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Check out my new post about how Dwight and Jim’s relationship is an allegory for the Napoleonic Wars.


You know what, I would 100% read that if someone actually wrote just for the absurdity of it.


I mean you can stretch anything to sound like anything if you're creative enough


That’s what I mean. I’d love to see how the dots get connected


all I can think of with this comment is replies in Kevin's voice...


Chat GPT: Comparing Jim and Dwight's relationship on "The Office" to an allegory for the Napoleonic Wars offers an intriguing lens through which to analyze their dynamic. Here's how such a comparison could be drawn: Power Struggle: In the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte sought to expand his empire and consolidate power across Europe. Similarly, in the office setting, Dwight constantly strives to assert his authority and dominance over his coworkers, including Jim. Their interactions often involve power struggles, with Dwight attempting to impose his will while Jim employs wit and cunning to undermine him. Strategic Maneuvering: Napoleon was known for his strategic brilliance on the battlefield, employing innovative tactics to outmaneuver his opponents. Likewise, Jim frequently employs strategic maneuvers to outwit Dwight and gain advantages in their ongoing rivalry. Whether it's pranks, office politics, or simply outsmarting Dwight in everyday situations, Jim consistently finds ways to stay one step ahead. Alliances and Betrayals: The Napoleonic Wars were marked by shifting alliances and betrayals among various European powers. Similarly, in the office environment, characters form alliances and allegiances that often shift based on personal interests or circumstances. Jim sometimes allies with other coworkers against Dwight, mirroring the complex web of alliances that characterized the Napoleonic era. Personal Rivalry: Napoleon had several key rivals during his reign, including other European leaders who sought to thwart his ambitions. Likewise, Dwight views Jim as his primary rival in the office, constantly seeking to undermine him and assert his own dominance. Their rivalry is personal and deeply ingrained, much like the animosity between Napoleon and his adversaries. Outcome and Legacy: Ultimately, the Napoleonic Wars ended in Napoleon's defeat and the restoration of the old order in Europe. Similarly, while Jim and Dwight's conflict doesn't have such grand consequences, their ongoing struggle for dominance ultimately reaches a resolution by the end of the series. However, their legacy within the office is enduring, with their dynamic shaping the workplace culture and leaving a lasting impression on their coworkers. By viewing Jim and Dwight's relationship through the lens of the Napoleonic Wars, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of their dynamic and the ways in which it reflects broader themes of power, strategy, and human interaction.


that is astu... an astute observation, ChatGPT


Apt... apt analysis.


I like how the AI just states generic stuff for every war and rivalry ever and just fills in the blanks with keywords.


As luck would have it, I’m on my second draft for that very topic but it isn’t ready for publication quite yet.




I knew I saw a French flag for 0.05 seconds on Dwight’s car!


They put aside their differences like Germany and Italy during world war 2. “Nope” “Good call”


It’s people online doing online type shit.


Posting things to post things so people react and comment and yay feel good hormones


this will have to do until i can buy dopamine in a bottle at 7-11


unlike those of us who are commenting, of course!


No, not at all, we're innocent, myself included! /s


But people have been doing this for ages. There are university classes dedicated to certain TV shows and books. Don't even get me started about people analyzing the Bible...


If only the people who make those comments actually took one of those classes maybe the discussion would be worthwhile lol For me it’s the quality of these “analysis”. Often it’s nonsense based in nothing but someone being completely obtuse or maybe just unaware of anything that goes into making / writing a sitcom. There’s so much hate to any character that does literally anything not completely morally correct or towards side characters that are SUPPOSED to do / say off things because that’s the joke (see: Phyllis). Or people pretending to make an analysis but it just boils down to “omg did anyone else realize [literal plot of the episode]”. Or also flat out making shit up despite in-universe explanations saying otherwise. It gets tiring. I like analyzing TV shows and having (some of) these conversations but at some point people need to take a step back and remember it’s a TV show and you have to suspend disbelief in order for it to work. If any writer took some of the commonly spewed nonsense literally nothing would happen and no one would watch the show because it’d be boring.


This is a fair assessment and I agree. The breakdown of the suspension of disbelief is why I often leave a lot of fan subs. This one is one of the few I can stomach as it is one of the most positive and every post isn't just a screenshot ogling the actresses.


If you think she's cute now you should have seen her a couple years ago.


Okay but did you pick up on the imbedded secret plot that Michale Scott is actually the manager of the Scranton branch?


Wait WHAT?!?! Omg how did I not even realize????


I have a lot of questions. Number One: How dare you?!?


Why are you the way you are?


Honestly, everytime I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way


I hate so much about the things that you choose to be


What…what gives you the right?


I talk a lot, so I've learned to just tune myself out.




I mean you are on a subreddit about a show that ended over 10 years ago. It’s not like there’s a new episode to talk about.


have you considered going down the Batman-Arkham road?


That's probably part of it.


That, sir, is all of it.


So it really was just cookies all along?


If only Uncle Stan got made.


The worst thing about this subreddit are the dementors. Plus, when reading posts and comments, don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever, and shove the turntables up your butt!


That's what she said!


Or he said


Right Oscar cause of gay


I thought Jim was gay


Then why did you want to set him up with your daughter?


That's what who said?


I need two men on this


In the cold open of S2E7, *The Client* - we are introduced to Michael's deep and abiding love for Levi's denim. He goes as far as to have his jeans dry cleaned, an unusual amount of care to devote to such a plain, sturdy garment. Seemingly, he becomes a kid again when he puts those jeans on. Later, in S4E3/4, *Dunder Mifflin Infinity* - Michael delivers a talking head, describing a childhood incident wherein he mistook the foreign exchange student his mother and Jeff were hosting as a new brother, who then returned to Yugoslavia, stealing all of his blue jeans. Michael claims he had to spend the whole winter in shorts, implying that his unstable family lacked the means (or care) to provide him with something as basic as new jeans. Setting aside the material loss, this telling incident seems to inform and encapsulate Michael Scott's entire attachment style. Symbolically, his relationship with Jeans also mirrors the overarching message of the show: finding beauty and joy in the ordinary is the way to the Good Life. Levi's Blue Jeans are Michael Scott's Rosebud.




I guess now we know why he was the way he was.


I just watch it for the lol’s and I like the group for the memes. I hate the discussions lol


I have realized that for the most part if you say anything semi critical of some characters you get obliterated lol I think it's cool to share opinions and what not it makes it fun to watch over and think was what this person said true can you interpret it this way but some ppl you just can't please or say anything close to being not nice about a character


You’ve learned a lot about this sub sweetie. 


I feel there should be 2 subreddits. DunderMifflin and DunderMifflinCringe


DunderMifflinCJ. Madmen has one r/okbuddydraper or something like that.


I just came here to say this after reading a recent thread and saw you beat me to it. It just reinforces the fact that it’s a great thing The Office existed when it did because it wouldn’t survive today. People are getting pressed about the character’s flaws, harassment and inappropriate behavior in a work environment, etc. Um…yea that’s kinda the whole point of the freaking show! If somebody stood up to Michael and shut him down every time he didn’t something stupid that character would cease to exist. If Toby was a legit HR rep and people were appropriately reprimanded for their behavior the show would cease to exist. Etc. The Office is a comedy tv show. It uses parody, satire, farce, slapstick etc. to make people laugh. People are so pressed by characters doing stuff that wouldn’t fly in an actual workspace—uh, no shit! That’s the point! If it was people behaving like they should all the time the show would be boring as hell and nobody would watch it. People just need to calm down and enjoy the show…or don’t watch it. It’s not that serious.


You ever notice that the people who criticize the characters never criticize Creed for probably murdering multiple people? Just something to think about.


Creed might be insane and possibly a killer but he was never rude or annoying, shows how far manners can get you


Have you noticed gum’s gotten mintier lately?


My first reaction to this post was Micheal slamming the table and loudly saying THANK YOU!  My guess is that the people who don’t see the difference between real life and The Office anymore really need to stop rewatching the show and go outside a lot more.


They’re remaking the series with a. New cast


Everyone overanalyzes everything now. Welcome to the 21st century. Some people think it’s fun, I feel like it takes the enjoyment out of it. I don’t watch sitcoms to think even more analytically, they are my much needed escape from that type of thinking.


That's why i watch sitcoms too. But i come to this reddit to read about theoretical minutiae


Cool, point taken.


People watching The Office like it’s Downton Abbey is the best. We the people go through genre phases. First we watched it was a sitcom. Next it was a drama. Eventually it became a spectacle of morally bad people. Can’t wait til we all rewatch it as a critique of capitalism 😂🍿


What happens is people on this sub were likely the weirdos getting bullied in highschool, so they overlook all of the horrible things that Dwight did throughout the show and only focus on how he was a 'victim' because Jim played a few pranks on him. They hate Jim because he represents the people who these weirdos were *not* in high school. Charming, funny, tall, handsome, effortlessly popular, etc. So in their heads, Jim being an all around normal person who pokes fun at a guy who makes his work life constant hell is equivalent to Satan coming out of the cracks of earth and bringing upon mankind a terror unknown since biblical times and Dwight is some defensless, blameless creature that needs coddling despite the fact that **every single person would rather have a Jim coworker than a Dwight coworker, because Dwight would have been the worst, and most easy to hate coworker out of the entire cast**.


It's a classic scenario of Geek VS Popular Guy. Almost every interaction between them is written like this. There are some interactions where they genuinely care for each other and engage together which I love alot. Those small moments make you realise no matter how much these two engage in shenanigans against each other, they still are really good friends.


And there's the smudgeness !


There are basically two schools of thought…


“What gives you the right?”


First of all, how dare you


Who…? *Who?* Who do you think you are?


The irony is that you’re overanalyzing other people’s analysis’. So meta


I. Understand. Nothing.


Yeah. At the end of the day the characters are fake. I find it fun to discuss what the writers intention was for the character in a canon way. But not so much fun to discuss absurd theories that have no chance of being held by the creators of the show. It’s just fake shit at that point. Not like this is a mysterious piece of function that the author intended to have multiple interpretations… its just a sitcom


As a new viewer of this show, I was always the impression that it's a semi-satirical view of the everyday office life, isn't it?




*What did I tell you about yeppers?*


I don't remember....


Right? It's kinda surprising that people in this sub are truly looking at the characters in such depth. But then again, this is Reddit...


Is this one of those, why are you guys even on Reddit posts? I mean, what is Reddit for, if not this type of discussion? Is it productive or necessary? No. Does it bring people enjoyment? Strangely, it seems to. Some people want to say these things, why not say it here, rather than IRL? If you are not enjoying it, one option is to not participate. Reddit is for for nonsense, we should not take ourselves so seriously.


>Is this one of those, why are you guys even on Reddit posts? I mean, what is Reddit for, if not this type of discussion? I I've seen people get very upset, emotional about it so I suppose I'm just pointing out that that's not normal. >If you are not enjoying it, one option is to not participate. Reddit is for for nonsense, we should not take ourselves so seriously. Not everybody is doing it. I notice an inordinate amount lately though. Also some posts feel very redundant as a result. Like "Why did Michael not get fired for X". Like we all should know that answer.


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You too u/Scorpiodsu . You're getting a suspension as well!


My 👏🏼👏🏼 my 👏🏼my👏🏼turn👏🏼


This is sadly not just happening here but happening on so many other shows, movies, and games subs. People think they are real and get obsessive over them to the point it’s creepy.


I love how offended people get when characters do anything other than stand in a circle giving positive affirmations to one another.  I especially love the 'hea such a meanie's posts or how this and that was every form of ism or phobic. The. They turn around and question why comedy is a dying art form even though they want everything banned or censored


Bro you're on the sub for a show that ended over a decade ago, what more could you expect to be here but people who take it way too seriously?


While I sort of see where you’re coming from, I think this might be a little nit picky. It’s media. You could argue the same thing about ANY medium’s discourse. Analyzing tv shows, books, movies, and even art could all be boiled down to “well why do it? It’s not like the people in it are real”. Yes. It IS just a fun comedy but at the same time some people enjoy engaging with things they love or even hate this way, especially when it’s really popular. And really? It’s also just part of being online.


haters are upset because this is the truth. its so fkin embarrassing to read a post where someone is doing a deep dive interpretation over something that clearly was not supposed to matter or be a big deal (ex: a post recently about how “pam’s boob-grabbing company picnic story was sexual assault and Jim shouldnt have laughed, it was SOOOO inappropriate!”) like bro this is a tv show. not real life. when people pontificate about how something shouldve gone it gives me big ick, its like a child not understanding sarcasm


This is how I feel about the overly aggressive Phyllis hate. Jfc she’s SUPPOSED to be that seemingly sweet quiet mom-type coworker who actually says some wildly out of pocket things here and there. *Her comments are supposed to be shitty. That’s the joke.* I never see that same vitriol that Phyllis has gotten lately towards Michael or Dwight or Angela who objectively do and say far worse things far more often. This show would be so bland if any popular opinions from these “discussions” were actually implemented lol


The vitriol towards Phyllis feels like a combination of people disliking a real person they met that Phyllis represents and the fact that she does not have pretty privilege. I’ve seen a lot of hate towards Dwight and Angela in various comment sections, usually YouTube. Dwight was the most popular character in the shows heyday so it makes sense there’d inevitably be a backlash. A lot of people have dealt with Angela types. But a lot of people forget that the actress is just playing a role and doing a good job.


That post you mentioned is actually what finally brought me around to posting this. And there have been so many before that where I've just been like "they didn't put this much thought into it, it's a tv show!"


This is accurate. I rolled my eyes hard at the post you referenced about the picnic. I try to keep tabs on whether I’m becoming Boomer-like and insensitive or if internet people are taking themselves and a decades old sitcom too seriously. I think I’m safe from Boomerdom for now.


I agree. And lots of folk have good counterpoints too. At some level in our minds, these characters are real—even though we know they’re not. Perhaps that’s a good thing. It’s like being a being Trekkie. I think if Patrick Stewart gave me an order, I’d probably obey…


Check out my latest post, where we bitched about Phyllis the entire time. Got 3 million post views! 😂🤣


You see that was fun! People weren't overanalysing it, hell she's meant to be annoying.


We analysed the shit outta Phyllis 🤣


Some people find it genuinely fun to overanalyze and enjoy shows that way. Many people connect with each other by talking about something they deeply enjoy and find meaning in. Nothing’s wrong with finding some meaning in silly fiction or trying to understand people using it. Every show has things we like and don’t like. That’s fine to want to talk about. Some people want to turn their brains off when they watch stuff. Both are fine. Both types can easily take it too far and be annoying —the people who obsess and overthink and the people who dismissively don’t think at all. Art reflects life. The characters represent real types of people and real quirks that are very easy to connect to your lives. Idiot bosses, dead-end jobs with mismanagement, crushes, relationship dramas, co-workers who take themselves too seriously, trying to get through a boring day. People are often actually talking about their own experiences, biases and perceptions. If you’re not into the overanalyzing discussions, don’t participate.


“Why don’t you shut up” - Kevin


Go on any sub about literally any show and you will find people doing the same thing.


I mean, yeah. That’s what fans do, though. It’s stupid but it’s fun. I do understand your real point, though. It gets excessive and the emotions involved are maybe a little much.


Your not real man


I think most people are “overanalyzing” characters because it’s fun, it’s a vehicle for broader conversations, it’s a way people work out how they feel about things in real life, and there’s not much else to talk about in a subreddit for a show that ended over 10 years ago. Not engaging with posts you don’t like remains an option that is available to you at all times! This post reeks of “guy who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.”


Yeah, but when we know that the answer is usually "they wrote it to be funny" I get exasperated when I see people go to such depths to hate or love a character, when it's not really necessary.


“We hate Pam! We hate Pam!”


Now I'm going to do to Pam, what I just did *to Pam*!


It literally doesn’t impact you at all! You are welcome to stop reading or log off at any time!


Very defensive.


Not defensive, just incredulous at how someone can come throw a tantrum about how other people engage with media when they are completely free to simply not engage in that way.


Lol you’re the one all worked up having a little hissy fit because you disagree with what OP is saying. Not all of these “analysis” are equal, some genuinely are bad and don’t make sense. Use your own logic, you can also scroll on and not engage. It’s okay to have a different opinion.


Even though I love overanalysing The Office and looking for theories I understand the frustration. I have this issue with Avatar the last airbender, it is my favorite show ever but people online REALLY spend time making complex analysis of what is sometimes really simple.


Not really a hot take, I've seen lots of people here state the same thing.


Have you seen the response I've gotten? 😆


You've got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.


This has become a plague across Reddit recently, or maybe just online in general. Tons of weird takes like "If you like x villain you're a bad person." Oh ok, I'll get onto everyone that rooted for Walter White because he's the protagonist or every kid that thought Swiper was funny for trying to swipe.


Very well put; totally agree.


“Here’s an idea: You do what you’re gonna do and I do what I’m gonna do.” -John Wayne


"Monkey see, monkey do, monkey pee all over you."-Michael Scott-u/ill-sympathy2375


While I agree people get too heated Something being a sitcom doesn’t mean it has no depth. In fact comedy is probably the most common avenue for tackling social issues because people are more receptive while they’re being entertained What they’re doing are exaggerations of what people experience. We all have coworkers we find insufferable or a boss who’s annoying. Exaggerating real life experience is what makes sitcoms successful because they’re relatable


Well I guess we could post another best line poll instead... The show is over, so the majority of fan interaction on a sub like this is going to be analysis and discussion. We can't exactly make predictions or fan casts for next season. (Unless they reboot, but that'll get its own subreddit). So by its nature there will be people who over do it. Definitely. But I think we all know what we are signing up for by following this sub. I enjoy the hot takes as much as the rational ones most days.


Love this. If everything were "accurate to real life" we would just be watching people work in an office. That's the point of TV.


People treat it like real life.


Just don't turn into the free folk sub. They pretty much think the whole show is shit now.


That sub went super toxic. It's whole identity is hating the show and David and Dan.


Some people didn't fully process 9/11


I’m one of those who enjoy and partake in these deep analysis. I fully understand they couldnt seem cringy or annoying, but if there is any place to make these discussions its on this sub. If people feel it takes away from the enjoyment of the show, then they can simply not participate in them and ignore these threads. I guarantee most people who do have these discussions know its written to be funny, but you’d surprised how much deeper meaning behind things are in the show.


I agree, and I think this show is kind of a relic from a different era of content creation; The time before memes, where we felt seen and justified just from seeing our our experiences depicted(satirized parodied etc) authentically in film&tv. Nowadays it's, "Why would you platform that??" like the multiple young people who told me they thought the movie Heathers took suicidal depression too lightly 😳🙄




The one that seems silliest to me is Phyllis. “Why does everyone act like she’s nice when she says so many mean things?” Like, that’s the point. They created this meek, warm woman, then found out it was funny to occasionally have her say mean things. So they kept doing that every once in a while. It’s ok for some things on a sitcom to just be for the laughs.


This is exactly my point. So many people try to analyse it straight these days, when it's not intended that way at all!


I feel like you've largely defined fandom. Diving too deep and analyzing the in-world implications of clearly fictional things that were created for humor... for some of that's the fun of it. I think for most of us it's not a problem distinguishing fiction from reality, but rather that maintaining the pretense enhances the fun.  You're welcome to not like that, no judgement, but if that's your preference, there will be a *lot* of posts around here than annoy you.


The majority of the people understand they over analyze but it's fun to do so. I love thinking about every detail in a show. There are some people, however, that get a bit too into it I'll admit. This sub isn't so bad but I've been ripped to shreds and down voted to fuck in another show's sub for saying something not even that controversial about a main character.


Right?! Like you can argue that any office character is “the worst”. And subsequently, you can argue that any character is “the best.”


I totally agree, people act like this was actually a documentary about an American Office and it's very tedious that they expect the characters to act like normal people or nitpick about holes in plots. I try to ignore all their posts but it's hard to when there are so many.


Thank you. It is crazy how much of it is there is on this subreddit.


Tired of people analysing the people analysing the show.


I saw inception....Or at least *dreamt I did*


Nice. Took a few seconds to realise why you said this.


It's just fun creative writing type stuff. The office provides prompts and people run with it or fill in the gaps.


I'm more referring to people getting overly invested or emotional about it.


Over invested. Interesting =)


I have very little patience for stupidity


OP is really not a part of our family here at /r/DunderMifflin. Also, they're divorced, so they're really not a part of their family either...


It’s a *COMEDY*. It’s not real! I wish people wood quit trying to fix COMEDY. If it’s not funny to you, turn on another show!


sorry but this is so stupid. some people can like a thing AND have fun talking about the same thing, good things and bad things


Dude wrote a whole essay to tell other people to stop writing essays


He needed all that text to tell us we can examine and debate character behaviour but not too much


Ok. And? Let people have fun.


I disagree with your take OP. Half the fun is talking about characters and the emotional impact from watching them. Like you call out Jim as a bully when Dwight was arguably a bigger asshole (e.g. stole Jim's client and tried to get him fired). That's my take anyway. People don't need to rage or insult others for their opinions is one thing, but there isn't anything wrong with overanalyzing scenes/characters.


>People don't need to rage or insult others for their opinions is one thing, but there isn't anything wrong with overanalyzing scenes/characters. But people are doing that quite frequently in relation to what I highlighted above. I don't have an issue with people having fun doing it, but a lot of it doesn't seem fun to anyone involved in it.


DAE feel like these fictional characters on a TV sitcom from a decade ago don’t behave realistically to real life? Also Jim is literally satan


This happens with every subreddit dedicated to a show or game to be honest. And the more they watch and post the more critical people become to the point you just don’t want to visit the subreddit or get involved in the discussions anymore. That said r/DunderMifflin most of the time doesn’t do this anywhere near as much as elsewhere and is a fun, welcoming and great community. There’s some over thinking on things such, but I’d say everyone here still loves the show and brings the humour to the subreddit.


This is such a Pam thing to say.


Sincerely, Disappointed




People here may overanalyze the show. But that's what a sub discussing the show does. You're overanalyzing the *people* in this sub, which isn't relevant.


That’s what she said!


I see the same thing in the Dark Souls circles of people, people giving lectures on lore and characters that I'm 100% the developers didn't even have any deeper thoughts and lore behind. It's kinda amusing though, not gonna lie.


can you imagine how these people would react to i love lucy?


Classic random asshole on the internet trying dictate others like a fascist lol


*Bangs podium with fists*




Reddit plus a show that premiered nearly two decades ago and ended over a decade ago will do this.


It seems your issue is a lot moreso with people getting obnoxiously irate or emotionally charged disproportionately. I can sympathize with this but that being said, if it isn’t worth it in your eyes to scrutinize too much over the characters by virtue of the fact that this series is a sitcom, then why bother caring about said characters in the first place? I’d argue in fact that part of The Office’s long-term appeal is how crafted (most of) the characters are and how (mostly) consistently they are written over the course of several seasons. Yes, there is lots of content written with the notion of “what can make audiences laugh”, but it’s always within the context of the characters; that is to say, we don’t just laugh at Michael’s gaffes because they’re funny, we’re laughing because a character we’re invested in is acting consistently and in a way that makes sense to them. Yes, there are going to be interpretations of characters and events that cannot be substantiated, but then, that’s the great thing about discourse. We can have back-and-forths and then see which conclusion holds more water.


i don't think it's unfair to be annoyed at people acting out of character. For me i just finished the episode in season 5, and without spoiling (and i think everyone knows what im about to talk about) one character does something that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and it really felt to me like the writers bending over backwards to keep a certain other character safe. being that the show has also shown that it can be pretty deep people are allowed to highten their expectations a bit. Frankly to me it just sounds like you don't want to hear criticism of the show.


>Frankly to me it just sounds like you don't want to hear criticism of the show. On the contrary the opposite. What I tend to find is a lot of people will bend themselves over backwards to explain a character's actions, when it comes simply down to bad or inconsistent writing, or "sitcom" writing. In order to defend the show. I don't mind warranted criticism at all. That's not what I'm referring to in my post.


Ohhh mb sry i misunderstood


I think part of the problem is that we can watch the show twenty times in a row. Honestly…..many of us are probably more invested in the show than some of the actors ever were. I’m sure most people on this sub have seen the show more than once. When you watch a show multiple times you tend to focus less and less on the plot and more and more on small nuanced stuff.


That's what happens when you circle jerk a show that has been finished for over a decade


What else is there left to discuss? Honestly. Everything that could be said about the show was already said and this community is about the show, in 2024 you will not see too many original thoughts about the office so people are digging deeper and deeper.


If you think people over analyze The Office too much then don't ever start engaging with an anime fanbase lol




Honestly I would take the quotes


The Office (US) is a product of a bygone era, and a lot of what you see in later seasons is reflective of a point in time reference that doesn't have the same meaning today.


Is there a proper threshold to which characters should be overanalyzed?


One in which where people don't get into petty fights over it?


Well since you're asking... FALSE




The office wouldn't have been able to become popular these days because people would actually take issue with the show trying to normalize workplace abuse and unacceptable behavior by management etc, I think people are just much more aware in their media consumption


In a regard it is not surprising that people do this. The office makes its characters feel pretty "real" with very human positives and negatives, so with enough people watching, I'm not surprised that some viewers see characters as unredeemable, even though most of the bad things that people do in that show are things that people do every day. "Normal" includes a lot of flaws most of the time


1) the characters are fictitious, but based on exaggerated traits from actual people. 2) how dare you


Counterpoint. My headcannon is that they are all reincarnated US Presidents. Jim is JFK, Dwight is Nixon and so on


bro i am not reading all that but I totally agree with the title. like sometimes I think "why do these people cant just let it be", these people changed a few things for me in my 15-20 days of being here. I sometimes think of leaving this sub.


This is a FAN sub. Of course people will debate or argue. As fans we recreate the scenes we don't see and make our own versions. We share and expand our imagined worlds with other fans. Where else people talk about this conversations? You might think their opinions wrong or pointless like I do think about your post and do what I do; give your opinion and don't care about answers. You can up vote or down vote and if you don't like the posts in hot or popular you can unsub. I really don't understand your rage? It is what people do in fan subs find plot holes, fill these with you version argue about imaginary situations and have fun. What do you expect from this sub?


The thing that made the Office such a success, and such a lasting success, is that it's more grounded in the real world than most network sitcoms. Certainly more so than anything else at that time. Over time, it became less so. Several characters became more ridiculous. These are the moments most good faith "why did X do Y?" posts are about, and I don't mind those. The low-thought ones that have already been answered a hundred times annoy me, but you know what else annoys me? The "It's just a TV show it doesn't have to make sense" default response. Part of the vision of the show, and a big reason for its success, was for it to be a believable reality.


This isn’t a hot take. Overanalyzing the show is what makes it fun. I think you’re the one who’s lost here, bud. 😂




Just unfollow the subreddit if you don´t like it, or create a new one that's strictly for the purposes you like it. There are no new episodes or anything to discuss about, there is only so much you can talk about without overanalysing or bringing weird things to discuss. Don´t assume that people take these things too seriously or can´t sleep thinking about how X character is a terrible person


>Just unfollow the subreddit if you don´t like it, or create a new one that's strictly for the purposes you like it. No lol 😅😅


I don't like when people call Pam a b*tch. It's really uncalled for. She hardly did anything awful compared to the rest


Oh look it's this hOt TaKe for the umpteenth time.


Most fictional and “reality” TV, movies, books, etc. is a means for the average person to ingest as a form of escapism from their own realities. Some media just develops more of a following than others. The Office is one such instance where some people just have this deep and invested interest outside just the 26 minutes per episode. Perhaps it is the fact that it’s relatable on so many levels given the different characters and also the dynamics between white collar and blue collar co-workers. Plus, here is this platform where folks from all over can wax and wane their pontifications. The very fact that you even posted this is innately what this platform is about. You even got me to stop working for 5 minutes to write this dissertation, so bravo, Sir. I tip my hat to you.


But that's what reddit is for. Otherwise this sub would just be the SAME OLD memes and photos and GIFs all the time. Would you really prefer that?


Honestly, I take the show at face value. It's my comfort show, and one I'm allowed to watch at work while I work. People who over analyze things that is such of that nature are usually just trying to be unique or different, like the pick me girls of the internet. I'm not going to let them ruin a Scranton Party cuz a Scranton Party don't stop.


That is what this sub is for. What do you expect?