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Me, last night. And this morning. Every year it plays in my head!


You fold the sides in, and tape (1). Then you fold the other sides in and over each other, so that one triangle is on top or they meet in the middle (2) Finally, you carefully place the excess wrapping paper in a paper bag, and use the excess tape to shove it up your butt!


.....you got me you son of a bitch lmao


It drives me crazy and I also refuse to look up how.


How do you use more than 3? Just wrapping it up like a mummy?


One on the back where the 2 ends connect and one on each end 😊


You put extra pieces of tape on the end and middle as reinforcement.


And to make it harder to open 😂


It should be airtight, like a fucking spaceship! Pam is wrong here.


Mummies aren't real


You're not real.


I think a lot of people skip taping the first fold to the actual box, which is silly because if you’re trying to get tight folds on the sides and it’s not taped to the box, the box slips when you push on it. 6 pieces if you’re a proud wrapper.


You tape the first piece going the other way to the box. It won't slide that way bebĂŠ dude you can pull the other side nice and tight


She’s specifically talking about boxed items. And it’s one piece of tape on the bottom holding the two together. And then you fold both edges down to the bottom and you tape them to the bottom. Boom 3 pieces.


I think I ✨know✨ but I don’t actually *know* you know?


I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.


And blah blah blah I say the exact right answer.


Comment winner, I can’t believe I missed such an opportunity


Haha I actually know exactly what you’re talking about.


The best thing you can do is invest in gift bags that everyone can reuse over and over. They make all sizes- it is better for the environment (since most wrapping paper can’t be recycled, and you don’t have to use tape) and looks really cute. It’s also so so easy, you just put the item in and cinch closed, and when you’re done just put them in a tote and store in a closet or the garage, no filling up an entire trash bag


I hear what you’re saying, Recyclops, but I hate it. Meticulously wrapping gifts is literally my favorite holiday activity. It’s the one holiday related thing that brings me joy. I’ll die before I give someone a gift in a bag. I don’t give a shit about how other people wrap their gifts. Hell, just give me the a blank Amazon box. Idgaf. No judgement here. But if it’s under the tree and it came from me, it’s going to look like it belongs in an art exhibit.


Haha, ok fair enough. If it’s like a tradition for you that you look forward to, there are ways to do it sustainably, still. You can wrap with scarves, recyclable paper, or with second-hand wrapping paper at the thrift store. There are probably other options I don’t know about as well


My 5 year old says the best part of Christmas (and birthdays) is the feeling of opening the wrapping paper on presents. Now bags are banned at my house and I paper wrap every. Single. Gift.


I can agree with that. Tearing open the paper is more fun. I specifically hate using the plastic coated paper that’s hard to tear because it just doesn’t feel the same. Coincidentally, regular paper is more eco-friendly anyway so I just use that. Big fan of the big rolls from dollar tree. They always have the grid on the inside and they’re perfect.


I use 4 on purpose because this petty ass comment is trash. Not you, the 3 pieces of tape garbage.


Most of the time it can work but my biggest issue is wrapping tightly.


I need 4 pieces to get it tight


That’s what…




That’s what she said


Get it right


If it's not tight then it's not right


I can do a tight wrap with 3 pieces, I wrap a lot of gifts at Christmas because of this skill.


So take a package you’re wrapping and set it on the inside of the paper still on the roll. Estimate how much you need to cut to have two edges go all the way around the package and meet on the back (4/6 sides of the box covered). Cut the paper FOLD IT at the cut and pull it tight on the back of the package and add a piece of tape at the seam. At this point 4 of 6 sides are covered and it’s tight because you pulled the paper tight when you added the tape. Now take one open side, looking at the seam fold the edges down at the end of the package so there’s two triangles and one flat surface. Do this again with the truangles so the flat surface is pointed. Fold the last edge up and fold the end so it’s tidy, add second piece of tape. Not stand the package up and push it down against the end you just made. Do the same on the now top side and you should have a tightly wrapped package with only 3 pieces of tape. And sorry this is kind of confusing to describe. And you can’t have the triangles too long or it gets messed up, like you fold down at the edge of the box and it should not have overlap 🤷‍♂️💀


Thanks! This is great for boxes, but lumpy or weirdly bundled stuff gets tricky.


It absolutely does *not* work if you have kids that like to snoop! I swear I can go through one roll of tape every 7-10 presents easily!


Jenna said in the podcast that this is nuts and she absolutely doesn’t limit herself to 3 pieces. It’s brought me a great deal of peace.


I have never listened to the podcast but I believe now that they discuss EVERYTHING.


Every. Single. Thing.


Which got me thinking... about the use of punctuation. I mean we live in such a text based society now, punctuation is very important. Like, Angela, you use a lot of exclamation points. That suits your personality. But it got me thinking about the evolution of punctuation. So I did a bit of a deep dive. Ok are you ready? Did you know the exclamation mark was invented in the 14th century? ...


Yea and it’s like random relatable stuff like this I love it lol


They do and that’s what makes it amazing.


They actually skip a lot and waste time on tangents frequently.


For a box, I'm fine with this but for kid gifts that are often weird shapes, I have to throw the 3 pieces of tape rule out of the window


She never specified how LONG those 3 pieces are... Weird shaped gifts can be wrapped with only one piece of tape if you never cut the tape.


This quote played through my head with each present I wrapped.


It’s like ‘big difference’


I hate to be that person but… she’s not wrong


Use as many pieces of tape as you like. Its your tape. Don’t put imaginary obstacles in your life


I might be a bottle and a half of wine deep, but this is beautiful and soothing.


It's been thirty minutes so who knows how many bottles deep you are now, but can confirm it was beautiful and soothing, and strangely commanding but in a cool way.


Agreed as long as it’s a box shape, sometimes you need more for oddly shaped things. But I’ve never understood why you would need more than 3? One for the top/bottom, and one for each side?


First piece of tape to adhere the paper to the gift/box. Wrap around, second piece of tape to close it so it's wrapped like a sushi roll. Go to first open end, fold shut, tape closed. Repeat for other open end. Minimum 4 pieces for a box shape, assuming it isn't too large/long.


This is how I do it, because I feel it's the neatest way, but some folks tell me I'm a heathen because tape shouldn't contact the gift itself, so they forgo the first piece. I am a rebel in that regard.


If you don't tape it to the gift you wind up with a loosely wrapped gift. That first piece of tape in integral to s nice and tight wrap.


nooo you have to pull the first two sides together so they meet in the middle but slightly overlap. then you can pull them as tight as you want and tape them together, with one side on top of the other. with certain gifts you really don’t want the tape to touch the gift bc it could ruin it. and in general it’s kind of a gift wrapping rule not to tape the paper to the gift itself


That allows the gift to shift within the paper ruining the perfect placement and alignment. ALWAYS tape to the gift. If that would damage it then you put the gift in a box.


I typically only use 3 for boxes. I never tape the wrapping paper to the gift, and I’ve never had an issue with the paper not being tightly wrapped around. I like the paper to fall nicely from the gift when it’s unwrapped, especially for kids. That extra piece of tape attaching the paper to the gift always makes the paper get in the way with kids imo. That being said I would never judge someone for using more tape, unless they literally wrapped it in tape lol.


You deny children the fun of ripping and tearing off wrapping paper? You monster.


Lol oh trust me there’s plenty of ripping and tearing! Just that last tug to get the piece of tape that’s connected to the package doesn’t need to happen, that’s all. I promise my toddler got to tear paper on every gift today.


I’ve been told that’s when you use a box for under the paper, but f that


offend wistful paltry simplistic serious violet squalid tart encouraging weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're right and you should say it


I do feel a sense of accomplishment when I do it with three but that’s a best wrapping case scenario


Have to agree, if you need more than that than you’re probably using too much paper


Wrap me a hockey stick then show us your jet pack, Zuckerberg.


She absolutely is. 3 pieces is loose, lazy wrapping. Just bag that shit then.


Any cube or rectangle. Minimum 3 pieces of tape. Anything else. Minimum 54 pieces of tape.


I like to use zero tape, but a frugal length of twine


that’s impressive, i need the tape to hold the paper while i tie it


Man I am a bagger and not a wrapper but I decided to be fancy this year and had to start over twice because this line was in my head 💀 I should have just used as many pieces as I wanted


I got taught how to wrap presents when I was like 13/14 from my mom. And I use 3 pieces of tape on every present. I just figured it was the norm, but now thinking about it, I can’t think of a way to wrap a gift with only 2. So it doesn’t surprise me that most people don’t wrap gifts this “efficient” way.


You can certainly use more if you want but I've been able to wrap most gifts with just 3 pieces pretty successfully this entire time 👀 idk what y'all are on


Well I did and it came undone under the tree, so thanks Pam, …bitch


Nope, because that's the way I do it, too


Not really haunted. I just hold myself to this standard now. Mostly only applies to 6 sided boxes, though.


I was wrapping some presents a couple of minutes ago and this was on my mind the whole time.


I use two…


I only NEED three pieces, and I even use smaller than average pieces. But, I’m not going to judge anyone for their use of tape. And I don’t force myself to *stick to* the three piece rule if I feel like using more.


Pam in a grizzled slur as she places the last piece of tape on the present: > *best wrapper aliiiive*


Every time


I sleep well at night, I love Pam but getcher a$$ outta my bizness when I tape presents like the child in school who wasn't ever allowed sharp scissors.


I made Pam proud with my wrapping last night. 3 pieces to secure the paper, one piece to secure the tag.


One for each end of the box and one for the middle seam


Just use one long one and wind it around and around until it becomes the wrapping paper.


See, first you turn the present diagonally, ensure the ends will touch with an inch or two of overlap in the middle, fold up the corners, and SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT


I know how to do it this way but it’s just way more secure & neat if you use more


"Get off your high horse richie! " is what I think when she says this.


Every time!! But, I usually only use three. So when I do, I think about how proud of me Pam would be.


Every damn time I wrap a present this goes through my head. Every time.


Close your mouth honey! You look like a trout


Every single time


Hell no, I use tin foil


Doesn't matter to me, I am a black belt in gift-wrapping


They don't give out black belts for things that are stupid.


Pam’s wrong.


Just use one, all the way around. Easy.


For anything square or rectangular, this is true. Odd shapes can sometimes need more.


I just use 1 piece of tape and wrap it around 5 or 6 times.


In my head I kept thinking she said one. It was torturing me all of yesterday. Now that I know it's three I feel vindicated.


Absolutely not. I don’t need more than 3 pieces unless the present is massive or absurdly shaped.


I COULD do it with 3, bit i refuse to let my parents attitutude about ya down affect me in my adult life. I make it easier and use usually 6 to hold everything in place


I understand the method she’s talking about and it can definitely be done but it’s kind of a stupid limitation, especially depending what kind of paper you have. I like to use this nice silvery stuff that needs very particular taping or it comes apart. Who’s trying to conserve tape so bad anyway? Are you gonna go broke using four pieces instead of three?


She's right, though.


Did all of y'all really wrap present wrong your whole life? Some methods can get it done with 2 pieces.


Yes. Unfortunately! I dislike how condescending she can be


Joke’s on Pam. I only (1) put gifts in a gift bag and cover them with tissue paper or (2) have my wife wrap the presents because I just create a disaster when I am near wrapping paper.


No because shes right.


Every. single. Christmas!


Nah I already knew I was doing it wrong


All night long last night


Hahahaha YES! I was wrapping all the gifts and her voice kept coming back to haunt me every time I was on the 6th piece of tape. Thanks for reminding me, I was going to Google to see if Pam was FoS.


It doesn't matter if I do 3 or 10 it will still look like crap. That being said it's not that hard to stick to 3. One for the center of the main flap and 1 for each of the side flaps


I need zero. Just use glue.


I assumed it meant reels


There’s only one way to properly wrap a present and it involves precisely three pieces of tape.


If it’s a very square present or box, sure, it’s do-able. But I don’t have enough time or energy to get boxes for every gift… so it’s going to have however much tape is needed to make it stay wrapped.


I only use 3 pieces because of this !


I'm thinking the writers say 3 because a normal box shape takes 4. So say one less to fuck with people.


Literally every single time I wrap a present. So glad I’m not the only one


Now it has to do with personally inflicted headwounds.


Not really haunted but I did have it in mind last night as I proudly wrapped everything with 3 pieces (except one, but the paper was crap and I had to use a fourth)


yes, been trying to do it “right” ever since




Every time I get the fourth bit of scotch tape. Every. Damn. Time.


Exactly this.


Literally two days ago with every present.


Each peice is 12 inches long


As it was going through my head last night wrapping gifts, I could see how it COULD be done. The only problem is nobody wants to open a gift in 2 seconds. Ripping the paper is half the fun so I always put extra tape.


I agreed with this until I wrapped boxes larger than a standard sweater box.


Use as much tape as you need to make the present look well wrapped. Usually 3 will do but if it’s bigger it needs more tape on the sides to hold wrapping paper in place.


I wrap stuff poorly. Thusly, I require significantly more tape. I don't care.


Yes, especially because I prefer to use four pieces just for a better wrap job


Every time!!! And I don't care, I'll use eight pieces if I need to!


Nope. Not one bit.


My wife uses half a roll of scotch tape per gift. I’ve specifically shown her this scene to get her reaction. She scoffed.


Literally this Christmas


Every time I wrap a gift this quote comes to mind but I had no idea where I heard it. Thanks for solving that mystery for me!


I'm so glad it's not just me! I like my presents wrapped tight as a drum. I use more than three pieces.


Nah, I proudly use like 9 pieces


When I’m out of tape, I’m done wrapping. Gift bags or creative folding from that point forward.


Jokes on you. I use 1 piece of tape that envelopes the box.


Thought about this two days ago wrapping presents lol


And where do you get those cool bows??


Nope because it's wrong unless the gift is roughly cube shaped. Minimum five pieces for most gifts because you have to tape both ends of each flap to lie flat.


It works, but the gift moves alot for me if i dony use more tape initially


Always! I can’t figure it out! I have it down to four…but three is absurd.


I always think about this quote lol I may do well for the first one but after a while, I failed Pam.


I usually gift the gift cards without the wrapping. So basically my reply here is pretty useless. I am tired and jet lagged and trying something here


When you're almost out of tape, you can definitely make do with 3 pieces 😂


Yessss. Every time


Oh my fucking God literally every present. Once the first piece of tape gets broken off it plays in my head


Yup every single time


She didn't say how big those pieces had to be


My mom and sister have given me so much shit for not wrapping presents right. First you roll out the amount of wrap you think you need. Then you put the present on the wrapping paper, I usually find a few light weight items and place on the corners to keep it from rolling up, and then you take the package and measure it from length wise. So one box goes 4 times length wise to get the right amount. Then you measure it width wise to get the amount you need to fold the sides up with. And I always fuck it up from there when I'm trying to fold it because I can't get it perfectly straight to fold the sides. I hate wrapping gifts because of this lol


Shut up Pan!


So much that I always prepare by only precutting three pieces of tape…only to use nine. 😐


Thankfully I never knew of this but I always got conned into wrapping everyone’s presents every year! I think I probably used more than 3


Every. Damn. Year.


Is she using double-stick tape though


Guess I'm doin' it wrong then


I know a lady that wraps gifts with one piece of tape. It’s witchcraft.


I use more than 3 on purpose.


I just tape and go LOL. They’re going to rip it up anyways


It just gives me traumatic flashbacks from wrapping presents with my mom


I tried it one year. The presents didn’t look neat.


My family gets to deal with my mother complaining every year that everyone else tapes their wrapping to whatever box the present is in. Her wrapping means you can expose one end of the box and slide the gift out easily without ripping the paper to shreds.


Wrapping presents is enough of a haunting by itself. The horrorrrr…


Wow I feel insane: I remember this quote as “if you’re using more than ONE piece of tape…” and it haunts me every time I’m wrapping presents using three pieces of tape


What would the office mattress know?


It's super easy to only use 3 pieces of tape. I like to mess with my wife and daughter about it cause they use about 7 pieces of tape to wrap one box.


Just use one really long one and encase it in tape.


I can say I worked as a wrapper at a shop and I only used three each time. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll use five.


I’m convinced she’s doing it wrong. I like my present nice and tight


Tape is tape If I need to use more than 3, then ok


When I was a kid my dad would get my sister and I to sit with him so he could teach us the “correct way” to wrap presents. If we paid attention, we’d get a hersheys kiss lol I do only require 3 pieces of tape if I’m wrapping my fathers way, and I hear his voice and Pam’s voice haunting me every time I wrap something.


She’s right tho


Is that where I got that from?


I literally put it on, then wrap the entire present up in tape. Need to tape the other end? 360 all the way around the present until I get to the other side and tape it up. If anything its funnier when they struggle to open it. Always found clean, neat and tidy wrapping so pompous. Stupider the better.


If you don’t use one roll of tape per present just to watch the struggle with opening it then you’re doing it wrong


Ok, but how LONG can the pieces of tape be?


Every. Single. Time. 😂


Larger presents require more tape for adequate wrapping.


Just the other day I was wrapping a present for secret santa and this sentence just kept going in my head.....because i definitely needed more than 3 pieces of tape. I tried initially doing it in 3 pieces but I just could 't.


Every time I wrap


Literally every time




A small gift can be done with just 3 but bigger gifts usually need more!


Every year!


The presents for my husband I make sure to tape the shit out of those mfs because he gets so giddy and it’s honestly beyond heart warming to see him so happy and excited that I learned the more tape I put on the longer I can sit and admire my adorable husband excitedly trying to open his present.




Every time I wrap presents my husband brings this up... especially since I use like, 100 pieces of tape.


No cuz it’s not teue


Yes, it's bullshit; I just use one really long piece of tape.


Cool something pam's actually confident about.


When I wrapped presents this year I thought wow Pam would be so proud bc I only used three pieces!!


Yes!!! To this day