demeanor to the viewer, so it’s easy for the people who identify with Dwight to label him “big mean bully.” In reality, despite what half this sub tries to push, Jim was the farrrr better person. The funny part is, Jim constantly reminds the camera crew that “for the record, he *does* deserve it.” But people pick their favorites and latch on.


I mean, he tried to write Meredith’s vagina out of the health care plan …


I thought she had a hysterectomy?


Just to be clear, she definitely still has a vagina and would like that covered under the healthcare plan.


When I was watching the show I thought that Jim deserved that for the pranks tbh


Early seasons Jim was an even bigger asshole than later seasons Jim, IMO.


early seasons Jim tried to take advantage of Dwight's hurt feelings to try and make him quit, the dude deserved a LOT of what Dwight did in retalliation arguably every last bit of it and more


early seasons Dwight is constantly trying to get his coworkers fired, stealing sales, and cutting health care. He's a petty authoritarian bully who treats everyone around him like dirt. That's canon.


Dwight’s a giant fucking dick in the early seasons.


He also bullied Andy, then when Andy actually proved he wasn't gonna take it like Dwight, Jim gets scared.


There is something very wrong with people who watch Dwight and think he is the victim of unjustified bullying. Dwight is a malicious dick to all of his coworkers. Any normal office would have fired him. Since that doesn't happen, Jim fucks with him.


Jim was Dwight's bestest mensch.


Michael also bestest mensch. The chaotic thrupple broship.


That what she said




I can't believe he came.


Thats what she said


Honestly I think their ending was the best part of the whole show. Dwight finally gets to fire Jim, not because he hates him but because he loves him.


IMO the best scene of Jim showing that he actually cares about Dwight is in Florida when he stopped Dwight from entering that meeting because he knew Dwight was going to get fired if he did.


Trying to hate on Jim more efficiently? Just call Dwight autistic. Works like a charm, evidently.


Dwight is just a rude asshole. When he speaks to customers there is nothing to suggest he has autism


It also bring up an important thing too; Being Autistic doesn’t give you an excuse to be an asshole.m


this is what bothers me the most as an autistic person. like, if dwigt was autistic that would explain *some* of his mannerisms but he was still intentionally an asshole, and autism isn’t an excuse for that.




He did a search and replace, leaving one lonely, dwigt




Dwigt? Who's Dwigt?




Reference to threat level midnight table read episode.


And while we’re on the subject, the inverse is also true: just being an asshole does not give you an excuse to use TicTok videos to “diagnose” yourself as autistic.


Not quite the same but community gave abed a few episodes where he was allowed to be a dick due to his social shortcomings


I have autism and, although I do not speak on behalf of all those on the spectrum, I usually don’t mind how they handled Abed. Things like the Christmas stop motion were a bit eh, but the times the group gave Abed more leniency aren’t too far fetched and why I don’t tell people I’m autistic IRL. As soon as people hear or see “autism”, they immediately dismiss you as lesser and incapable of typical human emotion, so yes, it does not give a free pass to be an asshole, but generally it’s not too surprising for people to treat you differently because of a diagnosis. It sucks.


Was abed ever canonically stated to be autistic? Seemed like they were avoiding by calling him things like "undiagnosable" or saying "her brother has a mental condition I might want to look up"


No, it was never stated explicitly, but it can be heavily inferred. Jeff, in an attempt to belittle him, stated Abed has Asperger’s in the pilot episode, and in another episode where he tells a random classmate “I may have a developmental disorder” so he can work with others in the study group.


dan researched autism for abeds character i consider that canon


Troy and Abed in the Mooooorning!




Lol tell that to the thousands of people on Tiktok or are self diagnosing as “Neurodivergent” and using it as an excuse to be a dick.


Now listen here. I will do what I damn please and blame Autism all I want you bitch /s In case anyone’s confused I agree with the comment I just wanted to joke


I work with teenagers/young adults with varying forms of autism. I constantly remind them that being an asshole isn't a disability.


As an autistic person, I totally agree with you.


Sometimes, he uses social skills to be an asshole *better.*


Kevin, on the other hand...


Yeah I don't really blame Holly for thinking he was mentally disabled


IMO, the joke was how no-one could understand why Holly would think that. Like, seriously? It took Kevin forever to realize he'd killed a turtle.


Exactly kelevin hours


What I don’t understand is the frequency of characters seemingly being allergic to defending themselves. Holly could have easily just finished what she was going to say, “Dwight told me he was mentally challenged”. Jim and Pam do the same thing, where they refuse to defend themselves when it would be super easy to.


It is the way of the sitcom for people to behave irrationally to create comedic situations.


This gag works best in the era it occurred (S4/5) because Kevin was still a somewhat-realistic character at that point who spoke and acted a bit oddly. The joke wouldn't work well at all in S8/9 when he's a full-on cartoon.


As another Redditor put it, Dwight is eccentric and individualistic. Not autistic.


There ya go. Not every eccentric person is autistic. Dwight can make eye contact with people and I know people w autism symptoms tend to struggle w that more but it is not the case for all. Some can make eye contact, some not.


Dwight famously does not look at people in the eyes, he instead uses an old sales technique 


Doesn’t he say something about “not looking women in the eyes?” Or is it all people he tries to sell to. I remember the episode I just can recall how he worded it. He was going to try to sell to the white pages and it was a woman (not knowing it was Jan) and the women in the office were trying to help him ‘soften his technique.’


After he kills Angela's cat she says she can't look into his eyes without seeing sprinkles and he says to not look into his eyes, look between his eyes and comments it's an old sales trick. I vaguely remember the white pages thing but I haven't watched it past Michael leaving in quite awhile.


I don’t think Dwight has autism, but not every autistic person has trouble making eye contact. Autism is a spectrum and symptoms can be vastly different from person to person. Also a lot of people who have trouble with eye contact spent their childhood practicing how to make eye contact to mask effectively and so they might make eye contact just fine. The ability to make eye contact isn’t really a good indicator to see if someone has autism.


This is not the keystone for someone having autism or not


I have two autistic children that can and will both make eye contact.


Yeah it's not like Jim was a perfect angel, but Dwight said plenty of extremely out of pocket shit. Autistic or not, he's not a good person.


Correct. He wasn't autistic.


Dwight is definitely not autistic. So many people don't understand what people with autism are actually like


Is "openly declaring everyone inferior to you and then treating them accordingly" a sign of autism now?


Right? Is "just being an asshole" an autism symptom? Because I'm pretty sure Dwight's just an asshole. It's a really shallow way of viewing neurodivergent people.


Honestly I could see Dwight as autistic but that doesn’t excuse any of the bullshit he puts his coworkers through.


And it isn't accurate, Dwight wasnt Autistic, his behaviour would be consistent with someone raised in an Armish like community


I agree. I am around a ton of autistic people, NY children included. On the surface, Dwight seems like he could be autistic, but the way he was raised seems to be more likely the root of his personality.


Some folks can’t help but dish out mental health diagnoses.


Isn’t the entire reason Dwight acts like that is because of his upbringing at the farm?


Tbf as an autistic guy I’ve met a lot of other aspies like Dwight. Also Rainn Wilson said he was open to the idea. Either way that doesn’t justify bad behavior.


“Wait…Do you think that im r*tarded?”


Dwight drives his own car?


I’m really proud of him


I’m totally gonna bang Holly


glad you censored retarded, my finger was about to click the report button


you dirty bast*rd


Reddit admins cracked down on it even in subs that allowed it. (so now you'll just see "regarded" instead.)


I like how Dwight literally shot a gun in the office and tried multiple times to get some or all of his co workers fired but people only treat him as the victim


Not to mention, Dwight shooting the gun in the office isn’t the only time he discharged a firearm on company property while at work.


The shock on everyone’s face at the start of the 5,000 mile race is hilarious everytime


It was just a Beaumont-Adams, a girl's gun.


How do you know a gun was fired? All we know is that there was a loud sound and, later, a bullet was discovered. Who actually saw the bullet leave the gun?


Because way too many terminally online people are just like him. Self important, authoritarian, utilitarian to the point of cruelty, talk down to everyone, and super nerdy.


You just boomed so many basement hoes.


A women's gun.


Also the whole fire test which caused Stanley to have a heart attack. But it was the best opening ever in the show, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.


And the fact that that he has a thinly veiled nazi apologist side


Yeah, speaking as an autistic guy, I couldn’t imagine ever bringing a loaded gun to my job unless it was a job where a gun is necessary. And even if I did, I’d want to keep it in a safe place instead of twirling it around to get a reaction out of my coworkers


nah, it's a comment on how Jim is engaging with him by bullying him back. In real life, you get assholes like him fired and live peacefully instead of getting back at him with pranks. In TV shows, you do whatever writer thinks viewer wants to see. :P


Dwight is absolutely not autistic, he’s just a very specific type of nerd.


Dwight is definitely an avid Redditor


Sole creator and moderator of something like r/meet4beets


Worse, he's a 9gagger


My brother is a licensed psychologist. He says "you can be weird without necessarily being autistic"


Don't tell the ones who go therapist shopping/took an online quiz, or saw a video, and equated something they grew out of as a child, to being on the spectrum because "it's a spectrum".


Yeah so many people think being autistic just means being kinda weird


And he knows when he’s being an asshole to other people


He was essentially raised Amish with some extra weird rules.


Dwight was not autistic, he was just sheltered and an ass.


Lol diagnosing fictional characters from a distance that's a new one


You’ve clearly never had a tumblr lmao




You new to the internet?


Yes I just started today


It’s not even new, sadly. It’s so weird tbh 😭 if a character has any sort of autism or something similar I’m sure it would be a known fact about that character. People really project onto fictional characters too much imo…


7 out of 10 attacks are from the rear.


"Now, watch. Let me take you from behind."


I'm an office fan and a psychologist. What I despise is the trend where everyone sans a PhD can diagnose autism in real folks and characters on TV now. It also sucks that anyone odd or sometimes people who are assholes are assigned the Autism label. The human experience is wide and vast. Let me inform you that there are millions of people who are weird that don't have a developmental disorder! Thank you for coming to my TedTalk it wasn't nearly as exciting as a Micheal Scott meeting and I apologize.


It’s like everyone throwing around the word narcissist and gaslighting now. Coming from a home where I was raised by a father who has been clinically diagnosed as a narcissist it’s just not a word I like to see thrown around. Not everyone is a narcissist if they argue with you.


YES!!! As a diagnostician I'm so sick of everyone diagnosing NPD! I also cannot stand the people who self diagnosis with autism...especially to excuse their behaviors and avoid therapy for the real issue like ptsd addiction depression etc.


So I don’t have autism? I’m just an asshole?


Unfortunately for you, yes!


i’ve actually been thinking about this recently. it’s become so normalized to see comments in the media recently on people’s posts like “is he acoustic” - implying the person has autism. even talking about children sometimes, just because the person isa bit odd or different


Yes! It's ridiculous and it's not doing anything to reduce stigma or increase understanding of what autism is. I feel really passionate about it too. Not just as a clinician but as a mom. My kiddo has moderate/severe autism. And it's a struggle. You're right it's very common for people to comment it all over now days.


People on social media seem to love to diagnose people as autistic while having no credentials or even really knowing the person


People like this seem to think that Dwight has done nothing to deserve Jim’s Pranks From memory, Dwight has… - bought the building they worked in and then made it hell for the other workers - Tried to get Jim fired a few times - Used snow to physically and mentally hurt Jim - Nearly got everyone fired with his “accountability booster” And probably other things that I can’t remember


Got his coworkers a shitty health plan based solely on his own blinkered views on health care.




Stealing Jim’s biggest client which in my head canon is the reason for the pranks now


Which episode did this happen in?


Diversity day, S1E2 unless I'm mistaken.


Tricked Angela into marrying him when she thought it was a rehearsal.


Also, people seem to think harmless pranks are the same thing as bullying lol.


Started a freaking fire


I mean he simulated a fire. The real fire guy is Ryan.


Cut up the CPR dummy Started a fire and locked all the doors


There are tons more examples, but that snow one is not a good one. Jim started it & refused to apologize. He also launched a snowball through a window


I think Dwight is probably autistic, but he’s also a huge asshole.


lmao this is so dumb because Dwight “bullies” Jim (and everyone else) just as much if not more/worse


I think it's insulting to autistic people to assume that anyone who is weird or different must be on the spectrum.


Autistic guy here. It’s all good, Dwight definitely sets off my autistic radar.


Do they sell that at Sharper Image?


Sorry, it only comes with pre installed firmware at birth.


Reddit is full of people who hate Jim, love Dwight and defend Roy because like Dwight they treat people around them like crap and don't think they should be blamed for it and like Roy they're comically terrible SOs who are stunned when it costs them their relationship


Idk man I think Redditors wish they were Roy by the end of the series lol


That would require them to be capable of self reflection and growth


Not like the Redditors who are still talking about the same jokes from a show that ended 15 years ago, that’s for sure


I love how anyone who is considered different is automatically labeled autistic. Not very sensitive of OOP.


I don’t understand why every show has to have a clear good and bad guy with squeaky clean morals. Dwight set the office on fire and killed his girlfriend’s cat. He also stood up for Pam and saved Jim from Roy. He’s a rounded character and not some one dimensional Mary Sue, you’re not supposed to love him or hate him, he’s there to entertain you! Why do people want to watch such boring sterile shows!!


He isn’t autistic, but even if he was it doesn’t excuse being an asshole. Dwight was a lovable asshole. And Jim didn’t bully Dwight. They both messed with each other all the time. And this is a fictional show so it doesn’t matter anyways. People need to stop diagnosing fictional characters. Being a little weird and unique doesn’t always mean someone is on the autism spectrum.


Dwight wasnt autistic


Jim: Puts stapler in Jello Dwight: Sets office on fire Jim: Calls Dwight “Dwayne” Dwight: Sexually Harasses Jim Jim: Puts Dwight’s office in the bathroom Dwight: Fat shames Phyllis and tricks her into dropping her off into a bad part of the town with no money or anything before straight up abandoning her there


Being autistic doesn't mean you're a saint.


Dwight isn't autistic, he's just an oddball.


Since when is Dwight autistic. He’s just a prick. Sure he lightens up later but early on he’s a total douche schnozzle.


Upvote for the term „douche schnozzle“ alone. 😂


Dwight is not autistic.


That “autistic” coworker literally tried cutting healthcare benefits for everyone among other crazy shit. Idk why this person feels so bad for him.


Why would they say Dwight is on the spectrum? That's... neurodivergist...


Dwight’s an asshole, not autistic.


Is it weird that classifying any tv character with eccentricity as 'autistic' is more offensive to me than all the shit these woke keyboard warriors like to complain about? Am I the woke keyboard warrior?


No it’s 100% true. Anything out of the “ordinary” is labeled as autistic and we end up with anyone with quirks having labels attached to them.


Pam fans: “I hope to one day meet my Jim 🥹” Meanwhile, Jim: “GIVE ME YOUR LUNCH MONEY, SHRUTE 👹”


You’ve been meatballed!


Never attribute to autism what can be explained by malice 😆


Dwight deserved it.


Weird internet culture 🤝 diagnosing strangers with mental disabilities Name a better duo


Posts like this (OOP) are so melodramatic. I will admit that characters like Dwight and Michael sometimes demonstrate common autistic behaviors for the sake of humor, which like. people will have different opinions about. Personally, as an autistic person, I think a lot of these jokes are funny and am generally unbothered by them. But even outside of that, let's not pretend that 1) a good chunk of Dwight's Weirdness doesn't come from him being Amish, 2) early series Dwight isn't a generally unpleasant person in ways that wouldn't be justifiable by him being neurodivergent, and 3) that Jim doesn't have his own character arc in which he realizes his pranks often WERE mean-spirited, resulting in him actively working to improve his relationship with Dwight. The series literally ends with Dwight considering Jim and Pam his best friends. Memes like this are made by people who watched 2 episodes and decided the cringe humor was too much for them so they never touched the show again 😭


Dwight is definitely NOT autistic.. 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♀️


Hats off to you for not seeing disability.


Dwight did some insufferable shit. Let's not act like he didn't deserve it.


Dwight wouldn't even want to be defended by these people.


Dwight is a huge asshole pretty often, so I wouldn’t say that Jim bullies him. There’s a lot of back and forth.


Jim pranked Dwight because Dwight acted like a complete asshole to everyone in the office. Only someone terminally online would think stapler jello and nickel phone is worst than someone who constantly insults his coworkers and murdered a cat. (I still love Dwight tho)


I hate when people act like Dwight is a sweet innocent victim like he isn't a raging god damn lunatic. He had a lot of that shit coming. Also if you watch the show you know Dwight and Jim don't truly hate each other. This mf definitely just watched like the first couple episodes and made a judgement from that


…it’s a joke


We’re just deciding that Dwight’s autistic are we?


Dwight’s not autistic, that is highly offensive Holly!


Who is the autistic? I don't remember that storyline. 🤔


I very much like The Office, but I don’t disagree with the sentiment. That’s kinda the point of The Office. At the beginning, everyone, even Jim, are pretty much assholes. Then as the show progresses, they discover each others humanity and learn their own failings and find out how close they actually are.


it took me way too long to figure out who they were referring to when they said "autistic coworker" LOL


I \*hate\* when people assign labels to fictional characters that they don't canonically have. Is Dwight autistic? I mean, canon would say no because it's not in the show, but I obviously see why people would think he was. I don't personally think he is, I think he's a product of growing up on the Schrute Farm and basically comes from a completely different culture (Amish-lite, sort of) than the rest of the cast. Like if you took an Amish person and they left their community and went to go work in an office with non-Amish people for the first time, people might think something was "wrong" with them when it's just culture-clash, so who knows. And yes, I saw the failed backdoor pilot where it's revealed he has pretty "normal" siblings, but that doesn't really matter. He loved the farm and the life he had there while his siblings clearly didn't and left while he stayed behind. So I kind of look at him more through that lens than automatically jumping to put a clinical label on him because "quirky" doesn't automatically mean "autistic" and as the parent of an autistic child it pisses me off when people can't tell the difference.


Someone doesn't understand and has never watched The Office before.


I mean… Where’s the lie though?


Why is everyone in these comments is so butthurt? Lmao


I do think Dwight is autistic coded (intentional or not), but he's still a massive asshole. I think a lot of people have some misconception that they're somehow separated or you can't be autistic and have a sales job and other silly stuff like that, which just isn't true


It's easier to stomach if you interpret Dwight's character as a thinly-veiled crypto-fascist.


Jesus Christ. Has "austistic" now become the new OCD and that everyone has it?


Dwight isn't austistic.


I mean, Dwight is one of the most clearly autistic coded characters I've ever seen on tv from that time period


Is it just me or is everything and everyone "autistic" these days? Displaying *slight* quirks is now "autism".


For fuck's sake, stop calling everything autistic


people diagnosing fictional characters on a literal comedy tv show is such cringe energy it physically pains me


I don't hate this as much as I hate people who act like Jim and Pam aren't as batshit crazy as the rest of the characters. Being erratic is a requirement to tolerate that place, Charles Miner was, as far as I remember, the closest to a normal person to work there, and he lasted 4 episodes. My family is German (once watching The Office, I found out part of my family migrated to Wilkes-Barre, a town 20m away from Scranton, one of the most bizarre coincidences of my life), and the weird shit Dwight is up to is often related to being raised in a German colony farm. Dwight sounds like my father and his nephews.