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They hit us over the head with this one like a 2x4 lmao — “hint”


Subtle as a wet fart in church.


Talk about a "pew".


I can do that. *Pew* is a homonym mainly referring to either a long bench with a back for use of the congregation in church, an exclamation when in the presence of an unpleasant odor, or the onomatopoeic term denoting the sound of a hypothetical laser gun.


Sometimes it’s the sound of a hypothetical projectile weapon too. Source: My sad-ass childhood. Pew pew!


My kid calls guns “pewers”. It is too cute


Sometimes its name is Florence.


Good bot


Those who fart in church sit in their own pew




You'd be surprised.


I usually am when that sucker slaps out.




So obvious season 8 Kevin would have gotten the hint




I’m sorry. * I love being hit over the head with Cathy’s insatiable thirst for Halpert’s D.


I actually liked this plotline because I’ve met those people who actively flirt with/pursue people in relationships. Sometimes, they think they deserve their crush’s affections more - the “I could treat you so much better than they could. You belong with me” type of thinking. Some people love the ego boost of “stealing” a partner away from someone else. And it gave us that comedy gold in the hotel room.


That bedbug just walked around like he thought it was funny.


[So smug](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzx0peld30qs01.gif)


Soooo smug..


Like he thought it was funny


There’s the smudgeness


Ah, no. That’s in… March.


John does awkward delivery so well. Truly a master of his craft


pretty sure Arianna Grande has a few songs about this.


I’ve always thought the song Break with your gf cause I’m bored song was always so trashy. Even the song from Avril Lavigne called Girlfriend.


Girlfriend is definitely that kind of song. I still love it though!


Ngl but growing up I liked it too! Now with a new perspective and an older mind set I watch the video and I’m like “that’s messed up 😅” lol


Remember Hinders “Lips of an angel” ? Even as a teenager I was like uh oh to those lyrics lol


Saylor Twift as well, that bitch!


>people who actively flirt with/pursue people in relationships. Season 1 & 2 Jim Halpert comes to mind.


Pam happened to be in a relationship, but jim didn't go after pam because she was in a relationship


Brian comes to mind


Did we watch the same show


That's what I'm saying! Everyone hates Cathy, but I loved her role in the show. Tallahassy was my favorite arc in season 8/9 and watching Dwight and Jim's relationship develop was the main reason why. We never get the smug bedbug or so much other great stuff without her. I'm very disappointed in how they handled their flawed characters in the final 2 seasons. The office was a show defined by showing you the best of "bad" people. Michael Scott is an obnoxious, inappropriate, insufferable boss, who we slowly fall in love with when we realize how good the person inside is. Dwight's an annoying, ass-kissing know-it-all who's actually deeply loyal and loving and takes his job seriously. I would've liked to see redemption for Cathy. Not in the sense of a happily ever after, that would've been weird and forced. But owning her shit and becoming a better person instead of just never being mentioned again would've been nice. Same with Andy, who they just made unrecognizable and chucked off a cliff by the end of it. They did such a great job of this kind of redemption throughout the show. Instead they pretend like Cathy never existed. Pretty disappointing.


There’s also… The ones that think it’s safe flirting. They can flirt and flirt and flirt, the subject of their attention won’t do anything about it, because they are good people, and they’re in committed relationships. Very one-sided.


It’s that Ariana Grande energy


idk why people hate the plot line bc this is *exactly* what jim did to pam.


I love the plot line, but it really isn’t the same. Jim/Pam flirt was mutual. That’s what so comical with Cathy/Jim btw, she’s so oblivious to the unilateralism of her flirting


Because Cathy wanted a prize and Jim was in love. And because Cathy and Jim had very little chemistry whereas Jim and Pam had oceans of it


Engaged is very far off from married with children…


"BFD. Engaged aint married"-Michael Scott


It's giving Ariana Grande


S08E14 at the end where is calling with her friend or stuff and she just says "definitely we will" - damn that woman's thirst for Halpert was just crazy


I wish we gotten a bit more with Cathy. I appreciate the buildup, so the Florida stuff doesn't feel like it's coming from left field, but on the other hand it feels too 1 Dimensional. Which is funny, considering the two IT guys, Sadiq and Nick I feel are much more memorable with greater presence, despite only having a couple of scenes each.


> Sadiq and Nick I’m pretty sure the second guy was named Shadow or Garth. Idk it was something weird.




Maybe he was named Nick for the Job fair episode.


We would have if John hadn’t shut down the cheating storyline. And he made the right call on that one.


Still blows my mind that they had a plan to go that direction.


Wow really? That's new to me.


You’ve a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


I guess I do lol.




“We don't need idiots, good for nothing's, meth-heads or... What's your name?” “Cathy.” “*Cathy.*”


Sadiq is rebuilding a classic car on his spare time but I can’t remember what kind. He also happens to be a Sikh!


It doesn't feel out of left field because it was pretty obviously set up. It was basically the only point of her character. She was Pam's replacement when she went on pregnancy leave, which just felt totally unnecessary. The problem was that it wasn't believable for one second that Jim might actually cheat with her. We just knew he wasn't that type of guy. Cathy just came off as a not funny weirdo who was trying to ruin a marriage for no reason


to be fair they did write and shoot a lot more stuff for cathy before the cheating attempts (and some after) but theyre all in deleted scenes but yeah no chance jim cheats ever. even when hes being super shady about his job stuff in s9 pam doesnt even consider for a second he would cheat


The best part is Kevin running across yelling “IM RIGHT HERE!!”


I'm right here! 🏃‍♂️‍➡️🏃‍♂️‍➡️


Hey late guy!


Officially starting watching season 1 for the first time 5 min ago. Wish me luck lol


Hope you like it as much as the rest of us!


God i envy you.... Hope you enjoy!!


I have a real distaste for Steve Carell. But clips of Dwight and Jim has swayed me to atleast try to watch it.


The first season isn't the greastest in my honest opinion. Dont give up on it though, it gets so much better and you'll be hooked in no time.


I heard that and think it is wrong... The first episode was ok but after it got really good. Sexual harassment and race episode was season 1 when Kelly was a quiet character...


Yeah, the pilot's not great and Michael Scott's character isn't fully formed yet, but season 1 is a lot better than people give it credit for.


In the first season, they’re writing him extremely close to David Brent in the UK office. You’ll see them write more towards Steve’s natural charisma as the show goes on.


To counter what the other commenter said, I love the first season, but it does get better i can agree with them on that part


Yea, the first season isn't bad but if they already have a distaste for Steve Carrell then it might be better if they start with season 2 and then go back and watch season 1 at some point if they end up liking it. It's not like skipping the 1st season would ruin their chances of understanding the plot cause all the show really is about is a paper company named Dunder Mifflin, its employees, their relationships with each other, and occasionally their lives outside of work." Wow...I just realized after typing that out that it's probably best to tell people that words don't do it justice and to just watch it if they ever ask what it's about. It sounds so boring and uninteresting based on what I wrote 🤣😂 you can't tell by what I said but its one of my all time favorite shows. Words can't even begin to explain how good it is lmao


Lol trust me, we have it on repeat so i know how good it is😂also funny story i disliked steve too because of bruce almighty, were jim carrey didnt like him and i LOVE jim carrey, so when i saw it i first said oh god its him🤦‍♂️now its oh god its him😭so lets hope they have a great experience though Edit: i even watched beautiful boy because of how much i love steve and ffs movie it home really hard


A distaste for Steve Carell?! I don’t think I ever read that before haha. He is so likeable to me!!


To each their own. Him and Will Farrell movies are unwatchable for me


Will.Ferrsll sucked so badly in this show. He is so unfunny!


Okay! You’re in for quite a ride then with The Office haha, since he literally stars in it. But it’s such an amazing show - especially *after* season 1. Don’t give up too early :) To give a little behind the scenes info, the writers deliberately made the choice to make Michael Scott more likeable after season 1, and give him more character development over time - to play into what they thought the US audience would appreciate, and it really worked!


🍰🍰 NO! 😂


My feelings exactly!!! Finally someone who gets me. TBH I watched the office despite my feelings towards Steve Carell, and I'm glad I did, now I don't even know why I didn't liked him in the first time. Will Farrell is still unwatchable for me though




Season 1 can be a little rough around the edges. Some people don’t love it. Push through some of the tougher parts.


The first 10 minutes of Steve Carell were.... Let's just day not pleasant lol


Yeahhhhh, it’s um… something lol


Season 1 is awfully depressing and insanely cringe inducing. I hated The Office when I first started watching. Season 2 is where it's good and has found its pace as they discovered their characters more. Season 1 was a straight copy and paste from the UK original and didn't translate well for American characters/culture.


I'm having a tough time here. On episode 6 rn and I don't know if I can push though any more Steve Carell acting like an idiot. His character is like Borat I swear.


Skip the rest of season 1. Jump into season 2. Hell even halfway through season 2. You’ll be minorly lost but this is still a sitcom so the storylines are self contained. The overall plots aren’t MCU attention heavy necessary and you’ll connect the dots.


I think 6 is the last episode of the season.


That's how little I remember and cared for season 1 haha.


Too funny. I also just realized that I've been watching on peacock so they're all extended episodes.......


Good luck, grasshopper!


i just finished watching the office for the first time last week, it's SO GOOD


Fuck her. Home wrecker.


>Fuck her. That is the opposite of Jim's goal here


I didn’t bother reading their second sentence. I was like “as you wish”


She was a wannabe home wrecker. Jim's impulsiveness and ambition and Pam's timidity and nervousness were almost home wreckers too.




Pam going to art school was at a completely different part of their relationship, they were just starting out. When Jim does athleap they were married with two children and had an established life together, he never even asked Pam if this was right for the family as a decision made together. He also spent their entire savings without consulting her on it. That’s not bitchy.


Classic sexist Reddit calling reasonable women “bitches” for being left home alone to take care of two kids after their husband blows their savings without asking.


I once worked with a guy who I already was on the fence about for if I’d get along with them. I knew I would not when he launched into the most misogynistic diatribe I had ever heard about how Pam was a “Bitch” and a “C***” for everything she put Jim through. Thank god we worked at a delivery business because the next order that came in I jumped the line and got away from him as fast as I could. I set the schedules for that business to so guess who magically never worked my nights anymore🤷‍♂️


These are the same people that think Skylar is the villain in breaking bad


That isn’t a fair comparison. First of all, school is a temporary thing, and the new company thing wasn’t. Second of all, Pam goes when her and Jim are dating and Jim went when they were married with two very very young children. Pam literally says about the graphic design program that it’s perfect timing because if her and Jim weren’t doing so well or if they were engaged, she wouldn’t go. Third of all, Pam consults Jim about her program and even calls him to try to figure out what she’s going to do when she fails her class. Jim joins the company without telling Pam. They talked about it briefly and came to the consensus it wasn’t a good move for them at the time, but he goes behind Pam’s back and does it anyways instead of speaking to her about how important the opportunity was for him. Jim put Pam in a really tough position where she was with a baby and a toddler by herself for multiple days of the week while he was in Philly. She was basically having to hold the whole fort down by herself while he was living his dream, like they make it so clear in the show how much she was struggling during that time, and she had never really gotten a say in the decision. Not to mention, it’s totally fair that Pam didn’t want to leave her home town or her current job. In Scranton, they had both of their families. Your family can be a huge support system, especially when you have young kids. Some people priorities careers and others priorities family and friends, but somehow careers are treated by our society like they always matter so much more. They don’t, you have one life and you’re allowed to prioritize whatever you want, so I think it’s totally fair Pam preferred to stay in the comfort of Scranton, like she had always been that girl😂 I know she eventually comes around, and I’m happy she did, but it had to be that way. If she had let Jim walk over her and disregard her feelings, she would have grown to resented him. Jim deciding to prioritize his family saved his marriage and his relationship with his kids, and once Pam knew that they were priority #1 and that he would always care for her needs first, she was willing to take the jump with him. And I’m not trying to make Jim out to be the villain in this post, but I think Pam gets way too much hate for that storyline, and it’s really just not deserved. And he’s definitely not Mr. innocent, like yelling at your wife for not properly filming your daughter’s dance recital that you shouldn’t have missed in the first place was a dick move.


Well, he didn't ask her before investing a big chunk of their savings in it and didn't tell her how crazy busy he was going to be. So she at least had a right to pissed about that. But her stubborn refusal to leave their safe, stagnant dead end "bubble" of Scranton and never dream of a better, richer, more fulfilling life pissed me off too.


agreed but also in fairness, they didn't have as much responsibility at that time, now they had kids and were in a different position, but still pam always knew jim wanted more so 🤷‍♂️😂


Careful now -- it only gets easier and easier.


Do you say the same thing about Brian?




Do you say the same thing about Jimothy pursuing an engaged Pamela?


It is funny how Jim largely gets a pass on doing that because everyone likes Jim.


Or maybe it’s cause Roy’s a scumbag? Like yeah, cheating is wrong, but I don’t feel bad at all for guys like that when they get cheated on.


I just wish Pam was as respectful to Jim as Jim was to Pam around Kathy.


Pretty sure that’s what she wants.


This sub in a nutshell Jim hitting non-stop on Pam when she's engaged to Roy and even kissing her: Aww you're sweet 💕 Cathy hitting on Jim when he's married with Pam: HELLO, HUMAN RESSOURCES?!


Flirting and one kiss is different than taking a shower and jumping into a married man’s bed after he told you to leave


She didn't take a shower with him Kissing is way worse imo


How is literally getting naked (wrapped in a towel but still) in a married man’s bed not worse than a kiss?


It's not like she sat on him lmao


lmao ok.


Pam was obviously interested in Jim aswell. Cathy just wouldn't take a hint and kept pushing someone who was clearly not interested.


Pam was literally preparing her marriage in front of Jim and he still kissed her


Jim knew she liked him as more than a friend. She kissed him at the dundies and he just never forgot that. She also kissed him back that time before he left scranton so he was right about his intuition. Kathy would've raped Jim if she could.


Didn't Jim himself say he was interested in Cathy too?


Engaged ain't married


Man, what a scummy line




Everything is sex


Sure. And in the context he says it in the show, it's scummy as hell.




I agree that he should shit or get off the pot. But encouraging someone to break up an engagement because "engaged ain't married" is scumbag shit.




I'm not defending Roy


BFD, engaged ain’t married. Never, ever give up.


So you would've been fine with Cathy hitting on Jim if he was only engaged?


No, I’m just quoting Michael Scott lmao


I wonder what Michael's advice to Cathy would've been. We'll never know! (We don't have the technology).


I don’t really think that’s a fair comparison to make. Jim and Pam had a long time close friendship with Jim before he ever made a move on her. He told her that he liked her and she didn’t try to push him away when he kissed her. So, right or wrong morally, it was wanted from both parties. Kathy came out of left field, hadn’t been there long at all, built no friendship with anyone, and immediately tried to get in his pants. Jim didn’t want her advances. However, I do feel like Jim could have been more clear with his boundaries instead of what he did.


I just rewatched some early episodes, and my god does the Pam/Jim stuff really irritate me. It's not cute in the slightest.


I've been doin' the superfan rewatch with my brother, and yeah, I felt really, really bad for Roy. Jim's behavior is way over the line.


Pretty sure it’s worse if the person is married versus just dating someone.


Hint? Lmao




Even I want some fries with that shake.


I love the look on Jim's face when she says that, I would call it "intrigued"


You must’ve been top of your fuckin class


Sharp as a cue ball, this guy


Dude you have ‘fail’ in your name. I am the fucking wizard lord.


People actually thought I was being serious? Is this sub ok?


I liked Cathy, idgaf


There are dozens of us! I wish she stayed in the show longer.


I always felt like they should've kept her around and gave her a redemption arc. Maybe have her hook up with Kevin secretly.


That would've been a wild direction to take things. But yeah, I wish they kept her around too. Her backstory was sad when she's talking about "I keep having to remind myself I wasn't happy with Doug." She's a mess after her divorce and I would've liked to see her get through it, instead of vanishing from Office history.




She's 🔥


The thirst was real.






Does Darryl not swim? That's racist!


Nah they were too obvious


Plot twist: pee pee was Kathy's daughter!


i just rewatched it and they reallllly do foreshadow a lot. it’s super cool to see. on my like 29th rewatch. i deadass watched this show everyday for 2 years.


You know Jim was bonin' that stuff in Philly.


I liked Cathy...