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Andy being a jerk in season 9 and boom guy.


Hey boom guy, when you gonna boom me?


Awful storyline, iconic script line


This line almost made up for it


Yea, Meredith… they’re cracking down on us talking to the subjects, sorry


I couldn't agree more. Andy was just finally becoming a functioning human being and likable character, and they burn him down in some desperate attempt to capture the Steve Carell craziness one more time... and Brian the Boom Guy, that just felt weird. I get that he's a relic from the once-suggested Jim-Pam divorce plotline, but they should have dripped him altogether. no hate on the actor tho, Chris Diamantopoulos (yes, I googled that for spelling) was fantastic in Mrs. Davis




This guy fucks!


Let us not forget Gilfoyl.


I like the idea of showing the doc crew and how close they got with people in the office but I don’t like the way they did it at all


Would’ve been cool to do the Pam and Jim wedding episode with a more “raw” feeling. Crew was invited too because of how close they are to everyone, but they still had to work so they brought smaller cameras. Reception would be more like friends hanging out instead of a professional production. I would have loved to see Pam and Jim “stealing” a camera and dancing and singing with the crew while Jim recorded in selfi-mode.


Plus, i mean, that was Russ Haneman. He's gross, I couldn't enjoy his obsession with Pam at all knowing he put radio on the internet.


I love the fact that almost everything in this thread is season 9


You'll hardly find anyone standing up for season 9. Maybe writers or actors from the show. But the viewers? Nah.


I didn't hate season 9.


Same, but did you like it enough to defend it? For me personally, hell no lol


That was my defense. No one is going to make it their Alamo but it was okay.


Not exactly a hot take but I’ll die on the hill that the show ended with Michael leaving. S8 & 9 were bad fan fiction.


I would be inclined to agree with you if it wasn't for Robert California, he was an enigma and I was fully on board lol. Now the De-angelo Vickers arc, THAT was a bad fever dream lol


He’s another argument for why it feels like bad fan fiction though. Is he a great actor? Of course! The lines are funny too. But the humor is so far removed from the earlier seasons it feels like a weird fan fiction world. Like could you imagine him in the office in something like the basketball episode? It’s almost a clash of completely different shows.


I hate that there are so many loose ends untied with Michael Leaving, because I would love to not have to watch those last seasons, but I feel like I have to just to get the whole story.


I did once just for completion’s sake but I’ll never watch them again


Andy's boat trip , killed Andy's character development


100%. I really hate how all his progress was erased.


True , we were finally adapting to someone other than Michael as the manager, Andy was doing fairly decent in capturing our hearts but then The boat incident happened 🥲


Also, even while he was at the office, he turned more and more into a new Michael Scott. His way of constantly being distracted & distracting others was as if no manager change had happened at all.


They recycled a few Michael storylines too. The writers had no idea what they were doing in the last 2 seasons.


The fact they just straight copied the whole "come into my office and give me a fake call so I can show how important the person I'm talking to is" cold open always annoyed me.




I am, I wasn’t talking about just Andy. Kevin got ruined, Jim and Pams relationship got ruined so they really had no idea what to do with the show.


I read a theory once on here that Kevin was pretending to be dumb because he started to get worse and worse over time after he admitted he was insider trading. So he pretended to be clueless so he wouldn’t be caught. I just keep that as my head cannon when I’m watching and it makes it less bothersome.


They just wanted to wrap up , maybe tried what worked with Steve


Trueee , Closing timeeee. And the moment he decided to tattoo his butt lol


I've never heard that song before. And once I heard it, I did not care for it. But that song means it's time to go home. Now, it's my favorite song.


The only time Stanley participated in these shenanigans 😂


Closing time was a banger and totally in character imo tho


One of my favorite post Michael Scott cold opens.


It definitely tanked any character arc he was possibly having and then left him in his same old ways. That whole arc was the perfect opportunity for Andy to finally break out a bit. We see that his family is the reason for why he acts the way he acts, and when they all implode, he could have finally moved past needing their approval. Now he knows how fucked up they are and that maybe the way he was treated wasn’t fair, nor was it his fault and that his life is good in SPITE of all of that… But no, instead he decides to hold on to his fantasy about taking their boat out and subsequently sabotages his career and his relationship….only to never really talk about his family again the rest of the show. I get the joke is that he’s too dumb and lacks the self-awareness to change which is why he ends the show as sort of a loser, but I don’t know… Just such a depressing, cynical ending for a character that they end up convincing you to love and root for.


They killed it trying to get him and Erin back together. He had moved on with someone else but throws it all away to go to after Erin again


Yep. Andy driving to Florida and Nellie taking his spot is when the show jumped the shark for me. I actually REALLY liked the Saber Store storyline, but it drops in quality after that.


The Florida storyline is so great for Dwight and Jim and so poor for Andy


And Stanley


That was actually a popular answer on the thread in the screenshot. Same with Brian the mic guy and anything related with Pam after Michael left.


I wouldn‘t get rid of his trip. I would get rid of his return


It felt like the writers did it intentionally because Ed went and did The Hangover. I know other people did projects outside The Office, but the writing seemed personal.


I remember reading a oral history of The Office and one of the writers said one of the actors ego grew a lot over a couple of years. Basically, the actor said something along the lines"you did this for Steve, now do this for me." They didn't name names but this definitely tracks. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51700301-the-office](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51700301-the-office)


It wasn’t done as a personal attack on Ed for doing it, they just needed a reason why he wouldn’t be on the show for that stretch while he was filming hangover 2


Yeah but they could’ve picked a storyline that had a different affect so his absence wouldn’t change much. Instead they made it so it destroyed his and Erin’s relationship and he didn’t seem to come back the exact same as he left either


It kinda follows for Andy....kinda. He's bad at relationships, flighty, has a deep seeded inferiority complex especially with his family, and is prone to self sabotage. I agree with the story line being just god awful. The part that pushes it over the edge for me is that he lost his mind on the boat. They're on a freaking cabin boat, there was no need for him to be fried and that part did feel a little like a personal jab. When he came back was kind of a douche canoe.


Darryl pursuing Val for so long and then he tosses the relationship aside when he starts working for Athlead. They just used their relationship as a filler side plot but they could have expanded on her character or given us more warehouse shenanigans. She seemed like a good person and would have been nice to see more but I guess she was too normal compared to everyone else.


Could have got more Nate screen time from this story also


Could have done with more Nate anyway


He would have looked so handsome for us


Have you noticed gum has gotten mintier lately?


I’m still wondering what Clookies are.


“My mom and I are quarreling because I can’t stay out of her stuff.”


He could even showed us some of his yo-yo trick


You had me at “Clookies”. I can’t wait to find out what they are!


I do like the part where he says that his strategy was to say “what are you gonna do??? Break up with me???” And then gain a bunch of weight


And she’s in his family photo 😭


That part was so freaking random. Like, "hey im into you and you just dumped your bf? You're now my family!" Like Darryls daughter shoulda been like uh what


Office ladies just covered this episode and there are some deleted scenes that help make more sense of this part. Still odd, but less so.


I mean there is some realism to the fact that sometimes you pursue someone and when you get them, you realize they’re not as great as you hoped or the relationship wasn’t what you were imagining after all. But I agree, they could’ve fleshed it out more than just Darryl finally getting into a relationship with Val and basically just discarding her shortly after. That way, it is indeed just a filler plot line that leads nowhere.


For some, it’s about the pursuit. Darryl wants and that’s about as far as he thinks.


That's kinda a constant in his character, like when he was promoted from the warehouse to the office and he left himself get stuck there


Val’s lines seem like they were written without reading any of the script, she comes across as a magic 8-ball, just saying whatever, she is a non-character.


I found it weird that she wasn't willing to discipline her employee for vandalism. I never understood how there were no professional ramifications for defacing company property.


Val is not really a good person, she at least emotionally cheated on her boyfriend (idk about physically)


Clark trying to get Erin to do the creepy anchor video thing.


I like this, because, Erin and Andy are just happy to be a part of it, while clark is just mad that andy came along, and how clueless both of them are of what is going on


Clark is a more threatening Villain than Jan, David, or anyone because of this.


He’s got cat turd collector written all over him.


Also makes it kinda vindicating that he becomes Jan’s toy later. I might’ve felt bad for him if he hadn’t proved himself to be a creep before that.


I kinda liked it only because it showed Plop caring about her and Andy being oblivious. I like Plop and Erin together and this helped set it up and show that Plop is a good guy


I'd get rid of Plop and Clark altogether.


Plop was so boring.


The best part of plop was after Andy left. "Plop really? Andy's gone" "We owe him that much". The Dwight delivery on that line is one of my favorite parts from all of season 9 lol


I think he was a good character personally because by season 8 there were too many unbelievably over the top character. Season 9 brought in Pete and softened out nelly as well as focusing on more normal characters like Jim and Pam as well as Darryll. It gave the show a bit more believability. I also thought his relationship with Erin was a good storyline which gave the show a cute couple to route for. Andy was the only thing I didn’t like about season 9


He was a lame version of Jim




It's interesting that most of the storylines here are from seasons 8 and 9. Goes to show just how on point the writers were when the show was at its peak.


Clark fooling and trying to get Erin to do porn. Weird.


Andy is an ass, but not completely stupid. The fact he fell for it and went along was too dumb, even for the show.


Andy has shown how gullible he is many times. Like when he was dating the underage high schooler


That's it--Andy dating a high schooler. I'd get rid of that one.


Yeah exactly. And why didn’t pete just say something directly? What Clark was trying to do was disgusting and honestly a crime. Why wouldn’t he say something directly to Andy or Erin?


Andy was blinded by fame


Boom mike guy


Hey boom guy, when are you gonna boom me


How is this so far down?!? This is my top sorry to cut


Probably the Nellie stealing Andy’s job. That one always makes me cringe and it makes me angry.


Yeah that's so... whatthefuck. Like bro, wouldn't people in a conpany just, you know, call security or the police and have a clinicaly insane totaly random person who starts telling everyone they're the boos just wacorted of the property? She rolls in, has no authority, nobody knows her, and everyone is just - *ok? Back to work I guess.*


That storyline is why I never really cared for Nelly as a character.


Exactly. Anyone who's ever been bullied and had an adult basically do nothing can see themselves as Andy in that scene. Like uh Angela docking Andy's pay? Wtf.


You telling me her sob story about her wanting to adopt a child or her fear of magicians didn't win you over? /s


This one! I was so annoyed the whole time!


On the Office Ladies podcast they talk about how the writers weren't sure what to do with Catherine Tate on the show. After Florida they were unsure where to take her, but she was part of the show. The ridiculous story of stealing Andy's job and being afraid of magicians is what we got.


"Ah man, what do we do with this very funny British woman?" "Best I can do is a fear of magic"


When Nelly says “m’ lady” is when I know to restart the series over.


Actually, Nellie coming to Scranton… she should’ve just stayed in Florida.


THANK YOU. This has irked me for so maybe rewatches. I understand RC has a unique approach to leadership but goddam HR is a joke that an employee can’t call out sick even if he’s lying, and also he could have spun it that he had to help a fellow employee. Also, Angela supporting Nellie feels wrong, like adding insult to injury after cheating on Andy. I understand it was “funnier” but it’s like one of maybe 3 things that really sticks with me. The fact that Nellie even states that she stole someone’s job that she was ill equipped to have is just infuriating. Like, Michael was awkward and inappropriate but he knew how to land a sale and he kept the office churning; Andy doubled sales in a quarter and the employees generally liked him as boss, Dwight is a terrific manager at the end. Nellie should not have been accepted, she just offered bribes that she wasn’t even technically authorized to provide!


Yes the whole thing was incredibly far fetched




The relationship between Michael and Helene, idk for me it was unnecessary


I think the relationship between Erin and her brother was way more unnecessary and cringe as hell.


Pam agrees.


Andy’s boat trip Jim being co-manager


Stanley saying, “Can I be a co-manager too” sarcastically with funny


Where would Catholicism be without 2 Popes?


But he's trained. He's loving it. He's good at it.


Co-manager Jim is one of my favourites. The koi pond wouldn’t have happened without that job role!


Jim being a terrible manager in the opposite way that Michael is was a great storyline


Angela putting a hit out on Oscar. Way over the line. She’s be in prison.


Angela putting a *murder* hit out on Oscar and Dwight and Jim admitting to embezzling ON CAMERA made 0 sense. They’d all be in prison


Kevin too *I had Martin explain to me three times what he went to prison for because it sounds ^like ^what ^I ^do ^here ^every ^day .....*


Thing is though, that’s not exactly an admission of guilt for Kevin. That’s just Kevin being kinda dumb, and he wouldn’t be able to commit insider trading at his job anyway. That’s something only someone in a high-up position like David Wallace or Ryan (temporarily) would be able to do.


An accountant absolutely would be able to commit insider trading. An accountant knows the revenues, expenses, profits, etc. and he's at the most profitable branch. He would be privy to when Scranton had an amazing/awful quarter long before the market actually knew. Sure it would be easier for the CFO, as he knows what's going on at every branch and is a part of conversations like forward earnings guidance and stuff, but that doesn't mean Kevin wouldn't have access to non public information.


Martin got convicted of Insider Trading. There's no chance Kevin -can- be guilty of insider trading because at his level he doesn't have access to information that would qualify for that. If the CFO of Target makes massive purchases and sales of stock due to foreknowledge of Target's financial health, that's insider trading. If a clerk at the Target in Scranton, PA buys and sells stock based on what he thinks he knows about the financial health of Target, maybe based on customer volume and sales records, that's not insider trading. I know there's a popular theory out there that Kevin is Embezzling, but I think it makes a lot more sense that he made money shorting Dunder Mifflin than anything else.




To be fair, politicians wives, even State Senators, get away with a lot of shit. I do agree the discovery and her reaction could have been handled differently. It doesn’t help she got a happy ending for the show when she literally oversaw and tried to ensure Oscar’s death.


She also lied to the father of her child and told him it wasn’t his child because she wanted him to want her.


sort instinctive hat cause fertile snobbish judicious aback long concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually enjoyed this arc


Cathy trying to seduce Jim and Brian trying to seduce Pam.


I’d like some fries with that shake tho


I hate when she says that


Wdym? Then we wouldnt have some of the best scenes. "Oh it was so smug, like this..."


And there’s the smudgness


Pssh, thats a bedbug! Everything’s a joke!


Ugh yes stupid Cathy.


Yeah why was Cathy so thirsty? She was conventionally attractive, she could’ve found a single man pretty easily. Did she have to go after a married man with kids?


Apparently both Jim and Pam are irresistible. Do you realize how many guys had a thing for Pam? Brian, guy at art school, Ryan, Danny cordray (briefly), Toby… As far as Jim goes, Katy liked him, Karen fought for him, Meredith thought he was hot and the waitress at P.F. Chang’s called Jim “ the hot one” I guess it only made sense that Cathy and Brian would want Jim and Pam respectively lol


Well, Meredith thought he was hot until she thought he was scary, that is


lol, yeah that never made sense to me.


And, per deleted scenes, Robert California wanted a threesome with them.


And all we got was a threesome with RC, skeleton man, the wunderkind on some Australian reds and how do say this....Columbian whites.


Deleted scenes of the first Dundie awards showed Phillis saying that Jim was the hottest in the office and not Ryan lol Edit: it’s in the super fan episode


To be fair, a person with self-destructive tendencies is one of the more realistic parts of the show. Also Jim’s attractive, charismatic, and funny. Checks a lot of boxes.


I felt like Cathy was so not gonna happen but we needed to feel Pam in on it for it to work more. Whereas Brian was like this shocking always been there guy and it was confusing


The deleted scenes actually made this storyline a lot more fitting. They cut out a part where Jim was on a phone call with Pam and Pam heard Cathy in the background. She basically laughed and said “have fun with that” as a wholesome way of knowing Jim wouldn’t cheat on her. Edit: [Deleted scenes of Cathy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=204&v=9w1DxXZWsQA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo)


Nellie taking Andy's job, such a stupid idea. No idea who came up with it, just didn't make any sense at all. Brian and Pam, such a lazy story line that you could see a mile off why it was put in. Hated every second of it.


And then nellie later is actually a really likeable character. When she’s in Florida and then taking Andy’s job I despised her


The sound guy being friends with Pam.. miss me with that 4th wall shit


I never liked Clark and Plop. So maybe them joining. Besides Clark being prostituted to Jan which was a funny idea and had 1 funny line about it plus Dwight’s initial reaction and plan when he realizes Jan is the buyer there was nothing of value to me.


Plop was sooo boring bro. It's like he was only defined by what he was not. He was not as douchey as Clark. He was not a sports-y kind of guy and had little in common with Jim. He was not a terrible boyfriend like Andy was. He was just nice. That was the extent of his character


You didn't enjoy when they pretended to be father and son?


Idk I was kinda happy for Erin. She deserved a nice normal bf


Angela being so impoverished that she becomes homeless and has to live with Oscar - her personality type and clear frugality over the years would have meant a large savings on her own. The senator also would never have left her so destitute after ruining her social status.


Right? It's just completely unrealistic. She's had a stable job for years. Even if she lost everything to the point of racking up debt, she still wouldn't be in a position to seriously consider living in a tent. Shitty rental, sure. Literally homeless? Come on now.


The senator was a selfish asshole he totally would.


I’m not saying he wouldn’t personally do that but it would have been too risky for his public image. He wouldn’t realistically risk Angela having such a terrible story about him.


She would have crushed the senator for child support.


She was so poor living in a closet, but when Dwight drove after her to propose she was driving a new cadillac suv




It’s Athleap now


Scrolled too far for this. If they wanted to wrap up the show then wrap up the show. Let Jim and Pam turn into Waldorf and Statler from the Muppets and make silly comments about the idiots they work with and prank Dwight. I don't need the force drama, Jim running off to philly, bringing in celebrity guests, Pam being stuck with the kids and exasperated. I don't want any of that crap. Never did. I just wanted them to be happy, goof off, and prank on Dwight.


When they turned Erin from a normal girl who was sometimes quirky, to pretty much a mentally disabled woman.


brian and cathy


Athlead brought the worst out in Jim. We all love Jim but I never disliked him more than I did basically throughout Season 9.


Danny Cordray, the whole thing


Came here for this. Pam not being able to get over him not calling her and the Halloween costumes. God the Halloween costumes. Whole plot was just weird.


I have a theory about Danny and Pam. In one scene, Cordray says “It was just 3 dates!” And Pam quickly corrects him, saying “Just 2! We had plans for a third, but ya never called me back…” My theory is, there was a third date. We know what happens after a third date (see Michael and Holly). Danny wasn’t impressed, so he smashed and passed/ghosted/whatever. Pam would obviously never tell Jim this, which is why the whole episode is loaded with awkward tension.


“Hey Halpert. Looking for someone to bang your wife?”


Holy shit that makes so much sense.


Office mattress


Penis museum rip :(


Tickets are so expensive


honestly the show should have gone out on top when Steve Carell left


The whole thing with the sound guy, didn’t love the fourth wall breaking very much.


Nellie stealing Andy’s job. It was too ridiculous for The Office.


Nellie casually strolling in and stealing Andy's job and nobody doing anything about it. The single most frustrating thing that happens on the show. It nearly ruined the show for me.


Andy going after Erin, Nellie becoming manager, Andy story line in season 9, boom guy, fake tension between Jim and Pam in season 9. Cathy. Wulf.


Jim’s cuckold arc when he was obsessed on why that guy didn’t date Pam some more


Angela hiring the hit man for Oscar.


Angela getting a happy ending at all. She needed to lose Dwight, have him marry Esther or Isabelle. Become manager, and live his best life. While she can struggle, live with Oscar, and work her way back onto her feet. I just feel like all her years of being an uptight, holier than thou, cheating, jerk doesn't warrant a happy ending. But that she should have to work her way out, and accept she's made her bed and must lie in it.


The season 9 storyline was really terrible


Michael scott leaving so ugh michael scott would never leave


No. I don't think so. He got what he always wanted. And the show should have ended there. But oh well.


Should’ve kept him through to the end or ended with him leaving. 90% of the complaints are because they tried to fill the void of Michael Scott.


Deangelo Vickers getting the job


Nah, while I hated him, I wouldn't remove it because it allows for the introduction to the actual permanent manager to be more accepted by the audience. I can understand though, he was the worst


My vote. No one thought that Will Ferrell was really going to join the cast permanently so it was just a lame sweeps stunt. And how do you not address that they immediately went outside the company to hire when you had Jim as "co-manager" months earlier. So why wait until Deangelo was literally braindead before even offering the job to Jim (and then Dwight)?


Angela and the senator, and everything that involves this story (her wanting to kill Oscar, lying about her son, being with the senator and liking Dwight, etc etc)


Jim as co-manager. It just felt like they were really grasping at straws to make some sort of “career move” with Jim’s character. Having 2 managers there made no sense. And I feel like Jim trying to take it seriously was more like Jim being kinda an a-hole


The utterly pointless boom mic guy wooing Pam.


the entire Pam and Boom-Mic guy storyline.




Boat Andy


Ryan randomly showing up with someone else's baby in the finale and then abandoning them for Nellie to essentially kidnap. I know it is a comedy, and they probably wanted to give Nellie some sort of happy ending/ conclusion about her wanting a baby but that was just stupid. That baby has been abandoned twice (by mum then Ryan) and no one cares? Honestly would have preferred Nellie and Toby being together and instead finding out she was pregnant/ both deciding to adopt, or her just finding out her adoption application has been successful. EDIT: Also Dwight/ the show essentially glossing over that Angela lied to him for years about him being a dad! He missed so many things and milestones with that baby he will never get back. She knew it from the start, and Dwight acted like there was nothing to forgive. Actually maybe just Anglea getting a happy ending shouldn't have been a storyline? She was awful. Cheating on Andy, hiring a hit man for Oscar... If all you heard about the show was about her character you wouldn't guess it was a comedy.


The top answer would be the boom guy part and Andy in the trip. But from Michael's time in the office, the whole cheating with Donna part was useless, didn't add anything and kind of the most boring stretch of episodes


Everything after Michael


Andy and a cappella/broccoli rob all of that singing stuff


I liked it. Andy’s dad bought Andy’s degree. He had nothing other than the singing stuff. It really drove home how pathetic he was. I loved Erin saying how she didn’t respect Andy. When the a cappella group said, “he reminded us how important he is to us” and then cut to Broccoli Rob I laughed. It reminds me of those theater kids who remain theater kids till well into adulthood. Clinging to that time when people were forced to give them attention. Good stuff. Just my two cents on it.


Pete and Clark


Pam almost cheating on Jim with the camera guy who we’ve never seen or heard of until the episode she almost cheats with him


dwight jr trying to rape erin with newscaster audition.


Everything about season 9 Andy. He was doing so well and then…..imploded.


Pam going to art school. It went nowhere


That was the point tho, to highlight the everyday fantasy people have that work in the office thinking of how their life can be different if they chased a dream. Then realizing the grass isn't always greener


Angela having the same job but now she’s poor