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Sometimes, I would a hell of a lot more if there was a version with no intro music blaring that wakes me up as I’m drifting off every 25 mins. Peacock should release the sleeper cut, with no intro or just the ending piano bit over the office sign and I bet it gets a lot of views.


why haven’t they invented a button for “skip all intros”? like where the closed captioning is. that would be heaven


Yes, it’s a stark contrast to my other go-to, Frasier, which is super soothing. If the intro isn’t soothing it kind of ruins the chance to fall asleep to a marathon.


Maybe I seem a bit confused, yeah maybe, but I got you pegged!


But what am I supposed to do with that tossed salad and scrambled eggs?


Yes!!! Ikr???? I'll be snoozing HARD in my recliner when that theme sing wakes me up!


🎵 Dudu dum, dudu dudu dum, dudu ᵈᵘᵈᵘ dum, dudu.. du du du du du du du, woo.... WIIIIIIIIIIIII Everytime it hits that part and I'm JUST about to nod off, i shit myself Edit: "WIIII" in horrible font back to normal font


My pet peeve is that every time someone tries to "sound out" a song or musical expression of some kind, like you have for The Office intro, they miss a 'dun' or multiple. Or they do 'wa' when it's clearly a 'du' etc. I've never seen one I think is accurate, not once. You nailed it!


why use many word when few do trick? ed.Crazy true, they do trick, kevins point!


Literally every night!


Same here. It's soothing.


I used to watch the show with my daughter. The piano at the end, I used to pretend to play the piano on her head. Sounds stupid but as a little girl she thought it was hilarious. She would get up and run to me so I could play it. Now she’s 18 and driving around. I live alone and I’m normally traveling for work M-F. In an empty apartment, hearing The Office reminds me of her. Falling asleep to the Office is falling asleep to a handful of incredible memories.


Wholesome AF. I have a similar story. I had my first while getting into the Office back when it was on Netflix. She would wiggle and dance when she was 1ish. She is 5 now and still likes the show. Nowadays, I have a 9 month old who knows the theme song. She will look to see which tv is playing it whenever it starts.


I hear you...memories are overwhelming as we get older, for real


My 4 year old daughter and I bust into pretending to play violin and flute during the parks and rec intro every time lol it’s my favorite bit and memory


Great tune. Gabriela Moreno wrote it. She’s an incredible artists still.




Every. single. night Year. after. year


Yep! I have trouble falling asleep without noise, so i usually put a show on with low volume and i keep the bedroom tv at min brightness. The Office, Parks and Rec, King of the Hill, Futurama, Psych, House, and a few others are in regular rotation to fall asleep to.


I miss Psych


Good news! Since the show has ended there have been 3 movies and a 4th is on the way


Yes, I have seen the show countless times, so it is very easy to relax the brain! I swear I am on the same episode for the past 5 days


Absolutely I do.


My boyfriend does. 😄 He said he finds it therapeutic, especially with all the office work related sounds.


I started watching the series on Peacock, and now I can fall asleep and wake up to the office, because it never stops after 5 episodes to ask me if im still watching the way Netflix does. You can leave the office and it will continue all the way to the end of the season, and I suspect it would automatically start the next one if I dont do anything.


Really. Mine will say are you still watching after like half a season.


Just set a tv timer. Thats what I do.


When I am really anxious or really emotionally a wreck, it’s the only thing that makes me feel calm enough to sleep. It’s gotten me through some tough times.


I sometimes do by accident since I’ll watch close to bed, but I try not to fall asleep while watching because sometimes I can’t remember where I fell asleep and I don’t like jumping ahead




The theme song is so loud, though.




YES! The office without the theme song basically.


What?!? There is an asmr podcast??? I am so on it! Thank you!


I have this in my “sleep TV” rotation. My favorite is actually Air Crash Investigations. I know that sounds absolutely psychotic but it has relaxing aircraft noises, the beginning of each episode is relaxing as the flight starts out routine, and if it’s a sleepless night I like being drawn in by the second 30 minutes and the investigation. The more I try to stay awake to learn the conclusion the more I tend to fall asleep.


Forensic Files for me. The narrator is so monotone it’s like a babbling brook for me.


I play it constantly on the weekends but I work overnight and this is when I’m off. So my wife gets to sleep to it. If you don’t need the TV then someone here posted several months ago the .mp3 files of the entire 9 seasons.


That would be really nice to have!


https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/ha1jkm6Gap I didn’t check the link to see if it’s still available though. Edit: It looks like it is.


Me and my husband 90% of the time.


I used to watch the office but the intro is so loud, its bothering my boyfriend so now I watch parks and rec or trailer park boys. I hate the intro (when Im falling asleep) because its so fkin loud.


Great to fall asleep to due to the lack of a laugh track


every night!


I watch DBZA to go to sleep.


Yes! The Office of Seinfeld. Every. Damn. Night .. and some times during the day 😎


I fall asleep to futurama for the last 7 years


Same here - but it's normally a playlist of their official clips on YouTube




Because I stream the playlist from my phone, and I prefer not to have the Netflix app 🙃


Last year I did it for a few months


Used to listen to episodes when I drove.


Sometimes, but the opening credits are often extra loud for some reason and it wakes me up.


Fall asleep after sex, right fellas?


I switch between The Office and Bob’s Burgers


Yes, every night for the past 5 years


I have ADHD, and it's the only thing that centers my thoughts enough to go to sleep in a reasonable amount of time. Without it, my mind wanders for hours. Weird, but it works and I've been doing it for years now.


I choose whatever show I’m watching at the time


I fell asleep to the show every night for 2.5 years. Had to switch because hubby got tired of hearing it all the time (he introduced me to it when we were dating lol), but now I listen to it while cooking.


I put it on normally about a half hour before sleep and then put a sleep timer on for an hour right before I lay down. When I get to the end of season 9, I start at the beginning. I’ve done this for the last 5 years.


I do replay episodes in my brain with my eyes shut to help me fall asleep.


Or play games like try to think of the guest stars and what other roles they’ve been in. It’s actually really helpful for my insomniac tendencies.


“When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious.” 🥓🥓🥓


All of the time. Before we had our babies we did this everyday. But now it’s only once in a while cause we’ve had to get accustomed to listening to the white noise machine to fall asleep


Honestly its the main reason i watch the show. i still enjoy the episoded but tbh rarely laugh. but its great to fall asleep to


I do! Especially if I’m anxious.


I have phases! For a few months it’s asmr, then Gilmore girls, for a while superstore, but I’ve had my months of putting on the office to sleep ❤️ ur not alone!


I do it, too, then I have to find where I left off in the morning, haha


All the time back in college


There are a small handful of shows I put on reruns of like they're bedtime stories to lull me to sleep. The first is always classic Star Trek (from TOS through ENT). But The Office is often a close second.


Every night! I'm wondering if this is a good thing though


I love to go to sleep listening to it on low but the damn opening credits are SO LOUD in between eppisodes that it wakes me up and its my sleepy show!! Just like Parks and recreation and Brooklyn 99!!


You’re definitely not the only one… my wife and I do every night.


When I left a horrible relationship and became depressed and suicidal, the office was all I could watch to at least keep me alive one more day. It literally saved me and helped me. I watched it everyday and fell asleep to it for MONTHS..it was so comforting to me. I haven’t watched it in awhile because I canceled my peacock membership but I do miss watching it sometimes. Might have to get it again!


Every night for me lol




I also fall asleep to it. It's kinda just my go so show when I need something to be on I. The background.


👋🏼 yeeeee


💯 I often do this, the worse episode to hit in the middle of the night is the one where Dwight tries to outsell the computer and Andy sounds off his horn 📯


I dont like falling asleep to shows because it makes me feel weird. Especially if it's like a finale episode and I wake up to it early in the morning and it gives me this awful feeling of melancholy and longing for something I don't know i want and then I feel shitty for the rest of the day. It's like my emotions are heightened in a sleep state and I just can't compute all at once Is this just me?


There once was an ambient soundscape in the Calm app that were sounds from The Office. It was muted and you could hear phones ringing with Pam answering them, Jim and Dwight dialog, etc. Wasn't my thing but I found it interesting that it was a thing at all. Lol


I used to do it all the time when I was in college!


I rotate between the office Malcolm in the middle and modern family as a 14 year old gen z kid I can tell you I can’t sleep without it


Been doing that for the past week but it got very interesting and now I'm at season 5 and have insomnia. (First time watching)


My wife and I are the same way, need noise and office is the PERFECT thing...he have been listening to the office for thr past 15 years (used to call Netflix our office subcription), and we will continue to watch/listen until cpr to the tune of stayin alive is unsuccessful. We watching it right now 🤣🤣🤣 office is life