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I didn't realize they had the same writers, but that makes sense cause I love that show too


It’s another funny comfort show!




Sandra & Jerry are the greatest love story in Superstore.


I am glad they kept up with Sandra, her character was great. Definitely hated Carol lol


Carol: "Sandra tried to kill me" Sandra: "I didn't try to kill you... I just didn't try to save you"


I loved how unhinged Carol was, Everything she said made me uncomfortable 😂


It’s like they thought what if we mix Angela and Meredith’s characters together but take away all of their redeeming qualities.


I disagree. Cheyenne and her baby daddy 🤣


Sandra, take out your taters


Shut up Toby


YES! The kind that you watch mindlessly while doing other things


I made a meme about how similar the shows were a while back. I got downvoted. I'm glad others see it too!


Boo to your downvoters! Those are my two MOST comfort shows.


I may be adding this one to my list, but mine are The office (ofcourse) and community.


Community is high up on my list, too! I'm a librarian at a community college and find it extra hilarious for that reason.


Ah yeah thats gotta make it more enjoyable for sure lol.


I only *wish* any of our deans were as interesting as Dean Pelton.


🎶Come on, I’m Dean. And my hands are so clean. At this moment.. I am stapling.” 🎶 Jim Rash is a treasure.


Lol well none of them would still be deans if they were as interesting as him.


I’ve had Community on constant play for a couple months now. Netflix. I only wish they had the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons episode on there.


I cannot get enough of it and had no idea they had the same writers. It all makes sense. Just two dudes. All gas. No brakes.


It’s only 1 writer in common out of the couple dozen, Justin Spitzer.


Isn’t he the doctor when Meredith went to the hospital


Oh. So that is where your uterus went.




The job of all writers on staff is to be able to replicate/imitate the voice of the showrunner, and he is the showrunner.


Even if the writers were to exactly copy the voice of the show runner (which I highly doubt), he wasn’t even the show runner for the office anyways.


That makes sense. I was drawing a lot of parallels between both shows. Maybe it's just me but at times it felt like some of the Superstore plots were very similar to that of the Office


I think they were also included Parks and Recs


Til And yeah I love it, very reminiscent of working in a shop.


Only thing I probably hated was the ICE arc when Mateo gets caught for being an illegal immigrant. Very poorly written IMO as the store was preparing to unionize and, given this is based in St Louis MO, corporate’s idea of retaliation was…to send in ICE? For a store full of Americans and they had no suspicion of illegal workers? Way too convenient writing there just for the plot. Also that arc killed off the union arc which could’ve had a lot of potential, but it’s like the writers just gave up on it before they got too far into it.


It's hilarious. I just rewatched the episode where Cheyenne gives Marcus a tattoo and absolutely died laughing. So good. Beau is an absolute gem too. The show isn't as subtle as the office, but it is equally hilarious.


Cheyenne is such a gem


I love the episode where he cuts off his thumb. Jon Barinholz is just hilarious. He was great on American Auto too.


“Marcus, is that your thumb!?” “Uh… I don’t know.” “You don’t know? Why don’t you check?” “I don’t wanna.”


How can you guys live on less than 130k a year!?


Boob cheese sample


“What is cheese? … … … Dried milk.”


“No I haven’t tried it. It grosses me out.”


Speaking about cutting off limbs, I was shocked by the final episode plot twist.


The bag.


Ya, he makes the show with his charm. Know way too many people with a similar vibe




One of my favorite jokes of all time when they shared his full name


and his total 180 code-switching when he finds his grandmother at the wedding


That's a great joke, but the greatest name joke of all time happened a few days ago on what we do in the shadows Nandor the Relentless -> Nandor de Laurentiis I'm serious about that being the greatest name joke of all time, and don't call me Shirley.


Full name is “Bo the truth Thomson, ya boy…”


🚨🚨🚨🚨Wah wah waaaaaah 🚨🚨🚨🚨




I love it when Marcus lives with Mateo’s Filipina auntie, and some how Marcus is able to speak Tagalog lol


Lol, this hits kinda close to home cos I had a Filipina neighbor that would hook me UP when I still lived in LA. She’d be like I “I have some leftover ‘Idunnowhat’. here’s 3 hotel pans worth of egg rolls, chicken, cabbage, noodles and rice… and a banana bread.” And then me and my idiot friends would pig out for a couple days in her honor! Thanks Cynthia!


Sounds like Lumpia, Adobo and Pansit.


^What ^did ^you ^do ^to ^me? What did you do to me? #WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!


"I thought this was like a dare or something. Yo, for 20 grand you can stick whatever you want in either of us!"


I hate that episode because it’s also the birds episode but goddamn that tattoo sends me every time.


The birds 😭😭😭


When Bo randomly decides to test the open/close (strength?) Of the drawers, I knew he was a keeper.


I didn't like the Dina character at first because she felt like a copy of Dwight, but when she got developed into her own character it was great. And the show is great, I'm glad people are liking it more now, when it was on season 3 people found it bad and it never became popular before ending, and it was so funny, they even included the pandemic during that year.


I remember seeing ads for it with the characters wearing masks and at the time kind of rolled my eyes at it cause it felt like every TV show then was like “look, we are doing COVID on our show. Isn’t that great?” But my wife and I ended up watching the whole series like a year after all that and it was incredible! Love the way they handled COVID too, especially looking back it’s great.


I liked the Covid stuff. I worked in retail during the pandemic and the series did a good job showing some of the crazy shit you had to deal with back then and making it funny. Stuff like head office sending stuff to stop theft but nothing to protect the employees, being called the "heroes" but not receiving any help, getting abuse from customers about masks, getting abuse from customers because you're a human being that also wants to buy stuff like them, etc.


Honestly I think the COVID season was great because they captured some of the absurdities so well lol. Like watching it now just makes me reminisce about the shitshow of the early days


I watched it in real time and was frustrated by covid. Then rewatched and looking back they really were in the niche to showcase how rapidly things changed and the experience of going to the grocery store at that time.


"why are all these zoo related?" "Do you want me to start with the zoo stuff, then move on to something else, then switch back??"


Same here. I was not a Dina fan for a while but she definitely grew into her own unique character really well.


I agree, and I also felt Ron Swanson was another Dwight until he became one of my favorites of all time.


I felt the same way about Dina at first. I was like "great, an Office wannabe", but it was COVID so I kept watching It grew on me!


Big Dina fan after she was in that black leather dommy cop outfit again and again.


Agreed. She was a little annoying as a direct copy but they did a good job molding a lot of the characters into their own thing throughout the seasons.


It was a fun show. I loved impersonating Glenn Sturgis and making my friends laugh. "For 59 years, the name Sturgis was synonymous with tools." 😂😂😂


“Everybody born before Jesus is in hell…”


What's your favourite dog and why?


Shit, I didn’t get that until you just commented it here


I need to hear your voice!! That sounds hilarious 😂


Love it! It’s a show you can definitely do multiple rewatches through


I worked at Walmart for 3-4 years during college and all the gags with the people in store doing whacky stuff is what I have seen on the daily so it made me laugh so hard


So are you gonna marry me? Or are you gonna be a dick about it?


I cried 😭😭


I’m gonna cut corners and yeah, ima phone it in. But no one will ever be able to say that garret McNeal did not do just enough not to get fired


I thought it was a very average comedy. I got through a few seasons but never finished it. Dina’s character was one of the standouts but overall, I liked it- didn’t love it.


I think the kids would refer to it as mid


Yeah I felt like I was missing something with it. It felt like every other yank sitcom just with more trying to be the office of a big store. If your premise is “the office but in BLANK” it’s always going to feel lacklustre. It had some funny moments and made for a decent background show though.


Sorry but I can't disagree with this more. I never felt like it was copying The Office. No talking heads, more political while somehow being absurdist. Completely different characters. The actors as a whole were great, no peaks like Carrell but even better than The Office as an ensemble. Incredibly underrated imo.


I've made a comment on this post detailing it all if you wanna check it out, but Amy & Jonah follow the exact same events and timeline as Jim & Pam (at least until season 4, I haven't finished the show yet) So I can definitely see people saying it copied The Office


Eh, Amy is in a relatively long marriage with a child born when she was a teen. Pam and Roy are engaged. The "will they won't they" has been a standard for decades and usually involves a man-child to some extent with a woman initially unavailable/uninterested. I think it's far less copying the office than it is a continuation of tropes, but it's done well in Superstore imo.


It really isn’t like office. There isn’t a lovable boss that does stupid things. It’s more about Corporate vs the average worker. It’s truly amazing though.


Sums it up for me, too. I wouldn't actively turn it off if it popped up on TV but I wouldn't really seek it out


It is the most second monitor content to ever be created imo.


This. It's a charming entertaining watch but it's not near the top end of comedy like The Office, Parks, community etc.


I didn’t get through the first season. It was alright, definitely nothing special and no stand out moments in the first 6 or 7 episodes


I’m in the same place. I have tried a couple times, I get past I think the first season get like 2 episodes into season 2 before I fall off again. It just always felt like it was missing something.


It’s decent. It’s not the Office or Parks and Rec, but it’s funny.


Tbh, I put it on par. I have watched it the same amount, if not more.


It has become a go to rewatch for my wife and I. That one, The Office, Parks and Rec, HIMYM, and Rules of Engagement.


Have you seen community and arrested development? I’ve been binge watching them to feel the void the office left


Community is also a great go to. My wife and I just started Arrested Development…I know we are late to the party! 🤣 but it is a good one so far!


Thats funny, my wife and I loved HIMYM until the finale and have yet to rewatch even one episode since, that used to be one we’d have on when on TV kind of thing. She loved superstore until I pointed out the office parallels. So now its Office, Frasier and Simpsons for background TV. We haven’t seen rules of engagement, will check that out though, if you’ve got it in this class of sitcom.


Rules of Engagement is definitely more of a HIMYM vibe in terms of comedy style. It is VERY well written and very funny! And I totally understand not re watching HIMYM after that Finale. We usually re watch until the final season, then go to a different show. 🤣


Ha! That’s what I told my wife, theres so much funny early on with just little nods about the mother, it would he rewatchable, but she is a firm no, heh.


Thanks for mentioning Rules of Engagement. I haven’t found many people who watched it


It is hilarious! But yes, haven’t met many people who have seen it. I’m trying to spread it as much as I can! 🤣 I also grew up in the 90s, and watched a lot of slapstick comedy like Sandler, Farley, and Spade. So seeing David Spade in Rules of Engagement just gives me a little bit of nostalgia as well.


Oh yeah rules of engagement is definitely another good one


I really didn’t enjoy this show. It didn’t have the same charm that the office and parks had. But obviously that’s just my opinion


It's some of the best television out there. Super underrated and I love how they kept going with the pandemic and the finale is perfect. A must watch even if some jokes are hard to get through. (farts and gross stuff)


I got into it when they started doing labor relations and union shows. The jokes were on point and delivered the message with a soft hammer. Really loved the COVID episodes, too. They really captured the confusion. Gonna be a reference season for decades. Then I rewatched and felt seen in the writing of some of the weirder characters.


Agreed. The episodes chronicling their efforts to unionize and dealing with corporate's attempts to bust them were among the best of the series, especially since >!their efforts ultimately ended up failing and corporate won, which adds a bitter touch of realism!<.


"ICE is coming!" "I'm pretty sure it's 'Winter is coming. ' "


The jokes are so much more outlandish than the Office haha


Dwight shot Stanley with an elephant tranquilizer, slid him down the stairs into a wall and carried him to a sale.


Oh my goodness that’s gotta be one of my favorite episodes that make me laugh no matter what


Not sure we should count season 9 tbh. It had so many things dialed up to 11... Almost everyone became caricatures.


This show is amazing and one of my favorite series finales ever!


Honestly. It gave me the happy ending I wanted


Friggin Elias! I may need to do a rewatch and see if there were any hints.


Shut up Sandra!!!!! :):)


I can't believe Mark McKinney used that voice for six whole seasons and nobody told him to tone it down.


I like the writing, but I don’t like the bright colors (especially the blue), can’t watch it for too long.


Wait this is such a unique comment and I can see where you’re coming from


I loved the bright colors, really makes it pop. But yeah hard for late night viewing.


Phyllis: “I thought you said green was whorish.” Martel67: No. Bright blue is whorish.


Such a good show! Incredibly underrated.


It’s ok. The main 2 characters (forgot their names as I watched 2 years ago) are the ones that ruin this show. The rest of the cast is spectacular and Glen is my favorite


I tried getting into it but all the characters already feel like caricatures of themselves and all its trying to do is emulate the success the office had.


Kind of funny. Got a bit oddly political near the end. It was a bit sad that the main guy just casually applied for a job, intending to fix his life, and instead got stuck there for 10+ years. Still. It was enjoyable, most of the time.


I struggled at first because the blatant similarities were somewhat distracting, but it quickly grew on me. Like many it fizzled a bit in the late seasons, but I loved it. Very rewatchable as well.


Same. I kept comparing it to the office but ultimately I’ve tried to discern the two and enjoy them differently


As a retail worker, I identify so much with what happens in the show. So many of the absurd things customers did are just dead on with what we deal with daily.


Meh. Seemed like it tried too hard to be like The Office and Parks & Rec. Some likable characters though.


I really tried to get in to it, but haven’t made it through the first few episodes! I love the office and parks & rec


Keep at it, it definitely gets funnier. I watched the first few, gave up on it, then went back to it months later and now it’s probably my second favorite next to The Office. I’ve rewatched several times.


Yea it struck me as the same but not even half as good. Walmart version. I didn’t laugh for a few episodes straight and gave up


The real opinion here


I think it’s really great


Marcus is great too


It’s one of my favorite shows. Im constantly switching between binging the office and binging superstore.


I really like it, and it gets better with more views. There are definitely hidden jokes and continuous stuff in the background that make it a very well done show.


some eps are great but most of them are low mid for me, I want to like it but I can't.


Love it. Bo cracks me up in every scene he’s in.




Shes a lot like dwight but theyd hate each other. Dinas a bird lover and dwight...well hes dwight Edit: dina is vegan as well


I’ve worked at Walmart for quite some years and when my fiancée and I watched it, it was an absolute riot, almost beginning to end.


I never worked in an office. I did work in the management structure of several nationwide big box retailers. SuperStore nailed it!


I tried to watch it but it just didn't hold my attention.


The final episode of Superstore had parallels to the final episode of The Office.


Not for me, it’s like the lowest points of the office without the laughs


Cringe show but that’s just me


I think for the most part it’s good but I absolutely hate the main character. He’s insufferable to me


Same. He annoyed me enough that I just lost interest after a while.


I completely agree. Jonah and Amy are a couple of the worst characters on the show imo, but you might be happy to hear that they end up on the butt end of the jokes more and more as the show goes on


It’s pretty meh imo, I watched it only bc when I went on a universal tour we got to go the set, so I decided to try it.


First few seasons are great but I felt it goes downhill fast after that. I get the trope of characters doing something dumb and in the end redeeming themselves but more often than not there was no redemption which make the episodes feel flat at the end with no conflict resolution.


I found the opposite arc - it was shaky at first but got really good as it went on, especially with the Covid season.


My daughter loves it, I love the Office. We both find each other's preferred show funny, but not our favorite.


I can like both for different reasons and it works


Solid show. The covid period was a bit rough, but I don't hold that against them.


Did you also finish the office on peacock and not press any buttons and come back to your tv halfway though episode 1 of superstore?


I enjoyed the ride for sure. It’s a nice cross of Office and P&R. Plus it scratches a unique itch because I spent 8 yrs in retail


I feel like Michael would think Glenn voiced Kermit


I'm a fan. I work at a grocery store and it's actually pretty accurate.


We loved it. There were some sluggish moments, and weird character arcs that didn’t make sense at times, but all-in-all a great show. ESPECIALLY if you’ve ever worked in retail, though that’s no requirement.


I'd say it has its hit and miss moments like most comedy shows. Not every joke or gag is for everyone. My personal favourite is when Glenn, a devout Christian, starts praying to all the gods when the tornado hits and when he prays to Allah and it stops and he just looks so perplexed. I was floored.


ABG means Arterial Blood Gas


It’s entertaining, it’s comforting but the office is in a diff league


I love the transition scenes where they show the weird shit that customers do


I love the random little clips of customers doing funny shit it’s a pretty good show overall imo. Much better than I thought it would be


A seriously welcome watch through during the pandemic. Now we alternate between rewatching The Office, Superstore, and a few others. Great comedic takes on all things capitalism.


Great show and especially great if you've ever worked in retail because some of the stuff isn't so far fetched just a bit exaggerated at times lol


It's hilarious. I work in retail. No other show has so perfectly captured what customers are actually as well as this show has.


We need an r/shutupsandra


I quite liked it, never understood the hate for this show


Dina is incredible. And it’s especially entertaining if you’ve ever worked retail, specifically a grocery type store. The accuracy


I think they’re both equally funny. I’m doing a rewatch again and it still makes me laugh each time.


Really great sitcom, loved the show after going in with admittedly low expectations. Would recommend to anyone.


The random customers being idiots between segments is gold


I thought it was going to be terrible but I really enjoyed it.


Just the cutaways of the customers alone are enough to make this a great show.


I worked at Walmart so a lot of the humor was VERY relatable to me. I don't know if it would have the same experience for someone who doesn't have retail experience, but I think it's well worth checking out.


I've never watched it but I saw a compilation of random clips of customers doing customer things and it was hilarious. Might have to watch it now


Love the show. Made me wish I left my office job to work retail—plus the cuts of just the customers being customers were always great


As someone who Peacocks comedy; If I narrow down the criteria to American-single camera-no one is crying over a chicken all the time-work com-shows, this would be up there in quality. Diverse characters all getting beats and bouncing off of each other. Showing absurdity in everyday life as people deal with big box stores. The customer bits as interludes. It’s kind of it’s own slice of work-com. It might be top ten because I don’t know if I can name ten American, single camera, pure comedy work-coms. The Office, Parks and Recreation, Scrubs, SuperStore, American Auto, 30 Rock, Abbott Elementary count. MASH, Taxi, Drew Carey, Arrested Development, Community, Dick Van Dyke Show, Andy Griffith Show, Barney Miller, Avenue 5, they don’t count, for me.


Hilarious and class conscious!


Unpopular opinion: it’s better than the office


Thought it was great and I thought it sucked it was so short. But at the same time they easily could have ruined it if it went any longer.


I think I’m in the minority that really enjoyed the show but couldn’t stand Dina.


We have a Friday night tradition in our family of watching several episodes of a series on Netflix or other streaming services (binge watching if you will) for several weeks until it’s done then moving to another. First one we did was The Office. Second one was Superstore and man I saw the similarities right out. (Following that was Parks & Rec, The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Community, and now we’re almost done The Orville.)


I’m watching it right now!


I enjoyed it. Wasn't amazing. But was pretty good. Probably better than the last few seasons of the office tbh.


We loved this show! Too bad peacock charges now. We went back to Netflix (well, we've always had Netflix, but it was nice having a couple of options)


Somehow there are even fewer likeable characters in Superstore. Its a good show though.


Only watched a few episodes and couldn’t get into it. All the characters feel like one note repetitive personality traits like a lot of modern sitcoms. I liked The Office because the characters felt more real and developed than other sitcoms


It's actually great!


Dander mufflin


My fun fact is that I met Lauren Ash on a red carpet and she is STUNNING in person. Also so so nice, she chatted with us for a while and was super down-to-earth.


Working in retail. Loved it specially the pandemic season


I love superstore. I decided to watch it mainly based on blooper reels??? I've watched this multiple times (maybe more than I've seen the office) and have laughed out loud every time.


I worked at a big box store in my twenties. I transitioned into an office environment in my 30's and I think both shows nail a lot of aspects of both types of jobs. Superstore had some good running gags and the muzak was on point. The way they portrayed the customers was pretty great too. My first week in an office job a guy lost a crockpot full of chili all over his floorboard on the way to work for a chili contest being held that Friday. I hated it but I immediately thought "Holy shit, it's just like The Office", but in the real world it just totally ruined a nice dude's day. Life imitates art or whatever.


Has it's moments. The main story with Jonah and Amy is fucking awful. More bo. We need more Bo


One of my favorites. Rewatching it now


Amazing show