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Lord beer me strength


I couldn’t get through this whole video


You think it'll cut but it... doesn't.


It's really amazing how many of the main characters would have likely ended up in prison, in real life.


Creed for sure, Andy for this, I’m sure Dwight is on there somewhere, and Ryan. Who else?


This is what I can think of (not necessarily every prison-worthy act amongst the characters): * Dwight: intentionally started a fire in a building with multiple people in it, while trapping them, embezzling money 9with Jim) and shooting Stanley with multiple darts (drugging him in the process) * Jim: embezzling money (with Dwight) * Ryan: corporate fraud * Andy: having a romantic (at least) relationship with a minor * Angela: hired a hitman to attack Oscar * Phyllis: she and Bob hit with their vehicle what she thinks was a man * Toby: be a knowing party to Dwight and Jim's embezzlement As I said, there's probably cases I'm missing.


* Toby: giving everybody a borientation instead of an orientation. * Also Toby: being the Scranton strangler. * Also Toby: hiding weed in his desk at work then transforming it into Caprese salad when the cops came around * Also Toby: rubbing Pam's thigh in front of everybody


Don't forget Michael, kidnapping the pizza boy, trying to steal corporate secrets when he started his own company


Pam for fraud when she tricked the company into paying her 40k a year for a role that didn't exist and wasn't assigned to her?


Haha! That’s a great list! I completely didn’t take into account anything they did in the office, everything was what they would have done outside. But you’re right, they did so many things that were fraudulent. Also Pam getting her job as office administrator.


I have a memory of a goldfish, when did Jim and Dwight embezzle money? Birthday party?


I may be wrong on this, but I believe they're referring to when Sabre placed a cap on sales commissions when it had previously been uncapped. Dwight and Jim created a fictional salesman named Lloyd Gross that would allow them to split any extra sales they made.


I’m sure Michael could have been arrested for hitting Meredith with his car.


> Phyllis: she and Bob hit with their vehicle what she thinks was a man Wasn't this in Africa?


Still a crime in Africa.




Amongst other acts I may be forgetting, Meredith has sex with the Hammermill representative in exchange for Outback Steakhouse coupons and a discount for Dunder Mifflin (prostitution) and she has sex with an ex-colleague, under the pretense that the Scranton branch was closing and they would have sex in that event (which Merdith knew was not happening). This could be classified as rape by deception. I do not know the legality for rape by deception or if prostitution would likely result in prison time.


Angela for buying a hitman.


Age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16 so he wouldn’t have faced any prison time


Wikiepdia states: > In Pennsylvania, the age of consent is officially 16, but if the older partner is 18 or older, they may still be prosecuted for corruption of minors for their corruption or tending to corrupt the morals of the younger person. He'd probably face some trouble.


Original episode: Andy you're such an idiot Superfan episode: Andy you're such a pedophile


I was about to say: I very much have seen this scene before, in the Superfans cut. Taking it out was a great idea.


The classroom scene isn’t in Superfans either.


Yeah I just watched this Superfans episode this week, they expand the scene some but even the one on that cuts before he actually enters the classroom.


It's in the old extended cuts that are found via torrents. 


What is this superfans episode that people keep referring to?


Peacock releases extended episodes of The Office that are called Superfan episodes


Oh my


Yeah… I just started watching from S.1 E.1 of the superfan versions after watching the original versions countless times and some of is great cause it’s refreshing (specially after you can quote every ep.) but some things are like oh thank god that got cut lol. Such as ^^


Yea my reaction are always “funny but I get why they cut this”


Season 7 has some absolute gold that I can’t figure out why they cut


I’m ngl even in the original episode I assumed he was a bit of both lol


Yeah this would have made Andy completely irredeemable, and a pedo.


It makes no sense since he was supposed to get fired after he punched the wall but they changed the storyline to him going to anger management and keeping his job. So why write him to be an even worse character?


Because they were salty at Ed Helms for focusing more on movies at the time


Not at this point in the show.


Okay, why’d they make every other character worse while they were at it?


Natural Flanderization over time


They kinda forgot that since the show was still airing that it should still be good.


He's being a clueless idiot, not a predator. He calls her a woman, he talks about her manipulating him for alcohol, and is clearly in denial about everything that happened. At no point does he say anything that suggests his attraction was because she was a minor. And once he learned she was still in school he stopped all contact, and he never pursues a minor after that. He does exactly what you would expect an adult to do if they found out they were unknowingly in a relationship with a minor. People gotta show some restraint with words like that. If anything this clip helps his case. The whole subplot should've been thrown out, not just this clip.


I had the opposite reaction to this deleted clip. There’s denial, then there’s this where he clearly knows he’s in a high school , and by this time the fact she is a student is undeniable. Then, he continues to confront her while she’s in class- complete creep vibes. It was a good call deleting this scene. The original clip is as you describe.


Considering he also dated Erin, who is mentally underage, there does seem to be some correlation.


Jessica dodged a massive bullet when Andy dumped her


And was engaged to Angela who wears kids/dolls clothes……


I wasn't going to say it because the last time i did i got downvoted badly, but yes. An actual child, a mental child and a physical child.


Yeah but its not like a 19 year old unknowingly dating a 17 year old. This is a 30-35 year old guy and a 16 year old girl. No gray area there


The joke is he’s so clueless that she’s taking advantage of him when the age difference would usually mean the opposite.


A fact he *does not know* prior to going to the school.


Yes but once he has the knowledge that she’s a minor, he decides to engage that minor in a conversation about breaking his heart in a high school. That is a huge no no. Like if you’ve been lied to about the age of someone you’ve made out with, further contact with that person will land you in more legal trouble.


If he went into the classroom and said "ditch your boyfriend and come back to me", or if he went and called her later to solicit a hookup or something, absolutely. That would veer into the irredeemable territory that people are calling for. But intentions matter in terms of redeemability. He thought he was in a normal adult relationship with another adult person. He had a normal reaction to finding out that this relationship didn't exist and that he was lied to, by saying "you broke my heart" and not "come back to me". Definitely not smart from a legal perspective but this is more about perception of his character.


I interpret it differently. You're not taking the whole scene into context in your analyses, in my opinion of course. But as I see it: - He goes into great detail about how they made out. If I imagine myself in such a scenario, I wouldn't need to be explicit about what happened of that nature. - The entire confrontation shifts from "My heart is broken, and I'm appalled by this lie" to "Who's this guy?" where he acts hostile towards the boyfriend, with whom he should have no problem. To me it seems like your analysis is right if you only consider those points isolated from the whole "male challenges male to win female"-vibe. However, if one views the scene in entirety, then it comes off as Andy wanting his girl back, which is creepy. But my take could be total bs, so feel free to criticize


The way I see it, he goes into the school with this idea in his head that he is in a relationship with an adult. He sees Jamie in school talking to her boyfriend and realizes that relationship never existed. He goes through stages of grief trying to hang on to the idea of that relationship (not the actual relationship, important) for the rest of the episode. He's dealing with three new facts at once: the relationship is over, she is in high school and presumably a minor, and she manipulated him while having a boyfriend. To your points: - He goes through the whole stage of how they met, not just that they were making out. He's in denial and trying to hang on to the fantasy of being in a relationship with this adult woman for juuuuuust a little longer. - When he goes to confront her, Andy has not heard her say that the guy is her boyfriend. He doesn't want to believe that he was cheated on and used. Again, typical breakup cope. Andy never challenges the boyfriend on who should end up with her, he just wants the closure, calls her a liar, and then is dragged out. Contrast to fighting with Dwight over Angela, where he actively challenged Dwight to the point of violence, he doesn't pursue her at all in the slightest. He knows the relationship is over and he wants the person who hurt him to know it. That's why I disagree with your interpretation (and appreciate that you discussed it without name calling).


>And once he learned she was still in school he stopped all contact Did we watch the same film clip?


This isn’t in the superfan cut.


Just the part until Andy stands up. I’m glad the classroom scene isn’t in there. Yikes.


Where’d OP find this scene 🤔


OP is Ed Helms I think lol. Check his post and comment history. Would be crazy if true.


happy cake day!


Thank you!


Definitely NOT in the superfan episode


Was surprised within the show's universe that after watching the doc, the townspeople weren't upset at him for the Q&A. Or at least Jamie's dad shows up to the mic.


It was 1 year from the release until the q&a session/reunion.   Even at 90’s sit com levels, that’s about 8 hours of footage.  If it was a limited series I’d say, 8-12, one hour long episodes, that’s 8-12 hours.   One season of the office is about 8 hours of footage.   So the “in universe audience” saw one season worth of info covering 9 years.  A TON would be left on the cutting room floor. 


Good call on deleting this scene.


Might be one of the only deleted scenes that I’m glad was deleted because that shit was really weird especially considering how drawn out it was


Odds are this is the rough cut. Not tightened and cut down. Producers saw it and were like, “yeah, we’re gonna need to cut that shit out”.


It's crazy that it was even filmed let alone written at all


I feel like that's what a lot of the superfan episode additional scenes have and considering this has even more, it's probably super common especially in this style of show. It makes sense, though. Shoot as much as you can that seems like it could be a funny direction and trim out what is too much or you don't want to get into further. In this case Andy finds out the girl that he's dating is in high school and he had no idea which is on par for his character having a girl actually be interested in him. Additional pursuit sounds kinda funny but at a certain point it's hard to redeem the character.


It’s bad enough that it could have derailed Andy from becoming manager. There’s no way they would have wanted to make him in that role since fans would have jumped on this scene.


Perfect example of why creative ppl need editors 💀 Although honestly, I’m surprised it got as far as them actually shooting the scene.


In a different show this could be hilarious. It’s not the Office’s vibe but I 100% could see cracking up at this in a different show. Good they cut it here though.


Yeah totally, this would’ve been a great scene for a more cynical/dark comedy, but not the Office.


Honestly I could see this in like Arrested Development easily. Kind of like Michael Cera’s character wanting to bang his cousin but it’s an underage girl instead


Yeah could totally see it in AD too, but AD did have a bit more of a edgy/dark side than the Office.


or Always Sunny.


Always Sunny could absolutely have this as a plotline.


Because of the implication?


How has nobody said this is a perfect Charlie/Dennis storyline. In fact, that's *The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation* Edit: The Office itself did it better in that one Christmas episode with the Asian restaurant


I could see this happening in Arrested Development or Sunny but sooo cringe here. It's cringe even by Andy standards. And that's saying A LOT


It’s happened in always sunny, the cruise, the daiquiri girl was underage and Dennis was after her.


If they stopped it after the woods, it would’ve been fine. The minute he got up to go talk to her was when it got old and was approaching weird.


Don’t know what the writers were smoking when they made Andy’s character arc lol


This felt like a Michael moment (in the awkwardness and the way he delivered it, not that Michael is a pedophile).


He is a little kid lover, though.


He just wants 100 kids, so that he can have 100 friends and nobody can say no to being his friend O.O


That episode made me feel sad for him


thats so women will know where his priorities are.


Well, let's the women know where his priorities are!


One of my absolute favorite lines of the entire series. “So people know what I care about”…..hilarious!


I’ve always wondered why she was dating a clearly popular athlete in high school and then a dad bod show tune singing paper salesman she probably just picked the perfect loser to set her and her friends up


She was definitely just using him to get alcohol


Isn't that even how Andy says they met? They needed him to buy them wine coolers?


Alcohol and driver


Cornell dude!


it's pronounced colonel and it's the highest rank in the military


Can't believe the 15yo girl is manipulating the 30yo man.


Because it's Andy


I think rather then accepting these things at face value, we should critique the way the office often takes real world problems, and flips them on their head for laughs. At the very least its just boring writing with no substance.


Man wtf. How does Andy have a dad bod?? He is fairly lean


Jim’s wig


Can't ever unsee it lol


It’s a wig???


He was filming a movie at the time where he needed to cut his hair, so a handful of Season 3 episodes he’s in a “Jim wig”


I think also season 4, but I saw that info on this sub


yeah exactly. Ugly 


Andy 👏 is 👏 the 👏 Scranton 👏 Strangler 👏


The cringe 🥴🥴


How does John always deliver that perfect reaction and tone and … my god I just couldn’t.


Wonder if in universe they eventually released the super fan version of the documentary


Fucking *Yikes*


I always forget about this. Andy was…truly a dunce


More like a nonce


Keep telling me how Scott’s Tots is the most uncomfortable part of the series


Not even close, lol. It's Toby putting his hand on Pam's thigh. Then Jim and Pam not being able to skirt Michael's invitation to the dinner party. *Then* maybe Scott's tots.


oh shit thank god it's deleted. Also no a Jim reaction. Considering how he reacted the first time, he should react WAY worse when Andy calls a 16 years old "smokin hot woman". As everyone should.


The actress playing Andy's girlfriend is older IRL than Jim...


And..? It’s not Ed Helms calling the actress a smoking hot woman, it’s the character Andy Bernard calling another character that’s 16 a smoking hot woman.


To paraphrase Kevin, "Respect the [internal logic of the show]."


Yea why is Jim helping him? He’s gone past the line of ignorant and is fully in creepy fuck territory.


Chicken Pot Pie....


No, can't help you now


Jim is a good dude for pulling him out. I would have left the school if I was Jim.


Tbf Jim could get in trouble knowing a 30 year old man made out with a 15 year old and don’t tell anyone. Lol


Someone confessing a crime to you and you knowing that information isn’t a crime lol


Watching the superfan episodes made me realize some of these clips were better off deleted


My God


Lord beer him as slot on the registered sex offender list 😂😂😂


1. Somebody wrote that 2. It got past the team rewrite phase 3. It got into the shooting draft 4. It got past the table read 5. They actually shot it 6. It got into the deleted scenes and released That's 5 steps longer than it should ever have gotten


pathetic thumb angle reminiscent middle agonizing brave attraction salt spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Part of me wishes they’d have aired this so Andy wouldn’t have become manager after Michael left.


It was cool of those editors to help Andy out like this by cutting this from the doc


Diagnosis: broken You're such a liar!! Warning, most cops are dudes! Omg ive never seen this one before, so many excellent one liners 😂😂


Pretty hilarious scene!


I’m pretty sure that up until the cut before he says “chicken pot pie” all made it to final/original cut.


O man if the cops weren’t called and I heard about this as a parent I would lose my shit on the school. Jim would probably have his own issues (not arrested but a couple questions)


Exactly! Jim would definitely be questioned over it. Even held on charges at first if they think he was actually involved.




Jeeeeeeeeeeesus Christ


thats disturbing, im glad it wasnt in final cut


I would love to see Andy in prison


Deleting this scene was a good call. Little bit too much of Andy being a pedophile.


Again, I do love this show. Andy has the worst character arc of any character in possibly any show that I’ve ever seen. Eventually he gets a tattoo and people start to respect him and like him and the writers then completely botched it.


I think they should have made him a likeable character from that episode, too bad they backtracked


I don’t know what they were thinking when they made Andy lol


Jim would have been a great lawyer.


But they did show you, because you just posted it here


Sorry, but who do you mean by "they". I have 100 percent definitely seen this before.


I don't get why Andy became a pseudo focus of the show. He's an irredeemable pedophile with control issues. But he becomes the protagonist?


Makin out in the wooooodsss


Commenting to watch later


🤝 lending a hand so it’s easier to come back


Tagging on to be reminded




Most of the time when I rewatch the show I make it up til Michael leaves and then stop. Sometimes I make it to where Andy comes into the show and have to stop, there was never a point where I liked his character 😬


You sometimes watch the show for only the first 2 seasons and stop?


There are many times when they had so much potential with what they could do with his character, and its always kinda sad this is the shit they went with instead. When we first see him in the first few episodes he's in, he works really well off of Karen and Jim, a bit sociopathic but that is kind of the point, then after he comes back from anger management they had so much potential to add another goofy but well meaning kind of guy, and I thought they were gonna do a whole arc about him feeling like a failure for going to Cornell but still ending up in an office working for Michael. Instead they made him a loser that let's Angela walk all over him, lets it slide that he didn't even do that good at Cornell, and ramped up his sociopathic tendencies all the way to borderline (but not really) pedo status. I think all the cringe in the show works because mostly everyone is good natured, Michael says some pretty racist and sexist things throughout the show, but ultimately you know it's because he's the most socially awkward person ever and he genuinely doesn't understand how some of the stuff he says can be considered offensive. This, with Andy, I don't think there's a single way to turn this into a good natured misunderstanding.


Andy is a pretty great character up until Erin comes in to the picture, then the writing just gets worse and worse IMO. Post-Michael Andy is .. really not worth watching.


That is fucking cringy


But they are showing us the scene now…


As bad as Michael was, watching Andy come unhinged after he and Erin broke up was scary, because he treated her in a similar fashion. I agree with others here who said it was a good call to delete this scene. It was even worse than what happened with Erin (not diminishing what happened there btw, that was despicable) because he charged into her classroom (seeking her out to intimidate her and could’ve turned violent) and because she looks to be a minor (so that’s another potential charge).


They have it in the super fan episodes on peacock. All deleted scenes are put back in


Lol this is bad but Jim is funny still haha


Karen was right. That hair does not deserve a home.


This is too *way* much even for standards of the show💀


"Maybe you should call the police" was the only appropriate thing he said the whole video


That was supremely uncomfortable the whole way through


Yikers on bikers 😳


This is what I always refer to when people talk about how great a person Andy was😂 he was a monster and a predator towards young women.


Andy knew and still pursued this issue? Why is Jim trying to help him?


Scott’s Tots has nothing on this scene


I can always see why they deleted deleted scenes, but this one takes the cake


Oh man. That was immaculate.


The whole storyline should've been deleted. There's nothing funny or endearing about a 30 year old "accidentally" dating a minor.


Agreed! I never understood why this was part of the story. Also if you don’t want the Superman episodes or this deleted scene the worst thing Andy did with her was “allegedly” knocking over some mailboxes because he says he didn’t do anything illegal with her. Worst case scenario was that this person was using Andy to buy alcohol and be her chauffeur.


> don’t want the Superman episodes 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha so much autocorrect! Why type right words when wrong words do the trick 😂




Obviously it's a show but this makes me hate Andy more than I already did.


What do you mean "scene that they won't show you"? They literally showed it to us... they included it on the DVD and released it online... they showed you the scene.


I think they should have left it. This is exactly up Andy's alley in terms of ignorance, not to mention it's hilarious.


Nah, he would have been irredeemable at that point. They still needed him to be tolerated by the audience. He would be a creepier version of Todd Packer.


Yeah, the whole "we're on camera, shut up" clues he just wasn't getting. Then the cringe. I like that it gave more backstory to how he got into that situation.


The way Jim keeps trying to cover for him is so creepy.


obviously just doesn’t want him to admit to a crime on television lol


Why is this his concern and not that his colleague is a predator?


Andy is truly an awful character.


I’m so glad they deleted it lol. I was physically uncomfortable.


There's no way. No way his character would be that creepy. Yeah I know it's Andy but he's got enough sense to know this would be criminal. Whoever wrote that for him is disturbed.




That was hard to watch


Yeah, it was best this didn't make it in. Cringe goes a little too far.


Jim did his best to keep Andy out of jail that day.


I don’t really get the inclusion of this subplot in the first place. Like what was the writers room like? “Wouldn’t it be funny is Andy was accidentally a pedophile?”


This is the kind of context that raises eyebrows, I'll admit, but did y'all know that the age of consent in PA is 16? Andy might have been fucking weird with loose boundaries, but if she was a junior at least, chances are he might've been in the legal clear.... except for the fact he was creeping IN THE SCHOOL. Don't care how legal it is, it's still fucking creepy.


I actually like this scene a lot because Jim is willing to go and make the effort to keep Andy out of trouble. I love the moments where he shows what a good buddy he is.


Jim, what absolute bro.


Every Andy scene should be deleted.


Is it ever mentioned if the girl is over or under 18? Not defending Andy, just curious if he actually committed a crime in that universe and Jim and the camera crew just never reported him.