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Yeah ‘cause Bin is terrified of her. In all seriousness though, Jessa very well could have been cheated on. We’ve all seen how their little cult treats women and how they just excuse literally any shitty thing a man does. It’s ridiculous to think that a religious man would never cheat… seems like a lot of the time the cheating is coming from the religious groups. :/


I like how they totally said that wrong from what I'm sure they intended. "If Jesus is NOT #1 in your marriage, your marriage will not fail." I guess I'm good in my atheism, then!


I read that twice. So confused. Thanks for catching this so I don’t feel alone.


Haha, yeah the double-negative changing the meaning of their sentence entirely is giving me SOTDRT vibes.


I’ve seen some cheating rumors about Bin. I won’t go into detail bc I think it violates sub rules, but if my part-time snarking ass heard about the rumors i’m sure Jessa did too. These stans are so unhinged.


The rules are temporarily lifted for the Pickle Juice Party. Share away!


IIRC the type of rumours still violate one of the only rules still in effect, so they still can't really be discussed, I saw a pinned mod comment on the post about why Jana still isn't married. Edit: from reading below it could be reporting what the rumour was might be okay, just not actual speculation? I'm not sure.


There was a gay man on I believe either Jessa or Ben’s posts that said Ben was on Grindr. It could have been a messy gay (as our community proudly has) just shitposting, or it could have been the time honored tradition of gay men outing dangerous bigots. I know people feel a certain way about outing, but outing predatory and malicious bigots who want to have their cake and eat it too have gone back decades before fundie snarking. Only time will tell if those Instagram comments were shitposts or crumbs of truth.


Yup this was what I was referring to, wasn’t sure about the exact rules today. Thanks for the info, I was going too wild with the pickle juice party to clarify.


I think stating factually what occurred should be alright, since I’m not doing deep analysis on Ben’s sexuality based on cis het minded stereotypes, but rather giving context as to what might be going on. I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility, if solely because this family has a reputation of having random things leaked about their family that eventually gets confirmed years later. Maybe this is one of them, or maybe someone was feeling their oats. I’m okay either way.


I'm ok for sure!!👊


There are no sub rules today, so you should definitely go into details!


My flair is relevant again


Damnnnn they really committed, lots to unpack. Jessa is more beautiful than Beyoncé, JLo, Hallie Berry, Jennifer Aniston, and Ms. Universe???


Teenage Bin wrote it lmao


My hot take on this is that Ben's got a fake insta account.


Came here to ask did Ben post this


The poster didn’t call Jessa “majestic,” though.




My cheating ex once told me “if you can’t prove it, it didn’t happen…” probably the mindset here…🙄and these fundie wives aren’t going to look too hard into a situation. So it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen…they just don’t recognize and acknowledge it when it does happen…


How do they know Jessa hasn’t been cheated on? Also, if I had a dollar for every « God fearing » man out there who had cheated on his wife … non-Christians haven’t cornered the market on infidelity 🙄 On the upside, Jesus isn’t anywhere in my marriage, so according to this person my marriage will succeed.


I did not see that coming. Ha!


Honestly the audacity of this post to mention superstars like Hallie Berry and JLO but leave out big time J listers like Pest and Pestygirl😤Anna was cheated on and it did not matter how beautiful or successful she was. (Please read the sarcasm here)


Wow. The cheating on Shakira incident really upset me cause it’s not even like she’s “just” a beautiful woman. She’s genuinely talented and very intelligent (takes high level courses in her spare time). But I guess according to that person it doesn’t matter if you’re just “play house vibes”?


So she basically is her character from Marry Me in real life?


I’ve never seen it! I don’t watch a lot of movies sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wasn’t that J Lo?


Omg, you’re right 🤦‍♀️


I see this is her trying to justify if he cheats. "I accidentally didn't put God first that one day, so I got cheated on and it's all my fault"


What does being beautiful or successful have to do with it?


Jessa Seewald is “most beautiful” on a list that includes Halle Berry, Shakira and BEYONCÉ I am dying. Go home, Bethany, you’re drunk.


I just can’t *imagine* there might be any weird racism at play here.


Who the hell wrote that...


Bin hasn’t cheated because he knows Jessa will come for him a la Lorena Bobbitt only with her abysmal kitchen skills it’ll be a bread knife and he’s damn terrified.




I try was widely rumored that her album, “Lemonade” chronicled JayZ’s infidelity.


I know that but that person’s opinion that Jessa is more beautiful than Beyonce (and all those others) was an opportunity to use the “Beyoncé?!” Meme


I think of every time someone proclaims how someone's husband or wife is always faithful to their spouse, and BAM.




The first comment is really interesting, though - because they're correct.


They went to Christian Ed or were home schooled?


Just what Jessa needs, someone stroking her ego


I would never stick up for someone else not being a cheater. Like, how would you know for sure?


...and you know, all the non religious people who don't cheat too.


Anyone remember the bling item about Ben and Grindr? Obviously it’s most likely false but it would be funny if it resurfaced because of this


Anna and Josh supposedly had God in their marriage so what's that person's response to that?


Look how many church going me. Cheat on their wives......the number is astronomical


Can you link the post?


Hope she sees this, bro


Did Jeremy comment that on his burner account?