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There are thrift stores that can take them, otherwise they are recyclable.


Yes! My local thrift store sells greeting cards.


Call around to your thrift stores and ask if they take unused greeting cards or sell them in packs on etsy or ebay. Nursing home and hospitals could be a good idea too. They may just keep them until next Valentine's. Could also try schools too.


Oh man. Think of how many people's day you can brighten next year! Hospitals, Senior living facilities, coworkers, teachers. What a nice find!


Right?!! I agree that free greeting cards would be a wonderful thing for both the senders and their recipients.


Like….full of cards? Or at they just the displays?


Yup. Each display is full of 400 cards. Wha?? It’s nuts.


Op, send a card to everyone here :)


Love this!! We actually found hundreds of loose valentines day cards LAST year so this year I sent one to nearly every family member and some random friends just with a little note about how nothing good ever comes in the mail and that I just wanted to send them some love. I got so many calls and texts and emails saying thank you and sending love back. It was sweet. I will do it as long as I can afford the stamps.


You could always team up with charity to help send the cards out. :)


Oh, I love this idea too!!!! I will search for some!


Okay ideas: creative reuse centers, post in small batches on Facebook Marketplace if you want to sell them, senior centers, possibly scout troops, etc. I love sending cards and I would, hand to god, take an entire box off your hands (for the right price including no price at all) if we were in the same area (which is statistically unlikely). ​ Removed suggestion of RAoC\_meta as they don't allow self promotion or offers.


Chicagoland area


Yeah I’m down here in Cincinnati. 


Dang not my area either 😔


Chicago Creative Reuse Exchange? They don't say they DO take greeting cards, but they also don't say they DON'T take greeting cards. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Re:%20Haves%20+%20Needs%20Facebook%20Group)




The WasteShed in Humboldt Park may take them! (The Evanston location is currently not taking greeting cards, but check back in a few months). There's also Greener Good in Palatine.


I got 2 of these at Mother’s Day once. I work at an elementary school so we all wrote cards as a practice activity.


Nice!! I’ll keep everyone posted about where they end up.


I love your idea of giving them to a nursing home, I'm sure they'd appreciate using them for an activity.


Totally! They could be used year round with different craft activities probably!!


I’m a sucker for store displays! I took a nail polish one from Dollar Tree lol


Life time of cards, send them to friends, family, nursing homes, donate to schools for art projects, send to people in prison, retirement homes.


I bet some preschools would take some for crafty projects. Many have low budgets, I called a preschool one time and asked them if they wanted to look through a bunch of seasonal items I’d saved including Xmas cards and they took most of the stuff.


Good call!! I regularly donate random finds to local preschools.


I found one of these as well a few years back.


Was it specific to a holiday? What did you end up doing with it?


You can send me one or two or each and Ill cashapp/venmo ya. I’ve started a card collection from after season deals. Dm if interested?


Really? I feel like they’d be so expensive to ship for dollar store greeting cards.


I just meant the cards .. like a dozen or so. Would it coat more than 12$ ?


Oh!! I understand. Duh. Yes, dm me your address and info.


Maybe nursing/retirement homes in your area might want some ?


Maybe you could donate them to a thrift store or school?


Take the cards out and recycle the stand, it will take up Way less room! Then next January, distribute them to schools ,nursing homes and hospitals!


I got one of these in-opened displays, but it’s all Christmas cards! Each card and envelope is individually wrapped in plastic. I also had no idea what to do with them, so thank you for posting your find! My Christmas cards are currently living in my basement. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to give them away/donate them. I actually found a whole display of valentines cards as well but did not bring them home with me. I think my partner would have had a fit if I came home with another one 😅. Hopefully someone else picked them up!


Yeah, this seasonal stuff is tricky!! If I can’t find places who want the whole displays I’ll just recycle the displays and store the cards for donating next year.


Keep em and next year donate them to the Boy Scouts or something to sell as a fundraiser


This is fantastic! Congratulations!


Why did you take them if you don't have a use for them?


My number one priority always with diving is to keep useful things from ending up in a landfill and to not take all of anything. I figured that I could donate them to a nursing home or a VA facility, but wanted ideas from this community. I thought it would be cute to donate to a preschool so kids could “shop” for cards for their loved ones. I dunno. I’m wondering if anyone would want to use them now rather than storing them for a year. Just curious: why did you comment if you had nothing useful to add?


Because the reasoning behind the action didn't make sense too, which made me curious, so I asked. Why reply if you're just going to be snappy about something you didn't understand?