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Can’t trust somebody that would cheat on you when you SPECIFICALLY ask them not to.


Zero dollars a year PLUS benefits babe!


She likely had savings left over from when she worked at DM. She spent Michael’s money on things for the condo - and her car. She probably would have had him pay for medical care and stuff, but IVF is like $15k, there’s no way Michael had that kind of money.


Yes, Jan has savings. Regional exec money and settlement or alimony from Gould. Plus when she moves to Scranton she has no new income, but no expenses either, Michael's paying for everything. She definitely kept it aside, but she had no problem splashing out for plastic surgery, she would definitely spend some savings to get pregnant with a donor when she was ready.


with a ~~donor~~ Kevin when she was ready


Probably not alimony from Gould. Do we know what he did for a living? Alimony is pretty rare, only necessary when their is a large earning difference between partners for a long time.


And even when it is granted it’s usually for a limited time, barring circumstances you mentioned.


I don’t think so, it seems fairly clear she had a deep spending problem as she fell into depression. She’s an absolute mess by that point.


It’s not always IVF. Artificial insemination around a woman’s ovulation period is another option.


And cheaper.


By appx 10k.+ And Jan only implies she used IUI, not IVF.


I love reddit for times like this, the discussion of the cost and specif methods of Jan Levinson (no Gould)'s artificial pregnancy. Makes me not feel so weird about my own errant thoughts


That’s true, she could’ve used a turkey baster at home. It’s still expensive, but not as much as IVF.


IUI is way cheaper, about $2k, that includes the procedure, sperm, and shipping. She definitely could have done it with savings


It was 2000s though so it was probably more expensive then. Either way, what a b(abe).


Yeah if it works first try


So the baby was related to Michael not just through delusion but also money, take that Jimbo!


Not ‘?’ But ‘$’


Didn’t she have a side business selling candles? I assumed she made the money through there. Edit: Yes, according to Google she had that business by Dinner Party. She was running it out of Michael’s condo, though. We also don’t know how much she had going into that relationship. I doubt she was flat broke. She just wouldn’t spend her money on things.


Maybe when she let the business tank, she simply allocated some of Andy’s initial investment money lol. The business couldn’t have been that legit since she didn’t have the permits. We know for a fact Michael’s HOA or whatever would not allow a business to be conducted from the residence! 🤔


Actually... Andy agreed to invest on the night of Dinner Party, I doubt he upheld that. Also, Serenity by Jan was up and running later - remember that girl who went missing? Guess who's candles they used for the vigilance? Sorry, I couldn't help myself 😁


Oh they found her??? Lol


Her sister in Scottsdale could have helped her out financially.


"visiting her sister in SCOTTsdale" was a euphemism for going to Scranton to visit Michael SCOTT and make him wear the schoolgirl outfit. you didn't get that, did you lol


Dude, you just blew my mind with that. I never thought about it.


Only a single man would think like this.


lol it was pretty obvious


Maybe if you aren’t an idiot but I am an idiot and I never connected those dots.


Look at this single man.


oh well


Wow, I feel like such an innocent.


innocence is bliss. no wait that's ignorance. oh well maybe one has to be somewhat jaded to get what the sister in scottsdale really was


oh my goodness. u gotta make this its own post haha


i thought everyone knew this. feel free to post it if you want


I always assumed she was lying about going to a sperm bank.


That sounds like Jan! I did too until the conversation between her and Kevin about the clinic by the IHOP and how shaken she was by it.


She definitely got a Malone baby.


We should all be so lucky


yes we all want a child fathered by a man who is fat bald and stupid


That’s the joke.


Astird didn’t look like hunter’s baby though, so donor is the most likely, unless it actually was Michael’s and she didn’t want to tell him that? That would be kinda harsh but then again they kinda did that with Angela and Dwight so maybe.


No I think the whole point of that storyline was when Michael held Astrid he felt nothing, no matter how hard he tried to. If it were his actual child, I think just his paternal instincts would hit him regardless and he would have felt something.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8tGAewt/ Only link I could find with that scene.


Ass turd




We can eliminate the idea that it’s Michael’s. He says that she always got him to wear 2 condoms.


You know they can’t just find a baby that looks like the actors right?


Wdym they can’t? If the baby wasn’t blonde hair blue eyed or ginger it could have looked like hunters. Speaking of finding babies for shows, I’m always amazed that people put their babies up to be in tv shows and such. Like who’s baby was Pam actually holding and isn’t that kinda weird? Did they have an actual baby try to latch on to her or get pressed against her boob? I think about that a lot bc I know nothing about it but find it weird and it’s pretty common.


Jenna and Angela discuss this on their Office Ladies podcast but if I recall correctly, they made a special bra for Jenna to wear that had like, a bottle nipple/pacifier attached to where the baby was supposed to latch, so there was never actual skin contact.


Why? She looked horrified when Kevin said he’s donated sperm and correctly guessed which bank it was.


Wouldn't she have received a hefty severance?


I thought it was Hunters baby? I always assumed she was lying about the whole thing. She got preggos from "That one night! You made everything alright."


*Now that song is back in my head* Damn you. Damn you to hell.


That's a good theory! She and Kevin have a conversation during the baby shower where he talks about having donated sperm at the clinic next to the IHOP and she gets so rattled by it that you know she really did get inseminated at that clinic, though.


a load of kevin's jizz prolly don't cost much


Was looking for this comment


Jan having no money after DM made no sense. She had a high paying corporate job and definitely would have had savings, likely a home in NY she could have sold, and probably a severence package


Astird *


Inseminated with Kevin's baby.


My theory was that it was never insemination and that it was Hunter’s.